• I have a deep reverence for everything that is alive, a reverence for life itself.
    - Osho

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Question 2:

Beloved Osho,

In being responsible, one has to choose. how does it fit together with choicelessness?



Again, the same stupidity.


Have you ever tasted choicelessness?


It is very easy to make questions which appear to be very relevant, but they only appear relevant to people who don't know the real experience. You cannot deceive me.


You are saying, "Being responsible means choosing." Who has told you that? And then, of course, the mind says, "Then choicelessness cannot fit with being responsible."


The first thing is becoming choiceless.


Live the life of a witness, without choosing, in a let-go.


Let things happen to you.


Do whatever spontaneously arises in you.


The question of choice is intellectual: to do this or to do that, and what will be more profitable, more beneficial; what is moral and what is immoral.


The question of choice is that of a blind man who is continuously groping with his stick to find where the door is, where the way is. But the man who has eyes, do you think he chooses? - "This is the wall, and this is the way, and I must choose the way because I want to get out"? You never think even - you simply get out! You have eyes. It is not a choice between the wall and the door.


The situation of the person who lives in awareness is exactly the same - he has eyes.


For thirty-three years I have not chosen a single thing. Whatever spontaneously arises, I go with it. And these thirty-three years have proved to me more than enough - that if you choose, you are bound to choose something wrong because choice means blindness.


It is just an accident if the blind man stands up and, without any choice, moves out of the door. He has to choose, he has to inquire, he has to find. He has to depend on others.


A man of awareness is independent. He does things because he feels like doing them. He enjoys doing them because it is coming out of his natural spontaneity.


But the religions have confused people really badly. They have, rather than making you aware, given ten commandments. They have decided what you have to choose and what you have not to choose.


They have given you responsibilities, they have given you duties.


A man of awareness needs neither duties nor responsibilities nor choices. Yet only he is capable of doing the right thing in the right moment.


I have heard a story of a small Christian school. The priest used to come once a week to pay a visit to the small children.


The last time he had come he had told them that, "Make it a point that at least within a week's time, you have to do something good."


One small boy asked, "But what is good? How are we going to know that this is good?"


Just the way priests have always done, the priest answered, "For example, a blind man wants to cross the road; help him. This is good, helping people is good."


And when he came this time to visit, he asked, "Have you done, in the last week, anything good?"


Three boys stood up. The priest said, "It is not great, but still something has started. Out of one hundred boys only three have done something good. They should be praised. One by one, please answer what good you have done?"


He asked the first boy, who said, "I helped an old blind woman cross the road. That was the example that you had given about good."


The priest said, "It is very nice of you, you are a real Christian."


He asked the second boy, "What did you do?"


He said, "The same. I helped a blind old woman cross the road."


The priest felt a little suspicious. In this small village, how could they manage to find two blind women? But it was possible, it was not impossible. He said, "You also have done a good job. You are also a good Christian. And what about the third?"


The third said, "I have also done the same thing. I helped a blind old woman cross the road."


Now this was too much! The priest said, "I know the whole town. Where could you get three women - old, blind?"


The three boys shouted simultaneously, "It was not three woman - it was one woman! And it was such a great struggle, because she never wanted to cross! But we all three.... She was screaming and beating - but to be a Christian one has to suffer. Finally we managed to get her across."


A blind man, a man who has no awareness, is bound to do something like that. They are doing it all over the world. It is not a story. It is a reality.


People are dying in thousands every day and all religious leaders are teaching against birth control, against abortion. Strange, their arguments are the same: that by birth control you are rejecting a God-given child; this is not being religious. But strange - when God gives you cancer, when God gives you tuberculosis, when God gives you homosexuality, and when he gives the final Nobel Prize, AIDS, then why are you rejecting them?


If everything is given by God, it should be accepted with gratitude, "Lord, you are great, you have given me cancer." And don't go to a hospital, don't go to a cancer expert, because that is against religion, it is against God. God gives you cancer, and you go to a surgeon to be operated upon?


You are behaving in a very anti-religious way. But nobody asks these people, "You accept...."


In fact, religions run hospitals, and manage eye banks where blind people's eyes can be operated upon. God has made someone blind, and you are serving God by making the man see again? No, these things don't arise in their minds. The only thing they are against is birth control. Why?


It has nothing to do with God. And even if God gives you a present, you have every right to return it, with thanks. What is wrong in it? If you don't need it.... He has already given many presents before and you have accepted, and you are suffering because of those presents.


Now you have to say to him, "Please stop sending such presents. I have got enough, more than enough, and your presents are dying, one thousand a day in Ethiopia alone." Around the world the number will be far bigger.


No, it has nothing to do with God. It has something to do with the priest. All religions are interested in increasing their membership. The bigger the membership, the more power is in their hands.


Otherwise, this Polack pope - who is going to bother about him? If by a miracle all the Catholics disappear from the world, the Polack will go to Poland. What will he be doing?


He needs more Catholics. Already there are six hundred million Catholics, but he is not satisfied with that number. If people start birth control, abortion, then Catholics will not find orphans, will not find poor people, will not find beggars to convert into Catholicism.


Their vested interest is that there should be as many poor people in the world as possible, as many orphans as possible, as many suffering people as possible, because all this gives them their numbers. And every religion tries its own method.


For example, Mohammedans are allowed to have four wives. If a woman is allowed four husbands, the population is not going to increase, because one husband or four husbands will not make any difference, she can have only one pregnancy. So no religion has allowed four husbands to one woman, which would have been far better - the population would have been balanced.


But Mohammedanism allows four wives to every man. Now he can create four children every year.


Mohammed himself, as an example, had nine wives.


One Mohammedan king in India, the nizam of Hyderabad, had five hundred wives - almost a factory to produce Mohammedans. Mohammedans are just lagging a little behind the Christians. They are the number two religion and they want to be number one.


