• When it comes to deciding between your love and your truth, truth has to be the decisive factor.
    - Osho

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    Osho on Grace : Grace is the very existence itself, it is Grace-filled

    Osho on Grace Question 1: Beloved Osho, Contemplating you floods me with a deep ecstasy, and I feel the Grace. You Say you are not doing anything to create this ecstasy in us, but it is for sure That I also am not doing anything. Then from where is this bliss coming and How is it happening if neither you nor i are doing anything? Is it pos...
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    on Grace, recipient of grace and moment of death

    Question 1 : In one of your previous discourses you said that a sudden and direct descent of grace can become a disaster sometimes. the person might be harmed or become mad or he may even die. a question naturally arises: is grace not always beneficial? does grace not keep its own equilibrium? the mishap can also be due to the fact that th...
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    Grace is a by-product of totality

    Pleasure is of the body, the most superficial kind of bliss, very momentary, nothing of much value, just writing on the sand — the wind will come and all will be gone. The second thing is happiness. It is something deeper than pleasure. It is more psychological than physiological. For example, sex is pleasure, love is happiness. Love has a...
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    Grace : Authentic grace is possible only when your innermost core becomes illumined

    False things are always cheap. You can always purchase a mask for your face, a beautiful mask. To transform your face into a beautiful face is an arduous journey. It needs great transformation in your being because your eyes will show that which is within you, your face will radiate your inner reality. Unless your whole being is transforme...
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    Grace is of the spirit

    Beauty is of the outer and grace is of the inner; hence the grace is the real beauty. What we call beauty is superficial. And unless a man is full of grace his beauty is only skin-deep, or maybe not even that. Scratch him a little and his ugliness comes out. He is just painted on the outside, but inside he is boiling with all kinds of scor...
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