• Do meditation without thinking of any result, enjoy meditating as an end in itself. And then some day the light explodes, the ego disappears.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Akashics re Buddha Hall (source document)

    출처 : https://www.sannyas.wiki/index.php?title=Akashics_re_Buddha_Hall_(source_document)#OTHER_BUDDHA_HALL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_IN_THIS_PERIOD CHRONOLOGICAL ACCOUNT OF EVENING MEETINGS FROM THE MANTRA SALUTE ON MARCH 18, 1988 ONWARDS The following is a step-by-step chronological account of how the Evening Meetings i...
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  2. No Image

    How do you explain your charismatic effect on people?

    Question : How do you explain your charismatic effect on people? It’s very simple; because I am not a politician. The politician speaks whatever the people want to hear. I speak whatever is my experience. I don’t care whether you like it or you don’t like it. When I am speaking, I am speaking with my whole hea...
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  3. No Image

    Why are you called the Master of Masters?

    Question 5 : Osho, Why are you called the Master of Masters? Reverend Banana, Michael Potato Singh, Michael Tomato; dear gentlemen or ladies as the case may be... Because nobody has yet been able to decide whether these fellows are gentlemen or ladies. It is a difficult question. I had to look in the Akashic r...
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  4. No Image

    You will not be able to understand a man of higher consciousness

    Question 4: Beloved Osho, It is said “if you meet a man on a higher level of being than your own, you will not understand him.” the distance between you and us seems so infinite. What are we doing here, osho? It is true. If you meet a man of a higher development in consciousness, you will not be able to unders...
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  5. No Image

    What is the main purpose of your life?

    Question : Osho, What is the main purpose of your life? There is no purpose. The whole idea of purpose is mundane and illogical. You will have to come to a point where you will have to say there is no purpose. Life is a perfect point. Life is an overflowing of bliss, truth, love, but not purposeful; it is not ...
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  6. No Image

    I am an invitation for all those who are seeking, searching

    Question 1 Belove Osho, Can you say who you are? Maneesha, I am an invitation for all those who are seeking, searching, and have a deep longing in their hearts to find their home. I am an answer to the question that everybody is, but cannot formulate — a question that is more a quest than a question, more a th...
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  7. No Image

    I certainly enjoy to disturb people

    Question : Osho, Do you take a special pleasure in being misunderstood by the unthinking crowd of journalists, politicians, and the like? Do you mind you are the most misunderstood person in the history of a spiritual revolution? For the last fifteen years that you are an infinite source of intellectual depth....
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  8. No Image

    Media on Osho

    OSHO By the media "Osho advocated meditation for everyone, but his technique was revolutionary, beginning not with stillness and silence but with violent activity to release pent-up energy and emotions, leading to a state of calmness in which meditation can flourish. ...This is an ideal place for people to lea...
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  9. Every Buddha has to go to jail, and Every Buddha has to be killed or crucified

    Question : Osho, Can a buddha like you be in prison? I am not able to understand. I can understand your difficulty. But it seems you are not aware of the history of human consciousness. Socrates is poisoned, and he is a Buddha. Gautam Buddha himself died out of food poisoning. Al-Hillaj-Mansoor, one of the gre...
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  10. No Image

    Do you ever get bored? Why not drop the ashram and live in the forest?

    Question 4: Osho, Do you ever get bored? Why not drop the ashram and live in the forest? VEETGYAN, WHAT ARE YOU talking about? What ashram? I am living in the forest! These people are my trees — orange trees, aflame with flowers. Can you find a more wild jungle than this? And how can I be bored with so many be...
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  11. No Image

    Were you not punished for your Mischievous Acts in Childhood?

    Question 2: Osho, Were you not punished for your Mischievous Acts in Childhood? I have been punished, but I have never taken any punishment as punishment. From my very childhood that has been my attitude: that how you take a thing makes all the difference. Nobody can punish me if I don’t take it as a punishmen...
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  12. No Image

    Osho on Bhuribai Awakening ( Osho's Enlightened Disciple)

    Osho on Bhuribai Awakening (Translated from: JYUN THA TYUN THARAYA. Published in OTI 16 August 1991.) Bhuribai is very closely connected with me. I have come to know thousands of men, thousands of women, but Bhuribai was unique among them. Bhuribai's mahaparinirvana -- her death attaining the highest liberatio...
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  13. No Image

    Asleep or awake, my consciousness is in the same state.