This is the politics of numbers. Don't drag in a non-existent God.


And they go on creating arguments, they say, "This is against life, anti-life - abortion or birth control."


But they don't understand the biology of man. In each lovemaking more than one million living people are released by the husband. Only one, perhaps - because the woman is not going to become pregnant every time - once in a while, perhaps once in a while one male sperm reaches in time to the female egg.


The time is very limited - only two hours - and the track that he has to run in proportion to his size, is two miles. A two mile track, running and jogging with no practice, no rehearsal, untrained, unskilled, not knowing at all what is happening - just seeing others are running, he also starts running.


Where they are going they don't know. Why they are going they don't know. Only one thing is certain, that they have to go fast, because others are going fast.


That's why there are so many idiots in the world, because intelligent people avoid crowds. And intelligent people ask first, "Why?" They stand by the side of the road and think it over: "Why are we running, what for?" And anyway, intelligent people are lazy. Seeing this big traffic jam they relax by the side and wait until everybody has gone, then perhaps they will also see what the matter is.


But life is only two hours for them; within two hours they will be dead. So in each lovemaking millions of people are dying. And a man, in his whole life - from fourteen till at least fifty - makes love so many times that a single man can fill the whole earth with its present population if all his living cells get a chance. But the trouble is the woman releases only one egg every month.


The woman has been a tremendous blessing to humanity. If she was also releasing one million eggs per month, then there would have been no elbow room anywhere. You would be always in a crowd, even in your bedroom! Just releasing one egg per month has resulted in such a huge crowd that the earth is not able to support it.


God is nowhere; otherwise, why this stupidity? If you count all stupidities, they will give you the idea that there is no God, because what is the point of releasing one million people in one lovemaking when perhaps only one is going to have the chance of being born? Why release one million, or more than one million, people?


God seems to be either just stupid, not knowing arithmetic.... Rather than saying that, because that is condemnatory - to call him an idiot who does not know even the basic three R's - it is far more compassionate to God to say that he does not exist. At least you relieve him of all kinds of stupidity, of all kinds of crime, of all kinds of murder, rape, suicide - because these are all his gifts.


The priests are not interested in you. They are not interested in your awareness, because a man of awareness will certainly see the point, that the world is already overpopulated. There is no need to convince him about it - that to bring more children into the world is to make it more poor, more hungry, more starving, more illiterate.


Is there a choice, for the man of awareness, to use birth control or not? There is no choice; his awareness is enough. He does what his awareness allows him to do.


And the only responsibility that you have is not towards the nation - because that has been the cause of all the wars in the world. In three thousand years five thousand wars have happened on this earth. Who could manage so many wars, and how? - continuously killing, murdering, because of your responsibility to the nation. You have been taught that if the need arises you have to die for the nation and you will be a martyr and your name will be written in golden letters in the history books.


I have never seen any name in any history book written in golden letters, particularly about those poor soldiers who have been killed. In fact, when they become ready to go to war their individuality is destroyed, their identity is destroyed. Their names become numbers!


If a soldier dies or has not come back by the evening, on the notice board the next day there is a declaration that: "Number twenty-six is either dead or missing." Reading it, number twenty-six does not create in you the idea that number twenty-six had an old father, a sick mother, a loving wife waiting for him, children that he has to raise. Number twenty-six doesn't have any family.


Do you see the strategy? If a name is written, then many will feel that the same can happen to them.


Then who is going to take care of their families?


They have been given numbers. In the army a man has no name, no identity except a number. And remember, numbers are replaceable; people are not. Soon somebody else will be number twenty- six. But the man who was number twenty-six in the first place was unique. There was nobody else who could have replaced him.


Number twenty-six has no problem: no family, no children, no mother, no wife, no friends.


Responsibility to the nation means you are preparing, getting ready to fight against other nations.


And they also have the teaching: responsibility to their nation.


But forget all those promises that your names will be written in golden letters. In fact, so many people die in a war that they cannot make so many graves, they make collective graves. And they certainly make a memorial, dedicated to the anonymous soldier who died for the country. Anonymous!


No man of awareness can feel any responsibility towards the nations. In fact, he will be against any such attitude. That attitude has created wars, killings, unnecessary massacre.


The whole earth is one!


The man of awareness cannot see where the divisions are.


Just the other day one beautiful young journalist was asking me - he was from Switzerland - "Do you love Swiss people?"


He was shocked for a moment, because I said, "I hate... any divisions of humanity." Then he relaxed.


When he heard, "I hate..." I could see the change. He thought I was saying I hate the Swiss people.


I waited a little, and his breathing must have stopped at that moment - what kind of statement was I going to make? He would never have conceived that I would say I hate the Swiss people.


I don't hate the Swiss people. I hate divisions.


Why should there be Swiss people, and Swedish people, and German and Italian and Indian and American? Why?


It is one humanity.


The man of awareness will feel a responsibility towards the whole, not towards parts which are fighting against each other.


There is no choice. He simply finds it absolutely clear.


You have been taught responsibility to your family. But the family is a very small group. You have been made responsible to a very small group - which is not good.


There was a fight between my father and one of my neighbors, because the land between our house and the neighbor's house was in dispute as to whom it belongs. I told my father, "Remember, don't go to court against that man, because I am going to say in court that the land belongs to the neighbor."


He said, "You are going to say that? I am your father, and you will be witnessing against me?"


I said, "Yes - because I know perfectly well, and you know perfectly well that the land belongs to the neighbor. Of course, he has no documents - the documents belong to you, so you are going to win the case. But I am going to witness against the whole thing. I am going to say, 'Those documents are not authentic. The land belongs to the neighbor. It has belonged to him for centuries, to his forefathers. They have always used it. I don't know from where my father has got these documents.


