• If love can not keep you together, nothing else can keep you together. And if love cannot keep you together, than anything that can keep you together is dangerous.
    - Osho

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 "Real Esoterics simply means the science of knowing thyself." 


 "Esotericism is just an escape from reality" 





  1. No Image

    I have known so many esoteric groups - in this life and before

    Whatsoever I am saying is in many ways esoteric. That is why many times I become very confusing to you. Any exoteric teaching is never confusing, it is clearcut. It is just like two plus two equals four, it is always a simple thing. But the esoteric, the inner, the secret, is difficult to understand, because your understanding becomes disturbed with any new k...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  2. No Image

    Avoid Esoteric Garbage!

    There are many people here too who are very expert in so-called esoteric jargon. They always talk of so many planes, so many bodies, so many centers…and they talk so seriously that it seems they know what they are talking about. Avoid esoteric garbage! Avoid esoteric knowledge! It is not knowledge, it is just to befool people. If you are interested in such th...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  3. No Image

    Why did i choose to be born into this family?

    Question Osho, My previous life with my mother, father, sister and brother was a period filled with unhappiness. why did i choose to be born into this family? Prem Joshua, you have not chosen, because you died unconsciously. How can you choose? If YOU had chosen, you certainly would not have chosen such a family. It was unconscious. You moved into the womb ro...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  4. No Image

    on Gautam Buddha Birth as Maitreya

    Osho on Gautam Buddha Birth as Maitreya Question : You have said that Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana, but also that Buddha Is to come once again in human form and will be known as Maitreya. How is It possible to take on a human form after reaching nirvana? Please explain this. This is somewhat difficult; therefore, I did not speak about it yesterday. It requ...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  5. No Image

    In doing sadhana on aum, is it better to repeat it like a mantra or to try to hear it as an inner sound?

    Question : In doing sadhana on aum, is it better to repeat it like a mantra or to try to hear it as an inner sound? The mantra Aum has to be done in three stages. First, you should repeat it very loudly. That means it should come from the body — first from the body because body is the main door. And let first the body be saturated with it. So repeat it loudly...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  6. No Image

    on Attractiom for teachings of Channels or Psychics

    Osho on Attractiom for teachings of Channels or Psychics Question 1: Beloved Osho, Many of your Sannyasins, some of whom have been with you for many years, have left you to follow the teachings of Channels or Psychic Clairvoyants. I have visited some of these people, partly out of curiosity and partly through the recommendation of friends, and have found noth...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  7. No Image

    Can Wanderings of the Psychic mind be controlled?

    Osho on Watching Psychic Energies Question : Can the psychic aberration of the mind be controlled? Can the wanderings of the psychic mind be controlled? I find it difficult... It is always better to watch rather than control. If you control something you will have to control it forever. It will become a constant tension in you. You will have to remain on guar...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  8. No Image

    The Third Eye and “Who am I”

    The Third Eye and “Who am I” Question 1 Beloved Osho, The other night, following the energy between by eyes, I went into myself, looking for “Who am I?” At a certain point I found myself immersed in great nothingness. The sensation was very strong. I couldn’t go on; I felt so afraid of this emptiness that I stopped. Osho, what is this energy that is felt betw...
    CategoryThird eye
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  9. No Image

    Something Belonging to Eternity

    Something Belonging to Eternity Question 1 Beloved Osho, A few months ago my friend and I were visiting his dying father. Lots of people were around, his body was about finished. To most people he was indifferent, but when everyone left he suddenly opened his eyes and told us, “I feel like I have two bodies; one body is sick and the other is completely health...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  10. No Image

    The origin of cosmic chemistry

    The origin of cosmic chemistry Five hundred years have passed since Paracelsus, and his discoveries disappeared into oblivion. But now, during the past twenty years, astrology has re-emerged. During this time a new science has been born. I will describe this new science a bit, and then you will be able to understand the ancient science of astrology more easil...
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  11. No Image

    Abuse of Psychic Energy through Eyes. Don't use Psychic Energy to Dominate others

    Osho on Abuse of Psychic Energy through Eyes Question 2: It is observed that the practitioners of Psychic Sciences possess tense and fearful eyes. Explain what this indicates and how to overcome this phenomenon Those who practice hypnotism, mesmerism, magnetism, or things like this, will have very tense eyes -- obviously, because they are trying to move their...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  12. No Image

