• Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Osho's Guidance on Robes

    Osho's guidance on the wearing of maroon and white robes, which he gave last year to Ma Deva Anando to pass on to everybody in the commune, was read again at the meeting of the White Robe Brotherhood on March 27, 1990. The white robe should not be used in any activities of ordinary life. There is a mystical ga...
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    The Osho Mystic Rose Meditation

    [This Osho Meditative Therapy has been described as the most important new meditation since the creation of Vipassana.] The Healing Power of Laughter, Tears, and Silence "It has three steps. All are designed for a particular purpose: to bring out all the poison from your being that has been injected by every g...
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  3. Osho’s Passport

    (Source: http://sannyasnews.org/now/archives/3771) It is interesting to note that Osho self describes as a “Religious Teacher” . So there must have been some advance planning to try and make his entry into the USA a more permanent feature than it was thought to be at the time.(1981) Osho strays into both colum...
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    Osho on AIDS

    Aids: An Existential Disease? Question 1 Osho, Would you please say something about AIDS? "I do not know anything about even the first aids, and you are asking me about the last AIDS! But it seems I will have to say something about it. And in a world where people who know nothing about themselves can talk abou...
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  5. Osho's signature

    The Meaning of The Osho's Signature is “Rajneesh ke pranaam” (“Greetings from Rajneesh”) Osho's Signature (1976) I am here to make you total, whole. To be whole is to be holy. Nothing is to be denied. Contradictions have to be absorbed, so that harmony, a symphony arises. I don't want you to become monotonous....
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  6. No Image

    Osho's beginning of teaching career

    When I graduated from the university I immediately went to the education minister of Madhya Pradesh. He was also the chancellor of the University of Sagar, where I had postgraduate degrees in psychology, in religion, in philosophy. Now that same person is the vice-president of India. I went directly to him. I ...
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  7. Osho's Birthchart

    *Dec. 11, 1931 5:13 PM (11:43 GMT) Kuchwada (Gadawara) Madhya Pradesh, India 23N16, 77E24 22:09:30 LST Osho's Birth Chart (by Sw Anand Varij) Osho, in character traits, life patterns and themes, certainly seems to reflect his sun sign, Sagittarius. For example, consider Osho's insistence on freedom, both in te...
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    Osho on Successors (Succession)

    Osho on Successors (Succession) It is also very, very important that the second part of the question should be understood: I FIND THIS STATE VERY PAINFUL. AND IN ALL THIS SUFFERING I FEEL THAT I AM GROWING APART FROM, RATHER THAN CLOSER TO YOU. Yes, that happens. When you come near to me for the first time it ...
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    Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami

    Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami Question 1 : Beloved Osho, Is this a question, a realization, or a declaration? Something beyond forces me to put this on paper; though I am writing this, the words are not mine. It is past midnight, about five o’clock on the full moonlight night of the Indian month known as “Bhadra...
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  10. Osho's letter to Vivek

    Bhikkhu posted this letter from Osho to Vivek from 1971: Transcription of that letter, as I could understand it: Beloved Vivek, Love I know how you will be feeling THERE, Because now you are an outsider there and for that matter, everywhere. And this is how it should be It shows that meditation has gone deep A...
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    On His Words

    On His Words Lao Tzu is innocent, Buddha is innocent, Krishna is innocent, Jesus is innocent. These are not knowledgeable people. Of course what they have said out of their knowing we have changed it into knowledge; what they have said out of their wonder, we have reduced it into philosophy, theology. That is ...
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  12. Magga Baba never said anything about his own life

    on Magga baba On this pilgrimage I have met many more remarkable men than Gurdjieff recounts in his book MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN. By and by, as and when it happens, I will talk about them. Today I can talk about one of those remarkable men. His real name is not known, nor his real age but he was called "M...
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  13. 16th Karmapa speaks to Govind Siddharth about Osho

