• My Message is very Simple. Live life as dangerously as possible. Live life totally, intensely, passionately, because except for life there is no other God.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Compassion is always Therapeutic

    Question 1 "Only compassion is therapeutic" you said. could you comment on the word 'Compassion', compassion for oneself and compassion for the other? YES, only compassion is therapeutic -- because all that is ill in man is because of lack of love. All that is wrong with man is somewhere associated with love. He has not been able to love, ...
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  2. No Image

    It is unfortunate but it is true that the therapists have missed me most

    Question 3: Osho, I have heard it said that some sannyasin therapists now imagine that they are on the same plane as you are, doing the same kind of work — if perhaps on a somewhat smaller scale. they no longer even mention your name, and appear to have discarded the mala and red clothes entirely. Have they achieved — or what is really goi...
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  3. No Image

    Massage is needed in the world because love has disappeared

    [Osho spoke next to a sannyasin who is to begin massage in the ashram.] Continue working, mm? Massage is something that you can start learning but you never finish. It goes on and on, and the experience becomes continuously deeper and deeper, and higher and higher. Massage is one of the most subtle arts – and it is not only a question of e...
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  4. No Image

    To be a therapist, a groupleader, is a very great responsibility

    [A sannyasin asks if she is ready to lead groups in the West. Osho checks her energy.] You are ready, mm? Just start, and you will become more and more ready every day. There are a few things we can learn only when we do them -- and there is no other way to learn them, doing is the only way. But it is good to feel whether one is ready or n...
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  5. No Image

    What is your vision of Therapy in the future?

    Question: What is your vision of Therapy in the future? It has a tremendous potential to replace all the religions of the world, but it is not going to become a religion itself. Its function is to destroy all that religions have done to man. It is a very suicidal work. Once you have destroyed all that religions have done to man, and man is...
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  6. No Image

    During Therapy Three Fears usually come Up - fear of going Crazy, fear of letting go in Sexual Orgasm and the Fear of Dying

    Question: When I work with people in depth in therapy three fears continuously come up in them. It's the fear of going Crazy, it's the fear of letting go in Sexual Orgasm and the Fear of Dying. These three fears come up over and over again in my work. Can you please comment on this? It is really very significant an existential question. In...
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  7. No Image

    on Massage - Make Massage a prayer

    [A sannyasin who is leaving wants to do massage but doesn’t know if that is right for her. Osho watches her energy movement for some moments and says yes, it is good for her to do massage… ] Just remember one thing: keep the attitude of prayer whenever you are massaging the person… feel that the other is divine. This is something very basi...
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  8. No Image

    What is the difference between a master and a psychotherapist?

    Question 1: What is the difference between a master and a psychotherapist? A Mster is not: A Psychotherapist is. The Master is a hollow bamboo, a mere passage, for the divine to descend. He is not on his own. He has nothing to say, he has nothing to do - but much happens through him. But it is always through him. He is not the doer of it. ...
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  9. No Image

    One should not sell one’s life for a Living

    [A sannyasin asks about becoming a Primal therapist.] It is always good to find something that you like – because it is your life; it should not be wasted in any way. And if you have the feeling that you don’t like any job and that you have to do it, it becomes destructive. Then you are pushing somehow, dragging yourself… and any kind of d...
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  10. No Image

    Why is hugging such an incredibly effective therapeutic tool

    on Hugging - Hugging is only a gesture of love, of warmth, of caring - Question 1 Osho, Why is hugging such an incredibly effective therapeutic tool? P.S. I used to think that clarity, wit and analysis was the way, but they are all garbage alongside hugging. Man needs to be needed.. It is one of the most fundamental needs of human beings. ...
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  11. No Image

    on Rolfing – Rolfing is painful because it has to relax the body structure

    [The next sannyasin said that although she had done most of the therapies available in the ashram, she continued to have small areas on her breasts, hips and thighs, that she felt were blocked. The therapy referred to in the following conversation is known as Rolfing, or Structural Integration.] You have to pass through Rolfing… it is goin...
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  12. No Image

