• When your ego is no more, only then will you know who you are.
    - Osho

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How can we say anything about God? For He has no beginning, no end, nor any limit. The only thing we can possibly do is to be silent about Him. What will you say? What can you say about Him? What can you say in connection with meditation? Then give it great deliberation and thought.


Understand that meditation is the method; and God, paramatma, is at the completion of the experience, the knowledge. You may be able to say something about the path if you have traversed it, but nothing about the destination, which is boundless; it has no limits, no direction. I cannot tell you what God is but I can certainly tell you how I have reached Him; the path can be spoken about.


Buddha has said that a buddha can only give a hint and show the path, nothing more. Nanak has said again and again: I am only a physician who can prescribe the medicine. I know nothing about health. The doctor’s knowledge is confined only to the treatment of a certain ailment; his medicine cures the disease but he has no knowledge of health, the well-being which fills a person with joy and gratefulness when the illness is gone – he knows nothing about that!


Whatever is spoken about God can only be negative. At most we can say, ”He is not this… He is not that….” As soon as you say, ”He is this,” you confine Him within a boundary; becauseonly that which bears an outline, a boundary, can be pointed out. The limitless cannot be pointed out. Therefore Nanak says, you can say nothing about God; therefore it is best to keep silent about Him.


But nowhere in the world do we find people silent on the subject of God. In fact it is a constant topic of heated discussion. There are seminars and meetings where pundits debate on the existence or nonexistence of God. Busily proving their points, no one worries about the fact that God cannot be proved, much less disproved. God can be known, He can be lived. We can become God, but He cannot be proved nor disproved.


How will you prove that God is? Whatever you say of Him will be wrong – absurd and wide of the mark. Or how will you prove that God is not? That will also have to be absurd and irrelevant. Whatever you say about Him can only be absurdly incomplete, because God is the totality, the whole. The vast space that spreads all around you and far out into infinity is referred to in that simple word God. God is not a person sitting somewhere on high – God is an experience of being drowned, of being bathed in divinity, of being lost in it. God is a state in which you no longer are, and yet you are very much there.


It is a strange and wonderful contradiction; on the one hand you are absolutely annihilated, and on the other hand you are a perfect whole, the ultimate perfection! So God is neither an individual nor a conception nor a hypothesis. God is an experience, the ultimate experience! It is such an experience that you are absorbed in it completely, so lost that there is no one to return and speak about it.


So, says Nanak, nothing can be said about him. Only something can be said about meditation – but that too only if you have experienced it, and after due contemplation. Make it a rule for yourself to speak only of that which you know, and this small rule can transform your life. Forget about the rest of the world; worry only about yourself and don’t budge from this rule.


We love to exaggerate. Say we know an inch of something, we want to give a mile’s worth of information about it. We know only a grain and we set out to discuss a mountainful. The state of mind is a state of exaggeration, becausethe ego revels in overstatements.


Mulla Nasruddin fell down on the road. He became unconscious and was taken to a hospital. When he was placed on the operating table, they found a piece of paper in his pocket on which was written in large letters: ”I suffer from epileptic fits. Please do not operate on me for appendicitis. My appendix has already been removed many times.”


The mind elaborates with great zest and alacrity. It gets a great kick out of it. A slight knowledge of something and you begin to elaborate, adding spice and color; and the more you color the falser your knowledge becomes till ultimately the essence is lost and only the color remains.


Always say proportionately less of what you know and that will harm no one. Beware of the urge to exaggerate. And this holds good not only in talking about god, but also about meditation, about life and existence. For existence is vast; whatever you have known of it is but an infinitesimal part, not enough to give you the authority to pontificate.


For instance, you are a shopkeeper. You have known only your shop, whereas existence is a vast thing in which there are infinite ways of living. You have not known life in its entirety. While there are thousands of shops dealing in thousands of things, you have only dealt in one particular kind of goods. Even as a shopkeeper you can at most claim to know only one kind of shop, and of the thousands of customers, you can claim to have known but a few; that is the sum total of your experience – a mere grain.


