• I am deliberately inconsistent, contradictory, so that you cannot make any body of knowledge out of me. So if one day you start gathering something, another day I take it away. I don't allow you to gather anything. Sooner or later, you are bound to be awakened to the fact that something totally different is transpiring here. It is not that I am giving you some dogma to be believed in, some philosophy to be lived by, no, not at all. I am utterly destructive, I am taking everything away from you.
    - Osho

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Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
63 T Tathata : Total acceptance: whatsoever the situation is, don't fight with it.
62 T Trust : The way to trust is DOUBT, and doubt to the very end.
61 T Trees : Man cannot live without trees and trees cannot live without man.
60 T Tears : Something to do with anything that is too much inside and wants to overflow.
59 T Terrorism : The Terrorism is in your Unconscious
58 T Trust : Osho on Trust
57 T Trust : Even if you are deceived because of your trust, it is better than not to trust.
56 T Tibet : The most ancient, primitive, innocent culture file
55 T TV, Wathching : People are completely unaware
54 T Timeless-ness : Nobody is new, all are very ancient pilgrims.
53 T Thoughts : They are not one with your nature, they come and go - you remain
52 T Tantra : Osho on Tantra
51 T Truth : Truth can only be realized. It cannot be explained or understood.
50 T Tai Chi : Feel more like a liquid, Flowing energy, than like a solid body.
49 T Truth : One can be it, but one cannot say it.
48 T Truth : Nobody can give you the truth; truth has to be discovered within your own soul.
47 T Trinity : The Holy Ghost is not right, but the Mother – the Father, the Mother and the Son. Then it is perfectly true, factual.
46 T Trinity : The body, the mind and the soul. These three are meeting in you.
45 T Trinity : The Christian trinity looks very immature, childish.
44 T Trees : Trees can read your thoughts
43 T Trees : The Western mind has been too aggressive against itself and against nature.
42 T Transformation : Unconditionally accepting yourself brings transformation.
41 T Transformation : Transformation happens simultaneously with understanding and acceptance.
40 T Transcendental Meditation : It is taking you towards just the opposite of awareness: it is taking you towards sleep.
39 T Transcendence : We have to transcend the body - that is our outermost circumference.
38 T Tradition : A tradition means something of the past, and enlightenment has to happen right now!
37 T Tourism : Tourism is not pilgrimage. A tourist is superficial.
36 T Tourist : The tourist goes on missing everything; he is in such a rush that he can't see anything.
35 T Touch : A person becomes a person only when he is touched by love.
34 T Totality : Because it is total it does not leave a trace behind. That's the beauty of totality
33 T Totality : Live each moment totally, but don’t carry the idea of purpose
32 T Totality : Totality is an experience herenow. Totality is not a goal, it is a style of life.
31 T Tomorrow : There is no tomorrow.
30 T Time Changing : It is only in the times of chaos and confusion that great things happen, because people are loose.
29 T Time : Time means mind. When the mind stops, time stops.
28 T Time : Time and death are the same; to live in time means to live in death.
27 T Thinking : Be less a thinker and more an experiencer. That's my fundamental message, be existential.
26 T Therapist : A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate, because it is not his techniques of therapy that help people, it is his love.
25 T Therapy : Therapy basically has nothing to do with spirituality. I was using it just to clean the rubbish that the mind has gathered down the ages.
24 T Therapy : Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love.
23 T Therapy : Therapy is a function of love. So with ego, you can't help.
22 T Tension : Life is also a musical instrument. It needs a certain tension but only a certain tension.
21 T Tenderness : Life is full of surprises, but only for those who have a tender heart.
20 T Temptation : Life is so simple! But you can label things as temptations, then they become temptations.
19 T Temples : Religion has nothing to do with churches and temples and rituals
18 T Temples : All the temples are false, all the mosques are false, all the churches are false.
17 T TV : Television has become one of the great dangers to humanity.
16 T TV, Wathching : People get involved in strange dramas. Very few people live authentically - they just act.
15 T TV(Television) : They have lost track of reality. The TV has become more real.
14 T Technology : I am all for technology - but a better technology, a more human technology.
13 T Technology : Enlightenment cannot be reduced to a technology.
12 T Tears : The whole world has to learn again the beauty of crying and weeping and tears
11 T Teacher and Master : The teacher is one who teaches borrowed knowledge. He knows nothing
10 T Tea : Tea has to be taken in a very meditative mood.
9 T Talking : They talk just to hide themselves behind the noise. Whenever you are nervous you start talking.
8 T Talent : Everybody is born with it, but millions of people never use it, so the faculty goes on shrinking
7 T Taboo : A real humanity will not have any taboos: no taboo about sex, no taboo about death.
6 T Trust : If you can't trust anybody that means you must be deceiving others.
5 T Trust and Judgment : Judgment can never lead you to trust
4 T Tears : The language of the heart
3 T Taoist tantra : It is spontaneity in sexuality; it is spontaneity in love.
2 T Tantra Sex : Real Tantra is not technique but love. Is not technique but prayer.
1 T Tai Chi : All the eastern techniques are in a way repressive.
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