• A woman is to be loved, not understood.
    - Osho

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osho talks





 Freedom : The Courage to Be Yourself 



"Be a light unto yourself. Do not follow others, do not imitate,

because imitation, following, creates stupidity."




"Wisdom as living in the light of your own consciousness, 

and foolishness as following others, imitating others, becoming a shadow to somebody else"





  1. No Image

    Meera : Osho on Meera

    Osho on Meera Meera became enlightened, and danced and danced. Her whole life she danced from one village to another, singing songs of God, of love. And Buddha became enlightened and became utterly silent, quiet, still. It is not an accident that the first marble statues made were of Buddha -- he looked like a marble statue, he sat like a ...
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  2. No Image

    Meera herself is devotion.

    Osho on Mystic Meera Meera is a launching place for your pilgrimage. Her scripture is the scripture of love. Perhaps calling it scripture is not right. Take Narada's BHAKTI SUTRAS -- sutras of devotion -- that is scripture. There one finds reasoning, method, fixed precepts. It is a system of devotion. Meera herself IS devotion. You won't f...
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