We have never used that land.'"


He was very puzzled. He said, "This is strange. You don't feel any responsibility to the family?"


I said, "I feel responsibility, and this is my responsibility. And remember, I am small, perhaps my testimony will not carry weight, but I have convinced my grandfather too" - he was always a friend to me - "and he is also going to witness against you!


"Now two generations - one which is older than you, the other which is younger than you - are going to witness against you that these documents are not true. And my grandfather knows that the land never belonged to us - neither to his father, nor to his grandfather. So you simply withdraw the case, forget all about that land."


He said, "But this is strange. I know that you have great friendship with my father, and he will listen to you rather than to me. And if that old man is going to be a witness against me, it is better to withdraw the case and burn the documents, and forget all about that land." That land was significant for him. "But," he said, "you don't seem to have any responsibility to the family."


I said, "I only have responsibility. It is not addressed to the nation, to the family, to the religion, to the race."


Any responsibility addressed to something is no longer responsibility. Responsibility has to be choiceless. And your awareness can give you these two things together: choicelessness, responsibility.


But your question is just garbage. You have no experience of responsibility, you have no experience of choicelessness, you have no experience of awareness - and you are creating a very relevant question! With me, be existential, not intellectual.


That is the basic difference between me and all your old religions: I give you freedom, spontaneity, responsibility, choicelessness - but these things are not finite, addressed to small things, these things are infinite, unaddressed. Each moment you have to be aware, and you will find what your responsibility is. There will be no choice.


When I passed my matriculation exams, my whole family was in a great turmoil, because they all wanted... somebody wanted me to be a doctor, somebody wanted me to be a scientist, somebody wanted me to be an engineer - because in India these are respectable jobs, paying jobs. You become rich, you become well-known, you are honored. But I said, "I am going to study philosophy."


They all said, "This is nonsense! No man of sense will go and study philosophy. What will you do after that? Six years wasted in the university studying things which are of no use. They don't have any value, you will not even get a small service, a small job."


And they were right. In India, if you apply for the smallest job, like a clerk in the post office which needs only matriculation as qualification, and you have a master's degree in philosophy, you top the university, you have a gold medal - you will be refused. Only because of these things! These are DISqualifications, you are a difficult person! A clerk should not be a philosopher; otherwise there are bound to be difficulties.


So they said, "You will suffer your whole life. Think it over."


I said, "I never think, you know that. I simply see. And there is no question of choice, I know what I am going to study. It is not a question of weighing which job will be more profitable. Even if I become a beggar, I am going to study philosophy."


They were at a loss. They all asked me, "But what is the reason that you want to study philosophy?"


I said, "The reason is that my whole life I am going to fight against philosophers. I have to know everything about them."


They said, "My God! This is your idea? We have never imagined that a man should study philosophy because he is going to fight philosophers his whole life." But they knew that I am crazy. They said, "Something like this was expected." Still they persisted: "There is time, you can still think about it.


The universities will be opening in one month; you can still think."


I said, "One month, one year, one life makes no difference, because I don't have any choice. It is my choiceless responsibility."


One of my uncles, who was a graduate from the university, said, "It is absolutely impossible to talk with him - he uses words which don't seem to carry any meaning. Choicelessness... responsibility...


awareness - what do these things have to do with life? You will need money, you will need a house, you will need to support a family...."


I said, "I am not going to have a family. I am not going to have a house and I am not going to support anybody!" And I have not supported anybody and I have not made any house. I am the poorest man in the world!


They could not manage to force me to become a doctor, engineer, scientist, but they all were angry.


And when I became a wandering teacher around the country, doing the job for which I had studied logic and philosophy because I wanted to be perfectly acquainted with the enemy, soon there was not a single man who was ready to accept my challenge. Then my family started feeling guilty, feeling that it was good that they were not able to make me a doctor, engineer, scientist. I had proved that they were wrong.


They started asking me, "Forgive us."


I said, "There is no problem, because I never took all your advice seriously. I never bothered!


Whatever I was going to do, I was going to do in spite of everything going against me! So don't feel guilty. I have never taken your advice seriously; I was hearing you, but not listening. I had a decision in me, a decisiveness."


The process is very simple.


Meditate, become more aware and then you will see: choices disappear, a choicelessness arises.


And it is such a tremendous joy to have a choiceless spontaneity. It is such a freedom. Choice is such a burden.


I had a friend who was utterly miserable. I asked him, "What is the reason for your misery? I don't see any point - you are healthy, you are young, you are in a very well-paid position. Why should you be so miserable?"


He said, "The misery is that I am caught in a choice."


I asked, "What kind of choice?"


He said, "There are two women. One is beautiful but poor, the other is so ugly but tremendously rich. I have to decide to whom to get married. And this has been going on for two years. I have been postponing it, persuading them both, 'Wait, soon....' They are both waiting, and I have to show love to both.


"I hate the poverty of the one, I hate the body of the other. I am almost caught in such a situation that I don't see any way out."


I said to him, "Every choice brings misery. If you marry the beautiful woman, soon there will be trouble, because the woman wants to go on shopping - that is the only game the woman knows - and you don't have money. You cannot afford that woman, I know her. She would like to have a beautiful house, a car, servants, cooks. Because she knows she is so beautiful, she can get anybody as her husband.


"If you marry her, her beauty will be finished within three days. The same face - how long can you see it, how long can you think it is beautiful? And you will not be able to fulfill any of her demands, so it is going to be a constant conflict.


"Then you will start feeling, 'It would have been better if I had married the other woman. Within three days her ugliness would have disappeared the same way as the beauty has disappeared. And after three days there would have been just paradise.'" - the woman was immensely rich.


