• Enlightenment is nothing but your consciousness being concentrated on a single point — now and here.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    What is the most essential factor in search of truth? - I say courage

    7. What is the most essential factor in search of truth? I say courage: the courage to discover one’s authentic self. To know oneself as one is, is the most essential thing. It is very difficult, but without it there can be no understanding ...
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  2. No Image

    Courage is the most important religious quality

    The goal is not far away. Sometimes it can be reached in a single step, in a single leap. All that is needed is courage. It is out of fear that people fall back into the old rut. If I can teach you courage, I have taught you all. If I can he...
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  3. No Image

    Courage is the greatest religious quality, Everything else is secondary.

    The ultimate void is another name for god. The word 'god' has become ugly. The priests have exploited the word so much. That it has lost all beauty. The ultimate void simply means That from which everything arises And into which everything d...
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  4. No Image

    Religion is possible only through courage, but usually the cowardly become religious.

    Dharma Farrell. Dharma means religion; Farrell means a man of courage. Religion is possible only through courage, but usually the cowardly become religious. The temples, the churches, the mosques, are full of cowards. Their God is nothing bu...
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  5. No Image

    What is Courage?

    Question : Osho, What is Courage? Premo, courage means going into the unknown in spite of all the fears. Courage does not mean fearlessness. Fearlessness happens if you go on being courageous and more courageous. That is the ultimate experie...
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  6. No Image

    Choose courage - always choose courage.

    Question 1 Listening to you in the discourse, it is the pauses, the gaps, between two sentences, two words, that roll in my ears like thunder, tearing me open and tearing me apart. I am being taken to a space beyond tears or laughter by your...
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    Osho Quotes on Courage

    Osho Quotes on Courage "The only courage is to live life totally; there is no other courage.“ - Osho, "Tao - The Three Treasures, Vol 3, #2“ “Life can only be lived dangerously—there is no other way to live it. It is only through danger that...
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  8. No Image

    Meditation requires courage.

    The most fundamental message of Gautama the Buddha is not God, is not soul... it is freedom: freedom absolute, total, unconditional. He does not want to give you an ideology, because every ideology creates its own slavery. He does not want t...
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  9. No Image

    We do not know that without courage there is no religion

    [Note: This is the final edit of the Hindi translation of Antar Yatra, later published as part of Sadhana Path. This is for reference use only, pending publication.] My Beloved Ones, This afternoon I would like to discuss a few more points r...
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  10. No Image

    Where does Courage come from? Is there any way to stimulate people’s Courage?

    Question : You have spoken of the need for Courage. Where does Courage come from? Is there any way to stimulate people’s Courage? Everything that is valuable comes from your own innermost being. It may be love, it may be intelligence, it may...
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  11. No Image

    A great courage is needed in life to be yourself, in failure, in success, in appreciation, in condemnation

    [Osho explains the meaning of prem veeresh. Prem means love and veeresh means courage, and you have to imbibe the spirit of love and courage. Love is the basic quality of the religious man, and out of love, courage grows.] When I was a small...
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  12. No Image

    Do you have the courage and maturity in you to be like your own self?

    A child asked me: ”I want to become like the Buddha. Can you show me the way to reach my ideal?” That boy was very aged. He had seen at least sixty springs. But he who wants to become like others is still a child and has not yet become matur...
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