Newton has said, ”People think I know a great deal. My own feeling is that the knowledge I have attained is like one grain of sand on the seashore. This one grain is my knowledge, whereas my ignorance is as much as the remaining grains on the shore!”


Direct your attention to what you do not know, what is as yet left to be known. This will make you humble; whereas if you concentrate only on what you know, your back will become stiff with arrogance, as your ego is strengthened. Always concentrate on what is yet to be known, what is yet to be experienced. There you will find endless vistas of knowledge yet to be explored and you will feel the futility of keeping count of the knowledge of things you know; becauseit will look ludicrous, almost nothing!


Therefore Socrates says: When the sage attains the supreme knowledge he finds there is only one thing that remains to be known – that I know nothing! This is the characteristic of a sage: he knows he knows nothing. Therefore Nanak says to keep within limits, be simple, be humble. Say only what you know and, on the subject of God ,hold your peace! For what can you say about him? Whatever you say can be no more than gossip. Can an ant speak of the ocean? Who are you to prove His existence or nonexistence? Who has appointed you the judge? Does God depend on your arguments to make Him or break Him?


Keshav Chandra came to visit Ramakrishna to debate on the existence or nonexistence of God. He elaborated many points to prove that God does not exist. As Ramakrishna listened his heart thrilled with joy. He embraced him lovingly and said, ”You have been very kind to come to me, a simple villager. I have never witnessed such magnificent intelligence, and looking at you now I am thoroughly convinced that there can be no greater proof that God is. How can a flower like you ever bloom if it were not for Him?”


Keshav Chandra had come expressly to prove that God is not. His arguments were very lucid and clear, his reasoning so subtle. Such a great logician and genius is born only once in a thousand years. Though it was very difficult to answer him, Ramakrishna did not put forth even a single counter-argument! Ramakrishna was so filled with love and delight at the sight of Keshav Chandra, and was so genuinely convinced thereby of the fact of God’s existence that Keshav Chandra was struck dumb by his pure ecstasy. Ramakrishna told him, ”That you exist is proof that the world is not just material. If such a process of intelligence can be, if reasoning can be so subtle, then this world is not of matter alone; it is not as gross as the stone; there surely is a consciousness hidden within it. For me, your very being has proved that God is.”


Keshav Chandra returned home and wrote in his diary that this man had won over him. It is difficult to defeat a religious man who offers no arguments. You can only defeat a person who reasons and argues, where all that is required is to be a better debater, a cleverer speaker.


A religious man gives you no ground for a debate when he refuses to compete with you. He says: I believe in God. I have faith in God. I have no opinion or decisions to make about Him. God is my feeling, not my thought. God is in my heart and not in my head. And the heart keeps silent. A religious man is always silent when questioned about God. Ask him about meditation and he will speak, but only as much as he knows directly.


People in ancient times were honest. There is a beautiful story in connection with Buddha’s search for truth. For six years Buddha had gone from guru to guru. After each guru taught him all that he knew, he would move on to another. Then the moment came when Buddha knew all that the gurus knew. Buddha asked the last guru, ”What shall I do now?”

”I have taught you all that I know,” said the guru. ”You will have to look for someone else.”


This last guru of Buddha was Alar-Kalam. As Buddha took leave of him Alar-Kalam said, ”I have revealed all knowledge that I have attained and have no more to give. Go forth and seek another who can direct you further, but do not forget to impart that knowledge also to me!”


This is the reason that many people of the past attained wisdom, for honesty was a part of their nature. In today’s world who worries about honesty? If you can put forth your arguments impressively, it doesn’t matter whether you really know what you are talking about, because people are bound to flock around you. It is a matter of how you advertise yourself, like any marketable commodity. If you advertise well, if you succeed in awakening the passion and the greed of the people, you are bound to attract a formidable clientele. It is so easy to become such a guru!