    (Source : Oshonew.com) 16th Karmapa 16th Karmapa speaks to Govind Siddharth about Osho This interview appeared at the end of one of Osho’s books, The Silent Explosion, which has since gone out of print. After my own reading of this account in 1976, I held it with a great deal of skepticism, being well aware of...
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  14. I have accepted Gautam Buddha's soul as a guest

    29 December 1988 pm in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium (From 7 December 1988, for three weeks, Osho is very sick and nearly dies. During this time he becomes a vehicle for Gautam Buddha.) This time has been of historical importance. For seven weeks I was fighting with the poison day and night. One night, even my ...
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  15. Osho and Tamo-San

    Osho Satsang on 29 Nov 1989 pm, Osho and Tamo-San Ma Prema Veena writes about this Satsang : "... Geeta told us that an old Japanese lady called Tamo-San, a priestess from a temple near Kamakura, south of Tokyo, had arrived with three disciples. She explained that she had come to visit Osho to give all her ene...
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  16. Osho on Rolls Royces and Watches

    OSHO on Rolls Royces Just the other day Anando was showing me one book published against me in Australia by a couple who have been sannyasins for three years and have been in the commune. But just looking at their ideas, it seems they have never seen me. They are saying that they were working, working hard, an...
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  17. No Image

    ‘Osho’ is a word signifying great respect, love and gratitude

    on the word 'OSHO' Tokusan, holding up his kneeling cloth, said, “OSHO!” ‘Osho’ is a word signifying great respect, love and gratitude. It also sounds beautiful. -Osho, “Zen: The Diamond Thuderbolt, #2” To the person of realization, there is nothing pure and nothing impure; there is only the real and the shado...
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  18. No Image

    Osho's last Birthday Celebration before leaving his body.

    This was Osho's last Birthday Celebration before leaving his body. Video recorded on: 11 Dec 1989 After 39 days on 19 Jan 1990 Osho leaved his body.
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  19. No Image

    Truth is God. There is no other God except the truth

    I was in a big city. Some young men came there to meet me. They started asking: “Do you believe in God?” I said: “No. What relation is there between belief and God? I know God.” Then I told them a story: There was a revolution in some country. The revolutionaries of that place were busy in changing everything....
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  20. Osho’s Last Words : "for Anando, medium - she will be my medium"

    (Transcript Osho’s last words This is the transcript of the message Osho’s doctor, Amrito, gave in Buddha Hall after Osho left his body. In it, he describes Osho’s final moments and words.) As you know, over these last few days Osho’s body has been becoming noticeably weaker. What you may not know is that He h...
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  21. Osho himself designs the covers for his books

    (Source: https://osholifeandvision.com/oshos-books) Osho’s Books There are over 600 books by Osho Apart from some early writings, none of these books were actually written by him. They are transcribed from spontaneous talks he gave almost daily for around thirty years. Those talks, or discourses, were recorded...
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  22. No Image

    In India people worship God in such ways that one feels sorry for them

    In India people worship God in such ways that one feels sorry for them. Once I was staying with a woman; she was a great lover of Krishna, so much so that she had stopped sleeping with her husband -- how can you love two persons? That is a betrayal. She believed that her true husband was Krishna. Her poor husb...
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  23. No Image

    What did Osho die from

    My beloved ones, I have been away from you much too long. It has been a very painful absence for me. For seven weeks continuously I have been only filled with your love, your patience, your thirst, your longing. These days were remarkable in many ways. Seven weeks before, I was infected in the ear. It was a si...
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  24. Osho about his books (from Anando's book)

    Osho had a very precise vision about his books, how they should be produced. They were very important to him, because they contain the essence of his message. From the very beginning, when his talks were first published in the sixties, he was involved in designing the covers and creating the titles for the boo...
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  25. No Image

    The Inner Circle : It is a pragmatic and practical way to decide things.

