• Possessiveness destroys love. And they should not be possessed, because that again destroys your love.
    - Osho

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 "Real Esoterics simply means the science of knowing thyself." 


 "Esotericism is just an escape from reality" 






Osho on Water



Astrology has been saying that the moment of birth is even more important than this.

Up until now science has not agreed with astrology, but it is now beginning to do so. In coming to this increasing agreement, some new experiments have been helpful.

For example, when we launched man-made satellites into space, we discovered that a wide range of radioactive rays from space, and the constellations are continuously bombarding the Earth. Nothing on the Earth is unaffected by this phenomenon. We know that the ocean is influenced by the moon, but we have not taken into consideration the fact that the same proportion of water and salt that occurs in the ocean also occurs in the human body -- the same proportion. Seventy percent of the human body consists of water, and the proportion of salt contained in that water is the same as is contained in the Arabian Sea. If the water in the ocean is affected by the moon, then how could the water inside the human body remain unaffected?

Now in this connection, two or three facts emerging from recent investigations must be kept in mind. For example, as the day of the full moon approaches, the amount of insanity in the world increases, whereas on the last day of the darker fourteen days, the least number of people go insane. As the moon grows brighter the level of insanity also begins to increase. On the day of the full moon, the greatest number of people enter madhouses; and on the last day of the moon's waning period, the greatest number of people are discharged from madhouses. Statistics are now available....

In English there is the word lunatic; in Hindi we have the word chaandmara. Chaand refers to the moon, just as lunar does in English. Chaandmara is a very ancient term, and the word lunatic also is some three thousand years old. Some three thousand years ago, people realized that the moon affects the insane. But if it affects the insane, then how can it avoid affecting the sane?

In the final analysis, the construction of the brain and the internal composition of the body are the same for all.

Yes, it may be that the moon affects the insane to a greater extent, and the sane to a lesser extent, but this is simply a quantitative difference. It is impossible that the sane remain completely unaffected by the moon. If that was true, then nobody would go mad -- because everyone who goes mad was once sane. The moon must first affect those who are sane.

Professor Brown made an interesting study. He was a man completely without faith in astrology. He was a skeptic, and in his earlier writings he had very much ridiculed astrology. Yet despite his skepticism he began some investigation. He gathered together the birth charts of many famous generals, doctors, and other professionals. But then he found himself in great difficulty because he discovered that members of particular professions were born under a specific planet, under the same constellation. For instance, among all famous generals the influence of Mars upon their lives is very strong, whereas in the lives of academics the influence of Mars is completely absent.

The study which Brown carried out on some fifty thousand men who were army officers reveals that the influence of Mars is very strong in the lives of these men. Generally, when such personalities take birth, the planet Mars is ascending. The moment of their birth is the moment that Mars begins to rise. Exactly opposite to this, no matter how many pacifists were studied, they were never born at the time when the planet Mars was ascending. If it happened only occasionally, you could think it a coincidence, but there cannot be thousands of cases of coincidence. Mathematicians are born under a specific constellation; poets are never born under this same constellation. In an occasional case there may be a coincidence, but when it happens so often it cannot be a coincidence.

Mathematicians are born under a specific constellation; poets are never born under this same constellation. In an occasional case there may be a coincidence, but when it happens so often it cannot be a coincidence.

In fact, there is a great difference in behavior among people of different professions and occupations -- for example, between poets, mathematicians, warmongers, generals and pacifists. On the one hand, there may be a man like Bertrand Russell who says that there should be peace in the world, and on the other hand, a man like Nietzsche who says that the day war ceases the world will cease to be meaningful. Is it only an intellectual dispute between them, or also a dispute of the stars? Is there only an intellectual dispute between them, or does the moment of their births also separate them?

The more research is done, the more it is being realized that the special talents of a person are revealed by the time of his birth.

Those who know about astrology even superficially would say that this happens because he is born under a specific constellation. But I want to say to you that man chooses the constellation under which he is to be born. He will be born under the appropriate constellation according to what he wants to be -- whatever his innate possibilities, whatever the shape of his last life taken in its entirety, whatever his motivating consciousness. Every child, every new life, insists on a specific moment for birth. It wants to be born at a specific moment; it wants to be conceived at a specific moment -- both are interdependent.

