• The only revolution possible is through taking the whole responsibility on yourself: I am the cause of my suffering. Hence I can be the cause of my bliss.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    You may have one of the most Precious things and you may not be able to Use it

    [A sannyasin says he is not sure whether to continue with his master’s degree in sociology when he returns. He has four more years to complete. He enjoys university life but wonders if he could do more. Osho checks his energy] My feeling is that you should complete it; and it can be used in many ways…. Sociology can become of great importa...
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  2. No Image

    on Baking as Meditation – If you can change your work into Meditation

    [A sannyasin who bakes said that because of his work he was unable to do the meditations, and should he do anything else. Osho said that when he had time he could meditate alone… ] Baking is a good meditation. Put your love into it, your whole awareness into it. Just don’t do it for the money – do it for love also. Do it with care, and the...
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  3. No Image

    To be with trees and plants is beautiful because they go on growing

    [Another sannyasin is returning to his farm in the west.] Come back whenever you can find time. To be on a farm is beautiful. Make your work your meditation. Farming is the only work that is worth doing. Whenever you are with things which grow, you grow. That is the difficulty with machines: they don’t grow, so if you work with machines yo...
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  4. No Image

    on whole art of being a genius

    [A sannyasin who is a photographer said she was feeling low energy and disinterested in photography.] This comes again and again in everybody’s life: whatsoever you are doing you get tired of, you get fed up, you get bored with it. It is very easy to be interested in a new thing – it needs great guts to remain interested in an old thing. T...
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  5. No Image

    Help people to attain a loving insight into their lives, help people to love themselves

    [A sannyasin expresses concern about being a sannyasin in the West. She works in a personnel at a university. Osho says that is good work, and love is needed more than expertise…. ] The therapist, the counsellor, has to love the patients so deeply, so totally, that in his love something starts in the patient. Under that impact of love he a...
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    on Sannyas is costly - particularly my sannyas

    Question : Osho, I would very much like to take sannyas but it will be totally ruinous for my career as orange clothes will not be accepted at my place of work. Is there any alternative to this? Shirish Ghurye, remember only one thing: if you really want to do something, do it. If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it, but be clear. Don’t b...
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  7. No Image

    on Prostitution – Prostitution is a betrayal of the Body

    [A sannyasin says she has been working as a prostitute in the West. Returning there now to earn money to return here, she wonders whether to return to prostitution or not. A voice inside her says no – on the other hand it is a quick way to make money…. ] Then do something else, mm? do something else… because prostitution is a betrayal of t...
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  8. No Image

    on workaholic society - The idea of ‘the work’ has been imposed on you

    The idea of ”the work” has been imposed on you for centuries, that you are here for a certain ”work” to do. Naturally, people wanted you not to be just lazy and enjoy. They wanted ”work” because your work is going to create wealth, your work is going to create Alexanders, your work is going to create wars. Everything depends on you. So eve...
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    on medical profession – All that we can do is not to do intentional harm

    [A sannyasin mother and daughter are leaving for the west. The mother says that up to now she’s been working as a pharmacist… she has to give medicine which may harm people rather than help them. Some of it is healing but she is not entirely happy about the whole of it.] I understand… but nobody is constantly happy in any kind of work. It ...
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