• Only the individual can know what meditation is and only the individual can know the beauty, the ecstasy, and the dance of this immensely beautiful existence.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Hobbies are means to keep escaping from yourself

    Question : Osho, What is your Hobby? Anando, I have none. I don’t need any. A hobby is needed to keep you occupied. When you are tired of your ordinary occupation — and naturally one gets tired of earning bread and butter — when you are tired of your ordinary occupation there are only two alternatives. Either be unoccupied…which creates gr...
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  2. No Image

    Loneliness cannot create love, it creates need. Love is not a need.

    Loneliness cannot create love, it creates need. Love is not a need. Then what is love? Love is luxury. It comes out of aloneness, when you are tremendously alone and happy and joyous and celebrating, and great energy goes on storing in you. You don’t need anybody. In that moment the energy is so much, you would like it to be shared. Then y...
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  3. No Image

    Dance your aloneness, sing your aloneness, live your aloneness!

    Question 1: Osho, Never belonged, Never been on the ‘inside’, Never felt ‘at one’ with another, Why such a loner all my life? Prem Madhura, LIFE is a mystery, but you can reduce it to a problem. And once you make a mystery a problem you will be in difficulty, because there can be no solution to it. A mystery remains a mystery; it is insolu...
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  4. No Image

    The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown

    The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown – and mind is a coward. Hence, the world at large perhaps may never be ready. Not that it does not feel the thirst; it feels the thirst, but it has not the guts to recognize it. Even to recognize it is dangerous. That means the beginning of a search, the beginning of a seeking, agai...
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  5. No Image

    A distinction between two words: lonely and alone

    You must make a distinction between two words: lonely and alone. In the dictionary they carry the same meaning, but those who have been meditating, they know the distinction. They are not the same, they are as different as possible. Loneliness is an ugly thing; loneliness is a depressive thing — it is a sadness; it is an absence of the oth...
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  6. No Image

    The fear of being left alone

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, My biggest fear and limitation, as far as i can discover, is the fear of being left alone. I feel that this always had, and still has, a strong influence on my life and my relationships. Besides feeling this fear and letting it be there — which i obviously haven’t done enough — is there any other way out of it? Be...
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  7. No Image

    The more egoist a person is the more he has to remain lonely

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Why is it that we are all so afraid of a hit from the master? when it is happening, it is proof that it is just what we needed, yet the fear remains. is cowardice an essential part of the ego? The ego is cowardice. Cowardice is not an essential part of the ego, it is the whole of the ego. And it is bound to be so, ...
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  8. No Image

    The person who is not able to be alone cannot be together with somebody, because he has no individuality.

    Question 7 In a lecture you said that the really aware were able to live alone. how does this fit with the dream of a community? Sitaro, the really aware person is certainly one who is capable of living alone. But that is only half the truth. The other half is that the one who is really capable of being alone is also capable of being toget...
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  9. No Image

    We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone

    Question : You said the other day that we are born alone, we live Alone and we die alone. Yet it seems as if from the day we Are born, whatever we are doing, whoever we are, we Seek to relate to others; in addition, we are usually attracted to being intimate with one person in Particular. Would you please comment? The question that you hav...
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  10. No Image

    Be silent, peaceful, still, but don't get obsessed by it

    [A sannyasin said he opened up in groups and is afraid he will close up when he leaves.] No, it will continue. I can see it. There is no problem; it will continue. Even going to the West will be a situation to grow. And in fact one should not become attached too much to anything whatsoever because the very attachment functions as a barrier...
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  11. No Image

    Seekers have always moved into solitary existence

    It has been happening always, that a Buddha moves to the mountains, a Jesus moves to the mountains, a Mahavira goes into the mountains. Why do they move to the mountains, to the loneliness? Why do they become solitaries? Just to face their inner mountains immediately and directly. In society it is difficult because the whole energy is wast...
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  12. No Image

    What do you have to say about darkness? : they are just two names of one thing — aloneness or darkness.

