• Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    An arranged marriage never brings joy. It brings Security

    [An indian sannyasin has been invited to be a part of the ashram, but says, in Hindi, that her parents will not let her come.] First tell me your desire. I am not going to be guided by your desire, but I just want to know what you want…. The situation is such that if I tell you to go with your parents, you will not be happy. Not that they ...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  2. No Image

    Prostitution is a betrayal of the Body

    [A sannyasin says she has been working as a prostitute in the West. Returning there now to earn money to return here, she wonders whether to return to prostitution or not. A voice inside her says no – on the other hand it is a quick way to make money…. ] Then do something else, mm? do something else… because prostitution is a betrayal of t...
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  3. No Image

    I am neither for marriage nor for divorce

    People should be allowed to live together so that they can know what kind of people they are and whether they are suited or not, whether they mix or not, whether the can create a harmony in their life or not. But anybody can go to the marriage office and get married, and nobody creates any disturbance. This is absurd. And when you want to ...
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  4. No Image

    Don't possess, don't become owners of persons or things

    Possessions Don't possess, don't become owners of persons or things; just use them as a gift of the universe. And when they are available, use them; when they are not available. enjoy the freedom. When you have something, enjoy it; when you don't have it, enjoy not having it -- that too has its own beauty. If you have a palace to live in, ...
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  5. No Image

    Cannot one ever find a Perfect Partner in Marriage?

    Question : Should one first come to terms with one's own Loneliness before entering into Relationship? Yes, you have to come to terms with your loneliness, so much so that the loneliness is transformed into aloneness. Only then will you be capable of moving into a deep enriching relationship. Only then will you be able to move into love. W...
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  6. No Image

    Marriage is the ugliest institution invented by man

    on Marriage “Marriage almost always never happens, because marriage means the celebration of togetherness. It is not a license. No registry office can give you marriage; no priest can give it to you as a gift. It is a tremendous revolution in the being, it is a great transformation in your very style of life, and it can happen only when yo...
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  7. No Image

    Non-Possessiveness : Non-possessiveness does not mean forsaking external things, it means attaining inner fulfillment.

    Non-Possessiveness To understand the second great virtue, aparigrah or non-possessiveness, it is essential to understand parigrah, or possessiveness. There are great misconceptions about possessiveness. Possessiveness is not about having things, it refers to the feeling of ownership over things. Parigrah means possessiveness. It has nothin...
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  8. No Image

    It is very difficult to communicate with a wife, with a husband

    [A sannyasin who was leaving for the West, said he would like to share what he has found with Osho with his wife. They have been separated for a long time, and plan to divorce. She is very negative against him.] I think divorce will be good and then there may be some possibility, not before it. Let there be a divorce but make it as pleasan...
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  9. No Image

    Love... Jealousy and Marriage (if couples are allowed a little freedom)

    Question 3 Osho, I know my love stinks, so why do i cling to the smell? WE LIVE according to the past: our lives are rooted in the dead past, we are conditioned by the past. The past is very powerful, that's why you go on living in a certain pattern; even if it stinks, you will go on repeating it. You don't know what else to do; you have b...
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  10. No Image

    I very much doubt my wife. What should I do

    Osho on Trust in Partner Question 6 Beloved Osho, I very much doubt my wife. What should I do? Narayan, the wife is not your God. You need not doubt, you need not trust. It is a game -- don't make it so serious! But you have been told to trust your wife, to trust your husband. And because of this very teaching, distrust arises. In fact, yo...
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  11. No Image

    What is your attitude toward Sex, and Sex outside of marriage?

    Question : What is your attitude toward Sex, and Sex outside of marriage? Sex is very important because sex is the root of life. You are born out of sex, your every cell in the body is a sex cell. Sex cannot be denied and any society that denies sex becomes suicidal. Then it is denying life itself. So sex is very significant, very meaningf...
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  12. No Image

    At this level of love, misery is a natural consequence. Watch it

    Possessiveness In all the languages of the world we have this expression "falling in love"; it is significant. Why "falling in love"? -- because for ninety-nine percent people it is really a fall. They are going downwards to the world of instincts, biology, physiology. They are being dominated by the hormones, by the glands, by their body ...
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  13. No Image

    Religions have destroyed your love by creating marriage.

    Question : Yes, another italian. bhagwan, i would like you to speak on what kind of love is possible between a man and a woman, and also if there is any hope for a relationship between a man and a woman which is not going to be entangled in the usual pattern of sado-masochism. It is a very significant question. Ordinarily, religions have m...
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  14. No Image

    Possessiveness shows simply one thing: that you can't trust existence

    Possessiveness This whole existence is one cosmic unity. Out of this understanding comes nonviolence. The second is non-possessiveness. If the whole existence is one, and if the existence goes on taking care of trees, of animals, of mountains, of oceans -- from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star -- then it will take care of yo...
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  15. No Image

    on Life in a marriage and its Problem

    Question 3: I am a Married Man with three children and with all the Problems of a married man's life. My wife is constantly at my Throat. We are together only for the sake of the children; Otherwise, each moment is a nightmare. Is there any chance of my Escaping hellfire? I will tell you one story: A man was arraigned before an Arkansas ju...
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  16. No Image

    on Possessiveness

    on Possessiveness.
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  17. No Image

    Marriage and Friendship : Why its difficult for men and women to be Friends?

