• If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Religious War: A Contribution of Christianity

    Religious War: A Contribution of Christianity Question 1: Osho, Are you especially against christianity? I hate to favor Christianity with any special attention but unfortunately it deserves it. It is the ugliest manifestation of religion on the earth, for many reasons. ...
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  2. No Image

    You cannot understand Christ if you are a Christian or a Catholic

    Question 1 Well, I was brought up as a catholic, So how come Jesus is a stranger to me? Jesus is always a stranger. It does not matter whether you were brought up as a Catholic or a Protestant or a Hindu or a Mohammedan. The very being of Jesus is that of a stranger, bec...
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  3. No Image

    The Mustard Seed

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  4. No Image

    The meaning of the story: suddenly Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise.

    What is knowledge? And why are all those who have become awakened deeply against it? Knowledge is a device to fight with existence. Knowledge is a tool in the hands of the ego. Knowledge is a conflict: the part is trying to conquer the whole by knowing the secrets of the...
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  5. No Image

    Osho on Martin Luther and 'The Reformation' Event

    Osho on Martin Luther Question 2 Beloved Osho, Many germans think Martin Luther to be a great rebel. He toppled the absolute power of the pope, made the latin bible available to all by translating it, and married a nun. Yet he immediately joined other vested interests. A...
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  6. No Image

    Love your enemy : Jesus cannot love his enemies.

    Just look at all the religions and their definitions of good and bad. They may differ about certain things – whether they are good or not – but as far as their fundamentals are concerned, there is no difference. This is the basic fundamental: that all that has a natural ...
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  7. No Image

    on Mary Magdalene and Judas

    on Mary Magdalene and Judas Remember Mary Magdalene? She seems to me the only true follower of Jesus. Her authenticity, her daring, is immense. Jesus had come to her house and she poured precious perfume on his feet, washed the feet with the perfume, then wiped the feet ...
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  8. No Image

    Jesus says again and again,’Who is my family? — those who have understood me

    Trust is the greatest thing in the world that can happen to a man, because it is the most impossible thing. To trust somebody else is almost impossible, because doubt continues. Howsoever you trust, the other is the other. Who knows? How can you penetrate the other? You ...
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  9. No Image

    Three Stages of Human Consciousness: Adam, Jesus and Christ

    Three Stages of Human Consciousness: Adam, Jesus and Christ Man’s evolution is from innocence to innocence. The first innocence is ignorant, the second innocence is luminous. The first innocence is a kind of sleep; the second innocence is an awakening. The first innocenc...
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  10. No Image

    The Christian way of being humble, modest, selfless, is basically wrong

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, What is the difference between the christian way of being selfless, modest and humble, and your way of being egoless and ordinary? The Christian way of being humble, modest, selfless, is basically wrong. The words they are using may sound exactly...
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  11. No Image

    There is no future for Christianity.

    There is no future for Christianity. The Christians have been claiming that they have discovered the world. It is just holy shit. Columbus never discovered America, he re-discovered it. It had been discovered many times before, and there are valid evidences for it. In Tu...
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  12. No Image

    How can we believe that you are the Messiah? Prove it!

    Question : How can i see you, how can i recognize you, Osho? An ancient saying: When the sun rises we know this, not by staring at it, but because we can see everything ELSE clearly. HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE SUN? You don’t stare at the sun – you look at the trees, you lo...
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  13. No Image

    Ten Commandments : All the commandments of all the religions show one thing absolutely clearly: they are all bent upon destroying you, your naturalness

    Osho on Ten Commandments Question Osho, In place of the Ten Commandments, with which I was brought up, I have given myself a new set of rules: be alert, be patient, be spontaneous, accept myself. All questions are mind questions – no question comes out of no-mind – and a...
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  14. No Image

