• If love can not keep you together, nothing else can keep you together. And if love cannot keep you together, than anything that can keep you together is dangerous.
    - Osho

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osho talks





 Freedom : The Courage to Be Yourself 



"Be a light unto yourself. Do not follow others, do not imitate,

because imitation, following, creates stupidity."




"Wisdom as living in the light of your own consciousness, 

and foolishness as following others, imitating others, becoming a shadow to somebody else"





  1. No Image

    Ashtavakra and Yagnavalkya

    Osho on Ashtavakra and Yagnavalkya The inner is tremendously powerful, the outer is very weak. The inner is eternal, the outer is very temporary. How many years do you remain young? And as youth fades away you start feeling that you are becoming ugly, unless your inner being is also growing with your age. Then even in your old age you will...
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    Zusya : Hassid Mystic Zusya

    Osho on Zusya A Great Hassid mystic, Zusya, was dying. His old aunt was always worried about Zusya because he was not following the traditional Jewish religion . . . she was very much worried about him. She was an old woman with all the old orthodox thoughts. At his deathbed she came and asked Zusya, “Have you made peace with God?” Zusya o...
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    Saint Francis of Assisi : Saint Francis is a Buddha

    Osho on Saint Francis of Assisi The extraordinariness of a Buddha is his utter ordinariness. His ordinariness is his extraordinariness. To be ordinary is the most extraordinary thing in the world. Just the other night I came across a very beautiful story about Saint Francis, a Buddha. Saint Francis of Assisi lay on his deathbed. He was sin...
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    Osho on Sahajo “Just a few days ago, I was talking about a woman saint, Sahajo. She says: 'JAGAT TARAIYA BHOR KI' -- the world is just like the last star in the morning. Go on looking. Just a moment before it was there, and a moment after, it is not there. The last star in the morning, disappearing, disappearing, continuously disappearing....
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    Dadu and His disciple Rajjab and Sundero

    Osho on Dadu and His disciple Rajjab and Sundero Again another Indian mystic, you may not have heard about him. He was called Dadu, which means the brother. He was so loving that people forgot his real name and simply remembered him as Dadu, the brother. There are thousands of songs that Dadu sang, but they were not written down by him, th...
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    Totapuri : Ramakrishna Guru ‘Totapuri’

    Osho on Totapuri Ramakrishna used the name of Mother Kali as a mantra continually, for years. He achieved much through it, but not the ultimate. He became silent, he became purified, he became holy; he became everything that we can conceive of a religious man. He became totally a religious man -- but still a discontent within, still a desi...
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    Osho on Narada A musician, a poet, and a very beautiful man, Narada, who always, even while moving, continued to play on a very simple musical instrument -- and remember, the more simple the instrument the more difficult it is to create great music out of it. He used to carry a simple instrument, an ektara -- a one-stringed sitar. It is ea...
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    Shiva “Yes, there is great meaning. And it is the same Shiva who has given one hundred and twelve methods of meditation to the world. It is very rare that a man exhausts the whole of science single-handedly. Shiva is one of those geniuses. As far as meditation is concerned, in these thousands of years nothing has been added to those one hu...
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    Pagal baba

    on Pagal baba Pagal Baba was one of those remarkable men whom I am going to talk about. He was of the same category as Magga Baba. He was known just as Pagal Baba. Pagal means "the mad." He came like a wind, always suddenly, and then disappeared as suddenly as he had come.... I did not discover him, he discovered me. By that I mean I was j...
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    Sai Baba of Shirdi

    Osho on Shirdi Sai Baba If you come to meet God, you must meet him without any words. If you have some words, he may not fit and suit your idea. Because if a Hindu thinks he has one thousand hands, and if God comes only with two hands, a Hindu, he will reject: "You are not a God at all. Only with two hands? God has a thousand hands. Show m...
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    Dalai Lama and Issue of Tibet

    Osho on Dalai Lama and Issue of Tibet My Friends, Before I discuss the sutras, a real concern to my heart is more urgent to be discussed. India's prime minister Rajiv Gandhi has been trying his hardest to create a friendship with China, and it seems they are settling the matter. I don't blame Rajiv Gandhi. Two big countries like India and ...
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    Sahajo and Daya