    Osho on Nostradamus and Prediction

    Osho on Nostradamus and Prediction Just a few days ago, I was seeing one of the most significant books to be published in this century, ‘Millenium’. It is a deep research into Nostradamus and his predictions. Eighty thousand copies were published - which is very rare - and they were sold within weeks. Now a second publication, a second edition, is happening i...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  13. No Image

    on Temple of Delphi

    Osho on temple of Delphi Question : Osho, While traveling in greece with a group of sannyasins we visited delphi, the place of the ancient oracle, and where it is said pythagoras once lived. We all felt a peaceful happiness while walking around the ruins, and in the end we all gathered on the top of the stadium and sat silently with each other. What happened ...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  14. No Image

    on Jiddu Krishnamurti refusal for Maitreya Descent

    Question 2 I Bow down to those who have destroyed all enemies. I Bow down to those who have achieved liberation. I Bow down to those who are the religious preceptors. I Bow down to those who are the priests. I Bow down to all the religious aspirants. It has five divisions. On each division there is an invocation which becomes deeper and deeper. Ordinarily, pe...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  15. No Image

    If you can ask in a dream, "Is it real?" the dream immediately disappears

    This world is the world of death, and the gods that you have created out of your imagination are part of this world — they are going to die. You, your world, your gods, they are all going to die, because this world is created by your desire, and the gods are also created by your desire and imagination. You don’t know who you are — how can you know the real Go...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  16. No Image

    Jati-smaran means : a method of recalling past lives

    Question : A friend has asked: what is the relation between meditation and jati-smaran, past life remembering? Jati-smaran means: a method of recalling past lives. It is a way to remember our previous existences. It is a form of meditation. It is a specific application of meditation. For example, one might ask, "What is a river, and what is a canal? Our answe...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  17. No Image

    Hara, the Third Eye and Zen

    Hara, the Third Eye and Zen Question 1 I heard you say that the center of our Buddhahood is at the hara point inside the body. Is there also a sleeping buddha energy in our hearts and in the third eye? Do we all have the same potential of remembering, each one with his or her unique expression of creativity? Please comment. The hara center is the source of al...
    CategoryThird eye
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  18. No Image

    on Vertical and Horizontal Dimension

    Wherever you are going horizontally, with whatever speed, you will end up in some graveyard. It is strange that every moment our graves are coming closer to us — even if you don’t move, your grave is moving towards you. The horizontal line of time is, in other words, the mortality of man. But if you can reach to the center of your being, the silences of your ...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  19. No Image

    Reincarnation - Osho Quotes on Reincarnation

    Osho Quotes on Reincarnation Hindus believe in God and the soul. Jainas don't believe in God at all but only in the soul. And Buddhists don't believe in the soul or God either. But about reincarnation all three agree -- even Buddhists agree, who don't believe in the soul. A very strange thing...then who reincarnates? Even THEY could not deny the phenomenon of...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  20. No Image

    Where Does Your Body End?

    Where Does Your Body End? Question 5 : Does the soul leave the body when you die? Where does it go? This whole way of thinking – that something remains and something leaves – is fallacious. The gross body that we know is just a seed, the outer mask. There are also subtle bodies which continue to surround your soul even when it is leaving. These bodies are als...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  21. No Image

    Once the energy becomes vertical you are joined to god

    Meditation means becoming absolutely silent, still, serene, as if nothing moves inside, everything stops — the mind, time. There comes a full stop to all movement. In that full stop, when the ordinary movement of the mind stops, you start moving into a now dimension. The ordinary movement of the mind is horizontal. When it stops, the energy cannot stop. Energ...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  22. No Image

    on Psychic & Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus

    Osho on Psychic & Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus Question 4: Is Psychic Exploitation possible in the name of Shaktipat? How is it possible And how is the Meditator to guard against it? It is possible. Much spiritual exploitation is possible in the name of shaktipat. In fact, where there is a demand, a declaration, there is always exploitation. When a pe...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  23. No Image

    Hindu mythological gods are certain visions of a certain state of mind

    Hindu mythological gods are certain visions of a certain state of mind Question : Osho, Do hindu mythological gods, like Shiva, Uma and Indra have a real existence on some plane, or are they just symbols as you implied in your talks the last two mornings? And if they are really only symbolic, Why do people see visions of them in meditation and what do such vi...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  24. No Image

    on nonattachment with the Desire to have Psychic Powers

    on Nonattachment with Psychic Powers IT is very difficult to be nonattached in the world, but it is even more difficult to be nonattached when the spiritual world opens its doors. The difficulty of the second is a millionfold because the worldly powers are not real powers. They are impotent; and they never satisfy you, they never make you contented. In fact e...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  25. No Image

