• It is better to be ignorant; at least the ignorance is yours. It is authentic, it is real, sincere and honest!
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    If you are in love you are naturally, spontaneously, creative

    If you are in love you are naturally, spontaneously, creative; if you are not in love you are not only uncreative, you become destructive. Millions of people live without love; hence there is so much destruction in the world, so much anger, ...
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  2. No Image

    love is always beautiful in the beginning, very rarely beautiful in the middle, and almost never beautiful in the end; that’s the whole process of love.

    [A sannyasin said that he had been living under a tree in Goa for five years, until he fell in love with a woman and tried to settle down with her, but has been too much for him. When they are apart he loves her; when they are together it is...
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  3. No Image

    Love is the greatest gift of God. Learn the art of it. Learn the song of it, the celebration of it

    Question 2: Osho, Everyone wants to Love and to be Loved. Why? “first sight of love, last sight of wisdom.” Is it true? Bal Krishna Bharti, love is prayer groping towards God. Love is poetry born out of the sheer joy of being. Love is song, ...
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  4. No Image

    My effort is that love should be a reality in your life, not just a poem, not just a dream. It has to be actualised.

    What is ordinarily known as love is always something other than love. It masquerades as love, it pretends to be love but it is not so, because if it were love then the world would be full of love, because everybody is loving. The mother, the...
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  5. No Image

    When I talk about love it has the meaning of consciousness in it

    Question 3: What is Love? I feel that what I call Love and What you call Love are totally different. Yes, Vidya, they have to be totally different. When I talk about love it has the meaning of consciousness in it. When you talk about love it...
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  6. No Image

    Anger is relevant when you are in love, anger is allowed when you are in love

    [A visitor says she has been with her husband for fifteen years and has just discovered she doesn’t love him, but there are three children – what to do?] Anger is relevant when you are in love, anger is allowed when you are in love – you can...
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  7. No Image

    Mystic can say existence is divine, because he is pure love

    Beauty is not an objective quality; it does not belong to things. It is the loving eye that imparts it, that creates it. Beauty is a creation of love. Ordinarily people think they have fallen in love because the other person is so beautiful....
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  8. No Image

    Lust means a desire to exploit, a desire to use the woman as a means.

    Lust Love is saying yes to life. Love is nothing but saying yes to life. Hate is saying no to life. And in India the person who hates life, renounces it, denounces it, condemns it, is worshipped as a saint. And because of these people and be...
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  9. No Image

    Love is not attachment. Love is not possessiveness

    Prem means love, Sindhu means ocean. Love can only be oceanic; it cannot be small. It cannot be small because it cannot be a closed phenomenon. It is an open, wide sky. Love knows no limitations. Love is not attachment. Love is not possessiv...
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  10. No Image

    Love grows only in deep intimacy and trust.

    [The first sannyasin Osho addressed had sent him a letter earlier saying that she was in a deep loving relationship with her husband, but at the same time she felt attracted to someone else.] Two things to remember. The first: love grows onl...
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  11. No Image

    on Mystic Meera Story of love

    So love is the first door. Through it, you can move away from time. That is why everyone wants to be loved, everyone wants to love. And no one knows why so much significance is given to love, why there is such a deep longing for love. And un...
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  12. No Image

    If love cannot bring tears to your eyes, then that love is dead

    Question : Osho, Why do i always have to cry when i am touched by love? Anand Mumuksha, you are fortunate. If love cannot bring tears to your eyes, then that love is dead. It is a great misfortune that tears have become associated with sadne...
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  13. No Image

    Love itself is the greatest method, but love is difficult

    Love someone and you will feel helpless; hate someone and you can do something. Love someone and you are absolutely helpless - because what can you do? Whatsoever you can do seems insignificant, meaningless; it is never enough. Nothing can b...
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  14. No Image

    Just a simple method of Meditation to suggest to Latin Lovers, So they may find their way?

    Question : Just a simple method of Meditation to suggest to Latin Lovers, So they may find their way? The simplest method for lovers is, while they are making love they should make it a sacred experience. All the religions have destroyed the...
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  15. No Image

    Love is the ultimate godly experience

    Love is the ultimate godly experience. Love proves that existence is not without meaning, that life has significance. Except for love there is no proof for life’s significance. If one has not experienced love one will feel meaningless, accid...
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  16. No Image

    The Lion’s Roar

    The Lion’s Roar MY BELOVED ONES: I love you. Love is my message – let it be your message too. Love is my color and my climate. To me, love is the only religion. All else is just rubbish, all else is nothing but mind-churning dreams. Love is ...
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  17. No Image

    Love, and you will know what meditation is; Meditate, and you will know what love is.

