• Start enjoying that which you are, and then this very ordinary life suddenly becomes extraordinary. Then these ordinary days have such tremendous poetry.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    on Arhata and Bodhisattva

    Osho on Arhata and Bodhisattva The teachings of Gautam Buddha have created two kinds of seekers: one is called Arhata and the other is called Bodhisattva. The arhata is someone who makes every effort to become enlightened and once he is enlightened he completely forgets about those who are ...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  2. No Image

    Is it possible to believe that one has just attained Buddhahood?

    Osho on False Buddhahood Question 3: Is it possible to believe that one has just attained Buddhahood? And is it possible just to believe like that only because of the ego? And if it is possible, then how to avoid it? IT IS VERY MUCH POSSIBLE. Many times your ego will I deceive you. It will ...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  3. No Image

    Satori is a glimpse of Samadhi

    Satori is a glimpse of Samadhi Question 3: Beloved Osho, Over the years, I have heard various Sannyasins saying that they experienced a Satori. What exactly is a Satori, and how does it come about? Satori is a glimpse of the ultimate... as if you are seeing the Himalayan peaks. But you are ...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    The radiation of enlightenment

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, The other day you were telling us the effects of radioactive matter on the body. but i am feeling and experiencing the radiation of a buddha - an enormous energy radiating from you which not only rejuvenates body-mind continuously, but makes us laugh, dance and cele...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  5. No Image

    Difference between a mystic and a master

    Difference between a mystic and a master Question 1 : Beloved Osho, Please throw light on the difference between a mystic and a master. There is an ancient Tibetan parable. It says, "When one hundred people try to reach the goal only ten ever start the journey; and out of the ten only one r...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  6. No Image

    Enlightenment : The Explosion Within Your Being

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What is the relationship between enlightenment and the spring of life? Is enlightenment the spring of life? One basic thing has always to be remembered: not to get involved in questions of intellect. They are pseudo questions; they don’t belong to your experience. M...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  7. No Image

    If you choose to be Enlightened, you can be Enlightened anywhere

    Question 1 Are you the only Enlightened person in this ashram? If yes, Is it Impossible to enlighten or to be Enlightened near an Enlightened person? Since I became Enlightened I have never come across a person who is not enlightened. You see only that which you are. Before I became enlight...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  8. No Image

    What is Enlightenment? Is it Divine Revealation?

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, What is Enlightenment? Is it Divine Revealation? It is not divine revelation, it is divine realization. And the difference is big. Divine revelation means something objective, like God, is revealed to you. You see some God, but you are separate from him and he is se...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  9. No Image

    First energy becomes formless, desireless, and then it becomes bodiless

    Question 1: Osho, You just told us you have nothing to teach us, and last night it was a great shock when you said as far as you are concerned your work is done, that you're carrying your body for us. A young jesus also said, "wist ye not that i am about my father's business." what is or wh...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  10. No Image

    What is satori and how to attain it?

    Question 2 Osho, What is satori and how to attain it? Pratima, satori is exactly your ordinary nature; it is not anything special. Hence there is no question of attaining it - it is already the case. You are in it, you have just forgotten. You have become too occupied with the outside world...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  11. No Image

    What did you do in those years immediately after your Enlightenment?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What did you do in those years immediately after your Enlightenment? It is a difficult question. The first thing was that a great silence, almost unbreakable, followed the experience, as if the mind had stopped functioning. There was nothing to do about it -- except...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  12. No Image

    The Three Entanglements

    I loved the introduction about the psychological universe that you gave me yesterday. And yet I would like to repeat the question. You say that you were studying us in order to find out which are the difficulties that the seeker finds on the path towards realization of the Self, towards his...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  13. No Image

    If I Let Go I fear I am gone forever.

    Question 6 : If I Let Go I fear I am gone forever. You fear rightly: you WILL be gone forever; but you cannot escape now. The very fear shows that you cannot escape now. The VERY fear shows that you are understanding rightly: that you will disappear if you let go. But you are your misery, n...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    on Women attaining to Enlightenment

    Osho on Women attaining to Enlightenment Question 4 According to you, Women are closer to the whole than Men. How come so few women attain enlightenment then? NOT SO FEW. Exactly the same number of women attain to enlightenment as men, but they don’t fuss about it as much as men – that’s al...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  15. No Image

    The buddha is your destiny, the fool is your reality

    Question 1: Sometimes you call us 'You Fools" and Sometimes you call us 'You Buddhas'. Are fools and Buddhas the same to you? They are not the same to me but they are both meeting in you right now, shaking hands within you. Your past is the fool, your future is the buddha, and at this momen...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  16. No Image

    Can a person become Enlightened by Accident?

    Question 2 Osho, Can a person become Enlightened by Accident? This is something very significant to understand. Enlightenment is always accidental. That does not mean that you have not to try for it, but your trying is not going to bring it. Your effort is not going to achieve it. But makin...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  17. No Image

    Can a person meditating an hour a day gain enlightenment in this life?