    On April 6 1989, Osho gave instructions for the setting up of a committee to be called “The Inner Circle.” The aim of the committee, He said, was to reach unanimous decisions about the continued functioning and expansion of the commune and his work. “I am tired,” he said, “and I want to retire.” Over the next ...
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  26. "OSHO" Meaning

    O S H O Being simply means you have dropped the ego that was part of your head. You have even dropped the separation, very subtle and delicate, that was part of your heart; you have dropped all barriers between you and the whole. Suddenly the dewdrop has slipped from the lotus leaf into the ocean. It has becom...
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    Osho's alleged poisoning...

    Osho left his body on January 19, 1990. There is great controversy about the circumstances leading to Osho leaving his body at such an early age. An article by Neeten about the destruction of Osho's commune in America and Osho's poisoning by American government officials can be found here Two Tales - One Story...
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  28. Osho on Hari Prasad Chaurasia

    Osho on Hari Prasad Chaurasia Now look at this man Hari Prasad Chaurasia -- such a beautiful bamboo flute player, but he lived his whole life in utter poverty. He could not remember Pagal Baba, who had introduced him to me-or is it better to say, ` me to him' -- because I was only a child, and Hari Prasad was ...
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  29. Osho's last photo

    Bedroom, 1990. (Osho's Samadhi) Source : Sannyas.wiki Source : Osholifeandvision (https://osholifeandvision.com/biography/) During the second week in January, Osho’s body becomes noticeably weaker. This is one of the last photos of him. On January 18, he is so physically weak that he is unable to come to Gauta...
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  30. Osho talks about poverty and Rolls-Royces

    -Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 4, #3" -Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 1, #1" -Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 1, #18" Note: The Rolls Royces fitted very well in Osho's vision of the "New Man". According to him the New Man is to be a synthesis between the materialism of the West and the spiritualism of the East...
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  31. Significant Osho Days

    Significant Osho Days 11th Dec: Osho’s Birthday Osho was born on December 11, 1931 in Kuchwada, a small village in Madhya Pradesh, and his parents gave him the name Rajneesh Chandra Mohan. “I was thinking what should I give to you today? Because this is my birthday, I was incarnated into this body on this day....
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  32. Osho on His Enlightenment

    That Night Another Reality Opened Its Door. Osho on His Enlightenment. Osho before His Enlightenment Osho after His Enlightenment I am reminded of the fateful day of twenty-first March, 1953. For many lives I had been working—working upon myself, struggling, doing whatsoever can be done—and nothing was happeni...
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  33. No Image

    A great courage is needed in life to be yourself in Failure, in Success

    When I was a small child at school there was a wrestling competition for the whole district; I have never been able to forget that incident. There was a wrestler, the most famous wrestler in those parts, who was defeated. He was going to be the champion, the district champion or something, and he was defeated ...
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    Osho’s Last Discourse : Remember that you are a buddha - sammasati.

    Osho's Last Discourse, on Monday, 10 April 1989 (On the evening of 10th Osho tells Anando that as he finished the discourse, his energy completely changed. He explains that in the same way one enters the world through nine months in the womb, nine months before dying the energy again enters an incubatory perio...
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  35. Osho explains the difference between driving a Rolls Royce or a Mercedes.

    (Source : Osho Driving Rolls Royces / Osho News) [In December 1979, for the first time, a Rolls Royce is used to drive Osho to Buddha Hall for his discourse. An in an interview, Osho explains the difference between driving a Rolls Royce or a Mercedes.] Q: What is so funny about your driving to discourse in a R...
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    700 Year Gap : Between Death and Rebirth

    Question 1 You have said that you remember your former life seven hundred years ago. Can you remember your name at that time and the occasion of your death? What I am interested in is what happened between your last life and your present life. The question seems meaningful, but it is not. Life means that somet...
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  37. No Image

    My new symbol is going to be a flying swan

    The great swans live deep in the Himalayas, in the highest lake in the world, Mansarovar. Mansarovar remains frozen for nine months of the year, you can drive a car on it. It is a lake miles and miles long, but the snow becomes hard as stone. The swans leave — they have to leave because there is no water to dr...
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    Osho Meets with Hare Krishna People