    Love, and you will know what meditation is; Meditate, and you will know what love is. Question 3 Osho, When i hear you speak on love and meditation, or sex and death, saying they are two sides of the same energy, something in me knows it is ...
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  18. No Image

    on Platonic Love - Platonic love is just a good name for homosexuality

    Question 3: Osho, What is Platonic Love? Krishna Deva, love is simply love. It can’t be Platonic or Hegelian or Kantian — love is simply love! Platonic love is another name for homosexuality. Plato seems to be the first person who believed i...
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  19. No Image

    Trust belongs to being, Love belongs to the heart

    Trust belongs to being. Being is always the same; it is part of eternity. And because trust belongs to being, it does not change the way love changes. Love belongs to the heart, and heart is very moody. Sometimes you are full of love, and so...
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  20. No Image

    Sanai calls his path ”the path of the garden.” The path of the meditator is a kind of desert.

    That's why Sanai calls his path ”the path of the garden.” The path of the meditator is a kind of desert. The desert has its own beauty: if you have been in the desert in the night, it has a coolness you will never find anywhere else, and it ...
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  21. No Image

    Meditation is far more important than love, because love is possible only if meditation becomes possible

    Meditation is the art of enjoying your aloneness just as love is the art of enjoying togetherness. These two things — love and meditation — are the most important in life. But meditation is far more important than love, because love is possi...
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  22. No Image

    on difference in Lust and Love - looking Lovingly

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  23. No Image

    If your love is without awareness, then it is not love yet

    Question 1 : Osho, Is Awareness higher value than Love? Virendra, THE HIGHEST PEAK IS THE CULMINATION of all the values: truth, love, awareness, authenticity, totality. At the highest peak they are indivisible. They are separate only in the ...
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  24. No Image

    Learn to love. Very few people know how to love.

    So the desire in every human heart for immortality cannot be for physical immortality -- it is a misunderstanding. It is a desire to find something beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond time. To become part of that which is forever, to di...
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  25. No Image

    Be authentic in Love

    Go beyond mind; reach to a level of no-mind. Then love flowers, but that love has no opposite to it. Beyond mind there is no opposite to anything. Beyond mind everything is one. Within mind, everything is divided into two. But if you are wit...
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  26. No Image

    Love Is Authentic Only When It Gives Freedom

    Love is authentic only when it gives freedom. Let this be the criterion. Love is true only when it does not interfere in the privacy of the other person. It respects his individuality, his privacy. But the lovers that you see around the worl...
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  27. No Image

    on Love and so called Love

    Question 2 : Beloved Osho, As you were talking about indian and western sannyasins, i felt what you were saying was true — sometimes the indians are too much of the heart. It is hard to say no to them, yet you cannot say yes to their expecta...
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  28. No Image

    Love and death are very deeply related, very deeply related

    [A sannyasin analyses and intellectualises at length about his relationship, his lessening desire for sex, his curiosity about death…. ] ... Love and death are very deeply related, very deeply related -- almost the same door; from one side i...
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  29. No Image

    Lovers always become friends in the end

    [Osho asks a sannyasin about her relationship and she replies: Well, I feel good, and it’s the nicest thing that has happened to me for a very long time. But what’s happening is that he wants me to just be a friend – and I want more than tha...
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  30. No Image

    on difficulty in receiving love

    [A therapist asks about his new relationship; that he finds it difficult to receive love, rather than to give it.] Mm mm, the mind is very afraid of love, so you have to consciously drop those defenses, otherwise love will never happen. You ...
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  31. No Image

    Wherever love happens it is always between you and god

    Deva means god, ragi means in love within love with god. We may know it, we may not, but our object of love is always god. Whenever we fall in love we fall in love with god. It may be just a glimpse and the glimpse may disappear, but we have...
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  32. No Image

    Can one love more than one person?

    Question 5: Can one love more than one person? One can love the whole world. One should love. Love should not be in any way possessive. It should not be exclusive, it should be inclusive. Only when love is inclusive will you know what it is....
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  33. No Image

    What is love? - There are many, many layers, many planes of love.

