• The poison can become medicinal - you have to know how to transform it. And sometimes the nectar can be poisonous - if you dint know how to use it.
    - Osho

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I will use films, television, videotapes, tapes, every modern technique to spread the message


Question 3:


Don’t you have enough disciples? What is the need for videotapes of you and your commune?



Devesh, I have got only one hundred fifty thousand sannyasins in the world – that is just a drop in the ocean of humanity. And if you want to transform the consciousness of man it is nothing; it is just the beginning, it is just a seed. We have to go on spreading this new message – new in a sense, because of the so-called religions, and yet the ancientmost, because whenever anybody has known he has known the same truth.


Truth never changes; it is always the same. Who knows it makes no difference, when one knows it makes no difference. Time and space don’t matter. And this is a very special moment in the history of humanity: either man will destroy himself totally or a new man will be born. It has never been so important to transform the consciousness of man, to bring a radical change in the very vision of man as it is today. And we have to do it quickly because time is short. The politicians are piling up atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and whatnot.


Just within ten years the power to destroy man has increased seven hundred times. Ten years ago it was enough to destroy humanity; now it is enough to destroy seven hundred earths of the same size. It seems to be simply mad. What is the point? – because we don’t know any other earths yet. Yes, scientists say there are fifty thousand planets with life, but that is only a hypothesis. We may never reach them – we have only reached the moon.


And those planets are far, far away. The nearest is four light years away; that means if a spaceship goes at the speed of light – which is impossible or next to impossible because the speed of light is immense… Light moves at the speed of one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. If we can create a spaceship which can move at this speed, then it will take four years to get there and four years to come back. But it seems not possible to create such a spaceship because when anything moves at such a speed it becomes light; it melts and becomes light. The spaceship will melt and become light and the people traveling in it will become light; they will disappear. At such speed such heat is created that everything becomes light. We don’t know of any metal, not yet, which can resist heat at such a speed.


And those planets which the scientists think have life are thousands of light years away so there seems to be no possibility to destroy them. Then why go on piling up more and more atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, super bombs, death rays? For what? Do you want to kill each human being seven hundred times? Human beings die only one time. They are not Jesus Christs who will resurrect so you have to kill them again and they will resurrect and you have to kill them again – seven hundred times. But politicians make arrangements just in case! In such a mad world where mad politicians are so powerful, meditation can be the only way to defend life on earth.


Devesh, the inner revolution has to be spread as quickly and as fast as possible. Moreover, I am a twentieth-century man – I don’t believe in bullock carts. You can see my Rolls Royce! But even Buddha tried every possible way in order to reach as many people as he could. Of course, there was no other way so he traveled from one village to another; that was the only possible way to reach people. But how many people could he reach? He could never go beyond one single province, Bihar. In fact the name ”Bihar” comes from the fact that he traveled there; the name ”Bihar” means the place where a Buddha travels, where the awakened one has traveled. The boundaries of the province are the boundaries of his travels. But he could not reach all parts of Bihar either; he could reach only the important places and villages on the way.


Forty-two years he traveled; old, ill, but he traveled. He was so old – he died when he was eighty-two – and continuously traveling in the hot climate of Bihar, a physician had to continuously follow him to keep him healthy, to look after him. Why did he travel? For what? – to reach as many people as possible. Mahavira did the same. They each tried in their own ways.


Two monks were talking to each other.


”Do you know why Jesus, after his resurrection, appeared to women?”


”No, I don’t,” replied the other.


”So that the news of his resurrection could spread more quickly!”


I don’t go anywhere; there is no need now – that is out of date. I cannot reach many people by traveling, but now we have the media available. My word can go to the farthest corner of the earth – it is reaching already. Books are also old ways of reaching people; their days are also over. New methods have been evolved.


A videotape is a far better way to reach people because they can hear me the same way as you are hearing me. And just hearing the word without seeing the person is one thing; seeing the person also makes a lot of difference. It is totally different because when you are listening to me on a tape recording or on records you will not be able to see my hand, which says more than I can say with my words. You will not be looking at my eyes, which have much more to say than words can convey. Something will be missing, something of immense value – the person will he missing. You will be hearing only a ghostly voice.