    My effort was to bring the West closer to the East

    Question 1: Osho, It feels very dangerous to me, the way your therapists are working at the moment: claiming to be on the same level as you are, and doing the same work. what they say they have to offer -- flying schools and "freedom" -- sounds very appealing to the ego, but doesn't seem to have any connection with your work. I'm concerned...
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  13. No Image

    The therapist is only a coordinator

    Question 1 Osho, Is taking the role of a therapist dangerous to my own spiritual growth? Is it possible to help people and still let my own ego dissolve at the same time? i feel that a subtle fight goes on inside me between one part that is clear and another part that wants nothing to do with clarity. Under your guidance i have learned not...
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  14. No Image

    Techniques work only when there is deep love. Left alone, techniques never work

    [The Arica group came to darshan tonight. One of the leaders said he had felt there had been a lot more love, compared to groups he had been in in the States. He had also found that he was on a powertrip.] Techniques work only when there is deep love. Left alone, techniques never work, because in fact it is love that works, not the techniq...
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  15. No Image

    Real Therapist does not have ego

    Real Therapist does not have ego Healing is one of the most delicate dimensions. And the delicacy consists in the healer not doing anything in it. The healer is not really a healer because he is not a doer. Healing happens through him. He has just to annihilate himself. To be a healer really means not to be. The less you are, the better he...
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  16. No Image

    on Therapies and Role of Therapist – Therapy has become a business

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, Is taking the role of a therapist dangerous to my own spiritual growth? Is it possible to help people and still let my own ego dissolve at the same time? i feel that a subtle fight goes on inside me between one part that is clear and another part that wants nothing to do with clarity. Under your guidance i have le...
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  17. No Image

    Group Leaders have been helpful to other people, but they have not been helpful to themselves

    [The sannyasins who had done the Aum marathon had darshan this evening. The groupleader says: I’ve been a leader in the West… I’ve never had anyone to account to. I started to look at what I’m doing, and I realise that a lot is wanting to please you, to get your approval. I think that was important for me. The marathon seemed to be turning...
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  18. No Image

    Always remember that you are a vehicle to me. Simply allow me to function through you

    [Another sannyasin who had lead the group said he was feeling apprehensive about taking groups in the States.] Always remember that you are a vehicle to me. So don’t be worried; simply allow me to function through you, and then things will happen of their own accord. Just allow. If you take it as a burden on your own, you become self-consc...
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  19. No Image

    on Arthur Janov Primal Therapy

    on Arthur Janov Primal Therapy Question 1: Beloved Osho, Janov says that negativity is electrochemically driven by endomorphins, the chemical effect of pain. How is "yes" possible without exhaustive primal therapy? Primal therapy has contributed something very essential and significant to human growth. But just as other therapies in the We...
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  20. No Image

    Healing is a beautiful communication, deeper than any other communication

    [A sannyasin who is leaving said: Two months ago, you said you might give me a special healing meditation. I’ve been going to all the divine healings (that happen at each monthly camp) and they did much.] You would like to become a healer? … You will be able. It will be good for you. It will be good for others. Healing is a beautiful commu...
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  21. No Image

    The Purpose of the Therapy Groups

    Osho on Purpose of Meditation Therapy Groups Question 2 Is the purpose of the Therapy Groups to bring the participants to their Natural Self? THE PURPOSE OF THE THERAPY GROUPS is not to bring the participants to their natural self – not at all. The purpose of the therapy groups is to bring you to the point where you can see your unnaturaln...
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  22. No Image

    The therapist has to be a real friend. He has to show his compassion, his love, his understanding

    "The therapist has to be a real friend. He has to show his compassion, his love, his understanding" Question: Many times when I work with people I feel very frustrated if they walk out before I believe they are ready to leave. Does being a therapist mean learning to live with this? Am I trying to play god and interfere with the way people ...
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    Am I really a Good Therapist?