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Why is it so difficult for men and women to be Friends? It Seems so ordinary, and turns out to be almost Impossible. Either there is an ugly compromise -- like man and wife -- Or else Passion that eventually turns into Hate. Why is There always ugliness between men and women? It is very simple to understand. Marri...
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  18. No Image

    on Unconditional Love – Love people but love unconditionally

    Attachment, clinging, possessiveness are like rocks, hindering the path of your inner spring. But these are big rocks and they go on becoming bigger with every day. As time passes, the rocks go on becoming heavier and heavier. The child knows, without knowing, what love is. Without being aware of what love is he knows, he knows love. Of co...
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  19. No Image

    I am not AGAINST marriage; I simply want you to be aware that there is a possibility of going beyond it too.

    Question 2 Osho, What is wrong with marriage? why do you speak always against it? MARRIAGE IS a great institution. Without marriage life will be very empty. Without marriage you will be all Buddhas! It is marriage that keeps the world going on; it keeps things running. It keeps all kinds of things moving, alive. In fact, without marriage t...
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  20. No Image

    I still want to get married. can i have your blessings?

    Question 7 : Osho, I know you are against marriage, but i still want to get married. can i have your blessings? Rakesh, MEDITATE OVER MURPHY'S MAXIM: A fool and his cool are soon parted. It is not yet published anywhere, but Asha is the custodian of Murphy's unpublished manuscripts, so she goes on supplying these maxims of Murphy to me. Me...
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  21. No Image

    on Loving and Love in Marriage

    Question 4 : If love becomes destroyed in Marriage, how are we to Live if we wish to share love and thoughts on a day-today Basis, and also raise Children with both a Mother And a Father? I have never said that love is destroyed by marriage. How can marriage destroy love? Yes, it is destroyed in marriage, but it is destroyed by you, not by...
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  22. No Image

    if marriage arises out of intimacy then it is beautiful

    Question : Recently you talked again about the adverse aspects of marriage. Would you please talk about what you mean by intimacy? Particularly, when is staying together through difficult times positive and when is it negative? MARRIAGE is a way to avoid intimacy. It is a trick to create a formal relationship. Intimacy is informal. 11 marr...
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  23. No Image

    To possess or to be possessed, both are ugly. If you are possessed you lose your very soul.

    Possessiveness Try to separate hate from love. Just try to think: don't you hate the man you love also? Haven't you been destructive in a thousand ways to the same man you love? Have you not tried to possess the man or the woman? Is possessiveness love? Can a man who loves even think of possessing? Is it not very clear that to possess some...
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  24. No Image

    Drop the desire that your wife should be faithful to you.

    Question 6: Osho, I know for sure that my wife is utterly faithful to me, but still doubt goes on lingering somewhere inside me. What should I do to get rid of the doubt? IN THE first place, why should you ask that she should be faithful to you? It is from there that doubtarises. The very desire that your wife should be faithful TO YOU is ...
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  25. No Image

    Osho on Marriage

    on Marriage We Raised Marriage to Unnatural Standards Osho, Is the concept of soul mates more useful than marriage? “You are asking, ‘Is the concept of soul mates more useful than marriage?’ Concepts don’t matter. What matters is your understanding. You can change the word marriage to the word soul mates, but you are the same. You will mak...
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  26. No Image

    When a man lives with two women at the same time?

    Question When a man lives with two women at the same time does it make any difference to his energy? Are you mad or masochistic or something? Is not one woman enough for you? I have overheard.... Mulla Nasruddin's son was asking, 'Mulla, why does the law not allow men to marry two women or more?' And Mulla said, 'If a man cannot protect hi...
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  27. No Image

    Possessiveness and Theft : When possessiveness goes crazy, insane, theft is born.

    Possessiveness and Theft One of the dimensions of violence is possessiveness. Without being violent, it is impossible to be possessive. And when possessiveness goes crazy, insane, theft is born. Theft is possessiveness gone mad. If the possessiveness is healthy, then non-possessiveness can slowly arise. If the possessiveness has become unh...
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  28. No Image

    Marriage and Commitment are not both the same thing

    [A sannyasin had written a letter about relationship with his girlfriend, who was living in London, and who wished to be married to him. He was uncertain as to what was the best thing to do as he had reservations about marriage but was in love with her.] One thing – don’t get married. That will be very destructive. You will never be able t...
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  29. No Image

    Why do you appear to put down Marriage and yet tell people to get Married?

    Question : Why do you appear to put down Marriage and yet tell people to get Married? This is from Anurag. To me, marriage is a dead thing. It is an institution, and you cannot live in an institution; only mad people live in institutions. It is a substitute for love. Love is dangerous: to be in love is to be in a storm, constantly. You nee...
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  30. No Image

    on hell of living with a woman and the hell of living without a woman

    Question 3 My love-life drama now reflects an old saying of Humphrey Bogart's: Women -- they're hell to live with, and hell to live Without. What to do? One has to pass through this hell. One has to experience both the hell of living with a woman and the hell of living without a woman. And it is not only true about women, it is exactly tru...
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  31. No Image

    Is it alright to get married and have children?

    Question 2: Is it alright to get married and have children? Sudharka, Just meditate over a few of Murphy’s sutras. First: It is good to be married occasionally. Second: A clever man tells a woman he understands her, a stupid man tries to prove it. Third: Marriage is a three-ringed circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffer-ring. Four...
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  32. No Image

    Marriage - Osho Quotes on Marriage

    Osho Quotes on Marriage Love marriage' came into existence but is not going to survive, for the simple reason that love comes, happens, and one day suddenly goes. It was not in your hands to bring it; neither is it in your hands to keep it. The old marriage failed because the insistence was that you should love your wife, you should love y...
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  33. No Image

    on Possessor and Possessions

    Seeds of slavery are hidden in the desire to be a possessor, a master, because we have to become His slave also whose possessor — master — we shall be. We have to become slaves because our mastery — ownership — depends upon Him whose possessor we become. When the ownership — possession, depends upon someone else, then how can we be the own...
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