    Question : Osho, What is sleep for you? Do you leave your body while it is resting or does sleep help you to stay in your body? Prem Shunyo, asleep or awake, my consciousness is in the same state. To me, sleep is samadhi. That’s how Patanjali explains samadhi: a sleep without dreams; a sleep which is not uncon...
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  14. No Image

    Osho asks “Who am I?”

    Osho asks “Who am I?” I used to ask myself, “Who am I?” It is impossible to count how many days and nights I passed in this query. The intellect gave answers heard from others, or born of conditioning. All of them were borrowed, lifeless. They brought no contentment. They resonated a little at the surface, and...
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  15. No Image

    Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami

    Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami Question 1 : Beloved Osho, Is this a question, a realization, or a declaration? Something beyond forces me to put this on paper; though I am writing this, the words are not mine. It is past midnight, about five o’clock on the full moonlight night of the Indian month known as “Bhadra...
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  16. No Image

    Osho on Successors (Succession)

    Osho on Successors (Succession) It is also very, very important that the second part of the question should be understood: I FIND THIS STATE VERY PAINFUL. AND IN ALL THIS SUFFERING I FEEL THAT I AM GROWING APART FROM, RATHER THAN CLOSER TO YOU. Yes, that happens. When you come near to me for the first time it ...
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  17. No Image

    I can live in the bodies of millions of my sannyasins

    Question 4 : Beloved Osho, If you depart on the 6th of july of any year. Are we all going with you? No, nobody is going with me. I am not Reverend Jim Jones, I am not even a Christian. The day I go, your responsibility to live becomes greater — to live me, to become me. All around the world all the communes ha...
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  18. No Image

    Just be a mirror: reflect me; don’t try to understand me

    Question 5: If you are not there, and there is no thought any more, How can you give such coherent and beautiful discourses? It seems like you are aware and understand what you are saying. Such beautiful and coherent discourses are possible because I am not there. Once I am there, they will no more be beautifu...
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  19. No Image

    Osho, Who are you?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Who are you? I am not a messiah, nor a prophet, nor a savior. I am simply a human being, with a little difference that you are not awake and I am awake. You can call me the awakened one. I emphatically deny the role of the messiah, the prophet, the savior, for specific reasons. My unde...
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  20. No Image

    Notable People on Osho

    Eminent people on OSHO "Osho will long be remembered as a great philosopher - saint and mystic of the twentieth century. His life and work will continue to inspire future generations of humankind and his powerful message of essential unity of mankind will help us to evolve a new global code of ethics for the i...
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  21. Osho explains the difference between driving a Rolls Royce or a Mercedes.

    (Source : Osho Driving Rolls Royces / Osho News) [In December 1979, for the first time, a Rolls Royce is used to drive Osho to Buddha Hall for his discourse. An in an interview, Osho explains the difference between driving a Rolls Royce or a Mercedes.] Q: What is so funny about your driving to discourse in a R...
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  22. No Image

    Osho on his father Enlightenment (Crown Chakra)

    Osho on his father Enlightenment (Crown Chakra) Question 3: Beloved Osho, When you came to say farewell to Dadaji on the podium in Buddha hall, suddenly the area where you and dadaji's body were became like a film. You both seemed to be without substance. The other half of the podium where Mataji sat, and the ...
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  23. No Image

    Osho on Swami Prem Chinmaya's death

    Question 2 Osho, Please say something to us about Swami Prem Chinmaya's death yesterday. Prem Samadhi. THE First THING about Prem Chinmaya s death is that it was not a death at all. He died very consciously. Ie died so beautifully! It was rare. Ten years ago when he came to me I was afraid that he might die be...
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  24. Osho on Rolls Royces and Watches

    OSHO on Rolls Royces Just the other day Anando was showing me one book published against me in Australia by a couple who have been sannyasins for three years and have been in the commune. But just looking at their ideas, it seems they have never seen me. They are saying that they were working, working hard, an...
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  25. No Image

    1989 ~ 1990, OSHO preparing for departure

    1989 ~ 1990 and OSHO leaves his Body OSHO'S LAST WORDS SPOKEN IN PUBLIC ARE AT THE END OF THE meditation evening of April 10, 1989 This moment you are the most blessed people on the earth. Remembering yourself as a buddha is the most precious experience, because it is your eternity, it is your immortality. It ...
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  26. Osho’s Last Words : "for Anando, medium - she will be my medium"

    (Transcript Osho’s last words This is the transcript of the message Osho’s doctor, Amrito, gave in Buddha Hall after Osho left his body. In it, he describes Osho’s final moments and words.) As you know, over these last few days Osho’s body has been becoming noticeably weaker. What you may not know is that He h...
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    Osho’s Last Discourse : Remember that you are a buddha - sammasati.