    Osho on Women Mystics Sahajo and Daya (Translated from MAINE RAM RATAN DHAN PAYO) In Sahajo, woman appears in utter purity. Man and woman are two dimensions. And if you clearly understand the difference between the two, the songs of Sahajo will be clear to you. Don't try to understand them as a man. Just forget who you are, otherwise your ...
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    Magga Baba : He was the most precious man I have come across

    Osho on Magga Baba The man who forced me to speak - for one thousand, three hundred and fifteen days I had remained silent - was also a very strange man. He himself had remained silent his whole life. Nobody heard about him; nobody knew about him. And he was the most precious man I have come across in this, or any of my lives in the past. ...
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    Bahaudin Bahaudin is one of the greatest Sufi Masters ever. He is of the same status as Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Christ. "Naqshband" means "a designer"; and he was a designer, and this story is a design. He used to create situations because people can only be taught through real situations. And he was one of the greatest designers. Gurdj...
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    Osho on Baul Mystics The Bauls are called Bauls because they are mad people. The word 'Baul' comes from the Sanskrit root VATUL. It means: mad, affected by wind. The Baul belongs to no religion. He is neither Hindu nor Mohammedan nor Christian nor Buddhist. He is a simple human being. His rebellion is total. He does not belong to anybody; ...
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    Bodhidharma : Osho on Bodhidharma

    Osho on Bodhidharma One of the most beautiful in the history of Zen. And, of course, it belongs to the first Zen patriarch, Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma is the genius of the absurd. Nobody has ever surpassed him. When he reached China, the Emperor came to receive him. Rumors had arrived that a great man was coming -- and he was a great man, on...
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    Dionysius Dionysius in this series. Dionysius is one of the greatest Buddhas ever. And whenever the Eastern scholar by any chance, if at all, comes across a person like Dionysius, he starts thinking that he must have borrowed from the East. That seems to be a tacit assumption: that the East has some monopoly over spiritualism. Nobody has a...
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    Daya THE SONGS OF DAYA. She was a contemporary of Meera and Sahajo, but she is far more profound than either of them. She is really beyond numbers. Daya is a little cuckoo -- but don't be worried.... In fact in India the cuckoo is called koyal, and it does not have the meaning of being nuts. Daya is really a cuckoo -- not nuts, but a sweet...
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    Shunryo Suzuki

    Osho on Shunryo Suzuki Question : Osho, Shunryo Suzuki, one of the first zen masters to live and teach in the west, was once asked why he never spoke much about satori, enlightenment. The master laughed and answered, “the reason i do not talk about satori is because i have never had it.” Could you please comment. David Hey, Zen in the West...
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    Meher Baba's Enlightenment

    Question: With growing desirelessness, sometimes the person becomes outwardly inactive. Is it lethargy and dullness? Why does it happen? Many things are possible, and it will depend. Certainly many desires will drop and many actions also. Those actions which were just caused by desires will drop. If I was running for a particular desire, h...
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    Gorakh Another mystic, Gorakh, a tantrika, a man so versed, so efficient in all the methods of Tantra that anybody in India who knows many businesses is known as doing gorakh-dhandha. Gorakh-dhandha means 'in the business of Gorakh'. People think one should stick to one's own business. Gorakh moved in all directions, in all dimensions. Gor...
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    Osho on Ashtavakra Ashtavakra is not for synthesis -- he is a man of truth. He speaks the truth just as it is, without any artifice or coloring. He is not concerned about the listener, he does not care whether his listener will understand or not. Such a pure expression of truth has never happened anywhere before, nor has it ever happened a...
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    Baal Shem : I am a watchman

    Osho on Baal Shem Lalita, you are asking me what can be more beautiful than to be in the presence of the master. Why not dissolve in the presence? To be in the presence of the master, there is still separation. Why be in the presence? Why not become the presence itself? And only then you will know that to be in the presence was only the be...
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    Bayazid When a Sufi mystic, Bayazid, was dying, people who had gathered around him -- his disciples -- were suddenly surprised, because when the last moment came his face became radiant, powerfully radiant. It had a beautiful aura. Bayazid was a beautiful man, and his disciples had always felt ar aura around him, but they had not known any...
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    Rabia of Basra