    Priest and Jesus in Heaven

    Priest and Jesus in Heaven Bertrand Russell has written a story: A priest slept one night and dreamed he had died. He went to the gates of heaven, which were closed. He was rather surprised. He had expected the doors to be wide open and God Himself waiting on the steps t...
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  15. No Image

    Martin Luther was just a politician

    Martin Luther was just a politician. Question 3 Beloved Osho, When you talk about Christianity, You usually talk about Catholicism. Please, will you speak about protestant churches? We do not acknowledge the pope. I certainly have avoided speaking on Protestantism, for t...
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  16. No Image

    on Sin Guilt Teachings in Christianity

    Question 11: Aren’t a lot of the problems of the western mind the result of the sin-andguilt in christianity? Yes, that is bound to be. The concept of sin creates a very different consciousness around it. This concept is lacking in the Eastern mind. Rather, it is substit...
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  17. No Image

    on Resurrection : Whenever your ego is crucified there is a resurrection, a rebirth. You are born again, and this childhood is eternal, because this is a rebirth of the spirit, not of the body.

    Resurrection When Jesus was crucified, after his crucifixion he resurrected, he came back to life. This resurrection is not an historical event. This resurrection is a very profound symbol, it is poetry. It is simply saying that death cannot happen to a person like Jesus...
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  18. No Image

    The masses became interested in Jesus only because of his so-called miracles

    Question : Are you yourself able to make things Materialize? I am able to do it. And I am also able not to do it – because I feel the absurdity of it. And the second ability is better. Buddha could not be persuaded to do it, but Jesus had to do it. Again, the reason is t...
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  19. No Image

    on Jesus Christ and John the Baptist teachings on Repentance

    JESUS SAID: BUT NOW THEY ARE DRUNK. WHEN THEY HAVE SHAKEN OFF THEIR WINE, THEN THEY WILL REPENT. This is about you. Don't think 'they' -- they means you: when you are shaken out of your drunkenness, you will repent. This word repent became very meaningful. The whole of C...
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  20. No Image

    Why do you not want to allow christianity to enter the soviet union?

    Question 2 Why do you not want to allow christianity to enter the soviet union? Because I love the Soviet Union, and I would not like a poisonous snake, a cobra hiding inside the pope, to enter the Soviet Union. He can come to India, there is no problem. He can go around...
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  21. No Image

    Christ disappeared, and Christianity was left behind.

    Rebellion is unorganized, rebellion is individual. It comes out of the authenticity of a single being; it comes out of the authenticity of a single being's heart. Revolution is political, rebellion is religious. Revolution means a social phenomenon; rebellion is meditati...
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  22. No Image

    When Jesus says blessed are the meek for theirs is the kingdom of god, by meek he means the egoless.

    Love is possible only in the climate of egolessness. With the ego love cannot grow. Ego is like a rock and love is like a rose flower: if you put a rock on the rose bush there is no possibility of its growing, no possibility of roses ever flowering. The ego can do everyt...
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  23. No Image

    on Saint Francis of Assisi - Saint Francis is a Buddha

    The extraordinariness of a Buddha is his utter ordinariness. His ordinariness is his extraordinariness. To be ordinary is the most extraordinary thing in the world. Just the other night I came across a very beautiful story about Saint Francis, a Buddha. Saint Francis of ...
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  24. No Image

    Christ's message is rejoice and be merry. Christianity's message is be sad, look miserable

    Question 4 Osho, Why do I feel sadness about Christmas when the whole message is rejoice and be merry? Vachana, Christ’s message IS rejoice and be merry. But that is not the message of Christianity. Christianity’s message is: be sad, long faces, look miserable; the more ...
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  25. No Image

    What is true repentance?

