• As you come to the center of your being you have found your original face. Your original face is the Buddha.
    - Osho

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osho talks




 "Never ask for advice" 



  "Don't follow others's advice" 

  "The moment you ask for advice, you become a slave."  





List of Articles
Category Subject
A ~ B Abraham Maslow : on Maslow’s self-actualisation and Buddha’s no-self actualisation
A ~ B Abraham T. Kovoor: Rationalism and atheism cannot go together
A ~ B Acharya Tulsi
A ~ B Adolf Hitler
A ~ B Adolf Hitler and Self consciousness
A ~ B Alan Watts
A ~ B Albert Einstein
A ~ B Albert Einstein's last wish
A ~ B Aldous Huxley
A ~ B Alice Bailey : A good author but without any experience
A ~ B Allen Ginsberg and Krishna Consciousness Movement in West
A ~ B Annie Besant
A ~ B Aristotle
A ~ B Ayn Rand Suicide
A ~ B Bakunin Philosophy of Anarchism
A ~ B Brian Weiss and his book, Many Masters Many Lives
C ~ G Carl Gustav Jung : The law of synchronicity
C ~ G Carl Gustav Jung and Western psychology
C ~ G Carlos Castaneda and His Guru Don Juan
C ~ G Charan Singh (fourth Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas)
C ~ G Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
C ~ G Confucius
C ~ G D. T. Suzuki
C ~ G Democritus
C ~ G Descartes
C ~ G Edgar Cayce
C ~ G Franz Kafka
C ~ G Friedrich Nietzsche
C ~ G Friedrich Nietzsche
C ~ G Friedrich Nietzsche : The will to power
C ~ G Friedrich Nietzsche : “God Is Dead”
C ~ G George Santayana
C ~ G Gertrude Stein died enlightened
C ~ G Goethe : "Poverty, Chastity and Obedience - Unbearable are they all."
C ~ G Gopi Krishna : Kundalini Views
H ~ L Hari Prasad Chaurasia file
H ~ L Helena Blavatsky
H ~ L Helena Blavatsky and about giving love.
H ~ L Henri Bergson : A great philosopher, but he has no experience.
H ~ L Hermann Hesse
H ~ L Hitler : The fool simply declares from the housetops.
H ~ L Ignatius of Loyola
H ~ L Jagatguru Kripaludasji Maharaj
H ~ L James Lovelock and Gaia hypothesis
H ~ L Jean-Paul Sartre : Being and Nothingness
H ~ L Jean-Paul Sartre : The other is hell
H ~ L Kahlil Gibran
H ~ L Katsue Ishida
H ~ L Ludwig Wittgenstein : Of this century I consider Ludwig Wittgenstein the most important philosopher.
H ~ L Luther Burbank, an American lover of trees and plants?
M ~ O Machiavelli
M ~ O Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation Technique
M ~ O Mahatma Gandhi - Osho meets Mahatama Gandhi
M ~ O Mahatma Gandhi : Osho on Mahatma Gandhi
M ~ O Mahatma Gandhi Life and Philosophy
M ~ O Mahesh Bhatt : Indian film Director
M ~ O Marilyn Monroe
M ~ O Marilyn Monroe Life and reason for her Suicide
M ~ O Mark Twain
M ~ O Martin Buber
M ~ O Mother Teresa
M ~ O Muktanand and Franklin Jones
M ~ O Muktananda : Osho on Muktananda
M ~ O Mulla Nasruddin
M ~ O Nicholas Roerich and Vegetarianism
M ~ O Nijinsky : When the dancer disappears
M ~ O Nijinsky Dance and Cause of Nijinsky Madness
M ~ O Nirmala Srivastava
M ~ O Oscar Ichazo : Controlled persons are always nervous
M ~ O Oscar Ichazo and Arica School
M ~ O Oscar Wilde
P ~ S Pope John
P ~ S Rabindranath Tagore and Poet file
P ~ S Radha Swami and Temple Agre
P ~ S Rajiv Gandhi and on the Indian Political system
P ~ S Ram Tirtha
P ~ S Ramanujan : A famous mathematician
P ~ S Ramtha : Messages from Ramtha
P ~ S Rudolph Steiner and Anthroposoph
P ~ S Sathya Sai Baba
P ~ S Shakuntala Devi
P ~ S Shambhu Babu : Synchronicity
P ~ S Sigmund Freud and Freudian Psychoanalysis
P ~ S Sigmund Freud Life, Western psychology and Meditation
P ~ S Sivanand of Rishikesh
P ~ S Somerset Maugham
P ~ S Soren Kierkegaard
P ~ S Sri Aurobindo and his idea of Physical Immortality
P ~ S Subhash Chandra Bose
T ~ Z Thomas Merton
T ~ Z U G Krishnamurti
T ~ Z U G Krishnamurti : his Meeting with Ramana and J.D Krishnamurti
T ~ Z Vincent van Gogh
T ~ Z Vincent Van Gogh Paintings : Power is a way to repress your inferiority complex
T ~ Z Vinoba Bhave
T ~ Z Vishnu Devananda and Ram dass
T ~ Z Vivekananda
T ~ Z Walt Whitman
T ~ Z Wilhelm Reich : Nobody Listened to Wilhelm Reich
T ~ Z Yogananda Paramhansa
T ~ Z Yogi Bhajan
T ~ Z Zeno : Greek Sophist teacher
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