    Beyond the Astral Body

    Beyond the Astral Body Question 1 I have understood that the witness is pure consciousness, unaffected by the body and mind it takes temporary residence in. So, first: how do personality and conditioning persist from one life to another? And second: does not that which makes us unique individuals have a continuum? Maneesha, first you have to understand that y...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  26. No Image

    Psychology of the Esoteric

    Psychology of the Esoteric Question : Osho, Please tell us something about the tensions and relaxation of the seven bodies. The original source of all tension is becoming. One is always trying to be something; no one is at ease with himself as he is. The being is not accepted, the being is denied, and something else is taken as an ideal to become. So the basi...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  27. No Image

    on How to Die Consciously So that we can have a Conscious Birth

    Question 1 One friend has asked: one can die fully conscious, but how can one be in full consciousness at birth? Actually, death and birth are not two events, they are two ends of the same phenomenon -- just like two sides of the same coin. If a man can have one side of a coin in his hand, the other side will be in his hand automatically. It's not possible to...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  28. No Image

    Astrology : The Science of Cosmic Oneness

    Astrology: The Science of Cosmic Oneness Astrology is perhaps the most ancient subject and also in a way the most ignored. It is the most ancient because astrology has been in existence as far back as we have been able to investigate the history of mankind. Astrological inscriptions have been found on bone remnants from the Sumerian civilization which existed...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  29. No Image

    The mysteries of the seven bodies

    The mysteries of the seven bodies Question 1 In yesterday's talk you said that the seeker should first worry about his own receptivity and should not go begging from door to door. but the very meaning of a sadhak is that there are obstacles on his path of spiritual growth. he does not know how to be receptive. is it so difficult to meet the right guide? To se...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  30. No Image

    The Metaphor of the Third Eye

    The Metaphor of the Third Eye Question 2 Beloved Osho, The other day, you talked about the third eye as a door for connecting with you and existence. Whenever I feel open, flowing, connecting with you, other people, nature or myself, I mostly feel it in my heart as silence and expanding spaciousness, and sometimes as radiating light. Beloved Osho, is this the...
    CategoryThird eye
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  31. No Image

    Possibility of Psychic Binding between the Meditator and the medium in Shaktipat

    Osho on Psychic Binding during Shaktipat Question 2 Is there a Possibility of Psychic Binding between the Meditator and the medium in Shaktipat? Can it be detrimental to the Meditator or is it helpful for him? Ties that bind can never be useful, because ties are bad in themselves. The deeper the attachment, the worse it is. Psychic binding is a very bad thing...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  32. No Image

    on the process of life and death

    Question 1: I heard you say that we sometimes carry other people's wounds. What does this mean? Is another person's wound simply their thought pattern that we adopt? if we can so easily accept someone else's wound then why is it so difficult to accept our own buddhahood? It is a very complicated question, but if you are ready to understand I am willing to ans...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  33. No Image

    Osho on using Mantras, Chanting

    on using Mantras, Chanting Many chanters of mantras fall asleep — hence the use of Transcendental Meditation for people who suffer from sleeplessness, hence its appeal in America. Insomnia has become a normal thing. The more insomnia is there, the more will be the appeal of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, because people need some tranquilizers. A mantra is a prefect t...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  34. No Image

    Buddha says: When action comes out of nothing it creates no karma

    When you act out of nothingness, you respond; it is no longer a reaction. It has truth, it has validity in it, authenticity. It is existential. It is immediate, spontaneous, simple, innocent. And this action does not create any karma. Remember, the word karma means action, a particular action. Not all actions create karma, remember. Buddha lived after his enl...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  35. No Image

    on Kundalini and Psychic Realm

    Osho on Kundalini and Psychic Realm Question 2: Is kundalini a psychic phenomenon? When you ask, "Is it psychic?" the fear is there that if it is psychic it is unreal. The psychic has its own reality. Psychic means another realm of reality: the nonmaterial. In the mind, reality and materiality have become synonymous, but they are not; reality is much greater ...
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  36. No Image

    What is the law of karma?

