• The sannyasin knows what it means to be an emperor, because he simply gives; he enjoys giving, he loves sharing. And the miracle of life is: the more you give the more you have.
    - Osho

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 "Real Esoterics simply means the science of knowing thyself." 


 "Esotericism is just an escape from reality" 





  1. No Image

    Atlantis and Lemuria. Those continents are drowned, under water.

    The Egyptian mystics have a saying… And Egypt had a few of the most ancient mystery schools. They were connected with those mystery schools which existed on the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. Those continents are drowned, under water. But Egypt, for a time – till the fanatic Mohammedans destroyed those mystery schools – continued the beautiful methodolog...
    CategoryApocalypse and Noah'a Ark
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  2. No Image

    The great library of Alexandria and The great flood

    In Egypt, the great library of Alexandria was still intact. It had all the secrets of the past preserved. It was the greatest library that has ever existed on the earth; later on it was destroyed by a Mohammedan fanatic. The library was so big that when it was burnt, for six months the fire continued. Just twenty-five centuries before Pythagoras, a great cont...
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  3. No Image

    If there are only two hundred enlightened people in the world a third world war is not possible.

    Question Osho, You have said that if there are only two hundred enlightened people in the world a third world war is not possible. can you explain what you mean, how these two hundred people would make a difference among the billions of unconscious people? Certainly. They will make tremendous difference. When the whole room is dark, just a small candle makes ...
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  4. No Image

    We have to create a golden future.

    Question 1 Beloved osho, Towards the end of the first millennium, humanity was afraid that god would put an end to the world, because of what he said in the apocalypse of st. john. nowadays, as we are coming close to the end of the second millennia, man is becoming more and more afraid that perhaps he himself is going to put an end to the world. has anything ...
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  5. No Image

    The death of this earth is not far away

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Why have human beings gone through this struggle since the very beginning? were there not already highly developed civilizations living on this earth? and yet their consciousness got lost and man had to start all over again. right now it seems to be a particularly dark period. is there such a cosmic law that says, "only out of the mud...
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  6. No Image

    Power in the hands of ignorant, retarded crowds is self-destructive.

    Power in the hands of ignorant, retarded crowds is self-destructive. Existence does not support those who are nothing but living lies. They may have great power, but their own power will destroy them. Many civilizations have existed on the earth and they destroyed themselves by their own power. We are not the first civilization in the world. Atlantis drowned ...
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  7. No Image

    It is a reality. The world is going to end.

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, In the last few weeks you have been talking a lot about the world running fast towards a dead end, without showing any more hope that things will ever change. On the other hand, up to one month ago, you talked on the possibility that the presence of two hundred enlightened people, or even one, could save the world. Why this shift of ...
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  8. No Image

    The great continent of Atlantis was drowned not by a natural calamity but by atomic explosion

    History is a wheel. It is a vicious circle, it goes on moving in the same rut. Many, many times man has become very civilized, and many, many times all civilization has disappeared from the earth. This is not for the first time that we have discovered science. Ancient records tell something else, a totally different story. There is every possibility that the ...
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    A Noah’s Ark of Consciousness - which moves a small group of conscious people to another planet.

    A Noah’s Ark of Consciousness Question 3 Beloved Osho, Rocks easily destroy flowers. The politicians and religions sense that enlightenment, freedom and individuality threaten their power. It is fear alone that is the basis of the dark use of intelligence to crush man’s finest blossoms? Or is there an unconscious urge for ‘endarkenment’ too? Devageet, there i...
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