I will use films, television, videotapes, tapes, every modern technique to spread the message. I belong to the twentieth century totally, wholeheartedly. And I love this century; I am not against it. I love science and its technology. It is in the wrong hands, but that always happens. Whenever something significant is discovered it always falls into the wrong hands first for the simple reason that they are very quick people, cunning people.


Even the discovery of atomic energy can be a blessing to the world. But it has fallen into the hands of the politicians. It should be in the hands of mystics; then there would be no need to be afraid of a Third World War. Then we could fill the whole earth with affluence; then poverty could disappear for the first time from the whole earth. Poverty could become a thing of the past. Much illness could disappear. Man’s life could be prolonged to almost impossible limits. Three hundred years would not be a difficult target; each person could live three hundred years very easily because scientists say the body is capable of living far longer than it lives.


People die at the age of seventy just because they have always been dying at that age. It has become a fixed idea in the mind – in the collective mind it has become a fixed idea; it is a kind of auto-hypnosis It can be changed. Even the very program in your cells can be changed; they have the program. When a child is born his cells have the program how long he will live, but that program can be changed. If we can split the atom we can split the living cell and change its inner program; we can give it a new program, we can make it live three hundred four hundred, five hundred years; we can give it a program which will keep it healthy forever, young forever. Old age can disappear. This is possible now.


Science has released tremendous power, but it has fallen into the wrong hands and the right hands are not there. We have to create the right hands; we have to create the right consciousness for that. Hence, Devesh, I will go on working with all the modern media to reach as many people as possible.


I am already reaching. You can see here people from almost every country. There is not a single country in the world now where my sannyasins are not. And they are creating a stir everywhere. They are hound to create a stir, they are bound to create a new kind of revolution – the real revolution. Political revolutions are not revolutions; only spiritual revolutions are revolutions because unless the inner being changes, no outer change is going to help.


And, remember it, I am not an old type of saint: ”Why bother about disciples and why bother about reaching many people? It is not a question of bothering at all – I am enjoying it tremendously! It is not in any way work for me; it is play. And it is urgently needed, too.


I can understand Devesh’s question because he works in the film department in the commune. He is sitting there just behind the video camera. He must the getting puzzled – why? He has written many questions of the same type. Just two days ago when Prem Chinmaya left his body he immediately wrote a question to me: ”Osho, even Prem Chinmaya s departure and the celebration were videotaped. Can’t a sannyasin die in peace?”


But he was already dead! Now you can do whatsoever you want – videotape him, film him… And K.B. was arranging his head for the right position – you can do anything now! Chinmaya must have been around laughing, enjoying. He must be saying to himself, ”Gosh, had I known it before I would have died sooner! They are doing well!” He must have enjoyed it.


And he died in utter peace, he died in absolute peace. And your videotape cannot disturb him. His cancer was not disturbing him, how can your video-tape disturb him? He was in immense pain, but he remained a witness. He died a beautiful death. That’s the way a sannyasin should die. Now Nartan has come. Just yesterday he wrote a letter to me: ”I was fortunate to come and to see Chinmaya s departure and the celebration because I am also suffering from cancer; the doctors have said, ’You have only two years left.’ And I have come to be forever here.” Nartan was happy to see the way Chinmaya died and the way everybody celebrated his death.


I teach you not only to celebrate life but death too, because death is the climax of life, the crescendo. If you have lived your life really you will celebrate your death too.


And he died so beautifully, in such deep surrender. Even Nartan was immensely happy to be present. Now his fear of death is gone. In fact, he is looking forward to it. So, Devesh, get ready!


– Osho, “Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1, #4, Q3”




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    Are you answering all the questions that are being asked?

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  37. No Image

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  38. No Image

    Be great lovers and be great meditators simultaneously. Don’t choose between the two.

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  39. No Image

    Go As My Messenger

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  40. No Image

    A new humanity is absolutely and urgently needed.