    Question 2: What is love? It depends. There are as many loves as there are people. Love is a hierarchy, from the lowest rung to the highest, from sex to superconsciousness. There are many, many layers, many planes of love. It all depends on ...
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  34. No Image

    Love can exist only in total freedom.

    It is attachment that kills love, because it is attachment that destroys freedom, and love cannot exist in a state of bondage. Love can exist only in total freedom. Freedom is also part of the spiritual qualities; you cannot separate them. B...
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  35. No Image

    A real love will also change.

    Question 2 Osho, Sitting in my room thousands of kilometers away from you, i can feel you. and if had have eyes to see, i would see you standing right in front of me. i remember when you said to us in discourse `if you don't feel me when you...
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  36. No Image

    A person who loves from his heart is being responded to from everywhere

    Question : Does the Universe Love me? It is a wrong question to ask. You should ask the other way round, “Do you love the universe?” because universe is not a person. It cannot love you. It has no center, or you can say “everywhere it has th...
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  37. No Image

    Don’t force yourself to do something which is not happening Naturally

    [A sannyasin says: I am in beautiful love with a sannyasin here but sometimes I feel very much that I need my own space, I need to be alone. And I don’t understand if it is good or if it is because I am afraid to be more deeply in love.] Not...
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  38. No Image

    To be able to love one needs to be loved

    We live in a society which is absolutely loveless, so everybody is hungry for love, desperately hungry, dying for it, starving. And the problem is that unless you love people they cannot love you – and you cannot love because you have not be...
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  39. No Image

    If your love is lust you can’t find a Soulmate

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, I am a strong man, But I cannot find a woman who truely loves me. What is missing in me? I have come here to find a soulmate. Can you help me? Sudhiro, maybe... but before I can help you to find a soulmate I will ha...
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  40. No Image

    Those who love and then hate are not real lovers

    Question : When i love others it is a tension for me. Only my love toward you gives me a fulfillment, a freshness. Why is that? This, too, can become a frustration at any moment because the other still remains the center. Whoever it is… the ...
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  41. No Image

    Be Loving and wait for Gratitude to arrive. And when it comes, don’t resist

    I teach love for the world. Love this earth – it is really beautiful… it is utter splendour. Love from the smallest, the dewdrop, to the greatest star. Let this whole existence be your love object, let it be your beloved. Love has to be all-...
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  42. No Image

    Share more, and let sharing be the only law. To be a miser is to be a sinner

    [A sannyasin says he has a tension in his head and: ’I am not very loving and… I don’t feel very good about myself’.] Mm… that may be the tension – because love is a release. If you are loving you remain relaxed. If you are not loving you be...
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  43. No Image

    Love cannot live alone without understanding

    [A sannyasin asks about relationships, her marriage, and whether becoming enlightened is more important.] Love is crazy, so you cannot make it sane. Love is insane — and that is the whole beauty of it! It is not rational, it is not even reas...
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  44. No Image

    Only love brings a state of no anxiety

    Prem means love, and achinta means no anxiety. And remember that only love brings a state of no anxiety – and only love. Everything else creates a new anxiety. You can go on changing your anxieties – somebody is seeking money, somebody is se...
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  45. No Image

    Love knows no distinction and love never gives itself with any condition attached to it

    To be a sannyasin means to be surrendered, seeing ’I am part of the whole. It is ridiculous to fight, so l surrender.’ And in that very surrender you are victorious; now you cannot be defeated. There is no one to defeat you and there is no o...
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  46. No Image

    Wu-wei means action without action. It means doing without doing. It means allowing that which wants to happen

    Question : Wu Wei and the way of the Heart - How are they Interrelated? They are not interrelated; they are one and the same thing – just two ways of saying the same thing. Wu-wei means action without action. It means doing without doing. It...
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  47. No Image

    The basic problem of love is to first become mature

    You can go on changing your husband or your wife a thousand and one times, you will again find the same type of woman and the same misery repeated in different forms – but the same misery repeated; it is almost the same. You can change your ...
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  48. No Image

    Before you can Love Yourself you have to know yourself

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, What does it mean to Love Myself? Prem Kabir, one has to begin not by loving oneself, because you don't know who you are. Who are you going to love? If you start by loving yourself, you will love only your ego, which...
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  49. No Image

    Love is out going, Meditation is in going. Love is a sharing, But how can you share if you don’t have it in the first place