"But if you marry her, then too you will be in trouble. Marrying an ugly woman - you hate even to see her face; you will be creating a hell for yourself.


And the ugly woman is very possessive because she knows her husband will be flirting with other women. She is so ugly this will be a simple, logical conclusion, so she will be always on your neck.


And you will have to be just a servant, because all the money that she has will reduce you to a slave."


So he said, "What am I supposed to do? Either way I am in difficulty."


I said, "My suggestion is, you start coming to my school of meditation" - I had a school there.


He said, "Meditation? I am talking about marriage, not about meditation. You are strange! My problem is marriage."


I said, "I understand your problem. That's why I am telling you to come to the meditation class, because only meditation can take you out of this catch, out of this fix, out of this misery."


He said, "Okay, I will try. There is no harm, I am not going to lose anything."


I said, "There is nothing to be lost, everything to be gained."


He was in such deep misery that he wanted to come out of the misery, so he put all his effort into meditation - really total. And one day I saw his face changing, and I asked him, "What is happening to you?"


He laughed. He said, "I am finished with both! In fact, now I don't want to get married at all."


I said, "From where have you got this idea?"


He said, "It is not an idea. Becoming more silent and more silent and more silent, I have touched the space you call meditation. Now I am utterly content with myself. I don't need anybody else to make me complete - I am complete."


And the man has remained the same. All these years I have been getting information about him, asking other friends whether he has got married or not. They said, "No, he simply meditates. He has left his job. He said, 'I have earned enough money, I can live on the interest alone. I simply want to meditate. I simply want to go deeper into the mystery of life.'"


And as you go deeper, all choices disappear. There is an immense freedom in choicelessness. And there is great illumination, light, in awareness.


Meditation is the method to create more awareness, more consciousness, and a responsibility - unaddressed. Whenever, wherever you feel it, go totally into it.


It happened I was traveling from Bombay to Calcutta. It was a long journey, but I enjoyed trains rather than airplanes because that was the only time I could rest. From Bombay to Calcutta it takes forty-eight hours by train, the fastest train. So I was hoping to just relax and enjoy for forty-eight hours, because once I entered Calcutta there would be at least five meetings a day, and there was not going to be any rest.


As I entered my air-conditioned cabin, there was another man - it was a car for two persons. That man must have been watching through the window what was happening outside. Hundreds of people had come to give me a send-off - so many roses and garlands. He must have been looking through the window.


In the air-conditioned class in India - I don't know about America - you can see out from the glass, but you cannot see in; it is one-way. So I was not aware that somebody was watching. I was outside on the platform surrounded by the crowd. But so many people were touching my feet and putting garlands, that that man became certain that I was a great religious leader.


As I entered the cabin, he fell on the ground, touched my feet, kissed my feet. And he said, "I have always been searching for a great teacher. Perhaps you are the man."


He was a brahmin. I told him, "Yes, I am the man, but there is a difficulty. I am a Mohammedan."


He said, "My God! And I have kissed your feet!"


I told him, "You go to the bathroom and have a good gargle. And what can I do? - you never asked me, you simply fell on the ground and touched my feet and kissed my feet. I would have told you, but you never gave me any chance."


He rushed into the bathroom, took a shower, because a BRAHMIN...! In India that is the highest Hindu caste, the caste of the priests. They don't consider anybody even to be touchable.


He came back. He was looking very miserable, even after the shower. And I said, "I was just joking!


Can't you see me? Can't you understand? Have you forgotten all those Hindus outside?" - because in India you can recognize very well who is who. Mohammedans have different caps, different kind of clothes; Hindus have different caps, different kind of clothes. It is not difficult.


I said, "You are just unnecessarily bothering."


He fell again. He kissed my feet this time really hard. He said, "I was suspecting while I was taking the shower... this man does not look like a Mohammedan. And I am relieved of a great difficulty; otherwise I would have repented my whole life."


I said, "You will have to repent. Can't you see my beard?"


He said, "What do you mean?"


I said, "Exactly what you understand. I am a Mohammedan."


The man rushed back to the bathroom and then he told the conductor, "Please change my room - that man may disturb my whole night; he keeps changing his idea of who he is."


The conductor said, "But what do you have to do with him? Let him change his idea. You have your seat, you have your place reserved. There is no problem."


I came out. I said, "There is no problem, but this man thinks I am a Mohammedan."


The conductor said, "You think he is a Mohammedan? I know him!"


The man said, "Then there is no problem."


And I tortured him so much that finally he said, "Whoever you are, I am your disciple! I have dropped the idea of choosing between Hindu and Mohammedan. One thing is certain that you are SOMETHING!"


Just meditate, be aware.


Choices will disappear.


And a new kind of responsibility will arise which will not be imposed by the outside, which will be your own fragrance.


- Osho, “From Death to Deathlessness, chapter27 Anonymous Graves, #27, Q2”





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  12. No Image

    Why do you not write your autobiography?

    Question 4: Why do you not write your autobiography? This can also be asked – why I do not write my autobiography. It may seem very interesting, but truly speaking after self-knowledge there is no autobiography. All autobiographies are ego-biographies. What we call an autobiography is not the story of the soul...
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  13. No Image

    Asleep or awake, my consciousness is in the same state.

    Question : Osho, What is sleep for you? Do you leave your body while it is resting or does sleep help you to stay in your body? Prem Shunyo, asleep or awake, my consciousness is in the same state. To me, sleep is samadhi. That’s how Patanjali explains samadhi: a sleep without dreams; a sleep which is not uncon...
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  14. No Image

    Samsara means the great wheel of life and death. It goes on moving

    Question : Beloved Osho, What is our investment in repressing our memory of previous deaths? Is it not true to say that if we could recall our deaths we might lose our fear of death and thus be able to live a fearless life? Maneesha, this is certainly one of our great investments in forgetting the past, the pr...
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  15. No Image

    I would like it to be as if I had never been.

