• Don’t be a slave. Follow society to the point you feel is needed, but always remain master of your own destiny.
    - Osho

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Mystic Rose For Children



The following is a meditation suggested by Osho for children and their teachers to do together at the beginning of each school day.



Stage 1

Ten minutes gibberish. With eyes closed, make any nonsense sounds you like; sing, cry, shout. Let your body do whatever it wants; jump, shake, walk, sit. Everything is allowed, go totally mad.


The word "gibberish" comes from a Sufi mystic, Jabbar. Jabbar never spoke any language, he just uttered nonsense. Still he had thousands of disciples because what he was saying was, "Your mind is nothing but gibberish. Put it aside and you will have a taste of your own being."


To use gibberish, don't say things which are meaningful, don't use the language that you know. Use Chinese if you don't know Chinese. Use Japanese if you don't know Japanese. Don't use German if you know German. For the first time have a freedom - the same as all the birds have. Simply allow whatever comes to your mind without bothering about its rationality, reasonability, meaning, significance - just the way the birds are doing.


Stage 2

Ten minutes belly laughter with eyes open or closed. Simply laugh for no reason at all. And whenever the laughter starts dying then say, "Yaa-Hoo!" and it will come back. Digging, you will be surprised how many layers of dust have gathered upon your being. It will cut them like a sword, in one blow. You cannot conceive how much transformation can come to your being.


The authentic laughter is about anything. It is simply arising in you as a flower blossoms in a tree. It has no reason, no rational explanation. It is mysterious; hence the symbol of the mystic rose.


Stage 3

Ten minutes silence with eyes closed, sitting or lying, just watching and witnessing your body, your surroundings, your thoughts, without any judgment. Be silent, no movement - go in. Close your eyes. This is you. No portrait of it is possible. It is just a pure silence, a space without boundaries.


This is all that you have brought into the world, and this is all that you will take away when you die. In birth, in life, in death, this is the only thing that constantly remains the same. The unchanging, ultimate truth.


To experience it go deeper and deeper. Drop all fear, because it is your own being, your own unknown territory that you are going to explore. There is no question of fear. Nobody else can enter there, it is absolutely private. Hence fearlessly open your wings, the whole sky is yours.



With details from:


Osho:Live Zen, Chapter 17

Osho: Yaa-Hoo! The Mystic Rose, Chapter 30

Osho: Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest



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    (ref) Mystic Rose For Children

    Mystic Rose For Children The following is a meditation suggested by Osho for children and their teachers to do together at the beginning of each school day. Stage 1 Ten minutes gibberish. With eyes closed, make any nonsense sounds you like; sing, cry, shout. Let your body do whatever it wants; jump, ...
    CategoryMystic Rose For Children
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