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Can a person meditating an hour a day gain enlightenment in this life? It has been found by all the great meditators of the world that just forty-eight minutes, exactly forty-eight minutes, are enough to make you enlightened. But to meditate for forty-eight minutes...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  18. No Image

    Enlightenment means

    Enlightenment means exactly that: when meditation has become natural. You are meditative — not that you sit sometimes in meditation, not that you have a few hours of meditation every day — your whole time is meditative You move in meditation, you walk in meditation, you sit in meditation, y...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  19. No Image

    Osho on Mini Satori and Full Satori

    Osho on Mini Satori and Full Satori Question 5: What is 'getting it'? When is the Goose out? What is a mini Satori and what is a 'full Satori'? And what is Samadhi? Are all these part of some map? The question is from Somendra. 'Getting it' means coming to know that there is nothing to get....
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    on Enlightened Person Dreams and Sleep

    Question 3 : Does an Enlightened Person ever dream? Can you tell us something about the quality and nature of an Enlightened Person's sleep? No, an enlightened person cannot dream. And if you like dreams very much, never become enlightened. Beware! Dreaming is part of sleep. The first thing...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    on difference between Satori and Samadhi

    Question 1: What is the difference in experience between Satori – in Zen, a glimpse of Enlightenment – and Samadhi, Cosmic Consciousness? Samadhi begins as a gap, but it never ends. A gap always begins and ends – it has boundaries: a beginning and an end – but samadhi begins as a gap and th...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  22. No Image

    Why am I not getting Enlightened soon? Why is there so much delay?

    Question 6: Osho, Why am I not getting Enlightened soon? Why is there so much delay? Sagaram, the cause must be in you. In fact, YOU ARE the cause. You are not trying to understand what I am saying. Now enlightenment has become an object of your desire -- and enlightenment happens only when...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  23. No Image

    on Centering and Inner Void

    Question 2: Osho, You said that awareness created centering and crystallization, but i personally feel that awareness brings a feeling of deep void within me. Please explain the relationship between centering and inner void. As man is, he is without a center -- without a real, authentic cen...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  24. No Image

    Can I also become a Gautama the Buddha

    Question 2 : Beloved Osho, Can I also become a Gautama the Buddha? Govind, yes and no. Yes because buddhahood is nobody's personal possession. Gautama does not have it as a personal attribute; he is not the owner of it and he is not the only buddha. There have been many buddhas before him, ...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  25. No Image

    Enlightenment is a selfish search

    Question 1 Is not the search for Enlightenment a Selfish Search? Yes, it is. And the most selfish. There is nothing like it, it is incomparably selfish. And one has to be selfish, there is no other way to be. And all the teachings that go on telling you not to be selfish have not helped; ra...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  26. No Image

    Gradual or Sudden Enlightenment

    Question 1 Do wisdom and understanding increase gradually or do they come as explosions? Understanding never comes, neither as a sudden phenomenon nor as a gradual one, because it is always there. You have it right now. It is not going to happen somewhere in the future. You are carrying it ...
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  27. No Image

    Is enlightenment sudden or gradual?

    Question 1: You said that either one sees the world or the Brahman and that no gradually increasing perception of the Brahman is possible. But in experience we feel that as we become aware and more silent and still, the feeling of the divine presence becomes gradually clearer and clearer. W...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    on Secrets of Sleep and difference between Sleep and Samadhi

    Osho on Secrets of Sleep and difference between Sleep and Samadhi The Upanishads say there are four stages or four steps of human consciousness. First, the waking state of consciousness. Just now you are in the waking state of consciousness. The second, the dreaming state of consciousness, ...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    Osho on Chikanzenji Enlightenment

    Osho on Chikanzenji Enlightenment Question 3 What is enlightenment? Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that there is nowhere to go. Enlightenment is the understanding that this is all, that this is perfect, that this is it. Enlightenment...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  30. No Image

    There are Seven Characteristics of Samadhi

    Osho on Characteristics of Samadhi There are seven characteristics of samadhi. First is: Oneness, at-one-ment. Duality disappears. The division between the known and the knower disappears. Fusion arises, confusion disappears. There are no longer two. But remember: the moment Buddha says the...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  31. No Image

    Confrontation of Oneself in Aloneness is very fearful, very painful. What to do?

    Question 1: Confrontation of Oneself in Aloneness is very fearful, very painful. What to do? It is fearful and it is painful, and one has to suffer it. Nothing should be done to avoid it, nothing should be done to divert the mind, nothing should be done to escape form it. One has to suffer ...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    on total Effort and Total Relaxation for enlightenment

    Osho on total Effort and Total Relaxation for enlightenment Question 2: Beloved Osho, Are there really discrete stages on the way to the ultimate happening, as this Upanishad seems to suggest, or does this happening occur suddenly and unexpectedly? Is it a matter of long Conscious effort, o...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  33. No Image

    What exactly do you mean by saying "Be still and Know"?

    Question 2: Osho, What exactly do you mean by saying "Be still and Know" and also "Seek the strength of no-desire"? BE STILL AND KNOW is one of the most fundamental sutras of the inner alchemy. But by being still is not meant that you have to force stillness upon yourself. A forced stillnes...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  34. No Image

    on recognizing Enlightened Masters

    Osho on recognizing Enlightened Masters Question 2: It is said that unless one is in contact with one who is Awakened, it is impossible to come out of one's Ignorance or deep sleep. How to find out that one is Awakened? It is a difficult question. Not that it is difficult to find out -- the...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    What is Satori

    Osho on What is Satori Your defeat is a belief, your victory is a belief, your strength is a belief. your weakness is a belief. your being a sinner is a belief. your being a saint is a belief. All are beliefs, mind-concepts, mind-games. Your God is a meta-game. Drop all beliefs. Then the re...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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