    Question 5 What is the law of karma? It is not in fact a law, because there is nobody behind it as a lawgiver. On the contrary, it is intrinsic to existence itself. It is the very nature of life: whatsoever you sow, you reap. But it is complex, it is not so simple, it is not so obvious. To make it more clear, try to understand it in a psychological way, becau...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  37. No Image

    on Channeling Phenomenon

    Osho on Channeling Phenomenon Question 2 Beloved Osho, Have you anything to say about `channeling'? Supposedly a spirit being speaks through a willing human host. This is a growing phenomenon that is happening right now, particularly in california and new york. There are famous ones -- Seth, Ramtha and Lazarua. But now they are springing up everywhere -- peop...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  38. No Image

    on Mystery of Pilgrimage Places of Alkufa Sufi Village and Vishwanath Temple

    Osho on Mystery of Pilgrimage Places There are physical indications of such places of pilgrimage, but as time passes, those signs may disappear. So they have to be protected by building temples or erecting huge idols so that the footprints of those great seers can be preserved. Great care has to be taken so that those places do not shift even by an inch from ...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  39. No Image

    Only Life Goes Beyond Death

    Only Life Goes Beyond Death LIFE is an opportunity. You can use it, you can misuse it, or you can simply waste it. It depends on you. Except you, nobody is going to be responsible. Responsibility is of the individual. Once you realize this then you start becoming alert, aware. Then you start living in a totally different way. Then, in fact, for the first time...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  40. No Image

    Meaning, Preparation and Process of Mantra Deeksha, Why Mantra be kept Secret

    Osho on Mantra Deeksha - Mantra Initiation Question 2: Explain the Meaning, Preparation and process of Mantra Deeksha - Mantra Initiation and What are the Reasons why Individuals must keep the Mantra Secret? First try to understand what initiation is, what is DEEKSHA. It is a deep communion, a deep transfer of energy from the master to the disciple. Energy al...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  41. No Image

    Bardo : Between These Two Dreams

    Bardo : Between These Two Dreams Question 1 Osho, I’ve always been fascinated by the state of bardo as described in ancient Tibetan scriptures. Could you say something about this? Bardo is a simple method but with great significance. Only people who have meditated a little bit in their lives can be benefited by it, and Tibet was one of the countries where alm...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  42. No Image

    Wilhelm Reich, Semyon Kirlian and Auras

    Question 4 Beloved Osho, Wilhelm Reich says in his book, ‘Listen, Little Man’, that he found that man reaches out with his life energy when he feels well and loving; that he retracts that energy when he is afraid. Reich says that he found that this life energy – which he termed “orgone” – is “found in the atmosphere,” outside the body. He says he succeeded in...
    CategoryAura, Full Moon
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  43. No Image

    on entering another body and Psychic Mediumship

    Osho on entering another body and Psychic Mediumship Question 6 : What is the difference between entering another body and Psychic Mediumship? How does one enter into a Medium? Actually, the experiments are contrary to each other. In the former case, a person enters into another person's body, while in the case of mediumship, the medium allows a person to ent...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  44. No Image

    on Worthy Womb and Conditions for Higher Soul to take Birth

    on Worthy Womb and Conditions for Higher Soul to take Birth Question 2: What are the distinguishing features that make a womb worthy enough to receive a higher soul, and what are the characteristics of a Womb in which an Inferior soul may enter? What preparations are necessary in order that a higher Soul may descend? How are the preparations made? As compared...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  45. No Image

    on Sacred Place of Pilgrimage

    Osho on Sacred Place of Pilgrimage In the Pacific Ocean there is a small island, Easter Island, on which there are one thousand huge stone idols, all about seventy feet tall. The population of the island is just two hundred. It was found, when that island was first discovered, that it was so small, it couldn't produce food for more than two hundred people. Wh...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  46. No Image

    on Deja Vu and Theory of Reincarnation

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, Occasionally, a strong feeling comes over me that exactly the situation i am in at that moment has happened before. others tell me of experiencing the same feeling and that it has been termed, ‘deja vu’. I have always wondered what this experience was and its connection with meditation. can you help me to understand it? Anand Somen, ...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  47. No Image

    on Edgar Cayce and The Third Eye

    Osho on Edgar Cayce and The Third Eye I will tell you about another event in connection with the vermillion mark, so that you will be able to understand its relationship to the third eye. Edgar Cayce died in 1945. Forty years before that, in 1905, he fell sick, became unconscious and remained in a coma for three days. The doctors had lost all hope and said th...
    CategoryThird eye
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  48. No Image

    on The third eye

    Question 1: Explain the relationship of the two eyes with the third eye. In which way do the techniques concerned with looking affect the third eye? Firstly, two points are to be understood. One, the energy of the third eye is really the same as that which moves in the two ordinary eyes - the same energy. It begins to move in a new center. The third eye is al...
    CategoryThird eye
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  49. No Image

