• When you love, love as if the person is a god, not less than that. Never love a woman as a woman and never love a man as a man.
    - Osho

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 Real Love is Capable of Being Alone 

"Love has nothing to do with somebody else, it is your state of being. Love is not a relationship."
-Osho, "The True Sage, #2, Q4"
"Love needs two things: it has to be rooted in freedom and it has to know the art of trust. If these two things are made available your life immediately starts blossoming as if suddenly spring has come."
-Osho, "The Miracle, #6"
"Love is a sharing. But before you can share, you have to have it! Meditation should be the first thing.
Meditation is the center, love is the circumference of it.
Meditation is the flame, love is the radiation of it.
Meditation is the flower, love is the fragrance of it.
I teach meditation, because that is the only way to allow love to happen in your being. And when you start overflowing, you start relating with others, caring for others - service comes in your life as a shadow of meditation."
-Osho, "Philosophia Perennis, Vol 2, #8"


