• The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    How to be total? How to give Everything?

    Question 3 How to he total? how to give everything? VIDYA, ONE CAN BE TOTAL ONLY WHEN ONE IS NOT. Only emptiness can be total. If you are, you can't be total. Your very presence will be a disturbance in your totality, your very presence will...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  2. No Image

    Behave As if You Are the First Here

    My whole vision is of a human being, totally alive, intensely alive, enjoying everything that life makes available, and enjoying it with grace, with gratitude towards existence. And that's what loving yourself means. It means that you have t...
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  3. No Image

    Never Fight with Natural things, Otherwise Perversions arise.

    [A sannyasin newly arrived says: I’m very glad I’m here, but I feel like I left a part of my heart in london. It’s making it a little difficult but I’m trying very hard to be present here.] Don’t try very hard. Just relax! If you try very ha...
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  4. No Image

    aradise is herenow! This very body is the Buddha

    Life basically is an expression of love. Love is the fragrance of the flower of life. They are two sides of the same coin. The person who avoids love is simultaneously avoiding life too; hence the people who have been life-negative have also...
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  5. No Image

    on Reaction and Action - When you react, it can never be total

    Witnessing is the technique for centering. We discussed centering. A man can live in two ways: he can live from his periphery or he can live from his center. The periphery belongs to the ego and the center belongs to the being. If you live f...
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  6. No Image

    Living a holy life means living each moment totally

    The traditional sense of being holy is egoistic. It is a new form of egoism. Somebody is bragging about his money, somebody is bragging out his birth, blood, nobility, aristocracy, somebody is bragging about his political power. And somebody...
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  7. No Image

    The workaholic is not total in his work. The workaholic is addicted to work

    Question : Osho, Could you talk about the difference between a workaholic and someone who is total in their work? Maneesha, the difference is very great. The workaholic is not total in his work. The workaholic is addicted to work, he cannot ...
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  8. No Image

    Never repent about the past because that is again wasting the present

    Question : Osho, My mind, the monster, distracts me even when i’m sitting in discourse. It simply takes over and thinks all sorts of silly thoughts and by the time discourse is over i get the feeling i missed another golden opportunity to be...
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  9. No Image

    The whole work of meditation is nothing but this: how to become utterly present in the present, how to collect oneself in the now

    Prem means love, vatayana means now, the present moment – love now. And my whole emphasis is on this moment, because this moment contains all. Now is the only reality – all else is either memory or imagination. And even for the past to exist...
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  10. No Image

    if you are going to die tomorrow, then how many things will be important

    Deva means divine, uparati means indifference to the non-essential – a divine indifference to the non essential. And that’s the whole work of the seeker. We are caught up in the non-essential, the mundane, the trivial. For the moment it look...
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  11. No Image

    Reverence for life, regard for life

    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  12. No Image

    Be in the moment. Bring your total being in the moment

    The mind is always either in the past or in the future. It cannot be in the present, it is absolutely impossible for the mind to be in the present. When you are in the present, the mind is there no more because mind means thinking. How can y...
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  13. No Image

    What is Herenow?

    Question 1: What is Herenow? Does ‘thought’ form part of it? If so, then all-time and all-things are now. Or... is herenow only in no-mind? Thought is the capacity of not being here - so thought cannot exist in the herenow, it cannot be part...
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  14. No Image

    How to be choiceless where important decisions are needed

    [A sannyasin asks for guidance on how to be choiceless where important decisions are needed.] There is some subtle problem, and it comes to everybody who wants to remain choiceless. But there is a misunderstanding, that’s why the problem. Ch...
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  15. No Image

    Follow your nature, and drop all conditionings, programs that have been given to you by others. This makes you total.