    What happens to Souls in Bodyless State

    Osho on State of Souls in Bodiless State Question : Osho, you have told us what happens to the Soul during that timeless interval between two Births. But some points remain unresolved, regarding the Bodiless Soul: in that bodiless state, does the Soul remain stationary or can it move about? And how does it recognize other Souls? In that state, is there any po...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  50. No Image

    The Mysteries of the Seven Bodies

    The Mysteries of the Seven Bodies Question 1 In yesterday’s talk you said that the seeker should first worry about his own receptivity and should not go begging from door to door. But the very meaning of a sadhak is that there are obstacles on his path of spiritual growth. He does not know how to be receptive. Is it difficult to meet the right guide? To seek ...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  51. No Image

    on Kundalini and Psychic Realm

    Osho on Kundalini and Psychic Realm Question: Is kundalini a psychic phenomenon? When you ask, "Is it psychic?" the fear is there that if it is psychic it is unreal. The psychic has its own reality. Psychic means another realm of reality: the nonmaterial. In the mind, reality and materiality have become synonymous, but they are not; reality is much greater th...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  52. No Image

    on How to Prevent Misuse of Psychic Powers

    Osho on Preventing Misuse of Psychic Powers The only antidote for the misuse of psychic powers is love; otherwise power corrupts. All power corrupts. It may be wealth, it may be prestige, it may be politics, or it may be psychic -- it makes no difference. Whenever you feel powerful, if you don't have love as an antidote, your power is going to become a calami...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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  53. No Image

    Dream analysis cannot help you to become enlightened, but dream witnessing can certainly help you

    Question : Osho, Is it necessary to go through dream analysis for attaining enlightenment? Gautami, dream analysis cannot help you to become enlightened, but dream witnessing can certainly help you. That is the difference between psychology and religion: psychology analyzes dreams; religion watches them, helps you to become aware of them. And the moment you b...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  54. No Image

    What is Shaktipat or Energy Transmission? How can Someone transmit Divine Energy?

    Osho on Shaktipat or Energy Transmission Question 4: What is Shaktipat or Energy Transmission? And is it possible that someone Can transmit Divine Energy? No one can do shaktipat, no one can transmit energy; but someone can be a vehicle for such transmission. It is true that no one can do it. And if some body claims that he can do it, he is indulging in sheer...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  55. No Image

    on Past lives

    The past exists nowhere. Many people write to me, "Give us methods so that we can remember our past lives." What are you going to do? Even if you remember that you were Alexander the Great or Cleopatra, how is that going to help in any way? It will create more complications. You are already in such a mess! That's why nature closes the door every time you die....
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  56. No Image

    A mantra is not spiritual

    Remember that a mantra is a secret technique to achieve more power. A mantra is not spiritual, it is political, but the politics are of the inner space, not of the outer. The mind can become powerful if you narrow it down; narrowing is the method. The more narrow the mind, the more powerful it becomes. It is just like the sun's rays falling to the ground. If ...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  57. No Image

    If a Tirthankara desires to be born, can he take a Physical Body

    Osho on Tirthankara desires to be Born again Question : If a Tirthankara desires to be born, can he take a Physical Body? Now this is a different matter altogether. If a tirthankara wishes to be reborn a very interesting happening takes place: that is, before death he does not discard his fourth body. There is a way and a method of doing this, and that is by ...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  58. No Image

    on Bapak Subud and Latihan

    Question : Beloved Osho, Who was the master who discovered or invented the Latihan meditation technique? Would you like explain this meditation technique? Latihan is a unique method -- unique in the sense that it is the only method that has come out of this century, and unique also because it happened to a man who was not searching for truth, who was not a se...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  59. No Image

    All esotericism is nonsense - It is an escape from reality into fantasy.