    Question 2: Osho, What is true repentance? The religions have made much fuss about repentance. Jesus goes on repeating again and again to his people, "Repent, repent, because the kingdom of God is close! Repent, because the day of judgment is coming close!" First, religi...
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  26. No Image

    Jesus knew perfectly well about Reincarnation

    Question 4 Osho, To me it seems that the christian concept of the soul is the same as what you mean by the real i, the one who is the watcher. Why didn’t Jesus speak about the possibility of reincarnation of the soul? This seems to be a difference between eastern and wes...
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  27. No Image

    Christianity does not have any philosophy, it has a theology

    Question 5 : Osho, What is the difference between your philosophy and that of christianity? It is a strange question — strange, because Christianity does not have any philosophy, it has a theology. And there is a great difference between philosophy and theology. Theology...
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  28. No Image

    on Christian dictum love thy neighbour as thyself

    on Christian dictum love thy neighbour as thyself The second commandment, Jesus says, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF. ... because, in fact, all humanity is you, in many faces and in many forms. Can't you see it -- that your neighbour is nobody else than you, yo...
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  29. No Image

    Christianity is a Sick Religion - More Sick than Any Other Religion.

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, Somehow i can't believe my laughter, if it's true, but i always believe in my tears. please comment. Everybody does it; mankind has been accustomed to misery. Misery is taken for granted; it is thought to be natural. Not to be miserable is danger...
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  30. No Image

    The only way to really be a Christian is to know the art of love

    The only way to really be a Christian is to know the art of love. One does not become a Christian by becoming a follower of Christ, because the follower is an imitator; he remains false. You can only be yourself, you can never be anybody else. If you try to be your life ...
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  31. No Image

    Christianity has nothing to do with Christ

    I WILL SPEAK ON CHRIST, but not on Christianity. Christianity has nothing to do with Christ. In fact, Christianity is anti-Christ — just as Buddhism is anti-Buddha and Jainism anti-Mahavir. Christ has something in him which cannot be organized: the very nature of it is r...
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  32. No Image

    Conversion does not mean a change of religion; it means a change of consciousness

    Meditation means a state of no-mind — where all the functioning of the mind has ceased. The moment the functioning of the mind ceases you have a profound silence such that you have never known before, such clarity, such transparency — because all the clouds are gone, all...
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  33. No Image

    on Jesus Stories

    My work is done as far as I am concerned because I am done. Now the energy has become a compassion and an overflowing, and all those who really want to taste are invited to do so without any condition. You are not to give anything, you simply are to take. No discipline, ...
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  34. No Image

    Jesus has said ‘Truth liberates’, because truth is liberation

    Truth is beyond structure. It comes only when you are in an unstructured state of consciousness. It comes only when there is no expectation for it, not even preparation for it, because all preparation is expectation. Truth comes unawares, truth comes as a surprise. You c...
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  35. No Image

    I would not like my people to be like Christian missionaries

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, More than anything else i want your vision to happen. When i am not with you, and i am out in the world, alone, What part can i play in helping your vision to happen? Just be yourself, utterly yourself. And never think in terms of how you can hel...
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  36. No Image

    Those who are first in this world will be last in the kingdom of God, and those who are last here will be first in the kingdom of God.

    DESIRE POWER ARDENTLY. ... AND THAT POWER WHICH THE DISCIPLE SHALL COVET IS THAT WHICH SHALL MAKE HIM APPEAR AS NOTHING IN THE EYES OF MEN. We will be moving more and more in contradictions. The language of religion is bound to be contradictory. On the face, it looks irr...
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  37. No Image

    If you become a christ, the priest is not needed anymore

    The moment you take responsibility totally, it is a great redemption, it is freedom. You are suddenly out of the jail -- just by taking the responsibility. It is difficult to accept, very difficult, hard to accept, that "I am responsible"; it hurts the ego. But there is ...
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  38. No Image

    Only those who are like children will be able to enter into my kingdom of God.

