• Ambition is insanity. Ambition shows that you are not at ease with yourself, that you are not at home.
    - Osho

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Bliss is a bridge, misery is a wall. It is everyone’s experience that whenever one feels miserable one does not want to relate with anybody; one wants to close one’s doors and hide somewhere. Just the opposite happens when you are blissful. You cannot hide somewhere; you would like to run under the open sky, in the sun, on the beach, you would like to meet people, relate, share. This has always been the case.


When Buddha was miserable as a king he renounced the kingdom, went into the forest and lived a lonely life, but when he became blissful he came back to the people. The same happened with Mahavira, he was also a king. He renounced his kingdom, went into loneliness and lived for twelve years without speaking a single word — absolutely silent.


Not to speak means to totally cut oneself off from others — because language relates. It is because of language that there are human societies. Animals don’t have any society, they all live a closed life because they cannot speak. Without language there is no society, no culture, no civilisation. To be silent means to cut oneself off from society. In a psychological way it is getting into one’s loneliness absolutely, closing all the doors, all the windows.


But when Mahavira became enlightened, when his heart was full of bliss, overflowing, he went back to the people. For forty years continuously he spoke, related, shared his experience. Bliss always helps you to be connected. And to be connected with people, with trees, with animals, with rivers, with mountains, is to be bridged with god because there is no god other than this universe. This universe is the manifest form of god, and if you relate and love the manifest form finally you will be able to enter into the unmanifest too.


Once you have seen flowers you will be able to see flowers in the seed too. In the seed they are unmanifest but they are there. So god exists with these two aspects. The visible aspect is the universe but to reach to the invisible aspect you have to go through the visible. Hence I don’t teach renunciation. If you renounce the manifest god, the visible god, the universe, you will never be able to relate with the invisible because the invisible exists as the centre and the visible as the circumference. The moment you run away from the circumference you are renouncing the centre too.


You have to penetrate into the circumference; you have to go so deeply into it that you reach the centre. Hence my approach, my sannyas, is a way of bridging, a way of rejoicing, a way of bliss.


Be blissful and god is not far away. When you are totally blissful, when not even a trace of misery is left inside you, when only god is, within, without, everywhere, whatsoever you see is god and the seer also is god, the seen and the seen, the known and the knower, all become one — that experience of oneness with existence is the ultimate goal of sannyas.


- Osho, “Just the Tip of the Iceberg, #2”




  1. No Image

    What is bliss? : Bliss needs great courage

    Bliss needs great courage. Any courage can afford misery — that’s why there are so many miserable people. It costs nothing to be miserable, it is not a risk at all. It is very convenient to be miserable; in fact, comfortable to be miserable. It feels secure to ...
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  2. No Image

    Existence has no language… and if you depend on language there can be no communication with existence.

    Existence has no language… and if you depend on language there can be no communication with existence. Existence is a mystery, you cannot interpret it. If you interpret, you miss. Existence can be lived, but not thought about. It is more like poetry, less like ...
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  3. No Image

    Bliss is an unboundedness, just like an ocean

    Bliss is an unboundedness, just like an ocean. It is so vast that one is completely in it. Just as a dewdrop slips from a lotus leaf into the lake and becomes one with the lake, in the same way man has to slip out of the ego and become one with existence, only ...
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  4. No Image

    God is not a person but the impersonal presence. The very life of existence is God, the living energy is God.

    Bliss is a by-product of trust, of total trust in existence or in God. God is not a person but the impersonal presence. The very life of existence is God, the living energy is God. And to trust in it means to stop struggling against it. Struggling against it cr...
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  5. No Image

    Existence - Osho Quotes on Existence

    Osho Quotes on Existence Existence is available for those who are available to existence. And then I tell you, there is no boredom. Life is infinite delight. ♦ God is whispering. God is a whisper. And you are deaf and God cannot shout. He is incapable of it bec...
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  6. No Image

    Sannyas is a journey from misery to bliss

    Sannyas is a journey from misery to bliss. We are living in misery. Sometimes it is less, sometimes it is more; when it is less you don’t feel it so much but the difference is only of degree. You are never really blissful and the moments that you call moments o...
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  7. No Image

    Once you have known that bliss is your nature then the whole nature of the universe becomes blissful. That is what is meant by realization, liberation.

