• Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    If you feel grateful towards me it is a gratitude of the mind

    Question 2: You’ve said Meditation is a flowering. and for us, the perfume of the flower is gratitude. Is there anything we can do for you? Yes. Meditation, compassion and gratitude. Whenever you are meditative, you feel blissful; whenever y...
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  2. No Image

    Do your part, and remember that you are capable of doing your part.

    Do your part, and remember that you are capable of doing your part. Whenever you are able to surrender, the teacher will come. The teacher is there. Teachers have always been in existence. The world has never lacked teachers, it has always l...
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  3. No Image

    Is it true that to be in Communion with the master is the Initiation?

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, Is it true that to be in Communion with the master is the Initiation? The word `initiation' is very significant and profound. There are three initiations: first, when a student becomes a disciple; second, when a dis...
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  4. No Image

    A blessed few, who become acquainted with the wisdom of a buddha.

    The Buddha said: There are twenty difficult things to attain or accomplish in this world: 1. It is difficult for the poor to practice charity. 2. It is difficult for the strong and rich to observe the way. 3. It is difficult to disregard lif...
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  5. No Image

    Why has there never been a single Woman Enlightened Master?

    Question : Why has there never been a single Woman Enlightened Master? A woman cannot be a Master — it is not possible. When a woman arrives she becomes a Mistress, not a Master. The fulfilment of a woman is love. The flowering of a woman is...
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  6. No Image

    Is it true that whatsoever the master says or does is simply a device to transform the disciple?

    Question 1: Osho, Is it true that whatsoever the master says or does is simply a device to transform the disciple? Narendra, it is one of the most impossible things in the world to indicate, to explain the ultimate truth. The experience is b...
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  7. No Image

    The difference between a teacher and a Master

    An ancient parable... Once Upon a time an Angel was going to heaven after fulfilling the errand for which he had been sent to the earth. It was a dark night, no moon in the skies, not even stars. The earth was enveloped by dark clouds. But t...
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  8. No Image

    What is the difference between a master and the perfect master?

    Question 1: Osho, What is the difference between a master and the perfect master? FIRST try to understand the difference between a teacher and a Master, then the difference between a teacher and a perfect teacher. Only then will you be able ...
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  9. No Image

    The master can do only one thing: he can remove everything that can stop your blossoming

    I am not a teacher. I don't want to make something of you resembling some of my ideas. I don't have any idea about you. I don't carry any image that everybody should fit into. My whole approach is that each individual is unique, and nobody c...
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  10. No Image

    What makes someone a guru, a spiritual master?

    Question : What makes someone a guru, a spiritual master? When you are not there, when you have completely disappeared, the other becomes an open book to you. The more other-oriented you are, the less you can know what is happening to the ot...
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  11. No Image

    on Psychic & Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus

    on Psychic & Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus Question : Is Psychic Exploitation possible in the name of Shaktipat? How is it possible And how is the Meditator to guard against it? It is possible. Much spiritual exploitation is possible ...
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  12. No Image

    Nobody has preceded me, nobody is going to succeed me. I am a perfect circle

    Question 1: Who prepared the way for you? NOBODY HAS PREPARED THE WAY FOR ME, and neither am I preparing the way for anybody. This has to be understood. There are four possibilities. One, the oldest and the most used, is what happened in Jes...
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  13. No Image

    on recognizing Enlightened Masters

    on recognizing Enlightened Masters Question: It is said that unless one is in contact with one who is Awakened, it is impossible to come out of one's Ignorance or deep sleep. How to find out that one is Awakened? It is a difficult question. ...
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  14. No Image

    Disciple Ego want to run away from Master Fear is natural Understand it.

    Question: Beloved Osho, I feel i want to be close to you, but at the same time I want to run as far away from you as i can. I don't understand this fear, since I am not aware of a feeling like this about anyone else. It is natural, it is not...
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  15. No Image

    The world of the gurus has ended.

    The world of the gurus has ended. My Friends and my Fellow Travelers, I would have loved to use the Urdu words for the same, because they have a depth and a poetry . . . even the very sound of them rings bells in the heart. The ordinary mean...
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  16. No Image

    Why do all buddhas say the same thing?

    Question 2: Osho, Why do all buddhas say the same thing? Vinod, Truth is one. Even if it is said differently, it is the same truth. Languages may differ, metaphors may differ parables may differ, but if you really look a little deep, then al...
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  17. No Image

    Whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears

    Deva means divine, agya means order or commandment – a divine order. Man cannot choose god; it is always god who chooses man. Man cannot enquire on his own, it is impossible. The desire to enquire into truth comes from the beyond; it is an o...
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  18. No Image

    on Discriminating between a master and a teacher

    Osho on Discriminating between a master and a teacher Question 4 Beloved Osho, When we reach a point where insanity can occur, at that state, a breakthrough in consciousness can also occur. please tell us how to shift the gear from insanity ...
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  19. No Image

    Your relationship with your disciples seems to be unique among the religions?

    Question 1 Osho, Your relationship with your disciples seems to be unique among the religions. would you say something about this? It is unique, for the simple reason that it is not a relationship at all. We will have to go deep into the ver...
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  20. No Image

    Once you fall in love with a Master, remain with him

    Question 3: Osho. Only one Master at a Time. I can understand and appreciate your difficulty. I am talking about too many Masters and too many paths and too many doors -- and it is natural that you may start getting confused. But you can get...
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  21. No Image

    Master and Disciple

    The greatest art in the world is to be a disciple. It cannot be compared to anything. It is unique and incomparable. Nothing like it exists in any other relationship, nothing like it can exist. To be a disciple, to be with a master, is to mo...
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  22. No Image

    Importance on Group work

    The whole order of Sannyas was created as group work Awakening is possible even in a single moment. In that single moment, one can explode into the divine. That is possible, but generally it never happens. One has to struggle for continuous ...
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  23. No Image

    for the Master and disciple relationship to become out of date. Then the enlightened Master will be only the friend

    Question : You have said that your sannyasins' hearts beat in the same tune as your heart is beating. Can you talk to us more about this phenomenon? How does a disciple move from the head to the heart? Is it that sometimes a disciple is in t...
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  24. No Image

    The mystic can understand only one-dimensionally; the master has a wider view

    This anecdote is very strange. Its strangeness is that it is not necessary that a man of Zen will be able to understand another man of Zen. Of course, a master will be able to understand all kinds of Zen people, but a master is multidimensio...
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  25. No Image

    Master is always acting; A Master is a perfect actor

    Question 10 : You said that a master sometimes has to be angry with the disciple and in that case he is acting. Is he acting also when he laughs or smiles at him? A Master is always acting; a Master is a perfect actor. He does not take life ...
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  26. No Image

    The master does nothing. His presence is a catalytic agent, a very indirect persuasion

    If you look around, there are pretenders who are ready to take all your responsibilities -- of this life, of past lives, of future lives. All that you have to do is to believe in them, to follow them -- blindly. Blindness has been up to now ...
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  27. No Image

    Could you please comment on the disciple-disciple relationship?

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, I am familiar with the master disciple relationship after years of being around you. Could you please comment on the disciple-disciple relationship? There is no such thing. Disciples in the past have created organiza...
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