Therefore Nanak says to be very careful what you say about meditation, because it is religion that supports the earth. By even a few right or wrong statements you can upset the lives of thousands of people; one wrong statement can sow confusion for endless births. Religion is not a small matter; it is the basis of your life, the support of all existence. Only speak what you truly know about religion. To develop a false conception of religion is to lose all that supports and maintains your being. Religion upholds and maintains the earth. It arises out of compassion and pity, and the establishment of contentment forms its equilibrium.


- Osho, “The True Name, Vol 1, #7”



  1. No Image

    God - Osho Quotes on God

    Osho Quotes on God God is the state of no-mind. ♦ When things are no longer important, only consciousness becomes important. When things are no longer significant, a new search, a new door opens. Then you are not rushing towards the without:...
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  2. No Image

    God comes in many ways, in thousands of ways

    God is always ready to give. He is always ready to share his being, his bliss, his truth, but we are unavailable, we are very closed. We don’t give him any way into our being, we don’t open even a single window. Out of fear we keep all the d...
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  3. No Image

    I am destroying God and spreading godliness to every human being

    Question : Why does Man need God? It is out of fear. God is not needed at all. Man has lived in so much fear that he has needed some protection. There was fear of disease, there was fear of death — mostly it is death that makes man so afraid...
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  4. No Image

    Never believe in a God who is separate from His creatures and the creation

    ONCE UPON A TIME, two explorers came to a clearing in the jungle. It was a beautiful place — thousands and thousands of flowers were blossoming. One of the explorers said, “There must be a gardener tending these flowers, looking after this p...
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  5. No Image

    God is not a thought but the experience of thoughtlessness

    Deva means divine, unmana means no-mind. The state of no-mind is the state of the divine. God is not a thought but the experience of thoughtlessness. It is not a content in the mind; it is the explosion when the mind is contentless. It is no...
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  6. No Image

    You can deny God, but God never denies you

    There is an ancient Sufi parable: A man gave to a Sufi mystic a present, a golden bowl with a beautiful fish in it. The Sufi looked at the bowl and the fish and felt very sorry for the fish, because the bowl is an imprisonment. He went to th...
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  7. No Image

    God is a pure isness, pure existence, and there is nowhere for God to go or come.

    Question : Meher Baba has talked about god descending in man (avatar, rasool, christ) and man rising to be god (the perfect master, sadguru, qutub, teerthankara). would you please talk to us about the same? God is. He neither ascends nor des...
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  8. No Image

    Don’t think of God as truth, rather, think of God as beauty

    Don’t think of God as truth, rather, think of God as beauty. Religion would have been totally different if God were thought of as beauty rather than as truth. I am not saying that He is not true – He is, but it makes a lot of difference for ...
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  9. No Image

    Can't one believe in god without seeing him?

    Question 6 Osho, Can't one believe in god without seeing him? WHO IS TELLING YOU TO BELIEVE IN GOD? I am against all belief. You must be a very new comer here. Belief is irreligious, as much as disbelief is. Belief means you don't know yet y...
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  10. No Image

    God is something hidden within humanity.

    First a few fundamentals.... Zen is not a theology, it is a religion -- and religion without a theology is a unique phenomenon. All other religions exist around the concept of God. They have theologies. They are God-centric not man-centric; ...
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  11. No Image

    I am saying God is not, but there is tremendous godliness.

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, If there is no god, why were you being called bhagwan? There is no God, but that does not mean that I'm an atheist. Certainly I am not a theist - I am saying there is no God - but that does not mean that you jump to...
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  12. No Image

    All those things that are dependent on the concept of God are bogus

    Question 3 All the religions are based on god. their morality, their commandments, their prayers, their saintliness -- everything points towards god, and you say that god is dead. then what will happen to all these great things that are depe...
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  13. No Image

    Everybody is resistant against God - why? Because if you want to know God, you have to disappear

    Question 1 : I realized in yesterday’s discourse that i am resisting the word `god’. My thoughts go back to an event which happened several years ago when i was caring for a very ill man in the hospital — he was dying. He had asked me to get...
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  14. No Image

    Does God exist? how can there be so much evil and corruption in the world if God exists?