    Osho's Last Discourse, on Monday, 10 April 1989 (On the evening of 10th Osho tells Anando that as he finished the discourse, his energy completely changed. He explains that in the same way one enters the world through nine months in the womb, nine months before dying the energy again enters an incubatory perio...
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  28. Osho's Past Life Mother

    Source : Oshonews.com and Sannyas.wiki Osho and Madan (Anandmayee) early 1960s Anandmayee’s early life Anandmayee (then called Madan) was born at her maternal parents’ place in a tehsil [an area of land within a city or town that serves as its administrative centre] called Varora, in Chandrapur District, Mahar...
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  29. No Image

    Do you receive instructions from any Master of Masters?

    Question 1: Do you receive instructions from any Master of Masters? I AM NOT ON ANY ANCIENT path, so few things have to be understood. I am not like Mahavira who was the end of a long series of teerthankaras, twenty-four — he was the twenty-fourth. In the past twenty-three had become Master of Masters, gods, o...
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  30. No Image

    What Nisargadatta said about Osho

    Here is what Maharaj said about Osho (apparently in response to a question about him), from " Consciousness and the Absolute: " Chapter Sixty One. June Nine, 1981. Rajneesh is not a small personality or small principal. He is tremendous. He is very big. He is a great sage. When you already have a guru [Osho], ...
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  31. No Image

    Osho on one more Birth – I say it is impossible Now

    Question : Once you said that if it is needed, then you will take one more birth. but if you have already attained to samadhi without seed, how can you take one more birth? You may not think this a relevant personal question, but at the rate my spiritual growth seems to be going, it is!? Yes; once I said that ...
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  32. Osho and Tamo-San

    Osho Satsang on 29 Nov 1989 pm, Osho and Tamo-San Ma Prema Veena writes about this Satsang : "... Geeta told us that an old Japanese lady called Tamo-San, a priestess from a temple near Kamakura, south of Tokyo, had arrived with three disciples. She explained that she had come to visit Osho to give all her ene...
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  33. No Image

    The Enlightenment of Govind Siddharth (OSHO's sannyasin)

    The Enlightenment of Govind Siddharth Question 1 Beloved Osho, The other day I had narrated an event, and yesterday you replied in your own way. The event, the question and answer, is known to you and me only. Now I can understand what must have transpired between Bhagwan Buddha and the disciple Mahakashyap. B...
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  34. Osho himself designs the covers for his books

    (Source: https://osholifeandvision.com/oshos-books) Osho’s Books There are over 600 books by Osho Apart from some early writings, none of these books were actually written by him. They are transcribed from spontaneous talks he gave almost daily for around thirty years. Those talks, or discourses, were recorded...
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    Osho Quotes on Osho

    Osho Quotes on Osho “I am here to give you freedom, so by surrender I don't mean that you are going to become a follower -- no! Even that word is not good. With me, anyone who falls in love becomes a companion -- he is not a follower. Because I don't say to imitate me and I don't say to be like me. I don't giv...
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  36. No Image

    Are you still learning too?

    Question 4 Are you still learning too? Yes, because if learning stops, you are dead. Learning is life. You can ask me, “Are you still alive? ” — that will be the same question. The ego is a perfectionist and the ego thinks that when you have attained, when you have become enlightened, then there is no learning...
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  37. No Image

    The Osho Mystic Rose Meditation

    [This Osho Meditative Therapy has been described as the most important new meditation since the creation of Vipassana.] The Healing Power of Laughter, Tears, and Silence "It has three steps. All are designed for a particular purpose: to bring out all the poison from your being that has been injected by every g...
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  38. Rebellious Flower - OSHO Hindi Movie

    Rebellious Flower Rebellious Flower is a 2016 Hindi film directed by Krishan Hooda. The directorial debut written and produced by Jagdish Bharti is based on initial years of Osho. The film won Special Mention Jury Award at 12th Salento International Film Festival, Italy. This is first biopic on early life of O...
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  39. Osho's Birthchart