    (Interview by India Today) Question : When you are no more, what would you like to be remembered as -- mystic, spiritual leader, philosopher, or what? Just a nobody. I would like it to be as if I had never been. - Osho, The Last Testament, Vol 4, #8
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  16. No Image

    I don’t belong to any path, hence all paths belong to me.

    I Don’t Belong to Any Path Question 2 Beloved Osho, I took sannyas from Swami Shivand of Rishikesh after reading his book Brahmacharya and other books of his. After some years, I was attracted to Sri Ramana Maharshi and thereafter to Sri Aurobindo due to his integral approach to the divine. From 1959 onwards I...
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  17. No Image

    Osho on Traditional Paths : I have no particular path.

    Question 1 : How would you describe your particular path to enlightenment in relationship to other traditional paths such as the various kinds of yoga, sufism, buddhism, zen, christianity, etcetera? I HAVE NO particular path. I don’t belong to any path whatsoever, and therefore all paths belong to me. Each pat...
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  18. No Image

    Just be a mirror: reflect me; don’t try to understand me

    Question 5: If you are not there, and there is no thought any more, How can you give such coherent and beautiful discourses? It seems like you are aware and understand what you are saying. Such beautiful and coherent discourses are possible because I am not there. Once I am there, they will no more be beautifu...
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  19. No Image

    I cannot give you any proof

    Question : How can i see you, how can i recognize you, Osho? An ancient saying: When the sun rises we know this, not by staring at it, but because we can see everything ELSE clearly. HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE SUN? You don’t stare at the sun – you look at the trees, you look at the people… you look all around: e...
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  20. No Image

    It is natural for the sannyasins to feel immensely protective towards me

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, You are at once such an incredible strength and sweetness seeping through me. Why do i feel there is a need to protect you? It is one of the fundamental laws of life that everything that is higher is very vulnerable. The roots of a tree are very strong, but not the flowers. The flowe...
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  21. No Image

    If you have loved me, I will live for you forever. In your love I will live.

    Question 6 : Sometimes you talk nonsense in the lectures. How can you tell us to go and look for an alive master if you die You know perfectly well that we are married for eternity. If you are trying to escape this marriage, too bad: there is no divorce available for gods! Be certain that we’ll be hunting you ...
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  22. No Image

    I have never done anything.

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, When you spoke of meaning and context, it set bells ringing in me. meaning, not just of words but of everything, depends on context -- especially my life. you have a vast context, beloved master. will you please speak about your context in this place, this world, at this time? did you ...
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  23. No Image

    I have not arrived through belief, I have arrived through doubt.

    Trust has to be deserved, belief is a very cheap substitute. Belief means you are afraid of doubt, because doubt creates trouble, and doubt keeps you in a state of confusion. And you are not courageous enough to live in confusion, not courageous enough to live in a state of chaos, in anarchy -- and doubt creat...
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  24. No Image

    What is the main purpose of your life?

    Question : Osho, What is the main purpose of your life? There is no purpose. The whole idea of purpose is mundane and illogical. You will have to come to a point where you will have to say there is no purpose. Life is a perfect point. Life is an overflowing of bliss, truth, love, but not purposeful; it is not ...
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  25. No Image

    Do you receive instructions from any Master of Masters?

    Question 1: Do you receive instructions from any Master of Masters? I AM NOT ON ANY ANCIENT path, so few things have to be understood. I am not like Mahavira who was the end of a long series of teerthankaras, twenty-four — he was the twenty-fourth. In the past twenty-three had become Master of Masters, gods, o...
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  26. No Image

    I don't have any master.

    The master is not higher than the disciple. The master is simply trying to awaken you. The moment you are awakened there is no master and no disciple. It is just out of gratitude that the disciple remains a disciple -- just out of gratitude. But there is no difference; they have known the same reality. They ha...
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  27. No Image

    Are you still learning too?

    Question 4 Are you still learning too? Yes, because if learning stops, you are dead. Learning is life. You can ask me, “Are you still alive? ” — that will be the same question. The ego is a perfectionist and the ego thinks that when you have attained, when you have become enlightened, then there is no learning...
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  28. No Image

    Perfectly Imperfect

    Perfectly Imperfect Question 1 Osho, Are you infallible? I am infallibly fallible! First, I am not a perfectionist because to me perfectionism is the root cause of all neurosis. Unless humanity gets rid of the idea of perfection it is never going to be sane. The very idea of perfection has driven the whole of ...
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  29. No Image

    Immediately after Osho’s enlightenment, and why he became a master

    Immediately after Osho’s enlightenment, and why he became a master Most of the enlightened people in the world have died almost immediately after enlightenment -- the shock is too much. The body may not be able to take it, unless the body is specially prepared to take it. Buddha and Mahavira were both trained ...
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  30. No Image

    I am the rich man's guru.

    Question 5: Are you not a rich man's guru? I AM - BECAUSE ONLY A RICH MAN CAN COME TO ME. But when I say 'a rich man' I mean one who is very poor inside. When I say 'a rich man' I mean one who is rich in intelligence; I mean one who has got everything that the world can give to him, and has found that it is fu...
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  31. No Image

    Are you no guru at all or are you the rich man’s guru?

    Question : Osho, Are you no guru at all or are you the rich man’s guru? From my side, I am no guru at all. The word guru has become almost condemnatory. The root meaning of the word is beautiful. The word originally means one who is more consolidated, crystallized, one who has more weight. In Hindi, gravitatio...
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  32. No Image

    It depends on you whether my religion will remain alive or not when I am gone

    Question 6: What to do when you die? Stay together and run the risk that the movement will turn into a stale sort of religion, or dissolve and be open for the call of another living master? The question is from Swami Anand Adi. First, have you heard my call yet? The living Master is confronting you — have you ...
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  33. No Image

    I am the laziest man in the whole world.