    Bliss is the juice of life. Bliss has already been given to you. It is your very center; without it you cannot exist at all. It is an undercurrent; we exist because of it. Existence is impossible, you cannot exist even for a single moment, if bliss disappears a...
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  8. No Image

    Bliss is God. Seek bliss and you will find God

    Anand Elles. Anand means bliss; elles comes from the Hebrew root el; el means God. Bliss is God. God is indefinable, but if any definition is possible at all, then bliss is his definition. The definition that comes closest to define God is bliss. Even that fall...
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  9. No Image

    People cannot accept bliss easily; misery is okay

    Sannyas is not prayer with sadness, seriousness. It is not prayer as a ritual, as a formality. It is prayer as playfulness. It is prayer as cheerfulness. The birds in the morning singing — that is prayer. They are not Christians, they are not Hindus, they are n...
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  10. No Image

    Bliss and awareness are two sides of the same coin

    Bliss and awareness are two sides of the same coin: become blissful and you will be aware, or become aware and you will be blissful. One can do both simultaneously — and that’s the best course because then things happen in a faster way. Then it is not such a lo...
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  11. No Image

    Does God exist? how can there be so much evil and corruption in the world if God exists?

    Question 1 : Does God exist? how can there be so much evil and corruption in the world if God exists? God is a mythical word, a mumbo-jumbo word that is the invention of the priesthood. Actually, to ask whether God exists is absurd. For those who know, God is e...
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  12. No Image

    Existence loves us all. We are here, that is enough proof, otherwise we would not have been here at all

    Existence loves us all. We are here, that is enough proof, otherwise we would not have been here at all; we have been chosen to be by existence. It is not our choice, we have not created ourselves; it is the decision on the part of the whole. And existence goes...
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  13. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Bliss

    Osho Quotes on Bliss Misery is a by-product, so is bliss. Misery is a by-product of being asleep, bliss is a by-product of being awake. Hence you cannot seek and search for bliss directly, and those who seek and search for bliss directly are bound to fail, doom...
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  14. No Image

    Pleasure is Forgetfulness, Bliss is Remembrance

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  15. No Image

    A blissful person is inevitably good, inevitably virtuous

    A blissful person is inevitably good, inevitably virtuous, and a miserable person is bound to be evil. A miserable person may try to do something good but he cannot. You cannot give to people what you have not already got within you; you can give only that whic...
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  16. No Image

    I am simply surrendered to the whole of existence - and you are part of it

    Question 2: Osho, Sometimes it seems as if you are more surrendered to us than we are to you. Please comment. It is true. I am not surrendered to you, to my people particularly. But because I have got rid of the ego, I am simply surrendered to the whole of exis...
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  17. No Image

    Celebration is a natural state.

    “Celebration is without any cause. Celebration is simply because we are. We are made out of the stuff called celebration. That’s our natural state – to celebrate – as natural as it is for the trees to bloom, for birds to sing, for rivers to flow to the ocean. C...
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  18. No Image

    A miserable person cannot find truth. He can theorise about truth

    Bliss is equivalent to god. ‘God’ is a beautiful word but it has become ugly because of wrong associations. It has fallen into wrong company. The priests have exploited it so much that I appreciate very much Friedrich Nietzsche’s declaration that god is dead an...
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  19. No Image

    A person who loves from his heart is being responded to from everywhere

    Question : Does the Universe Love me? It is a wrong question to ask. You should ask the other way round, “Do you love the universe?” because universe is not a person. It cannot love you. It has no center, or you can say “everywhere it has the center,” but it is...
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  20. No Image

    Osho on Celebration

    Osho on Celebration When You Celebrate, the Whole Existence Participates with You “I celebrate myself, and I hope soon the day will come you will be celebrating yourself. And when thousands and thousands of people around the earth are celebrating, singing, danc...
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  21. No Image

    Misery is a by-product of time and bliss is a by-product of eternity

    Swami Anand Peter. Anand means bliss. Peter literally means a rock, but symbolically it means eternity. The rock represents the unchanging element. Ordinarily everything is changing, constantly — even rocks are changing. So it is only a metaphor, but it has gre...
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  22. No Image

    Existence exists without any cause.