    *Dec. 11, 1931 5:13 PM (11:43 GMT) Kuchwada (Gadawara) Madhya Pradesh, India 23N16, 77E24 22:09:30 LST Osho's Birth Chart (by Sw Anand Varij) Osho, in character traits, life patterns and themes, certainly seems to reflect his sun sign, Sagittarius. For example, consider Osho's insistence on freedom, both in te...
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    Osho on AIDS

    Aids: An Existential Disease? Question 1 Osho, Would you please say something about AIDS? "I do not know anything about even the first aids, and you are asking me about the last AIDS! But it seems I will have to say something about it. And in a world where people who know nothing about themselves can talk abou...
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  41. No Image

    Sheela has done much good, ninety-nine percent good

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Krishnamurti does not want an organization – still his secretary, Rajgopal, betrayed him, and took possession of his finances and his archives. You approve of institutions and at times permit organization where necessary. In spite of due care, a similar situation to Krishnamurti’s wit...
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    Immediately after Osho’s enlightenment, and why he became a master

    Immediately after Osho’s enlightenment, and why he became a master Most of the enlightened people in the world have died almost immediately after enlightenment -- the shock is too much. The body may not be able to take it, unless the body is specially prepared to take it. Buddha and Mahavira were both trained ...
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  43. No Image

    I had always wanted not to be a Master to anybody

    Question : You have said that your sannyasins' hearts beat in the same tune as your heart is beating. Can you talk to us more about this phenomenon? How does a disciple move from the head to the heart? Is it that sometimes a disciple is in tune with you and sometimes not? And, if so, what makes a disciple move...
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  44. No Image

    I don't have any master.

    The master is not higher than the disciple. The master is simply trying to awaken you. The moment you are awakened there is no master and no disciple. It is just out of gratitude that the disciple remains a disciple -- just out of gratitude. But there is no difference; they have known the same reality. They ha...
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  45. No Image

    It depends on you whether my religion will remain alive or not when I am gone

    Question 6: What to do when you die? Stay together and run the risk that the movement will turn into a stale sort of religion, or dissolve and be open for the call of another living master? The question is from Swami Anand Adi. First, have you heard my call yet? The living Master is confronting you — have you ...
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  46. No Image

    I don’t expect anything of anybody; nobody should expect anything of me

    [A sannyasin visiting for the first time says: I was very clear when I came but now being here these days I’m full of doubt and wondering if I’m supposed to be here. Things like that have come up.] That is natural…. If you come full of doubts, the first impact is that your doubts disappear and you are full of ...
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  47. No Image

    It is natural for the sannyasins to feel immensely protective towards me

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, You are at once such an incredible strength and sweetness seeping through me. Why do i feel there is a need to protect you? It is one of the fundamental laws of life that everything that is higher is very vulnerable. The roots of a tree are very strong, but not the flowers. The flowe...
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  48. No Image

    Osho Meets with Hare Krishna People

    Osho Meets with Hare Krishna People Question : What is your conception of absolute truth? No conception about absolute truth is possible because every conception is bound to be relative. The absolute transcends every conceptualization; you cannot conceive it. You can live it, you can be in it, but no intellect...
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  49. No Image

    Osho's alleged poisoning...

    Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. There is great controversy about the circumstances leading to Osho leaving his body at such an early age. An article by Neeten about the destruction of Osho's commune in America and Osho's poisoning by American government officials can be found here Two Tales - One Story...
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  50. No Image

    Why do you not write your autobiography?

    Question 4: Why do you not write your autobiography? This can also be asked – why I do not write my autobiography. It may seem very interesting, but truly speaking after self-knowledge there is no autobiography. All autobiographies are ego-biographies. What we call an autobiography is not the story of the soul...
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  51. No Image

    Gautam Buddha has chosen me as his vehicle

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Is this a question, a realization, or a declaration? Something beyond forces me to put this on paper; though I am writing this, the words are not mine. It is past midnight, about five o’clock on the full moonlight night of the Indian month known as “Bhadra the Thursday,” The Guruvar Ma...
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  52. No Image

    If you love me, you can materialize me anywhere you want

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, Meditation is the key. Why is it so difficult to live a meditative life without your physical presence? It is difficult because you have not yet been able to find your own source of meditation. Being in my presence you need not meditate. Just being in my presence, a silence descends o...
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  53. No Image

    I will use films, television, videotapes, tapes, every modern technique to spread the message