    Question 3 Osho, I have heard you say that you are the laziest man in the world. is this the reason why in your commune the sannyasins are so busy, far more busy than people in the outside world? please comment. It is true. I am the laziest man in the whole world. And to keep me lazy, my people have to work. T...
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  34. No Image

    How can a taxi-driver be a master?

    Question : Osho, You said the other day that if you were a cab-driver nobody would be able to recognize you. I don’t agree. At lease I for one would recognize you. Madam, I don’t believe you. You don’t know enough about yourself. I appreciate your love for me, but I cannot say that you would be able to recogni...
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  35. No Image

    Why have you been Misunderstood?

    Question : Osho, Why have you been Misunderstood? It is absolutely natural. If you support people’s old mind you are never misunderstood because you are saying exactly what they believe, you are supporting them, they feel very happy with you, you gain respectability, you support their ego. I have been doing ju...
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  36. No Image

    Osho, Who are you?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Who are you? I am not a messiah, nor a prophet, nor a savior. I am simply a human being, with a little difference that you are not awake and I am awake. You can call me the awakened one. I emphatically deny the role of the messiah, the prophet, the savior, for specific reasons. My unde...
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  37. No Image

    Why do you always carry a napkin with you, even when there is no use for it?

    Question 6 : Why do you always carry a napkin with you, even when there is no use for it? It is symbolic: that I am useless like my napkin. I don’t believe in utility. Utility belongs to the world, to the marketplace. I believe in nonutilitarian things: a flower. What is the utility of a flower? What is the us...
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  38. No Image

    Osho, Are you a Messiah?

    Question 1 Osho, Are you a Messiah? No, Absolutely no. The whole idea is fundamentally wrong. It is not only that I am not a messiah, there has never been anyone who was and there will never be anybody who will be. You will have to go deep into the concept of it. The idea of a messiah is a secondary idea. Firs...
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  39. No Image

    Buddha's teaching was based on simplicity, a simple life. yours is based on comfort and luxury. will you please comment on that?

    Question : You say you are a buddha, and his teaching was based on simplicity, a simple life. yours is based on comfort and luxury. will you please comment on that? It is a significant question, with tremendous implications to be understood; one is that there is no difference. You will be surprised to hear it,...
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  40. No Image

    What is the difference between you and other godmen?

    Question 1: Osho, What is the difference between you and other godmen? Sunil Sethi, I am not a godman, I am simply God - as you are, as trees are, as birds are, as rocks are. I don't belong to any category. 'Godman' is a category invented by journalists. I simply don't belong to any category. You don't belong ...
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  41. No Image

    You do have some faith in the prophecies of nostradamus?

    [Interview with Lynn Hudson INDIA ABROAD NEW YORK] Question : You do have some faith in the prophecies of nostradamus, though. is that correct? OSHO: I don't have any faith in him. The fact is that the man was crazy, and what he has written can be interpreted in any way you want. I found this rational analysis...
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  42. No Image

    How do you explain your charismatic effect on people?

    Question : How do you explain your charismatic effect on people? It’s very simple; because I am not a politician. The politician speaks whatever the people want to hear. I speak whatever is my experience. I don’t care whether you like it or you don’t like it. When I am speaking, I am speaking with my whole hea...
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  43. No Image

    What is your Message?

    Question : Osho, What is your Message? Pritam, MY MESSAGE IS VERY SIMPLE Live life as dangerously as possible. Live life totally, intensely, passionately, because except for life there is no other God. Friedrich Nietzsche says God is dead. That is wrong because God has never been there in the first place. How ...
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  44. No Image

    If you love me, you can materialize me anywhere you want

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, Meditation is the key. Why is it so difficult to live a meditative life without your physical presence? It is difficult because you have not yet been able to find your own source of meditation. Being in my presence you need not meditate. Just being in my presence, a silence descends o...
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  45. No Image

    To me, That madness became meditation and the ultimate of that madness opened the door

    Question : If I could ask you a question about your past…. When you were looking for that door, You spent a year when you were Mad — in which you couldn’t formulate a sentence — and you lost your perspective. Is this correct? Is that the time that you were looking for that door? I have been looking for that do...
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  46. No Image

    My whole life I am going to fight against philosophers

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, In being responsible, one has to choose. how does it fit together with choicelessness? Again, the same stupidity. Have you ever tasted choicelessness? It is very easy to make questions which appear to be very relevant, but they only appear relevant to people who don't know the real ex...
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  47. No Image

    I am an invitation

    Question 1 Osho, Can you say who you are? Maneesha, I am an invitation for all those who are seeking, searching, and have a deep longing in their hearts to find their home. I am an answer to the question that everybody is, but cannot formulate -- a question that is more a quest than a question, more a thirst t...
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  48. No Image

    I have experienced so much that to die without conveying it in some way or other will be a shame.

    (Interview With Marianne Heuwagen, Suddeutsch Zeitung, Germany) Question: Why did you enter your long stretch of silence and why did you break out of it at this point in time? Osho: I have never lived with any plan in my life. It has been something spontaneous, moment to moment. As I feel, I do it. I felt to b...
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  49. No Image

    Why is the media so nervous around you?

    Question : Osho, Why is the media so nervous around you? Because they have never come across a man like I am. The media knows politicians, popes, other kinds of leaders. They are all afraid of the media and nervous. The politician is nervous, he has reasons to be nervous. And the journalist is assertive and ag...
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  50. No Image

    You will not be able to understand a man of higher consciousness

    Question 4: Beloved Osho, It is said “if you meet a man on a higher level of being than your own, you will not understand him.” the distance between you and us seems so infinite. What are we doing here, osho? It is true. If you meet a man of a higher development in consciousness, you will not be able to unders...
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  51. No Image

    What was the first thing that you did after you became enlightened?