    Question 1 : Does God exist? how can there be so much evil and corruption in the world if God exists? God is a mythical word, a mumbo-jumbo word that is the invention of the priesthood. Actually, to ask whether God exists is absurd. For thos...
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  15. No Image

    You are Gods - dreaming that you are men

    Question : Dear Osho, Are you really just a man who got enlightened? Just the other way round: a god who got lost and has found himself again; a god who rested and slept deeply and dreamt of being a man and is now awake. And the same is true...
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  16. No Image

    God is not a solution but a Problem

    Question 1 Osho, Do you really believe that god does not exist? I do not believe that God does not exist, I know for sure He does not exist. And thank God that he does not exist -- because the existence of God would have created so many prob...
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  17. No Image

    God speaks in everyone’s heart, but we are so occupied in the head

    God speaks in everyone’s heart, but we are so occupied in the head that we never listen to that still, small voice within. There is so much clamoring, chattering, so much unnecessary noise — we have made the head a marketplace — that the hea...
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  18. No Image

    It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead. I declare that he has never been born

    Question 1 Is god really dead? the very idea of his death creates intense anxiety, fear, dread and anguish. The way I look at things, God has never been there, so how can he be dead? He was never born in the first place. It was invented by t...
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  19. No Image

    God is dead, but that creates the question: who began this universe?

    Question 1 God is dead, but that creates the question: who began this universe? There is no need for anybody to begin it, because there is no beginning to this universe, and there is no end. This question has been exploited by all the religi...
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  20. No Image

    Whenever I use the word god I simply mean godliness, remember it.

    Osho on Godliness Hell is a lie; there is no hell. And heaven is a lie; there is no heaven. But they have lived for centuries and centuries, and I don't think they are going to disappear. They will live. God as a person is a lie. There is go...
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  21. No Image

    There is godliness, but no God.

    There is no God. Yes, there is godliness, but no God. The idea of God is anthropocentric. The Bible says: God created man in his own image. The truth is just the opposite: man has created God in his own image. God is nothing but a projection...
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  22. No Image

    God is crazy, truth is crazy, because truth is so vast

    Question : Osho, Your ideas seem to be crazy! Thank you for the compliment. They don’t SEEM to be crazy, they ARE. But that is the only way God expresses himself. God’s ways are crazy. If the word `crazy’ does not look proper, you can say, “...
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  23. No Image

    on Ishavasya Upanishad – Everything is of God

    The essential proclamation of the Ishavasya Upanishad, the very meaning of its title, Ishavasya, is: Everything is God’s. All things belong to God. But our human mind tries to argue that it is all ours, and we live in this delusion throughou...
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  24. No Image

    Why did friedrich nietzsche declare that god is dead?

    Question 4 Osho, Why did friedrich nietzsche declare that god is dead? He had to declare it, because God was dead. The God that had been worshipped for thousands of years was dead; not the real God, but the God that the human mind had create...
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  25. No Image

    God’s creativity is continuous; there is no rest.

    It is not only that God created existence in the beginning. He continuously creates it, the creativity is a continuum. It has never stopped. In fact there was no beginning and there will be no end. God is more creativity than a creator. Each...
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  26. No Image

    God is overflowing energy, God is Sat Chit Ananda

    Once Rabiya, a woman Sufi mystic, was passing, and she saw Hassan, another Sufi, praying in the mosque with great fervor, tears rolling down his cheeks, hands raised to the sky. He was crying and weeping and saying to God, ”Come, open the do...
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  27. No Image

    A tree is more alive than any temple, than any church

    God is not the creator, not a separate entity. God is the very creativity, the very life. So if you are against life, you are against God. Gurdjieff is reported to have said somewhere a very paradoxical but very true statement. He has said t...
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  28. No Image

    God, fate, destiny – these are bogus words, mumbo jumbo

    Question : Osho, You say we are responsible for ourselves, and that there is no god. What part do fate and destiny have in our lives? or are they just excuses to avoid our responsibilities by pinning hope on something outside ourselves? They...
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  29. No Image

    A God born out of love is a true God

    Punitam means the sacred — and that is one of the qualities that is missing, missing very much in the modern world, in modern consciousness. Modern man is the first man in the whole history to have no idea of sacredness, to be living a very ...
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  30. No Image

    You can be God – you are – but you cannot know Him. The very effort to know Him is based on separation.