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  41. No Image

    Magical Surgery

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  42. No Image

    This Is Only a Device

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  43. No Image

    I am trying to wake you up herenow

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  44. No Image

    My speaking is really one of my devices for meditation.

    Question 1 Osho, I realized that it is easier to become silent while listening to you than in any other meditation. when you stop talking everything seems to stop for a moment and i get a glimpse of what meditation can be! these are the most...
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  45. No Image

    I know only one source - the Akashic records!

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  46. No Image

    My way is The Way of the White Clouds

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  47. No Image

    The question-answer sessions are concerned with you, your growth, your progress

    Question 2: Osho, Whilst you were speaking on Kahlil Gibran and Zarathustra, your words seemed to penetrate without my interpretation directly to the center of my being. I experienced an attunement, a communion happening as nectar that was f...
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  48. No Image

    My trust in existence is absolute

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  49. No Image

    My purpose is so unique - I am using words just to create silent gaps

    Question: I realized that it is easier to become silent while listening to you than in any other meditation. When you stop talking everything seems to stop for a moment and I get a glimpse of what meditation can be. The he question you have ...
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  50. No Image

    He (enlightened man) does not answer your questions; he answers you

    Always remember it: whenever you come to an enlightened man, whatsoever you say is not the point. He talks out of his heart. In fact, he does not answer your questions; he answers you, your deepest need, about which you yourself are not awar...
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  51. No Image

    My approach is simple: Everybody has to be assertive, not aggressive.

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  52. No Image

    About OSHO talks

    Silence shared in words "I am using words just to create silent gaps. The words are secondary; the silences between those words are primary. This is simply a device to give you a glimpse of meditation. And once you know that it is possible f...
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  53. No Image

    Spread the word

    So when I say, "Spread the word," I mean whatever I have been telling you, go on spreading in as many ways as possible. Use all the news media, use everything that technology has provided, so that the word reaches to every nook and corner of...
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  54. No Image

    on Moses Ten Commandments and Osho Ten Commandments

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What do you think of moses' ten commandments? do you have any commandments for us? Moses is one of the most charismatic leaders that the world has known, but he is not a religious man. He is a lawgiver. But to be a l...
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  55. No Image

    I am not a messiah, and I am not a missionary

    "There is no problem when you misunderstand me or don't understand me -- there is no problem. I simply enjoy, whether you understand or misunderstand. My enjoyment remains undisturbed. And I am not a messiah, and I am not a missionary. And I...
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  56. No Image

    The words are just like shells: hidden behind them, I am sending you great messages

    Question : So many times i can’t understand your words because the sound of your words showers on me, your sound strikes me with energy, filling me, and as a shock, i feel in my spinal cord thrills, waves and vibrations. should i be carefull...
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  57. No Image

    My whole teaching consists of two words, "meditation" and "love."

    My whole teaching consists of two words, "meditation" and "love." Meditate so that you can feel immense silence, and love so that your life can become a song, a dance, a celebration. You will have to move between the two, and if you can move...
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  58. No Image

    I am here simply to make you alert and aware

    I am not here to give you a dogma. A dogma makes one certain. I am not here to give you any promise for the future - any promise for the future makes one secure. I know you come here seeking some certainty, some creed, some 'ism', somewhere ...
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  59. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Biography

    Never Born Never Died Only Visited this Planet Earth between Dec 11 1931 - Jan 19 1990 With these literally immortal words, Osho both dictates his epitaph and dispenses with his biography. Having previously removed his name from everything, ...
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  60. No Image

    On His Teaching

    On His Teaching My effort here is to de-automatize you. I am doing something absolutely antisocial. The society makes you a machine and my effort is to undo it. I would like this fire to spread and reach to all the nooks and corners of the e...
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  61. No Image

    Are you converting people to your own religion?

    Question 1: Osho, Are you converting people to your own religion? Christina, I don't have any religion at all: a certain kind of religiousness, but no religion in particular. That's why it is so easy for me to absorb Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, ...
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  62. No Image

    Learn the Art of Listening

    Question 1 Osho, Sometimes in discourse, I suddenly come to consciousness and realize that I don’t know where I’ve been, and yet the discourse is coming to a close. Your words were coming through, but I’m not sure if I was awake. If I’m not ...
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  63. No Image

    I am creating a paradise herenow.