    Question 3: Osho, Don’t you have enough disciples? What is the need for videotapes of you and your commune? Devesh, I have got only one hundred fifty thousand sannyasins in the world – that is just a drop in the ocean of humanity. And if you want to transform the consciousness of man it is nothing; it is just ...
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  54. Osho's letter to Vivek

    Bhikkhu posted this letter from Osho to Vivek from 1971: Transcription of that letter, as I could understand it: Beloved Vivek, Love I know how you will be feeling THERE, Because now you are an outsider there and for that matter, everywhere. And this is how it should be It shows that meditation has gone deep A...
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  55. Significant Osho Days

    Significant Osho Days 11th Dec: Osho’s Birthday Osho was born on December 11, 1931 in Kuchwada, a small village in Madhya Pradesh, and his parents gave him the name Rajneesh Chandra Mohan. “I was thinking what should I give to you today? Because this is my birthday, I was incarnated into this body on this day....
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  56. No Image

    Nostradamus predicts Osho

    Nostradamus predicts the following ; So long expected shall never come Into Europe, In Asia shall appear, One Issued of the line of great Hermus And shall be over all the Kings of the Orient. - Nostradamus Cen: 10, Qtn: 75 The following are Quatrains from the book of Nostradamus which reveal the Truth about th...
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  57. My approach to your growth is basically to make you independent of me.

    Question 1 Osho, The fruit falls on the ground when it is ripe. one day, you will leave us, and it will be impossible to have another master in your place. How can anybody else be the substitute for the master of masters? Osho, when you leave the physical body, will your meditation techniques help our inner gr...
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  58. No Image

    Samsara means the great wheel of life and death. It goes on moving

    Question : Beloved Osho, What is our investment in repressing our memory of previous deaths? Is it not true to say that if we could recall our deaths we might lose our fear of death and thus be able to live a fearless life? Maneesha, this is certainly one of our great investments in forgetting the past, the pr...
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  59. 16th Karmapa speaks to Govind Siddharth about Osho

    (Source : Oshonew.com) 16th Karmapa 16th Karmapa speaks to Govind Siddharth about Osho This interview appeared at the end of one of Osho’s books, The Silent Explosion, which has since gone out of print. After my own reading of this account in 1976, I held it with a great deal of skepticism, being well aware of...
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  60. No Image

    I have no desire to live the next moment, or to die the next moment.

    Question : Osho, In the last few days, as i listen to you, it seems you are trying to be a martyr. are you? I am not even a Christian – why should I like to be a martyr? The word looks beautiful, but the reality is that those who would like to be martyrs are suicidal. Jesus was suicidal; he was trying in every...
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  61. No Image

    My whole life I am going to fight against philosophers

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, In being responsible, one has to choose. how does it fit together with choicelessness? Again, the same stupidity. Have you ever tasted choicelessness? It is very easy to make questions which appear to be very relevant, but they only appear relevant to people who don't know the real ex...
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  62. Osho talks about poverty and Rolls-Royces

    -Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 4, #3" -Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 1, #1" -Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 1, #18" Note: The Rolls Royces fitted very well in Osho's vision of the "New Man". According to him the New Man is to be a synthesis between the materialism of the West and the spiritualism of the East...
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  63. about Osho's Books

    About Osho's Book Osho never "wrote" any books. Over a thirty-five year period, hundreds of thousands of people from every walk of life were drawn to Osho. They asked questions, he answered. From the meaning of life and death to the struggles of power and politics, from the challenges of love and creativity to...
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  64. No Image

    Do you never get tired of Talking? Why do you talk regularly every morning?

    Question : Do you never get tired of Talking? Why do you talk regularly every morning? Don’t you feel like going for a holiday sometimes? I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN GOD. The Christian God created the world in six days and the seventh day He rested; hence, the Sunday is the holiday. ‘Holiday’ means the holy day, God’...
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  65. No Image

    Osho - From Childhood to Enlightenment, The Birth of a New Man

    My early childhood passed at the house of my maternal. Grandparents and I had great love for them. I did not stay with my mother and father in my childhood but with my maternal grandparents. My mother was their only child. They were feeling very lonely, so they wanted to bring me up. Therefore, up to seven yea...
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  66. The Music for Osho’s Active Meditations - Chaitanya Hari( G. Deuter)

    (Source : Oshonews.com) Chaitanya (G. Deuter) reveals how he created the music for our meditations under Osho’s guidance The Music for Osho’s Active Meditations After Chaitanya’s first LP entitled D for Deuter was released – later recognised as the first New Age release ever – he embarked on a journey in searc...
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