    Question : Why can’t i know God? FOR YOU ARE IT! Knowledge is not possible. Knowledge pre-supposes division, split. The knower has to be separate from the known. That’s why God cannot be known. You can be God – you are – but you cannot know ...
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  31. No Image

    To know God is totally different than knowing about God

    Question 2 : I wish i could know more about god. can you help me, Beloved Osho? There is no way to know more about God. You can know God, but you cannot know more about God. Knowing more about God is not knowing God. Knowing more is knowledg...
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  32. No Image

    The concept of God in all the old religions is nothing but out of fear

    Barely one percent of mankind is in a state now to conceive religion. All the old religions are based in fear. Now, a real religion destroys fear. It is not based in fear. The concept of God in all the old religions is nothing but out of fea...
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  33. No Image

    God Is Dead – Or Just Missing in Action?

    God Is Dead – Or Just Missing in Action? "All the religions believe that God created the world and also mankind. But if you are created by someone, you are only a puppet, you don't have your own soul. And if you are created by somebody, he c...
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  34. No Image

    on Krishna – Whenever there is enlightenment, god takes possession of the enlightened perso

    Krishna is one of the incarnations of god. The Hindu concept of god coming to earth is not like the Christian – not that god has only one son, not that god only comes in one form, as Christ: god comes in many forms, god comes in every age. G...
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  35. No Image

    Godliness is an energy.

    The first thing to be understood: God is not a person. But all the religions have talked about it in such a way that people get a false impression that God is a person, a personality. If you believe that God is a person then naturally you wi...
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  36. No Image

    God is not a person but an energy.

    Question 1 : In one of your previous discourses you said that a sudden and direct descent of grace can become a disaster sometimes. the person might be harmed or become mad or he may even die. a question naturally arises: is grace not always...
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  37. No Image

    Kabir says: I sing the glory of forms, because I cannot sing the glory of the formless

    And Kabir says: I sing the glory of forms, because I cannot sing the glory of the formless. You cannot sing the glory of God; that is not possible. It is difficult tp reduce Him a song, it is difficult to reduce Him the words. So Kabir says:...
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  38. No Image

    Fighting with god is like hitting your head against the wall

    Fighting with god is like hitting your head against the wall: it is not going to do any harm to the wall, only your head will be destroyed. You will lose your sanity. To be in tune with god means to find a door. You can go through it and the...
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  39. No Image

    The real seeker cannot search for God, because to start a search for God means you have already accepted that God is.

    Question 2 : Is it not possible at all that the, great religious, scriptures of the world can help the seeker in his search for god? The real seeker cannot search for God, because to start a search for God means you have already accepted tha...
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  40. No Image

    God neither ascends nor descends.

    God is. He neither ascends nor descends. Where can he ascend to and where can he descend to? God is all. There is nothing in to which God can ascend or descend. There is nobody else other than God. All that is is divine. So the first thing: ...
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  41. No Image

    God is not a 'who', He is not a person.

    Question 1 Do you believe in you? Do you believe in god? Who is god? NO, I DON'T BELIEVE IN ME... I CANNOT, BECAUSE I AM NOT. There is nobody I to be believed in, and nobody to believe in it either. If you believe in yourself, you believe in...
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  42. No Image

    What is Existence? Is it something like what people call god?