    [A visitor said that while he was very happy to be here, he was missing his girlfriend. Osho said that it was good in a love relationship for lovers to sometimes be apart so an appetite arose to be together.] In fact the very word ’love’ sim...
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  50. No Image

    logic has to be dropped and love has to be learned

    Love is the foundation on which one’s life can become a temple and one’s being can become a host for the divine guest. I teach love and nothing else, because everything else can follow without any effort. If you are capable of love you are c...
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  51. No Image

    Love is the Earth Where One Needs to be Rooted

    If you are rooted in love, you are rooted. There is no other way to be rooted. You can have money, you can have a house, you can have security, you can have a bank balance; that will not give you rootedness. That is just a substitute, a poor...
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  52. No Image

    Love is the only light there is in life

    Prem Ellen. Prem means love; Ellen means light. Love is the only light there is in life. Love is the inner light. It needs no fuel; it is eternal. It is not caused by anything, hence it cannot be turned off. Anything that can be put on can b...
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  53. No Image

    Love : A Natural Kind of Meditation

    Love: A Natural Kind of Meditation Question : Osho, How can people turn the human phenomenon of falling in love into a meditation? It is the easiest way. In human life, love is the closest phenomenon to meditation. The moment you fall in lov...
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  54. No Image

    on Hurry and Real Love – What youth knows is not love

    [A sannyasin says: “The distance between me and others, between me and you grows smaller so slowly.”] No need to force it; everybody has to follow his own pace. Great patience is needed — don’t be in a hurry. These things are not like season...
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  55. No Image

    LOVE is the radiance, the fragrance of knowing oneself, of being oneself.

    Question 2 Osho, What is love? Swami Anand Tallis, LOVE is the radiance, the fragrance of knowing oneself, of being oneself. Anand Tallis is very young -- he is only nine -- but he is far ahead of his age. His mental age must be almost doubl...
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  56. No Image

    Love is nourishment for the soul. Without love you will die spiritually

    Question 2: Osho, Since falling in love, even though having little to do with him, it seems entirely my own journey. Feeling nourished and much power in my being. The question is from Anand Amrita. Love is nourishment. Love is exactly like f...
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  57. No Image

    Love is Very Unearthly

    Love is Very Unearthly Love is always thankful. If love complains, then it is not love. Love basically is gratitude. Complaints arise when there are desires and they are not fulfilled; gratitude arises because all that is needed is already f...
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  58. No Image

    Love is the only experience in life which gives you a sense of immortality, which makes you aware that there is something which begins but never ends.

    Love is the only experience in life which gives you a sense of immortality, which makes you aware that there is something which begins but never ends. It is the first lesson, it is the beginning of an incredible journey into god. Once a man ...
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  59. No Image

    Take the risk of being in love with existence

    Prem Hasibo. Prem means love and Hasibo is a sufi name for God. It means: one who satisfies all needs. The full name will mean: love, the god that satisfies all needs. And love is the ultimate need. Everything else is secondary. Everything e...
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  60. No Image

    Love is religion at its highest; love is the suprememost religion. Love is the search for God

    Question 2: Osho, Everyone wants to love and to be loved. Why? “First sight of love, last sight of wisdom.” Is it True? Bal Krishna Bharti, love is prayer groping towards God. Love is poetry born out of the sheer joy of being. Love is song, ...
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  61. No Image

    Love has to start from your centre

    Love has to start from your centre – and you are the closest person to it – only then can it go on spreading. It is like you throw a stone into a silent lake and the ripples arise. First they arise just around the stone, and then they go on ...
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  62. No Image

    Love is must for Spiritual Growth

    Question : Why is Love so Essential for Spiritual Growth? Love and awareness is the highest form of polarity – just like man/woman, life/death, darkness/light, summer/winter, outer/ inner, yin/yang, the body and the soul, the creation and th...
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  63. No Image

    Ego is like darkness. It is the absence of love

    Love is not something to be obtained from the outside. Love is the music of your inner being. Nobody can give you love. Love can arise within you, but it cannot be obtained from the outside. There is no shop, no market, no salesman where you...
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  64. No Image

    Lust is unconscious, love is conscious.