    Question 2 Osho, Is all esotericism nonsense? Yes! It is an escape from reality into fantasy. People are thinking about heaven and hell, and they don’t know who they are. And there are people who are describing detailed maps about heaven and hell. In the temples there are maps available, and these maps are very ancient. Man came to know maps of the earth only...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  60. No Image

    Transcending the Seven Bodies

    Transcending the Seven Bodies Question 1 You said we have seven bodies: an etheric body, a mental body and so on. Sometimes it is difficult to adjust the Indian language to the terms of Western Psychology. We have no theory for this in the West, so how can we translate these different bodies into our language? The spiritual is no problem, but the etheric? The...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  61. No Image

    Aum is the symbol of the seventh body

    Question 4 What are the distinctive characteristics of aum for which it has been chosen to represent the seventh plane? There are two reasons for choosing aum. One is that a word was sought which had no meaning, which cannot be given any meaning - because if it conveys any meaning it is reduced to the fifth plane. So a word was required which was, in a sense,...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  62. No Image

    Every enlightened one is navel centered, but the expression of each enlightened one may flow through other centers

    Question 4: Are all enlightened ones navel centered? for example, is krishnamurti head or navel centered? was ramakrishna heart or navel centered? Every enlightened one is navel centered, but the expression of each enlightened one may flow through other centers. Understand the distinction clearly. Every enlightened one is navel centered; there is no other pos...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  63. No Image

    on Seven Bodies and their Tensions

    Osho on Seven Bodies and their Tensions Question 1: Please Tell us some thing about the Tensions and Relaxation of the Seven Bodies The original source of all tension is becoming. One is always trying to be something; no one is at ease with himself as he is. The being is not accepted, the being is denied, and something else is taken as an ideal to become. So ...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  64. No Image

    Nothing is Created

    Nothing is Created Question 1 : Were all souls created together, as Paul Brunton theorizes, or were they created at separate stages? Is this difference – the difference in their stages – due to their own choice or is it their destiny? What degree of choice do we have as far as reincarnation is concerned? Before I can answer this question, two or three things ...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  65. No Image

    Chakras - Osho Quotes on Chakras

    Osho Quotes on Chakras Most people die from the lowest chakra, the sex center. There are seven chakras in the body from where life can go out of the body. The last is on top of the head, and unless you are enlightened life cannot go out from that chakra. - Osho, "Beyond Psychology, #19" As you move more and more into the present, inside you will come across s...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  66. No Image

    When you are repeating a mantra you are using the Mind

    [A visitor says he has been meditating here but prefers passive meditations – like TM that he has been doing for some time. He wonders if he should keep using a mantra or just watch his breath: I feel just as good not using a mantra – to do it with my breath is just as good.] Then using just the breath is far better, because a mantra is again an arbitrary thi...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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    Jesus Christ Unknown life in India after Escaping from Jewish Cross

    Osho on Jesus Lived in India Jesus never died on the cross. It takes at least forty-eight hours for a person to die on the Jewish cross; and there have been known cases where people have existed almost six days on the cross without dying. Because Jesus was taken down from the cross after only six hours, there is no possibility of his dying on the cross. It wa...
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    Astrology : You are not predicting the future

    [A sannyasin says: I’m going back to pursue my study of astrology and to try to use it as a medium to communicate with people – not for its predictative qualities but just as a psychological tool…. in pointing out blocks and indicating how best we can use our energy.] Just remember a few things, mm? It will be good for you and good for people; you can go into...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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    on Longing for Psychic Powers and Psychic stages in Awakening

    on Longing for Psychic Powers and Psychic stages in Awakening Question 4: Is it necessary to pass through psychic stages before the explosion can happen? No, it is not necessary to pass through psychic realms. But that does not mean that you will not pass through them. You can pass through them with such speed that you do not notice them or you can pass throu...
    CategoryChanneling, Psychic Energy
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    The dream can exist only if believed; the dream disappears if you don't believe in it

    Beware of imagination. It can cloud your mind. It can destroy your capacity to see clearly. Hence I say: Unless you drop being Hindus, Mohammedans, Christians, you will not be able to see clearly. Your imagination has been contaminated for centuries. All your ideas and ideologies have to be put aside so that your eyes can face, can encounter truth as it is. I...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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    Karma : The law of karma, in the first place, is not a law.