    Question 2 : You have talked about the great russian experiment. can you talk about the great experiment of your commune here? My commune here is a far greater experiment than any communism. Communism was only an economic revolution, changin...
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  64. No Image

    I am not giving you the answer.

    Question 4: Osho, Why is it that whenever i come to ask a question, questions of great significance, that i knew were there before, elude me. i would like to ask about enlightenment and meditation, but when i get down to writing them, the qu...
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  65. No Image

    I don't answer your questions, I answer you.

    I don't answer your questions, I answer you. The question is irrelevant; the questioner is my target, not his question. So it is possible that the same question may be asked by different people and I may answer differently, because the quest...
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  66. No Image

    I use every media

    QUESTION: You talk out of experience of things? ANSWER: Yes. Everything I say, I say on my own authority, my experience. QUESTION: In these days there is a public opinion which is following you day after day with big headlines, new ones ever...
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  67. No Image

    Words are not just words. They have moods, climates of their own.

    “Words are important. Sometimes a change of a small word, just replacing it by another word can change your whole life... because Words are not just words. They have moods, climates of their own. When a word settles inside you, it brings a d...
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  68. No Image

    I use the word ‘philosia’

    Philosia I had to coin my own word for it: I call it philosia, as against philosophy, because philosophy means to think, and philosia means the love of seeing. Philosophy means the love of thinking – but what can you think? Just to avoid the...
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  69. No Image

    A Master is not a message but a medium

    Question : What is your Message, Osho? I Don’t understand you. My message is that there is no message. I am not here to give you a message, because a message will become knowledge. I am here to impart something of my being. It is not a messa...
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  70. No Image

    I Don’t Belong to Any Path

    I Don’t Belong to Any Path Question 2 Beloved Osho, I took sannyas from Swami Shivand of Rishikesh after reading his book Brahmacharya and other books of his. After some years, I was attracted to Sri Ramana Maharshi and thereafter to Sri Aur...
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  71. No Image

    Each of my Sannyasins is individual; that’s my message to them

    [The visitor replies: I think they are; the sannyasins want to be copies of you.] That is their misunderstanding. If somebody wants to…. But I am continuously throwing them to themselves. And you need not be that way! Even if others are maki...
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  72. No Image

    I teach you to forgive others, but even more to forgive yourself.

    Love knows how to forgive. Not only does one have to forgive others, one has to forgive oneself too, and that is the harder thing because we have been taught to feel guilty; we are burdened by guilt. A burdened man cannot grow and one who fe...
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  73. No Image

    Whatever I say to you, you need not believe it

    Whatever I say to you, you need not believe it. You have just to be available to it, so that you can decide. The decision has to be yours. And if it suits you, suddenly if it rings a bell in your heart, then I am no longer responsible for it...
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  74. No Image

    When I call you my friends, I mean it

    Question 1 Beloved Zorba the Buddha, You address us as “My Beloved Friends.” Can we really be your friends or do you call us such out of your generosity of heart? Maneesha, "generosity of heart" will be a humiliation to you, it will be insul...
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  75. No Image

    Osho on The Questions asked

    Osho on The Questions asked It is a problem for me to answer questions because I am answering individuals more than questions. But it will be impossible for me to answer each individual separately, so this is a device. Just before the questi...
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  76. No Image

    These are the four planes which have to be understood.