    These are the two alternatives, simple alternatives, available: either blindly believe -- but remember, God is not available to blind, superstitious people -- or blindly doubt God is not available to them either. God is available to intellig...
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  65. No Image

    Who is loved is immaterial; the loved one is just an excuse

    Who is loved is immaterial; the loved one is just an excuse. The real objective is that because of a beloved, the river of love that has up to now been blocked within the lover may start flowing; the fountain that has for so long been covere...
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  66. No Image

    I say love is the first glimpse of eternity, and the last glimpse is god

    Love is the only quality, a natural quality, that has something of eternity in it. Hence love is the first experience of god, the beginning of the experience of god. God is much more than that, but love opens the door. God is inconceivable, ...
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  67. No Image

    Love is true only when it is spontaneous, unplanned

    Love is true only when it is spontaneous, unplanned, unpracticed, uncultivated, unthought. Whenever you plan for love, whenever deliberateness enters into it it becomes phony and false. And that’s why people go on loving yet it never satisfi...
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  68. No Image

    The real power is love, and that love will make you softer, forgiving, without any anger

    Question 2: Osho, Traveling with you over the past few months and seeing the hardness of the world, instead of being hardened in response I find myself only becoming softer and softer. Would you please comment? The ordinary response will be ...
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  69. No Image

    Love and Meditation

    Love and Meditation Love is a sharing. But before you can share, you have to have it! Meditation should be the first thing. Meditation is the center, love is the circumference of it. Meditation is the flame, love is the radiation of it. Medi...
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  70. No Image

    love has to be unconditional, non-dominating, non-possessive

    Life is an art. One has to go on learning more and more about it. And the best way to transform oneself into a noble spirit is love. Love is the very alchemy of transformation. But up to now religions have been teaching people to hate. They ...
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  71. No Image

    Love has many dimensions to it. The first dimension of love is that of passion

    [Another visitor says: Can you love more than one person or is it just that love is a general feeling for many people? I think my confusion stems from something you said in the lecture about when you love someone, that person is… for me it w...
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  72. No Image

    My Truth is Love

    MY BELOVED ONES: I love you. Love is my message -- let it be your message too. Love is my color and my climate. To me, love is the only religion. All else is just rubbish, all else is nothing but mind-churning dreams. Love is the only substa...
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  73. No Image

    All our love is cunning

    All our love is cunning Question 2 Where does care for others become interference? The moment ideology enters, care becomes interference, love turns bitter, becomes almost a kind of hatred, and your protection becomes a prison. The ideology ...
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  74. No Image

    Love is a state of being. You are just a loving person.

    Question 2 Osho, Through the last events there has been tremendous joy and pain. the joy is to see how you are the only reality that matters. and the pain is that my connection is so superficial that i didn't listen to you. and suddenly i ca...
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  75. No Image

    Speak to us of Love

    Speak to us of Love Then said Almitra, speak to us of love. And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said: When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are ha...
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  76. No Image

    Love has to be not only love but meditative love; then love has a tremendous intelligence, then it is not insane

    Prem Martina. Prem means love. Martina means a loyal heart, a loyal spirit, one who is capable of trust. Love can arise only in the climate of trust. When you are full of doubts love is impossible. Doubt belongs to the mind and trust belongs...
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  77. No Image

    The ’need-love’ or the ’deficiency-love’ depends on the other; it is immature love. In fact it is not truly love

    The first thing: There are two kinds of love. C.S. Lewis has divided love into these two kinds: ’need-love’ and ’gift-love’. Abraham Maslow also divides love into two kinds. The first he calls ’deficiency-love’ and the second he calls ’being...
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  78. No Image

    A loving person cannot be ambitious; it is impossible for a loving person to be ambitious

    [A sannyasin, returned from the West, says she is not ready to live in the West. She has a strong desire to be loved, feels a desperation that she hasn’t been loved. Osho says that is one of the basic problems that touches everyone…. ] …beca...
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  79. No Image

    Love should be more conscious. When it is conscious it is less sexual.

    [Osho gives sannyas:] Close your eyes and feel full of light inside, as if a great light is arising from your belly and filling your whole body. If trembling arises, shaking, swaying, go with it. If your body wants to take some posture -- if...
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  80. No Image

    Power cannot fulfill a love need

    The ego goes on agreeing for wrong things, because the ego can exist only with the wrong. It feeds on the wrong. So whenever you feel that your ego is fulfilled, beware! — you have eaten something wrong, you have swallowed something wrong. W...
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  81. No Image

    The only thing worth learning in life is love.