    Question 1 Osho, What do you have to say about the law of karma? I have very little to say about it -- but it will still take two and a half hours! The law of karma, in the first place, is not a law. That word gives it an aroma as if it is something scientific, like the law of gravitation. It is merely a hope, not a law at all. It has been hoped for centuries...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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    on Tibetan mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum.”

    Question 1: Osho, Would you like to say something about the famous tibetan mantra, "om mani padme hum"? Maneesha, the only country in the world which has devoted all its genius to the inner exploration is Tibet. Its findings are of tremendous value. Om mani padme hum is one of the most beautiful expressions for the ultimate experience. Its meaning is "the sou...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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    The Divine Melody (on Kabir and Seven Charkras)

    The Divine Melody Unless you have known what love is, you have not known what melody is. oshoIt is the meeting, orgasmic meeting, of death and life. Unless love is known, you have missed. You were born, you lived, and you died - but you missed. You missed tremendously, you missed utterly, you missed absolutely - you missed the interval in between. That interv...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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    The navel center is just to be discovered; it is not to be developed

    Question 3 : Is the development of the navel center exclusively free and separate from the growth of the heart and head centers, or does the navel center develop simultaneously with the growth of the heart and the head? And also, please explain in which way the training and techniques for the navel center will differ from the training and techniques for the d...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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    on Tantra, Mantra, Yantra

    Question 2: While in an art museum in frankfurt recently, i entered one room with nothing but statues and carvings of buddha. I put absolutely no faith in stone idols, but i was surprised to feel a very strong energy current in the room, similar to what i feel here in the lecture. Was i imagining things? And if so, how can i trust what i feel here with you? T...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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    on Aura Colors

    Osho on Aura Colors Question : A white and small Aura is visible just over your head. Why is not a colored one visible? IT IS a colored one -- but all the colors are there, hence it looks white. White is not colorless. White is the presence of all the colors together. White is the most colorful thing in the world -- hence it looks white. When a white ray pass...
    CategoryAura, Full Moon
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    Gurdjieff’s whole work consisted of separating the consciousness from the body

    The Ultimate in Consciousness Question 1 Beloved Osho, What happened to Gurdjieff when he had his car accident? The system of George Gurdjieff is a little bit strange, and it is certainly different from all other, old approaches. His whole work was concentrated on creating an absolute feeling of distinction between the body and consciousness – not just as a p...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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    Energy is Understanding

    Question 5 : Is there any relationship between understanding and energy? Santosh, yes. There is great relationship. In fact, to call it relationship is not right – because energy IS understanding. They are not two things. What kind of energy is understanding? When the energy is unoccupied, it becomes understanding. When energy is occupied, it remains ignoranc...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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    on Religious Visions during Deep Meditation

    Osho on Religious Visions during Deep Meditation Question 2: What happens to Religious Visions and other manifestations of deep meditation when the Sahasrar opens? All these things will drop. All pictures will drop - visions, everything, will drop, because these things come only in the beginning. They are good signs, but they will drop away. Before the openin...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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    The path of kundalini: authenticity and freedom

    The path of kundalini: authenticity and freedom Question 1 In yesterday's talk, you said that false experiences of kundalini can be projected which you consider to be not spiritual but psychic. in your initial talk, however, you had said that kundalini is only psychic. this means, according to you, that there are two states of the kundalini - psychic and spir...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  81. No Image

    on Bhajans (singing divine songs)

    You will see lots of people doing bhajan, singing the song of the divine, but they are not really doing bhajan. They are doing it very superficially. It may be a sort of recreation for them as they have not staked their life. It may be just an enjoyment for them, and this type of enjoyment they can get from any other song or from any other music. Bhajan means...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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    on Vertical and Horizontal Dimension

    Wherever you are going horizontally, with whatever speed, you will end up in some graveyard. It is strange that every moment our graves are coming closer to us — even if you don’t move, your grave is moving towards you. The horizontal line of time is, in other words, the mortality of man. But if you can reach to the center of your being, the silences of your ...
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    Whenever In-Breath and Out-Breath Fuse

    Whenever in-breath and out-breath fuse, at this instant touch the energy-less, energy-filled center. We are divided into the center and the periphery. The body is the periphery; we know the body, we know the periphery. We know the circumference, but we do not know where the center is. When the out-breath fuses with the in-breath, when they become one, when yo...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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