    Question - Osho, What is Existence? Is it something like what people call god? Sampurna, existence is that which is, and God is that which is not. Existence is a reality, God is a fiction. Existence is available only to meditators, people of...
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  43. No Image

    on Purpose of Existence and Creation – Existence exists without any cause

    Question : You said that god is the creative process. Then why are things created? What is the purpose of creation, or is it something that just exists? If God exists as a person then the question why becomes relevant. If God is a person the...
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  44. No Image

    Blessed are those who are blissful - A miserable person cannot find truth. He can theorise about truth

    Bliss is equivalent to god. ‘God’ is a beautiful word but it has become ugly because of wrong associations. It has fallen into wrong company. The priests have exploited it so much that I appreciate very much Friedrich Nietzsche’s declaration...
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  45. No Image

    Metaphysical questions are meaningless as far as inner inquiry is concerned. Intellectual questions are meaningless

    Question 1 : Does God Exist? Something about right inquiry…. Before you ask something, it will be good to know what is meant by right questioning. Every question is not a right inquiry, because as far as the inner dimension is concerned you ...
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  46. No Image

    God is also seeking you in many, many ways

    Many people have been doing that down the centuries. A Buddha comes, a Jesus comes, a Krishna, a Zarathustra — very few, very rarely. Shiko’s are very few — those who understand. Butei exists as the mass; Butei is the many; Butei is the majo...
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  47. No Image

    Is it possible for man to live without god?

    Question 2 Is it possible for man to live without god? Yes. In fact, it is only possible for man to live without God. A man with God does not live, he hesitates on every point of living, he is just half-hearted. He is making love and worried...
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  48. No Image

    What is your Message?

    Question : Osho, What is your Message? Pritam, MY MESSAGE IS VERY SIMPLE Live life as dangerously as possible. Live life totally, intensely, passionately, because except for life there is no other God. Friedrich Nietzsche says God is dead. T...
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  49. No Image

    Godliness is a state.

    Ordinarily people understand God to be some person that they will meet face-to-face. This is a false notion. God is not a person that you will meet and you will interview. God is a state. As you approach nearer to that state you will go on b...
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  50. No Image

    God is just a way, a method, a technique. 

    There is no one who will take your surrender. If there is someone and you surrender to him, then it is a sort of slavery. Really, there is not even a god to whom you are surrendering. And when we talk about a god, that is just to find you so...
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  51. No Image

    When you are in suffering your remembering God is just meaningless. Just because you want to avoid suffering, you remember God as a protection.

    Question : Why do I remember God only When I am in Suffering? You don’t remember God. When you are in suffering your remembering God is just meaningless. Just because you want to avoid suffering, you remember God as a protection. You are not...
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  52. No Image

    Is it really true that God is also searching for me?

    Question : Osho, Is it really true that God is also searching for me? Can I wait for him to find me? Sat Vijaya, it is absolutely true that just as you are seeking God or truth or the beloved, he is also seeking you. The search is never one-...
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  53. No Image

    Why should one search for god?

    Question 4 Why should one search for god? is not life enough? LIFE IS GOD! GOD IS LIFE! those two words are synonymous, synonyms. Forget about God! Search for life -- it is the same search. Using the word 'God' does not change anything. But ...
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  54. No Image

    Even Godot Is Dead - Let's Dance

    Even Godot Is Dead - Let's Dance Question 1 Osho, It seems that never has any god-oriented religion been more anachronistic than it is today; yet curiously, Christianity at least seems to be blooming. Born-again Christians, Jesus freaks, and...
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  55. No Image

    God is not to be searched for; what is to be searched for is Consciousness

    From birth to death you go on living, groping in darkness with no light — and you could have created the light. You cannot find it in the scriptures; nobody can hand it to you. It is not purchased or sold; it is nontransferable. But you can ...
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  56. No Image

    What is God? - God is a Presence not a Person

    Question : Osho, What is God? God is not a person. That is one of the greatest misunderstandings, and it has prevailed so long that it has become almost a fact. Even if a lie is repeated continuously for centuries it is bound to appear as if...
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  57. No Image

    God is energy. God is absolute awareness.

