• Doing brings ego. Ego is the shadow of action. And there is only one thing that is not-doing, and that is awareness, watchfulness.
    - Osho

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The Greatest Challenge : The Golden Future

Meditation - the Way to Change




Meritocracy is a whole program of transforming the structure of society, the structure of government, the structure of education.


It looks utopian. Who is going to do it? How is it going to happen? Hence the question -- how are we going to make it a reality?


It is utopian, but the situation is such that within twenty years politicians will bring you to the brink of death. Then you will have to choose; and at that time, when you have to choose between death and meditation, I think you will choose meditation -- you are not going to choose death.


If at that time you have to choose between death and deprogramming, you will choose deprogramming: "Let the Christian die, but I can live. Let the Jew die, I can live." And who bothers when it is a question of you or the Jew? If you can choose only one, either you or the Jew, I don't think you are going to choose the Jew; even Moses would not have done that. I trust him to have been at least that intelligent.


Politicians have brought this great challenge to the whole of humanity. In a way we should be thankful to these fools: they have dragged the whole of humanity to the point where humanity has to decide, "Now either we can live or these politicians can remain in power -- both are not possible.“ [....]


The politicians are bringing you to that point; they have brought you there already.


So I say that now the universities have to become more bold, courageous, united, and they have to gather all the intelligentsia around them – which is not difficult, because all over the world I have seen that every kind of intelligent person is against these political fools. But he cannot do anything alone. What can he do? And he does not see that there is any alternative.


I wonder why you can't see any alternative when you have so many universities of great prestige.


For example, if Oxford can gather courage to refuse, to say that the university is not going to give Margaret Thatcher an honorary doctorate, why shouldn't a university like Oxford – which is prestigious, old enough, respected around the world – start calling these conventions? Why shouldn't Oxford become the center of a new power, the power of the intelligentsia?


And it is not so difficult as it looks. One thing I forgot. I said, "Exclude the politicians"; I wanted to include one thing more: exclude the priests, the pope, because the religious establishment has always been supportive of the political establishment. They are in deep conspiracy together, they support each other. And they support in such absurd conditions also that one cannot make any sense out of it.


Adolf Hitler was blessed for victory by the Christian high priest in Germany; he prayed for Adolf Hitler to be victorious. And he was very happy because Adolf Hitler was finishing the Jews; perhaps he has done greater service to the Christians than anybody else -- millions of Jews he finished. So the Christian priest might have been feeling he was doing the right thing by blessing him: revenge against the Jews had to be taken. But he forgot completely that Churchill was being blessed for victory by the Christian archbishop in England; that in America, the American president was being blessed... strange! And they were all praying to one God!


Now God must have been in a difficulty: who to listen to? But He, being an old Jew it seems, heard Churchill, who was not a religious man at all. He neither looked religious, nor did he look intelligent. If Churchill was to be sent to the right place, he should have been in a circus or in a carnival somewhere, selling hot watch -- dogs; that man does not look like an intelligent person.


So all these bishops and popes have to be excluded; they have nothing to do with it. And we have to exclude them because we are going to deprogram, and the deprogramming is one of the most significant things to be done; otherwise, the world cannot be saved.


These people -- priests, popes, shankaracharyas, imams -- have been doing the ugliest things in the world, but because of the facade of religion you let them go free. If anybody else were doing them he would be caught immediately. [....]


I am not asking much, just a ten-year preparation. And if the whole government is meditative, deprogrammed, unprejudiced -- just visualize it -- then bureaucracy disappears, hierarchy disappears; then things that take years can be finished within seconds.


-Osho, “From Misery to Enlightenment, #8, Q1”