    Osho on Rabia of Basra Question 1 If truth cannot be expressed in words, then why have all the Buddhas used words? A parable: THE GREAT MYSTIC, Rabia of Basra, was immensely beautiful. And a beauty not of this world. Once a rich young man from Iran comes to Basra. He asks people, "Is there anything that is out of the way, something special...
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    Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

    Osho on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Question 3 To Chaitanya Mahaprabhu the world and god were both separate and together; it is called achintya bhedabhedavad, i.e. the principle of unthinkable difference and unity together. Does this principle fit with your principle of the axle and the wheel? It is going to fit for sure. Among the lovers of Kris...
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    Osho on Ramanuja The whole existence is in love: trees love the earth, the earth loves the trees -- otherwise, how they can exist together? Who will withhold them? There must be a common link. It is not only the roots, because if the earth is not in deep love with the tree, even roots won't help. A deep invisible love exists. The whole exi...
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    Badarayana : "Athato Brahma Jigyasa"

    Osho on Badarayana Question : Osho, Is not the inquiry into ‘sachchidanand’ the same as badarayana’s ”athato Brahma jigyasa”? Maneesha, Badarayana's statement, "athato brahma jigyasa" is one of the most potential statements ever made. It means, "Now begins the inquiry into the ultimate." It is the first statement in his BRAHMASUTRA: MAXIMS...
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    Bodhidharma : When Bodhidharma reached China

    Osho on Bodhidharma I have a very soft corner in my heart for Bodhidharma. That makes it a very special occasion to speak about him. Perhaps he is the only man whom I have loved so deeply that speaking on him I will be almost speaking on myself. That also creates a great complexity, because he never wrote anything in his life. No enlighten...
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    Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Osho on Nisargadatta Maharaj There was a man in Bombay, Nisargadatta Maharaj. Nobody knew this big name; he was known to the masses as "Beedie Baba" because he was continuously smoking beedies. You can find in every village such kinds of beedie babas. I think India has seven hundred thousand villages and each village must have at least one...
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    Osho on Jabbar But Jabbar was saying something through his gibberish. He was saying, "All that we can say about existence is gibberish." He was very much in tune with existence. It seems unbelievable that he had one thousand disciples. Sitting by his side, when he was silent they would be silent; when he would go into gibberish, they would...
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    Baal Shem : Prayer to God

    Osho on Baal Shem When you are praying it is unseemly to make a display of your spiritual knowledge or to recite the scriptures. That is why the prayers of children bear more fruit. And when a saint prays, his prayer is as good as that of a child. Once a young boy went into his bedroom, jumped straight into bed, and covered himself with hi...
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    Lalla of Kashmir

    Osho on Lalla of Kashmir The fourth is another Mohammedan woman from Kashmir. Her name is Lalla. She was one of the most beautiful women… Kashmir has the most beautiful women in the whole of India. Not only is the land beautiful, but the people are also very beautiful. Lalla remained naked, disowned everything, renounced everything – still...
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    Meher Baba : Meher Baba is certainly an enlightened person.

    Osho on Meher Baba One of the greatest Masters of this age, Meher Baba, did it. He was also here in Poona, and the Poona people were as much against him as they are against me, for the same reasons -- because he would not fulfill their expectations. He was a man of God. He did something so tremendously valuable that it is rarely done, but ...
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    Magga Baba : One of the most remarkable men that may ever have lived on this planet.

    on Magga baba On this pilgrimage I have met many more remarkable men than Gurdjieff recounts in his book MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN. By and by, as and when it happens, I will talk about them. Today I can talk about one of those remarkable men. His real name is not known, nor his real age but he was called "Magga Baba." Magga simply means...
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    St Thomas

    Osho on St Thomas India knows that a Krishna can be an incarnation of God, although he lives in a palace with every luxury; Buddha can be an incarnation of God although he renounces his kingdom, luxuries, comforts; Mahavira can be an incarnation of God, although he discards even his clothes and lives naked. India has seen so many ways of p...
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    Hazrat Babajan

    Osho on Hazrat Babajan Question 3 With growing desirelessness, sometimes the person becomes outwardly inactive. Is it lethargy and dullness? Why does it happen? Many things are possible, and it will depend. Certainly many desires will drop and many actions also. Those actions which were just caused by desires will drop. If I was running fo...
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