    Question : You said that god is the creative process. Then why are things created? What is the purpose of creation, or is it something that just exists? If God exists as a person then the question why becomes relevant. If God is a person then we can ask, ”why h...
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  23. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Celebration (2)

    Osho Quotes on Celebration Meditation doesn't lead you to silence; meditation only creates the situation in which the silence happens. And this should be the criterion -- that whenever silence happens laughter will come into your life. A vital celebration will ...
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  24. No Image

    Bliss is the greatest blessing in life

    Bliss is the greatest blessing in life. Without knowing bliss one lives in vain; in fact one does not live but only vegetates, one only dies. What we ordinarily call life is nothing but a gradual process of death. From the moment of birth we start dying. Every ...
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  25. No Image

    My sannyas, is a way of bridging, a way of rejoicing, a way of bliss

    Bliss is a bridge, misery is a wall. It is everyone’s experience that whenever one feels miserable one does not want to relate with anybody; one wants to close one’s doors and hide somewhere. Just the opposite happens when you are blissful. You cannot hide some...
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  26. No Image

    on meaning of this Universe – Existence

    Question : Osho, What is the point of the Physical Universe, If man’s destiny is ultimately to Transcend it? That is the point: otherwise, how will you transcend? The universe is needed to transcend. The misery is needed to transcend, the darkness is needed to ...
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  27. No Image

    What is the meaning of Existence?

    Question 1: Osho, What is the meaning of Existence? Pravino, MEANING IS A HUMAN INVENTION. There is no meaning in existence itself, it is beyond meaning. It is not meaningless either because a thing can be meaningless only if it is possible for it to have meani...
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  28. No Image

    What is Home? : This whole existence is home

    Question : Osho, What is Home? There is no home, there are only houses. We try to make homes out of houses, but in fact, home is projection – there is only a house – it feels cold. We need a home: we want something cozy, something that belongs to us, something ...
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  29. No Image

    Only Bliss possible is that which comes through the Inward Journey

    Jaya means inner victory, conquering oneself, and ananda means bliss – bliss that comes out of conquering oneself. And that is the only bliss there is. You can conquer the whole world and you will remain miserable; of course your misery will become a thousand-f...
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  30. No Image

    Existence gives you love without any conditions.

    We are here — that is more than enough proof that existence needs us. We are fulfilling a certain need; we are not useless, we are not accidental as science goes on telling people. In these three hundred years science has created one great problem for every hum...
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  31. No Image

    It is childish to fight with existence

    Fighting with god is like hitting your head against the wall: it is not going to do any harm to the wall, only your head will be destroyed. You will lose your sanity. To be in tune with god means to find a door. You can go through it and then there is no need t...
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  32. No Image

    Blessed are those who are blissful

    A person becomes capable of blessing others only when he is full of blissfulness. In fact then one need not bless, blessings go on pouring. Your bliss starts overflowing; you become like a fountain. And you become connected with the inexhaustible source of life...
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  33. No Image

    Existence only echoes our beings

    Bliss is the juice of life. Bliss has already been given to you. It is your very center; without it you cannot exist at all. It is an undercurrent; we exist because of it. Existence is impossible, you cannot exist even for a single moment, if bliss disappears a...
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  34. No Image

    What is Existence? Is it something like what people call god?

    Question : Osho, What is Existence? Is it something like what people call god? Sampurna, existence is that which is, and God is that which is not. Existence is a reality, God is a fiction. Existence is available only to meditators, people of silence; God is a c...
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  35. No Image

    Misery is symbolic of Unawareness; bliss is symbolic of Awareness

    The devotee — the real follower — is constantly watching what he is doing, how he is doing, why he is doing. Even in small matters he de-automatizes himself. Walking, he does not just walk; he walks with meditative awareness. He knows that he is walking. Eating...
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  36. No Image

    on Seeking for Eternal Bliss and Sharing Bliss

    The Spiritual Search starts as a seeking for eternal bliss, as a seeking for eternal liberation, as a seeking for divine light and divine life. But the center remains with you. In the beginning it is a self-centered search. Whatsoever you are seeking you are se...
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  37. No Image

    Bliss is a state of consciousness where happiness is not coming from out, but from within

    As long as we are feeling ourselves as bodies, we can never transcend brahman, the universe. The moment we become consciousness, the brahman drops; it becomes brahma. Then there is no universe, then there is just an infinite ocean of consciousness. This infinit...
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  38. No Image

