• The beauty of facing life unprepared is tremendous. Then life has a newness, a youth; then life has a flow and freshness. Then life has so many surprises. And when life has so many surprises boredom never settles in you.
    - Osho

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My trust in existence is absolute.


"My trust in existence is absolute. If there is any truth in what I am saying, it will survive. The people who remain interested in my work will be simply carrying the torch but not imposing anything on anyone. I will remain a source of inspiration to my people. And that’s what most sannyasins will feel. I want them to grow on their own – qualities like love, around which no church can be created, like awareness, which is nobody’s monopoly; like celebration, rejoicing, and maintaining fresh, childlike eyes… I want my people to know themselves, not to be according to someone else. And the way is in."

-Response by Osho to a question by an Italian journalist in Nov, 1989


"When I see you moving, growing, this is my gratitude towards existence. It has given me so musch, there is no way to pay anything back; there is no word even to express gratitude. The only way is that my every breath should be used in helping people to reach to the same Everest of Consciousness."

-Osho, "From Bondage to Freedom, #19"



