• Be silent and you will understand not only about Zen, you will understand the very essence of existence itself.
    - Osho

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 Just be a Witness 


"Just be, and watch. Being is not doing, and watching is also not doing. You sit silently doing nothing, witnessing whatsoever is happening. Thoughts will be moving in your mind; your body may be feeling some tension somewhere, you may have a migraine. Just be a witness. Don't be identified with it. Watch, be a watcher on the hills, and everything else is happening in the valley. It is a knack, not an art. Meditation is not a science. It is not an art, it is a knack - just that way. All that you need is a little patience."

-Osho, “From the False to the Truth, #3”


"Just remember one word - Witnessing. This simple word is the whole of religion, is the whole of spirituality, is the whole of all that is known as truth, as beauty, as good, as godliness. Just witness - you are not the body. Witness you are not the mind, witness that you are only a witness, just a pure consciousness."

-Osho, “Communism and Zen Fire, Zen Wind, #3”


