• Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you.
    - Osho

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 Be just yourself - not followers of anybody 

"Never, never for a single moment lose your freedom. And never destroy anybody else's freedom. That's what religion means to me. A really religious person remains free and helps the people who come in contact with him to be free. He never possesses anybody and he never allows anybody to possess him."
-Osho, "The Golden Wind, #29"
"Nobody should in any way interfere in anybody else’s life and nobody should allow anybody else to interfere in his life. This is how a man should be: not trying to enslave others and not allowing anybody to enslave him."
-Osho, “Tao The Three Treasures Vol 2”
"Be a light unto youself. Do not follow others, Do not imitate"
-Osho, "Dhammapada Vol 2, #9"
“I teach you rebellion! Come out of the masses. Stand alone like a lion and live your life according to your own light.”
-Osho, "Yakusan-Straight to the Point of Enlightenment, #4"
"The moment you ask for advice, you become a slave."
-Osho, “From The False to The Truth”