    A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate Question 3: Beloved Osho, Am I really a Good Therapist? Prasad, to be a good therapist is a very difficult job. A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate, because it is not his techniques of therapy that help people, it is his love. There is nothing compared to love as far as heal...
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  24. No Image

    It has to be remembered that the leader is not, in fact, a manipulator. He should not be

    [To the leader of the Tathata group (Unconditional Acceptance Seminar)] It has to be remembered that the leader is not, in fact, a manipulator. He should not be. If you manipulate, then it is something from the mind, and that which comes from the mind cannot go deeper than the mind. So the leader has to be open to the beyond. In the beginn...
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  25. No Image

    on Drugs Deaddiction with Meditation and Hypnosis

    on Drugs Deaddiction with Meditation and Hypnosis Question : I have a very specific question for one of my friends, and he wanted to know our Meditation can be used in the context of the Craving Phenomenon, when you really need it, when you do anything in order to get the Drugs. It will be difficult on anybody's own efforts. If he really w...
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    Only a Taoist Can Be an Authentic Psychotherapist

    Question 1: Can one believe in tao, not interfering with other people's lives, accepting what is now, and by profession be a psychotherapist? what, or how, is a tao way of doing therapy? It is of tremendous significance. The first thing: 'Can one believe in Tao...?' Tao does not depend on belief. You cannot believe in it. Tao knows no beli...
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  27. No Image

    Real therapy does not shrink you: it opens you up. It makes all that is yours available to you.

    Question 5 Why are the psychotherapists called shrinks? Because they are. The word exactly describes what psychotherapists are doing -- they shrink people. They shrink people from persons into patients. That's their work. They reduce. When you go to a psychotherapist, you go as a person, with dignity. They reduce you immediately to labels:...
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  28. No Image

    Therapy is a function of love. Love is therapeutic

    [The new sannyasin says she is a doctor.] You will become capable. You just need a little more love flowing. It works more than any medicine. Up to now medical science has not been able to find anything more potent than love. If you can be loving to the patient, you will be tremendously successful, because medicines are secondary. They are...
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  29. No Image

    Does psychological therapy help to go beyond the mind?

    Question : Beloved Osho, Does psychological therapy help to go beyond the mind? Vijen, psychological therapy can help you to understand the mind, but it cannot lead you beyond the mind. Only one thing leads you beyond the mind and that is meditation. Meditation has nothing to do with psychotherapy, but psychotherapy can create a ground by ...
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  30. No Image

    If you want to be changed you will seek a master, not a psychotherapist

    Question 2: Osho, The west is overpopulated with psychotherapists and their patients, but why does no one seem to be helped? Patrick, the help is possible only through a buddha. The help is possible only through the awakened one. The psychotherapists are as asleep as you are; they are in the same boat. There is no qualitative difference be...
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  31. No Image

    Techniques work only when there is deep love

    Techniques work only when there is deep love [The Arica group came to darshan tonight. One of the leaders said he had felt there had been a lot more love, compared to groups he had been in in the States. He had also found that he was on a powertrip.] Techniques work only when there is deep love. Left alone, techniques never work, because i...
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  32. No Image

    Is there some kind of Hypnosis involved in the technique?

    Question : Is there some kind of Hypnosis involved in the technique? The moment a person begins to experiment with this method there is no question of belief or faith, there is no question of hypnosis. The contrary is the case: we have hypnotized ourselves into believing that we are normal and sane human beings. This is the hypnosis! The w...
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  33. No Image

    In a future world therapy will become absolutely Feminine

    [A sannyasin is going back to the West and would like to run a group on the lines of the tao group that happens here. She isn’t sure though whether she is ready or able to lead groups. Osho says that her energy is ready – it just needs to flow a little bit more. He is saying that several things are needed to help people…. ] One thing is: y...
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  34. No Image

    Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love

    Love is Therapy Question 1 Osho, While in therapy myself, i spent much time praying. over the years i felt better. i never knew whether it was the therapy or the prayer. as a therapist i want to urge others to pray but feel embarrassed. Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love. It is always love that heals, b...
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  35. No Image

    A psychiatrist needs to be meditative more than anybody else

    [A visitor said she had trouble becoming involved in the meditations here, adding that she could not stay much longer as she was a psychiatrist and had patients to see.] A psychiatrist needs to be meditative more than anybody else — because your whole work is dangerous in a way. Unless you are very calm and quiet, unless you can remain una...
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