    These are the four planes which have to be understood. First is the body. On the bodily plane, the man who lives identified with the body, if he says, “This is it,” he will only mean food and sex and nothing else. His “this is it” will conta...
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  77. No Image

    One should live naturally on all the four steps

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between human nature, instinct, and habit? Are there any means by which they can change or not? Sahabzadev Hasan, habit is not nature, it is nurture. You learn it by imitation. By seeing people doing t...
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  78. No Image

    How can I serve you? : Just be yourself. There is no other service to me

    Question 2: How can I serve you? Just be yourself. There is no other service to me. Just be yourself; that’s how you can serve me. That’s how you have already served me — if you are yourself. My whole effort is to help you to be yourself. If...
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  79. No Image

    The Grass Grows by Itself

    I use words, but I am not a man of words. It is just out of sheer necessity: it is because of you that I have to use words, because you won't understand the wordless. I am waiting eagerly for the day when I will be able to drop words. I am u...
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  80. No Image

    I go on forgetting your words. what should i do?

    Question 6: Osho, I go on forgetting your words. what should i do? Who has told you to remember my words? That’s how it should be, exactly, precisely. You have to forget my words; you have to remember the essence, not the words. And the esse...
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  81. No Image

    Are you answering all the questions that are being asked?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Are you answering all the questions that are being asked? No. I must have answered more than twelve thousand questions, but they are not all the questions that are being asked. There are questions which are merely of...
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  82. No Image

    Meditation and love are two names of almost the same experience

    Marriage is a decision of the intellect. Love is an entirely different matter. It has no relation whatsoever to the intellect; it is quite unconnected to thought. Just as meditation is thoughtlessness, so is love. And just as meditation cann...
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  83. No Image

    Osho on Traditional Paths : I have no particular path.

    Question 1 : How would you describe your particular path to enlightenment in relationship to other traditional paths such as the various kinds of yoga, sufism, buddhism, zen, christianity, etcetera? I HAVE NO particular path. I don’t belong ...
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  84. No Image

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration.

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration. When you worship, you start making a hierarchy; the lower and the higher. When you worship you put something on top of other things. When you worship, something becomes sacr...
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  85. No Image

    10 Human Rights of Osho

    10 Human Rights For The New Man - Declaration of Human Rights - Question 1 Osho, On december 25th, you spoke to us on the declaration of human rights. you exposed it as a political device to maintain man in his current state of physical and ...
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  86. No Image

    I don't believe in proofs, I simply KNOW

    Never for a moment get confused between innocence and ignorance. Many times they appear to be the same ut they are not same; they can never be the same. Innocence is a state of meditativeness. When you are silent, aware, open, in contact wit...
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  87. No Image

    When I am speaking, there is a silence between the words.

    Question Osho, When you sit silently, we are not able to tune into that silence. but when you are speaking, we are able to get some glimpses of the silence between the words, between the sentences. but it is so tempting to listen to the mean...
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  88. No Image

    What is your way of meditation? : I have chosen witnessing

    Question : What is your way of meditation? My way of meditation is very simple. There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation. Out of all of those I have chosen the most simple — the most easily done. I call it witnessing. The momen...
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  89. No Image

    on Successors (Succession)

    Osho on Successors (Succession) It is also very, very important that the second part of the question should be understood: I FIND THIS STATE VERY PAINFUL. AND IN ALL THIS SUFFERING I FEEL THAT I AM GROWING APART FROM, RATHER THAN CLOSER TO Y...
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  90. No Image

    Questioning is an internal turbulence, and this creates distance

    Whenever you ask questions you will feel distant, because when you are asking questions your mind has to prepare itself for action – you have to think and ask and so on. And when you are doing these things a distance will be created. Your mi...
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  91. No Image

    Hearing starts changing into listening.

    Question 4: Yesterday you said that there is no goal, no path, no one to lead and no one to follow. Is this statement a lie again? Were you kidding us yesterday? That's what I am doing every day. That's the only possible thing to do. ALL sta...
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  92. No Image

    Ten Non-Commandments

    Osho Ten Non-Commandments Question 2 Beloved Osho, One day -- it was friday, when orthodox jews are preparing for the sabbath -- a man who didn't like jews met an orthodox rabbi on the street. in an attempt to torment him, he asked him to ex...
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  93. No Image

    I Don't Speak to Teach Something

    Sitting with me in these discourses is nothing but creating more and more meditativeness in you. I don't speak to teach something; I speak to create something. These are not lectures; these are simply a device for you to become silent, becau...
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