    God is not a person. Because man has always taken God as a person, a thousand and one difficulties have arisen. All the problems that theology deals with are simply futile exercises -- and the base is that God is taken as a person. God is no...
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  58. No Image

    God is more a mother than a father

    Question : You refer to God always as ‘him’ or ‘he’. What are some of the female qualities of god? NOW IT IS a very delicate problem…. In fact, all His qualities are feminine — that’s why I call Him ‘He’ and ‘Him’. Otherwise He has no reason...
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  59. No Image

    Friedrich Nietzsche - God is dead

    Question : Osho, What do you say about the famous statement of Friedrich Nietzsche that God is dead? Neeraj, Friedrich Nietzsche says God is dead — that means he was alive before. As far as I know, he has never been alive. How can God be dea...
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  60. No Image

    The real problem is the priest, and God is the invention of the priest.

    (Interview BY Aaj Ka Anand) Question : With gautam buddha religion took a quantum leap. god became meaningless and only meditation was important. now, twenty-five centuries after buddha, again religion is taking the quantum leap in your pres...
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    Nanak says, you can say nothing about God; therefore it is best to keep silent about Him

    How can we say anything about God? For He has no beginning, no end, nor any limit. The only thing we can possibly do is to be silent about Him. What will you say? What can you say about Him? What can you say in connection with meditation? Th...
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    God is the eternally unknown. Even by knowing him, one never knows him

    Question : The sky and the plants can bring me to my knees and there is a heartache for something unknown. Yes, God is the eternally unknown. Even by knowing him, one never knows him; even by knowing him, he remains unknown. His unknowabilit...
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    Bliss is God. Seek bliss and you will find God

    Anand Elles. Anand means bliss; elles comes from the Hebrew root el; el means God. Bliss is God. God is indefinable, but if any definition is possible at all, then bliss is his definition. The definition that comes closest to define God is b...
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    It rarely happens that a person dies with God on his mind

    BAULS say that there is only one way to come out of the stupor man lives in, and that is remembrance of God: NAM-SMARAN, remembrance of His name. That has always been part of the basic techniques on the path of love — to remember Him. And wh...
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    What is wrong with knowing more and more about God?

    Question: Osho, What is wrong with knowing more and more about God? Can it not help the seeker? Kamalesh, knowing and knowledge are different. I am all for knowing and I am all against knowledge. Knowing is your insight, it is your capacity ...
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    God has no form, although all forms are his.

    Nirakar, the formless. God has no form, although all forms are his. This paradox becomes possible only because he has no form. If he had any particular form then he could not have all the forms. He is liquid, utterly liquid. Because he is fo...
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    God is dead and man is free.

    on The Modern Mind The modern mind is feeling more meaningless than ever has been the case, because the past centuries lived in a kind of stupor, sleep. Orthodoxy was much. Convention was heavy and strong. The citadel of religion was very, v...
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    Truth is known only by going within

    People ask me all kinds of questions: ”Does God exist? Is liberation a fact?”… and many more such queries are made but never one asks: ”Who am I What am I?” The basic question of religion is not God but the being of the Self. The journey of ...
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    Consecrated to god is exactly the definition of sannyas. One starts living not for the ego but for the whole, one starts living as a vehicle of god

    There is a flowering inside. Roses bloom inside, and roses which are imperishable, roses which are not gross, which are made of grace. Gravitation has no effect on them. They come from the beyond, they descend on you, they shower on you. But...
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  70. No Image

    God is already there in the innermost core of your being

    Question : How do i find my way? RASHID, THERE IS NO WAY TO BE FOUND, and there is no one to find it — and there is no need either. The very idea of the way misleads, misguides. The way is possible only if God is far away; if there is a dist...
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    God is not a person but the impersonal presence. The very life of existence is God, the living energy is God.

    Bliss is a by-product of trust, of total trust in existence or in God. God is not a person but the impersonal presence. The very life of existence is God, the living energy is God. And to trust in it means to stop struggling against it. Stru...
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    only in Zen is his devotion towards a living master.

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, With the path of Sufism, the way of the heart behind us, where does the devotee fit in? Maneesha, the devotee fits in everywhere. Of course the context becomes different. In Sufism, the devotee is devoted to God to...
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