As I have told you, the water of the ocean
 is subject to certain influences. But all life is created out of water; without water, no life is possible. In ancient Greece, philosophers used to say that only from water is life born, that water is life. Ancient Indian, Chinese and other mythologies also say this. Today scientists who believe in evolution also say that life was born in the water, that perhaps the first life on the planet lived in the water as algae. This was the first form of life, and then out of this, man eventually evolved.

Water is the most mysterious element of all. Whatever influences reach man from the stars, from the universe, from outer space, reach him through the medium of water. Only after affecting the water in a man's body, can any radiation gain access to him. Much work is being done with water, and many mysteries concerning water are coming to man's attention.

The biggest mystery about water which has come to the attention of scientists in the last ten years, is that water possesses a lot of sensitivity. Whatever influences are active, from whatever direction in life, they first move through the medium of water. The water in us is the first thing to be affected. Once the water in us is influenced, then it is very difficult for us to avoid being influenced.

You will be surprised to learn that when the child floats in the mother's womb, he floats just as if he were in the ocean. The water in which the child floats in the mother's womb possesses the same proportion of salt as is present in the ocean. Influences from the mother's body do not reach the child directly; there is no direct connection between the mother and the child growing in her womb. The medium is water; whatever influences reach the child from the mother, do so through the medium of water -- there is no direct relationship. Then throughout our lives the water in our bodies behaves just like the water in the sea.

Fish in the ocean have been much studied. There are fish which come onto the seashore and lay their eggs at low tide when the ocean is receding. Riding with the waves the fish come onto the sand, lay their eggs, and return with the ocean waves. At a fixed time the tide returns, and by then the eggs will have hatched, and the spawn will have come out. Then the incoming tide will take the spawn back out to sea.

Scientists who studied these fish were very surprised, because the fish always come to lay their eggs at low tide.

Scientists are very puzzled as to how these fish know when it is going to be low tide. If there were even the slightest mistake in timing, the eggs would be washed away. But in hundreds of thousands of years they have never made a mistake. If they had made a mistake they would have disappeared as a species. But they have never made a mistake. What equipment do these fish possess by which they can know about the tides? What sense organ do they possess that tells them when the tide will ebb? A hundred thousand fish will be gathered together at one time over the entire seashore.... These fish must possess some kind of signaling system, some kind of transmitter. A hundred thousand fish will come from thousands of miles away to lay their eggs on the ocean beach -- and all at the same time.

Those who have studied the phenomenon say that there can be no source of information other than the moon. The moon is the source of the fish's intuition, nothing else -- the fish know intuitively when the tide is ebbing and when it is rising. The impact of the moon is the only way they have of knowing the tides.

There was another possibility. It has been conjectured that these fish might somehow be influenced by the waves of the ocean. So scientists put them in a place where there are no ocean waves: in water, in an unlit room. But the results turned out to be really surprising. The fish were enveloped in darkness, the moon was not in view -- there was no light visible at all -- but when the moon reached the exact point at which the fish in the ocean would go and lay their eggs on the shore, at exactly the same moment the fish in the laboratory laid their eggs. What does this fact show...? That it is not a question of the ocean waves.

Someone may suggest that the race only begins when the fish receive signals from each other, but this hypothesis does not hold water. Scientists have witnessed the fish when they were isolated from each other. They have tried to disturb the brains of these fish in every way. They have placed the fish in darkness for twenty-four hours, so that the fish do not know when it is morning and when it is night. They have observed these fish after placing them under a bright light for twenty-four hours so that the fish would not know when it is day. They have observed them after setting up an artificial moon, and daily either decreasing or increasing its brilliance -- but these fish could not be fooled. When the real moon came to the right point, only at that moment the fish laid their eggs; wherever they were, they would lay their eggs at that moment.


- Osho, "Hidden Mysteries, #5"




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