    Question : Osho, Can you please talk about what it means to be total? Is it the same as not being split, or is there more to it? Not to be split, not to be schizophrenic, is only the beginning. And then there is the whole infinity, the whole...
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  16. No Image

    Unless you experience it totally, you cannot be finished with it

    Anand means bliss or blissful, and sugatta is a name of buddha. Literally it means well gone, because in india we call those people well-gone who are not going to come back again, who are gone forever. They have gone so well that they will n...
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  17. No Image

    When Joy is without any reason it is Divine

    A few things about sannyas…. It is an initiation into the formless. It is not an initiation into some rigid form, it is not giving you a certain discipline — on the contrary it is an initiation into freedom, into a formless creative chaos. T...
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  18. No Image

    on Living in this moment and time

    What is psychological time? Mind is psychological time. Mind is time. If you don’t have any mind and you are simply silent with no thought moving within, there is no time for you, not psychological time. The clock will go on moving, but for ...
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  19. No Image

    I am trying to wake you up herenow

    Question : You spoke of the three ways: beauty, grandeur and power. which is your way? or is it all three? It is neither. I have no way, because I am not leading you anywhere. I am trying to wake you up herenow. You are already wandering all...
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  20. No Image

    Knowledge, awareness, will awaken you, here and now, to this very moment

    WHEN KNOWLEDGE IS DESTROYED, THE DREAM IS SEEN. If knowledge of the soul does not penetrate you, and if the flame within does not get its fuel, then dreams arise in your life; then desires arise, and your life loses its way and staggers ther...
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  21. No Image

    Here and now is the only life, the only reality

    Man lives like a robot, almost like a machine. He goes through so many actions but mechanically. He may go for a morning walk but he will not listen to the birds, he will not see the trees, he will not look at the sunrise, he will not be awa...
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  22. No Image

    You create your heaven and You create your hell

    Be courageous and drop all this nonsense. There is no hell and there is no heaven; you create your heaven and you create your hell. There is nobody anywhere to punish you or reward you. Forget those childish ideas of God — that if you are go...
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  23. No Image

    The art of life begins with meditation

    Question : Osho, Would you talk some more on the Art of How to be Fully Alive? Prem Rudra, the art of living fully, totally, and intensely is not something arduous or difficult, but it has been made almost impossible. It is so simple and so ...
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  24. No Image

    Serenity means a state of choicelessness

    The man of serenity is not disturbed by anything because he accepts. Sadness comes, he accepts it. Joy comes, he accepts it. He has no preference, he has no choice. He lives in a choiceless consciousness: whatsoever happens happens, whatsoev...
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  25. No Image

    How to become utterly present in the present

    Prem means love, vatayana means now, the present moment – love now. And my whole emphasis is on this moment, because this moment contains all. Now is the only reality – all else is either memory or imagination. And even for the past to exist...
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  26. No Image

    on Living with Totality – If you want to Live, Live Now

    Question 3 Osho, When sitting here with you, i try to watch and to be as aware as possible. my mind runs on, wondering if this space is right, whether i should be the watcher or be lost into you. at the same time, i try to relax and ignore a...
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  27. No Image

    Desires, dreams and hopes : the future disturbs you and divides you

    If the mind is filled with dreams you cannot see rightly. If the heart is filled with desires you cannot feel rightly. Desires, dreams and hopes – the future disturbs you and divides you. But whatsoever is, is in the present. Desire leads yo...
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  28. No Image

    Live in the present. That’s what I mean when I say live dangerously

    Question 3: Osho, What do you mean by ”live in danger”? Should man not be careful for the future? Please explain it. Brahma Deo Bharti, To live in danger simply means not to cling to the past, because the past gives you a certain kind of sec...
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  29. No Image

    A sannyasin has to learn to live life moment to moment with total intensity

    Religion has been dominated by ill and pathological people for centuries… My approach to religion is totally different. It is rooted in celebration, in wholeness, in health. I am not against life, I am in absolute love with life because to m...
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  30. No Image

    When you act in the moment and it has no reference to your past, the action has a beauty

    Divine purity reduced to practical life means spontaneity. The spontaneous person is innocent. He has a quality that only children have, and that is the meaning of purity, innocence. He has the quality that animals have and the trees have an...
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  31. No Image

    Future : The future never comes. What comes is always here, now.