    Osho Meets with Hare Krishna People Question : What is your conception of absolute truth? No conception about absolute truth is possible because every conception is bound to be relative. The absolute transcends every conceptualization; you cannot conceive it. You can live it, you can be in it, but no intellect...
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    Osho meets Mahatama Gandhi

    Hundreds of times we had discussed Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy, and I was always against. People were a little bit puzzled why I was so insistent against a man I had only seen twice, when I was just a child. I will tell you the story of that second meeting…. I can see the train. Gandhi was traveling, and...
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  40. 1980's ~1990's, Drawing Ashram

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  41. No Image

    Nostradamus predicts Osho

    Nostradamus predicts the following ; So long expected shall never come Into Europe, In Asia shall appear, One Issued of the line of great Hermus And shall be over all the Kings of the Orient. - Nostradamus Cen: 10, Qtn: 75 The following are Quatrains from the book of Nostradamus which reveal the Truth about th...
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  42. No Image

    The first occasion on which Osho addressed a western audience

    Osho meets with followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi In 1969 followers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi invited Osho to talk to them. This was the first occasion on which Osho addressed a western audience, and the first time he talked publicly at length in English. The discourse has been published in Osho Times Inte...
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  43. about Osho's Books

    About Osho's Book Osho never "wrote" any books. Over a thirty-five year period, hundreds of thousands of people from every walk of life were drawn to Osho. They asked questions, he answered. From the meaning of life and death to the struggles of power and politics, from the challenges of love and creativity to...
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    Osho’s Past Lives

    Osho’s Past Lives There are six great religions in the world. They can be divided into two categories: one consists of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They believe in only one life. You are just between birth and death, there is nothing beyond birth and death—life is all. Although they believe in heaven and h...
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    on Neo Sannyas : September 28, 1970 was a memorable day , Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins.

    (September 28, 1970 was a memorable day. At Manali in the Himalayas, Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins. This event was followed by this special evening discourse, on the significance of Neo Sannyas.) To me, sannyas does not mean renunciation; it means a journey to joy bliss. To me, sannyas is not an...
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  46. No Image

    Gautam Buddha has chosen me as his vehicle

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Is this a question, a realization, or a declaration? Something beyond forces me to put this on paper; though I am writing this, the words are not mine. It is past midnight, about five o’clock on the full moonlight night of the Indian month known as “Bhadra the Thursday,” The Guruvar Ma...
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    Osho - From Childhood to Enlightenment, The Birth of a New Man

    My early childhood passed at the house of my maternal. Grandparents and I had great love for them. I did not stay with my mother and father in my childhood but with my maternal grandparents. My mother was their only child. They were feeling very lonely, so they wanted to bring me up. Therefore, up to seven yea...
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  48. No Image

    Logos related OSHO's Work

    Osho’s work has a long history with trademark. Trademarks were registered for his work as early as the 1970’s in two distinct areas: a) Designed Logos drafted by Osho personally. b) His name which he used as a brand for his work The symbols and names were and are as follows: 1. Triangle-Octagon which was the l...
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  49. The first time Osho talked publicly at length in English - Osho meets with followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

    (1969 pm in Pahalgam, Kashmir, India) In 1969 followers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi invited Osho to talk to them. This was the first occasion on which Osho addressed a western audience, and the first time he talked publicly at length in English. The discourse has been published in Osho Times International on ...
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  50. The Music for Osho’s Active Meditations - Chaitanya Hari( G. Deuter)

    (Source : Oshonews.com) Chaitanya (G. Deuter) reveals how he created the music for our meditations under Osho’s guidance The Music for Osho’s Active Meditations After Chaitanya’s first LP entitled D for Deuter was released – later recognised as the first New Age release ever – he embarked on a journey in searc...
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