• Humanity will never be religious unless all organized religions disappear and religion becomes an individual commitment towards existence.
    - Osho

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osho talks





 Freedom : The Courage to Be Yourself 



"Be a light unto yourself. Do not follow others, do not imitate,

because imitation, following, creates stupidity."




"Wisdom as living in the light of your own consciousness, 

and foolishness as following others, imitating others, becoming a shadow to somebody else"





  1. No Image

    Adi Shankara : The founder of a systematic, philosophical system for the Hindus

    Osho on Adi Shankara Adi Shankara, the founder of a systematic, philosophical system for the Hindus, died at the age of thirty three. He became enlightened somewhere about the age of seven. When he was seven his father had died. He was the son of a poor father, a poor brahmin; the mother was only living for him, the only son. At the age of...
    CategoryAdi Shankaracharya
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    Adi Shankaracharya Discussion With Mandan Mishra

    Osho on Adi Shankaracharya Discussion With Mandan Mishra I remembered about the original shankaracharya, Adi Shankaracharya. He is a predecessor of nearly fourteen hundred years ago. He died a young man, he died when he was thirty-three. He created a new tradition of sannyasins, he created four temples in all the four directions, and he ap...
    CategoryAdi Shankaracharya
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    Adi Shankaracharya

    Adi Shankaracharya I am reminded of a beautiful incident about the Adi Shankaracharya, the first Shankaracharya, who established four temples – the four seats of Shankaracharyas for all the four directions. Perhaps in the whole world, he is the most famous of those philosophers who are trying to establish that everything is illusory. Witho...
    CategoryAdi Shankaracharya
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    Adi Shankaracharya Possessing King's Dead Body

    Osho on Adi Shankaracharya Possessing King's Dead Body Question 5 Once the subtle body is out, it can't enter back into the physical body completely. The adjustment and harmony between the two is disrupted forever. This is the reason why the yogis have always been ill and have been dying at an early age. How can we prepare ourselves so tha...
    CategoryAdi Shankaracharya
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    Adi Shankaracharya Meeting with a Sudra

    Osho on Adi Shankaracharya Meeting with a Sudra Adi Shankaracharya, the Indian mystic, was likewise scorned and was the target of much abuse, but the present shankaracharyas of his monasteries receive great honor. Adi Shankaracharya was an unbounded flow of revolutionary energy, a Ganges rushing towards the ocean. He cannot be channeled li...
    CategoryAdi Shankaracharya
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