    Question : Osho, Is it really possible to be in the “now-here” all the time? Most of my time seems to go in planning for, or worrying about, the future. Whether you know it or not, you cannot be anywhere else than here and now. Wherever you ...
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  32. No Image

    Live the material in a spiritual way; bring the quality of the spirit to matter

    Question : You confused me very much by saying that the samsara is the nirvana. Now, from where to begin? There is no need to begin. I am not sending you on a journey. Not even the first step is needed. Take the step, and you have moved in t...
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  33. No Image

    You cling to life because your life is unfulfilled

    if you want to abide always and always, you have not lived the moment. One who has lived his life truly, authentically, one who has enjoyed it, is always ready to die, is always ready to leave. One who has not enjoyed and celebrated, one who...
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  34. No Image

    Whatever you live unconsciously becomes a hangover

    The first thing to remember is how to drop thoughts and become thoughtless — thoughtless but alert, because in deep sleep also you become thoughtless, and that won’t do. It is good for the body, that is why after a deep sleep your body feels...
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  35. No Image

    Mischief is bound to bring its own punishment

    Mischief is bound to bring its own punishment just as certainly as birth is bound to bring its own death. You cannot avoid death, you cannot avoid the outcome of your deeds. So don’t think in these terms, because all that time wasted in avoi...
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  36. No Image

    We have forgotten all honesty. Out of fear we have become Dishonest

    We have forgotten all honesty. Out of fear we have become dishonest, out of fear we have become false. Out of fear we follow the crowd and become phony. Out of fear we wear masks so that we look like everybody else -- and we are not like eve...
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  37. No Image

    Everybody is expecting permanence and Permanence is not the nature of things

    The river will never be the same again. And you also will never be the same again. That’s why each moment is unique, incomparable. It has been never before and will never be again. This is beautiful! It is not a repetition, it is absolutely ...
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  38. No Image

    Be friendly: don’t create any Antagonism with life.

    Niro means the element water. And water is very symbolic, symbolic of flow, symbolic of nonresistance, symbolic of let-go. And these have to become the qualities of a sannyasin. One should never become stagnant, because life is a process, a ...
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  39. No Image

    Every day is a Sunday. It should be so. Every day is a holiday

    Question 1: As a child, sundays have been something very special to me. now, since a few days, i wake up every morning, see the sun shining through the trees, hear the birds singing and get this feeling: ‘ah, another sunday.’ i put on my bes...
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  40. No Image

    Life is a flux, nothing abides. Still we are such fools, we go on clinging

    Life is a flux, nothing abides. Still we are such fools, we go on clinging. If change is the nature of life, then clinging is stupidity, because your clinging is not going to change the law of life. Your clinging is only going to make you mi...
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  41. No Image

    There is No Tomorrow

    There is No Tomorrow Q: You have no philosophy of life? Osho: No philosophy of life. I have LIFE itself. There are people who have philosophies of life, but they don't have any life. Q: Your philosophy, if there is one, has been expressed in...
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  42. No Image

    How is one to live before becoming enlightened?

    Question 7: You said that the real morality is the shadow of enlightenment. But then how is one to live before becoming enlightened? THE moment you ask ’how’ you are asking again for a discipline. The moment you ask ’how’ you ask for methods...
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  43. No Image

    What is so difficult about dropping this whole game and just being?

    Question 4 Osho, This silence... this moment... so precious... so beautiful. to keep avoiding it and missing it seems so absurd. Osho, why? what is so difficult about dropping this whole game and just being? Deva Gayan, the question you have...
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  44. No Image

    What is the difference between “Easy” and “Lazy”?

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between “Easy” and “Lazy”. Satyam Svarup, the difference between easy and lazy is the difference between the positive and the negative. Easiness is a positive feeling; it is not empty. You are overflow...
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  45. No Image

    To be sane means to live with the reality as it is. To be sane means not to live through the mind. Use the mind

    Deva means divine, nutano means new. Life is always new, it is never old; only the mind becomes old. The mind is always old, it is never new. Hence life and mind never meet. One is always old, the other is always new. How can they meet? Wher...
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  46. No Image

    Do you recommend any particular way of living as a preparation?