    The only thing worth learning in life is love. Life is an opportunity to learn love; life is the school. If you miss love you have missed all education: if you have learned the ways of love your schooling has been fruitful. And it is unfortu...
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  82. No Image

    Reject love and you have rejected god. Welcome love and you have welcomed god

    Prem means love and nadam means the subtlest sound; the sound of love. It is the most subtle sound. You can hear it only when you are very very receptive. The ears won’t be of much help. Unless your heart listens to it, you cannot listen. It...
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  83. No Image

    Love is not your power: Love is your helplessness, utter helplessness

    [A sannyasin, leaving, says: I am very impatient about my inability to love, and I don’t know what to do about it.] Nothing has to be done. If you do something you will create more of a mess. Love is not a question of doing. Simply accept yo...
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  84. No Image

    Love is the path and love is also the goal

    Love is the path and love is also the goal, the beginning and the end, the first step and the last step. Love contains the whole of religion, but love has to be understood: it is not lust. It is not a desire to get something from anybody, on...
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  85. No Image

    Devotion is Not a Path

    Question 2 Osho, What is the path of devotion and does it have a place in your vision of the rebel? Rafia, devotion is not a path. You don’t have to travel it. Devotion is a way of merging and melting into existence. It is not a pilgrimage; ...
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  86. No Image

    on Experience of timelessness in love

    If you can be loving in a single moment that is enough, because you never have two moments together. Only one moment is given. When one is lost, a second is given. You have only one moment always with you. If you know how to be loving in one...
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  87. No Image

    Osho on Love

    Osho on Love During my whole life, I always thought that I loved somebody. Now, being here for the first time with you, I ask myself: have I ever really been in love? Am I even able to love? Am I able to love you? Or has life brought me to a...
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  88. No Image

    The highest state of Love

    A relationship is a lower state. The highest state of love is not a relationship at all, it is simply a state of your being. Just as trees are green, a lover is loving. They are not green for particular persons, it is not that when you come ...
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  89. No Image

    It is easier to move from the path of love than through any other path - because love is so close to your heart

    Kabir is a declaration of the secret of this love. He says: This is my path. And the path of love is for many. It is easier to move from the path of love than through any other path — because love is so close to your heart. The only problem ...
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  90. No Image

    When you love a person you have to tell him everything

    [A group member says she has difficulty surrendering in the relationship with her boyfriend] Tell him everything! … And tell him this also, that you are feeling difficulty in surrendering but you would like to, mm? Talking to him will help. ...
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  91. No Image

    I am teaching you to be selfish.

    I am teaching you to be selfish. Let me repeat it, because the word "selfishness" has been condemned so much that there is every possibility you will misunderstand me. But the word is really beautiful. To be selfish simply means to be yourse...
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  92. No Image

    on Falling in Love - Don’t condemn it.

    Question : You said that when two beings are in love they are in communion with each other. then why does the world call it ’falling’ in love when it is such an ecstatic happening and not a fall to a lower plane? The world calls it falling i...
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  93. No Image

    Love and hate are just two sides of the same coin

    Question 1: Osho, You say that love and hate are one; but i see more hate in the world than love. at the same time, you say that enlightenment is neither love nor hate. Are you speaking of two different qualities of love? how does this fit w...
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    Love is Greater than Truth

    Love is Greater than Truth Question 2 Osho, We can practice right behavior, and behavior according to duty, but then we will be waring false faces, as we are inwardly, as you say, a madhouse. So should we act as we feel, or act as we ought? ...
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    The Ultimate Polarity: Meditation and Love

    The Ultimate Polarity: Meditation and Love These are two polarities in life: meditation and love. This is the ultimate polarity. The whole of life consists of polarities: the positive and the negative, birth and death, man and woman, day and...
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    Heartache is a positive thing. Headache is a negative thing

    Question 4: My heart aches. such a tiny crevice of it feels able to open to you. I want to melt and flow around you like a puddle; and i don’t know how. Somehow my heart knows what it would feel like to open totally to you, and because it do...
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    Because love is not yet unconditional, that’s why people are afraid of love

    Question : Why are people so afraid of being loved? Krishna Gopa has asked it. People ARE afraid of being loved. Because love brings misery, love brings lies. Love brings imprisonment, love brings slavery, love destroys freedom. That’s why p...
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    Love, Grace and the Divine

    Love, Grace and the Divine Question 1 Osho, Qualities of love and grace have been attributed to the Divine. Do these qualities exist? Can this be explained? To say that the divine exists will not be right, because all that exists is divine. ...
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    Be courageous enough to live whole-heartedly

    Love needs the greatest courage in life, for the simple reason that the basic requirement for moving into the world of love is dissolving your ego — and that is the hardest thing to do. We cling to the ego like anything. We are ready to die ...
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