• The still point… There is a point within you where nothing ever moves – no movement from or to, no stirring, no sound created by any instrument. Nobody is there, just stillness, but that stillness is the dance and that stillness is the music.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Desire as Such is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent on the other

    Desire as Such is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent on the other, on the desired object. Whether it is a woman, money, a man, power, prestige, it does not matter — it is desire, and desire brings bondage. Why? It is simple. When you desire something, your joy depends on that something. If it is taken away, you are mi...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  2. No Image

    whatsoever appears as happiness proves ultimately to be the source of unhappiness and nothing else

    If you are too much distracted by desires, pleasures, gratifications, and if you are too thirsty in your senses for titillation, if you are searching foolishly for happiness in the outer world, then death comes and fetches you away like a flood which carries off a sleeping village. The man who is searching for happiness in the outside worl...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  3. No Image

    No one desires peace

    DESIRE POWER ARDENTLY. ... AND THAT POWER WHICH THE DISCIPLE SHALL COVET IS THAT WHICH SHALL MAKE HIM APPEAR AS NOTHING IN THE EYES OF MEN. We will be moving more and more in contradictions. The language of religion is bound to be contradictory. On the face, it looks irrational. In a way it is, because it goes beyond reason, it transcends ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  4. No Image

    Desire cannot be dropped unless you wake up

    Desire cannot be dropped unless you wake up. Millions of people have tried to drop desiring without waking up. In fact, the very idea of dropping desire was another desire and nothing else. They heard from the buddhas, from the awakened ones, that there is great peace if you drop desire, there is great bliss if desires wither away; that yo...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  5. No Image

    The desire for becoming desireless, is still a desire

    Desire cannot be dropped unless you wake up. Millions of people have tried to drop desiring without waking up. In fact, the very idea of dropping desire was another desire and nothing else. They heard from the buddhas, from the awakened ones, that there is great peace if you drop desire, there is great bliss if desires wither away; that yo...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  6. No Image

    How can one cut desires without suppressing them?

    Question : How can one cut desires without suppressing them? Desires are dreams: they are not realities. You cannot fulfill them and you cannot suppress them, because to fulfill a certain thing it needs to be real; to suppress a certain thing also needs to be real. Needs can be fulfilled and needs can be suppressed. Desires neither can be ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  7. No Image

    Things are beautiful only from the distance. When you have them, they have nothing in them.

    If you are too much distracted by desires, pleasures, gratifications, and if you are too thirsty in your senses for titillation, if you are searching foolishly for happiness in the outer world, then death comes and fetches you away like a flood which carries off a sleeping village. The man who is searching for happiness in the outside worl...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  8. No Image

    Nothing fails like success.

    Utimately, everyone is frustrated. Those who succeed are more frustrated than those who are not successful because those who are not successful can still hope. But those who are successful cannot even hope. Their case becomes hopeless. So I say nothing fails like success. -Osho, The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2 #1
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  9. No Image

    Longing is opening of the inner: desire is accumulation of the outer.

    Question 2 What is the difference between desire and longing? Desire is desire for something that is outside you. Desire is objective. Longing is not objective. Longing is for that which wants to explode in you. It is inner, it is subjective. If a rose wants to become a lotus, it is a desire. But if the rose LONGS to become a rose, it is l...
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  10. No Image

    Whole lives are devoted to fulfill childish desires.

    If you do not seek anything from without, you are complete, you are entire, you are perfect. The moment you start desiring something from outside, trouble starts. You have already descended from the throne of an emperor and become a beggar. And once you are a beggar, it will be very difficult to find the throne again. The world is vast and...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  11. No Image

    Desire has to be purified and transformed, because it is your energy

    The energy called desire has been condemned for centuries. Almost all the socalled saints have been against it, because desire is life and they were all life-negative. Desire is the very source of all that you see, and they were against all that which is visible. They wanted to sacrifice the visible at the feet of the invisible; they wante...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  12. No Image

    Are all desires insane?

    Question 3 Osho, Are all desires insane? Narayano, yes, all desires are insane. Desire as such is insane because desire means living in the future, and the future does not exist at all. What exists is the present. To live in the present is the only sanity there is, but to live in the present you have to drop all desiring. Desire takes you ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  13. No Image

    Greed is the unintelligent man's effort to make his life meaningful.

    Osho on Greed Question 2 Osho, What is greed? Sahajo, man feels meaningless, empty, hollow within, and wants to fill it, stuff it. The effort to fill it somehow is greed. That effort is bound to fail for the simple reason because whatsoever you accumulate remains on the outside; it cannot reach within you. And the problem is within and the...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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