    If bliss flows outward it is ecstatic. If it simply remains in then it is peace

    Anand means bliss, salama means peace. Bliss can have two expressions: either it can be an ecstasy, overflowing, or it can be silence, peace, stillness. If bliss flows outward it is ecstatic. If it simply remains in then it is peace, and peace is a higher state...
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  39. No Image

    The whole universe has been helping you to grow – known, unknown sources

    Whatsoever you do will need much visible and invisible help. Sometimes you may not be even aware, but many currents of help are around you, helping you; many sources are just pouring down upon you. You will become aware only in the end when you have achieved. T...
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  40. No Image

    Meditation minus Bliss is not true meditation

    THEY DELIGHT IN MEDITATION. This is a very significant sutra; remember it. Buddha says: THEY DELIGHT IN MEDITATION. It is easy to meditate if you don't want to be blissful -- it is very easy to meditate. If you want just to be blissful and you don't want to be ...
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  41. No Image

    Wordless communication with Existence

    You are looking at a flower: look at the flower, feel the beauty of it, but do not use the word beauty, not even in the mind. Look at it: let it be absorbed in you, go deeply into it, but do not use words. Feel the beauty of it, but do not say, ”It is beautiful...
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  42. No Image

    Bliss is whenever we are true, whenever we are authentic

    [A journalist, who came to do an article on Osho, has decided to take sannyas.] Good! I was waiting and waiting for you!… I recognise my people when they come to me. And it is very natural to hesitate, very natural to think and waver; it is very natural to be a...
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  43. No Image

    Try to be harmonious with life, howsoever arduous.

    Once you become alive, once your life energy arises, you will suddenly feel that you fit with existence, but you don’t fit with the society. And I tell you: if you don’t fit with the society, don’t bother about it, because ultimately it means nothing. The only ...
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  44. No Image

    I have heard that your sannyasins celebrate death.

    Question 2: Osho, I have heard that your sannyasins celebrate death. Paul, you have heard rightly! My sannyasins celebrate everything. Celebration is the foundation of my sannyas -- not renunciation but rejoicing; rejoicing in all the beauties, all the joys, al...
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  45. No Image

    Choosing blissfulness brings strength, rootedness, centeredness

    Misery makes you more and more impotent, hollow, it is a kind of negative emptiness. One simply feels useless, meaningless; one does not live, but only vegetates. But that is the story of millions of people: they all live in misery, and to live in misery is to ...
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  46. No Image

    Chaos is the very nature of existence

    Question 4: Osho, Fritjof Capra contends that, "modern physics goes far beyond technology. The way - or tao - of physics can be a path with a heart, a way to spiritual realization." Do you agree? Maneesha, the question is not of agreeing or not agreeing, becaus...
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  47. No Image

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration. When you worship, you start making a hierarchy; the lower and the higher. When you worship you put something on top of other things. When you worship, something becomes sacred and something bec...
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  48. No Image

    The pure heart is a basic condition for bliss to happen

    The pure heart is a basic condition for bliss to happen, but by purity I don’t mean something moral; by purity I mean innocence. A moralist is never innocent, he is very calculating. His morality is nothing but his calculation. He is bargaining with God, he is ...
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  49. No Image

    The whole existence is made of bliss and nothing else

    Bliss needs great courage. Any courage can afford misery — that’s why there are so many miserable people. It costs nothing to be miserable, it is not a risk at all. It is very convenient to be miserable; in fact, comfortable to be miserable. It feels secure to ...
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  50. No Image

    My religion is a religion of celebration, festivity.

    Become both love and meditation. Allow that synthesis to happen in you. The old religions are religions of renunciation. They teach people anti-life attitudes, they are life-negative. they encourage people to renounce life, to escape to the monasteries, to the ...
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  51. No Image

    Bliss is a flowering of meditation

    The pure heart is a basic condition for bliss to happen, but by purity I don’t mean something moral; by purity I mean innocence. A moralist is never innocent, he is very calculating. His morality is nothing but his calculation. He is bargaining with God, he is ...
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  52. No Image

    Consciousness and Bliss are two aspects of one phenomenon

    Consciousness and bliss are two aspects of one phenomenon: from one side it is consciousness, from the other side it is bliss. And exactly in the same way unconsciousness and misery are related, they are aspects of one phenomenon -- from one side unconsciousnes...
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