    Question 2 Osho, What was the first thing that you did after you became enlightened? I laughed, , a real uproarious laugh, seeing the whole absurdity of trying to be enlightened. The whole thing is ridiculous because we are born enlightened, and to try for something that is already the case is the most absurd ...
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  52. No Image

    Do you never get tired of Talking? Why do you talk regularly every morning?

    Question : Do you never get tired of Talking? Why do you talk regularly every morning? Don’t you feel like going for a holiday sometimes? I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN GOD. The Christian God created the world in six days and the seventh day He rested; hence, the Sunday is the holiday. ‘Holiday’ means the holy day, God’...
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  53. No Image

    Why do live like a King?

    Question : Why do live like a King? Why not? I am an old Jew! You know Jews – if you ask them a question, they answer it with another question. There is a famous story about a king. He had many Jews in his court because they were rich people, but he was very annoyed by their habit. Whenever he asked anything, ...
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  54. No Image

    I can live in the bodies of millions of my sannyasins

    Question 4 : Beloved Osho, If you depart on the 6th of july of any year. Are we all going with you? No, nobody is going with me. I am not Reverend Jim Jones, I am not even a Christian. The day I go, your responsibility to live becomes greater — to live me, to become me. All around the world all the communes ha...
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  55. No Image

    I certainly enjoy to disturb people

    Question : Osho, Do you take a special pleasure in being misunderstood by the unthinking crowd of journalists, politicians, and the like? Do you mind you are the most misunderstood person in the history of a spiritual revolution? For the last fifteen years that you are an infinite source of intellectual depth....
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  56. No Image

    I am the anti-sex guru, if anything. The sex guru you can find in the Vatican.

    Question 4 Osho, Doesn't your recurrent reference to the word "orgasm" continue to propagate the image of the "sex guru"? Those who can understand me see clearly that I am the most anti-sex person in existence, because my whole work is to transform sexual energy into spiritual consciousness. The pope can be th...
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  57. No Image

    Every sannyasin is careful about perfume, cigarettes, they come to see me then they take bath that no smell is there

    Question : Over the years there have been a number of very Powerful people who have been with you — Your Sannyasins — a number of whom have left, or have been kicked out, like Shyam. Why do you think, that happens? No. Shyam has been kicked by me myself. Because he was a pain in the neck! And I don’t want him ...
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  58. Every Buddha has to go to jail, and Every Buddha has to be killed or crucified

    Question : Osho, Can a buddha like you be in prison? I am not able to understand. I can understand your difficulty. But it seems you are not aware of the history of human consciousness. Socrates is poisoned, and he is a Buddha. Gautam Buddha himself died out of food poisoning. Al-Hillaj-Mansoor, one of the gre...
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  59. No Image

    I have no desire to live the next moment, or to die the next moment.

    Question : Osho, In the last few days, as i listen to you, it seems you are trying to be a martyr. are you? I am not even a Christian – why should I like to be a martyr? The word looks beautiful, but the reality is that those who would like to be martyrs are suicidal. Jesus was suicidal; he was trying in every...
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  60. No Image

    I would simply like to be forgiven and forgotten. There is no need to remember me.

    Question Osho, Do you think there is any possibility of your being recognized, or even accepted, by mankind during your lifetime? You have said you don't care about what happens to you after you leave your body, but for the poor historians who will be struggling with the impossible - to capture the phenomenon ...
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  61. No Image

    I will use films, television, videotapes, tapes, every modern technique to spread the message

    Question 3: Osho, Don’t you have enough disciples? What is the need for videotapes of you and your commune? Devesh, I have got only one hundred fifty thousand sannyasins in the world – that is just a drop in the ocean of humanity. And if you want to transform the consciousness of man it is nothing; it is just ...
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  62. No Image

    I don’t expect anything of anybody; nobody should expect anything of me

    [A sannyasin visiting for the first time says: I was very clear when I came but now being here these days I’m full of doubt and wondering if I’m supposed to be here. Things like that have come up.] That is natural…. If you come full of doubts, the first impact is that your doubts disappear and you are full of ...
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  63. No Image

    Were you not punished for your Mischievous Acts in Childhood?

    Question 2: Osho, Were you not punished for your Mischievous Acts in Childhood? I have been punished, but I have never taken any punishment as punishment. From my very childhood that has been my attitude: that how you take a thing makes all the difference. Nobody can punish me if I don’t take it as a punishmen...
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  64. No Image

    If somebody is in search, sooner or later he will come to know about me

    Question : Osho, Why and how are people coming to you from the four corners of the earth? If one tells the truth, he’s sure to be found out sooner or later — that’s why. It is impossible… if you have uttered the truth, it is impossible for people not to come. They are hankering for it, they are thirsty for it,...
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  65. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Osho

    Osho Quotes on Osho “I am here to give you freedom, so by surrender I don't mean that you are going to become a follower -- no! Even that word is not good. With me, anyone who falls in love becomes a companion -- he is not a follower. Because I don't say to imitate me and I don't say to be like me. I don't giv...
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  66. No Image

    Why are you so much against Philosophy?

    Question 2 : Osho, Why are you so much against Philosophy? Sudheer. PHILOSOPHY means mind, philosophy means thinking, philosophy means going away from yourself Philosophy is the art of losing yourself in thoughts, becoming identified with dreams. Hence I am against philosophy, because I am all for religion. Yo...
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  67. No Image

    My Way The Way of the White Clouds

    Question 1: Osho, Why is your way called the way of the white clouds? Just before Buddha died somebody asked him: When a buddha dies where does he go? Does he survive or simply disappear into nothingness? This is not a new question, it is one of the oldest, many times repeated and asked. Buddha is reported to ...
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  68. No Image

    I am just myself. No prophet, no messiah, no Christ. Just an ordinary human being... just like you.