    Question : Osho, What do you have to say about darkness? I have much to say about darkness, because nobody has taken notice of the mystery that darkness is. Much has been said about light, almost nothing about darkness. But darkness is a much deeper phenomenon than light is. Light comes and goes — darkness remains; it never comes, it never...
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  13. No Image

    Loneliness is darkness, impotence; aloneness is light, potence

    Bliss needs great courage. Any courage can afford misery — that’s why there are so many miserable people. It costs nothing to be miserable, it is not a risk at all. It is very convenient to be miserable; in fact, comfortable to be miserable. It feels secure to be miserable. But to be blissful is dangerous, risky. It is dangerous because it...
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  14. No Image

    Ecstasy always arises when one is alone

    [A sannyasin says she has been feeling really lonely in the last few weeks, but for the first time is accepting this, like ’Okay, that’s it.’] Just okay is never okay. Enjoy it! Don t just say okay, because that is a kind of defeatism. Celebrate it! Aloneness is beautiful because it is the truth. One has to come to it, one has to befriend ...
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  15. No Image

    Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate.

    Question 4 Osho, Never before have i felt so much love and never before so alone. thank you, Osho... IT IS SOMETHING VERY DEEP TO BE UNDERSTOOD, something of great significance. Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate. People think just the opposite. People think, "When you are in love, how can y...
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  16. No Image

    Should one first come to terms with ones own Loneliness before entering into relationship?

    Question : Should one first come to terms with ones own Loneliness before entering into relationship? Yes, you have to come to terms with your loneliness, so much so that the loneliness is transformed into aloneness. Only then will you be capable of moving into a deep enriching relationship. Only then will you be able to move into love. Wh...
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  17. No Image

    Feel Alone and Feel Love

    Question 4 Osho, Never before have I felt so much love and never before so alone. Thank you, Osho… Prem Turiya, it is something very deep to be understood, something of great significance. Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate. People think just the opposite. People think, “When you are in love...
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  18. No Image

    Solitariness is ugly, Solitude is beautiful.

    Man can live either on the circumference or at the centre. To live at the circumference is easy, cheap, because everybody is living there. But to live at the centre is a great challenge, because you will be living there all alone. You will not find a crowd there. And to be alone needs the greatest courage in the world, that’s why very few ...
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  19. No Image

    You don't know your aloneness

    Question 1: Osho, It seems that one of the greatest hurdles that faces a human being is to be alone, to stand alone in the face of the opinions of the world, to stand alone in the face of the lies of the world, to be able to be physically alone, and, ultimately, to be alone without even our minds - the companion of last resort. We really k...
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  20. No Image

    Each individual is unique, so unique that you have to discover yourself all alone

    The greatest courage in life is needed when you go inwards, for many reasons… The first is: it is a flight from the alone to the alone, it is going deeper into your aloneness. And man is caught up in such a way that he becomes accustomed to company, to people, to family. He forgets absolutely the joy of being alone; hence there is a fear o...
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  21. No Image

    The person who can be happy alone is REALLY an individual

    Question 3 Osho, I find myself mostly attracted to women and very rarely deeply to a man. i am a little bothered about it. could you please say something about it? Sex has been called the original sin. It is neither original nor sin. Even before Adam and Eve ever ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge they were having sex, and all the ot...
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  22. No Image

    The greatest fear in the world is to be left Alone

    To be alone is the greatest achievement. One feels always a need for the other. There is a Tremendous need for the other because something is lacking within ourselves. We have holes in our being; we stuff those holes with the presence of the other. The other somehow makes us complete, otherwise we are incomplete. Without the other we don’t...
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  23. No Image

    Nobody wants to be left alone. Nobody wants any quiet, silent moments

    Man’s search is for his real homeland. In this world man is a stranger, a foreigner; he lives a kind of uprooted life. Something essential is missing: he is missing the soil where he can grow his roots. His life remains an empty gesture. a constant occupation just so he remains occupied, so that he can forget, forget the longing for the ho...
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  24. No Image

    Never feel lonely. You are never lonely. At the deepest core of your being, God resides

    And remember the difference between loneliness and aloneness. Never feel lonely. You are never lonely. At the deepest core of your being, God resides; he is always with you. And whenever you are alone, only then will you be able to hear his footsteps. Whenever you are alone, only then will you be able to hear his music, his whisperings. He...
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