    Question : Do you recommend any particular way of living as a preparation? The moment you become aware, your whole life, your whole way of living will change. But these changes will come to you; they should not be practiced. The moment you p...
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  47. No Image

    People have decided to remain static out of a desire for convenience

    [A sannyasin, returned from a visit to the West, says it was so difficult for him to readjust there he was unsure whether to come here again.] It happens many times in life. When your consciousness starts changing you cannot remain in the ol...
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  48. No Image

    Eating – simply eat, be with it. Walking – simply walk

    Says Rinzai, “When I eat, I only eat, and when I sleep, I only sleep.” Somebody said, “But nothing is special in that, everybody is doing it.” Rinzai laughed and said, “If everybody is doing it, everybody is a Buddha, everybody is enlightene...
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  49. No Image

    The Present - Osho Quotes on Present Moment

    Osho Quotes on Present Moment Live each moment as if you were going to die the next, and then there will be a great intensity and a great passion. You will be aflame with life. That being aflame is what being divine is to me. ♦ You have to p...
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  50. No Image

    The present is the only time to live and to be

    Ananda means bliss, ida means now. Bliss is never then; it is always now. Bliss is never there; it is always here. Bliss knows only one space: the space that is created around the here, and knows only one time: that is created around now. If...
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  51. No Image

    on Planning Life - Life knows no planning. It is itself enough.

    All that is great, all that is beautiful, all that is true and real, is always spontaneous. You cannot plan it. The moment you plan it, everything goes wrong. The moment planning enters, everything becomes unreal. But this has happened to hu...
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  52. No Image

    Desire means you are not herenow and Nirvana is always herenow

    This is a paradox, but of tremendous import – that enlightenment becomes possible only when you forget about it. When the desire for enlightenment disappears, only then does it become possible You desire money or you desire meditation – it m...
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  53. No Image

    We live with momentary things. That’s why there is so much misery

    We live with momentary things. That’s why there is so much misery, because whatsoever is momentary is not going to satisfy. By the time you become aware that it is there it is already gone. This life is almost a flux: it is continuously movi...
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  54. No Image

    Religion is living. Living totally, living intensely, without any purpose

    Question : Osho, What purpose does your philosophy or religion give for life — for the existence of anything at all? First it is not right to make religion and philosophy synonymous. They are two totally different things. Philosophy is think...
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  55. No Image

    on Planning and Worrying for Future

    Question 3: Osho, Is it really possible to be in the “now-here” all the time? Most of my time seems to go in planning for, or worrying about, the future. Nitin, whether you know it or not, you cannot be anywhere else than here and now. Where...
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  56. No Image

    Reality is here and now

    If the mind is filled with dreams you cannot see rightly. If the heart is filled with desires you cannot feel rightly. Desires, dreams and hopes – the future disturbs you and divides you. But whatsoever is, is in the present. Desire leads yo...
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  57. No Image

    on Hope - hope can disappear in happiness

    Hope is the thread with which we live. It is a very thin thread. It can break at any moment, but it does not break. It has become a very strong shackle. If it breaks from one end we hold it from the other. If it breaks from the world we star...
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  58. No Image

    The present is the door, and your single-mindedness is the key

    The dreamer’s mind is divided in two: in witnessing and dreaming. Then you are not one; you are split. While you are simply witnessing you are one. There is no duality in you. You are — that’s all. So try to become one, single-minded. Whatso...
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  59. No Image

    No Need to Reconcile

    Question 3: I feel very joyous after your morning talk and Sufi dancing, but I cannot reconcile it with the misery of the people I see when I step out of the ashram. What to do? It is there, the misery is there. But there is no need to recon...
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  60. No Image

    on Living dangerously

    Question : What does it mean to live dangerously? DANGEROUSLY? To live dangerously means to live. If you don’t live dangerously, you don’t live. Living flowers only in danger. Living never flowers in security; it flowers only in insecurity. ...
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  61. No Image

    You are functioning out of memories, out of the past

    Try to see that whatsoever action is there, it is not arising out of you but rather arising out of the chain of actions you have done in the past. Try to understand this distinction clearly. Whenever you do something – if somebody insults yo...
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  62. No Image

    Totality is possible, perfection is not possible

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, Many see the work that goes on around you as a model for the holistic approach to life. Please talk about this. Krishna Prem, the old man is dying. And it is good news that the old man is on his deathbed, because th...
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