    When someone attains saintliness by old age, he again becomes a child. However, the similarity between saintliness and childhood exists only on the surface. A saint's eyes also appear as innocent as those of a child, but in a child everything is still dormant, it is yet ...
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  39. No Image

    Christ is totally different from Christianity

    Question : A single session of your dynamic meditation has left within me a greater bliss and sense of being than twenty years of having had to listen to the stories of the new testament and to pray to an almighty and distant god who stayed an unexperienceable godot to m...
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  40. No Image

    Jesus is a BHAKTA, a devotee

    Jesus is a BHAKTA, a devotee - Knows no techniques. Love is not a technique - Question : Osho, The Gospels provide no techniques for developing a loving heart. The gospels are also too difficult for ordinary people. Perhaps this is why the Christian message has always se...
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  41. No Image

    on Moses Ten Commandments and Osho Ten Commandments

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What do you think of moses' ten commandments? do you have any commandments for us? Moses is one of the most charismatic leaders that the world has known, but he is not a religious man. He is a lawgiver. But to be a law giver is one thing, and to ...
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  42. No Image

    Blessed are the meek, because theirs is the kingdom of god

    A man can exist in two ways: either like a very strong tree – resistant, fighting, stubborn – or like small grass – non-resistant, non-fighting, ready to yield. and that should be your way. don’t resist, don’t fight. Just yield like grass. The wind comes – yield… not eve...
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  43. No Image

    Jesus committed the crime of being happy. That was his only crime

    RELIGION CAN BE HEALTHY — as healthy as a new born babe, as healthy as the songs of the birds in the morning, as healthy as a newly opening lotus. Or religion can be ill, diseased, dying — just like an old man: shrinking, sad, moving.into death. When religion is young, i...
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  44. No Image

    on The symbol of the Christian cross - Once the energy becomes vertical you are joined to god

    Meditation means becoming absolutely silent, still, serene, as if nothing moves inside, everything stops — the mind, time. There comes a full stop to all movement. In that full stop, when the ordinary movement of the mind stops, you start moving into a now dimension. The...
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  45. No Image

    It is very human to forget that god loves you

    David means beloved of god. It comes from a Hebrew word dodavehu. Dodavehu means beloved of Jehovah. It is one of the most important things to remember, and to remember constantly: god loves you. One tends to forget. There are problems in life and there are agonies to be...
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  46. No Image

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ may be possible, but not the resurrection of Christianity.

    Question 1 Osho, Modern christians are making desperate attempts to save their religion from its primitive, superstitious past -- and from the fundamentalists! For example, a modernist in the church of england believes, it is said, in a god who works through evolutionary...
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  47. No Image

    Nonviolence : Jesus said that if somebody hits you on one cheek, turn the other cheek.

    Question: What is the difference between real knowledge and turning the other cheek? There is much difference. Turning the other cheek is just a conditioning. I am reminded of a Christian saint who was always talking about turning the other cheek. One man got very fed up...
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  48. No Image

    on Conversion of Aboriginal people to Christianity and Western Lifestyle

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, The other night when you were talking about the decadence and suicidal tendency of western society, peaking now in the USA, i was wondering why the western lifestyle is capable of penetrating other cultures and spoiling them in a short time. It a...
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  49. No Image

    Saint Francis the Buddha

    Saint Francis the Buddha Just the other night I came across a very beautiful story about Saint Francis, a Buddha. Saint Francis of Assisi lay on his deathbed. He was singing, and singing so loudly that the whole neighborhood was aware. Brother Elias, a pompous but promin...
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  50. No Image

    This is what Jesus calls the kingdom

    Once surrender has happened completely, the master becomes the door for you. Then a different world of light, life and bliss opens — satchitananda Hindus have called it. The true existence, the true consciousness, and the true bliss, satchitananda, becomes possible for y...
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  51. No Image

    Only suffering will cleanse you, not forgiveness.

    It says that one of the pillars of Christianity is forgiveness. It looks beautiful when you hear the word `forgiveness’, but the implications are very evil. A man rapes a woman. The man will be forgiven by God, but what about the woman? The criminal is forgiven, what abo...
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