    Question: Who are you? Osho: I am just myself. No prophet, no messiah, no Christ. Just an ordinary human being... just like you. Question: Well, not quite! Osho: That's true... not quite! You are still asleep -- but that is not much of a difference. One day I was also asleep; one day you will be able to awaken...
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  69. No Image

    Do you ever get bored? Why not drop the ashram and live in the forest?

    Question 4: Osho, Do you ever get bored? Why not drop the ashram and live in the forest? VEETGYAN, WHAT ARE YOU talking about? What ashram? I am living in the forest! These people are my trees — orange trees, aflame with flowers. Can you find a more wild jungle than this? And how can I be bored with so many be...
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  70. No Image

    Why do you call yourself Bhagwan? why do you call yourself God?

    Question : Why do you call yourself Bhagwan? why do you call yourself God? Because I am, and because you are. And because only god is. There is no other way, there is no other way to be. You may know it, you may not know it. The only choice is between ignorance and knowledge. The choice is not between whether ...
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  71. No Image

    In my life I have trusted so many people, and so many people have deceived me. But my trust is the same.

    Question : Osho, Sometimes it seems as if you are more surrendered to us than we are to you. Please comment. It is true. I am not surrendered to you, to my people particularly. But because I have got rid of the ego, I am simply surrendered to the whole of existence — and you are part of it. So it can be felt t...
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  72. No Image

    Why does so much controversy surround you and your ashram?

    Question : Why does so much controversy surround you and your ashram? Krishna Prem, if it were not so, it would have been really a surprise, it would have been a miracle, it would have been unbelievable. This is the natural course. This is what was happening to Socrates. And what was his mistake? His mistake w...
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  73. No Image

    I am an invitation for all those who are seeking, searching

    Question 1 Belove Osho, Can you say who you are? Maneesha, I am an invitation for all those who are seeking, searching, and have a deep longing in their hearts to find their home. I am an answer to the question that everybody is, but cannot formulate — a question that is more a quest than a question, more a th...
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  74. No Image

    Why are you called the Master of Masters?

    Question 5 : Osho, Why are you called the Master of Masters? Reverend Banana, Michael Potato Singh, Michael Tomato; dear gentlemen or ladies as the case may be... Because nobody has yet been able to decide whether these fellows are gentlemen or ladies. It is a difficult question. I had to look in the Akashic r...
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  75. No Image

    After me it is going to be really difficult to be a master.

    Question 1 Osho, You have described how the ability to communicate his experience is the essence of the master. yet in you something even more beautiful has happened. Buddha conveyed his message to a select few thousand men in the local pali language -- in response to the failings of brahminism. By comparison,...
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  76. No Image

    I am not your shepherd, you are not my sheep.

    Question 2: Osho, Can a true rebel be a disciple of a master, or must he be simply a friend of the master? A rebel needs no master. If he needs a master, he is not a rebel. A rebel is a master unto himself. Rebellion is his religion, and there is no other religion for him. To follow a master, and at the same t...
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  77. No Image

    My way is the way of meditation: Neither of head nor of heart

    Question : Osho, Your way is the way of the heart, and the outside world is the way of the head. Will it ever be possible that man can function from a blend of both head and heart, or must the two always remain totally divorced? will it always be essential to make a conscious choice for one way or the other? T...
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  78. No Image

    Should We take your advice not to take anyone’s advice?

    Question : Osho, Should We take your advice not to take anyone’s advice? Advice is the only thing in the world which everybody gives and nobody takes. You can ask me a question, but you cannot ask for advice; I am not that foolish. I will never give you any advice, because who am I to give you advice? You are ...
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  79. No Image

    I had always wanted not to be a Master to anybody

    Question : You have said that your sannyasins' hearts beat in the same tune as your heart is beating. Can you talk to us more about this phenomenon? How does a disciple move from the head to the heart? Is it that sometimes a disciple is in tune with you and sometimes not? And, if so, what makes a disciple move...
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  80. No Image

    What is the secret of how you can work on so many of us at the same time?

    Question : What is the secret of how you can work on so many of us at the same time? There is no secret to it. Because I love you, you are not so many. My love surrounds you, you become one. I am not working really on individuals, then it would have been difficult. When I see you I don’t see you at all. I see ...
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  81. No Image

    Osho Library, Osho love for Books, Osho Love affair wth Books

    No child has asked for respect. You ask for toys sweets, clothes, a bicycle, and things like that. You get them, but these are not the real things which are going to make your life blissful. I asked him for money only when I wanted to purchase more books; I never asked money for anything else. And I told him, ...
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  82. No Image

    I will be with you.

    Question 2 : Osho, In this past year, i have been apart from you for many months, living in the world. i learned how you and your message have become an everyday living experience in me, independent of time and distance. in some strange way, your life has become my life and my life your life. Being close to yo...
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  83. No Image

    If there is no god, why were you being called bhagwan?

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, If there is no god, why were you being called bhagwan? There is no God, but that does not mean that I'm an atheist. Certainly I am not a theist - I am saying there is no God - but that does not mean that you jump to the opposite, the atheist. The atheist says there is no God also, but...
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  84. No Image

    I was working without a Master. I searched and I could not find one.

    A parable… Once in the garden of a Master there lived a monkey. And, as monkeys are curious people, he became very curious about the Master. He saw the Master sitting silently, doing nothing, and by and by he started coming close to him – what is this man doing? It was a mystery. Certainly, to a monkey, the mo...
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