• This world is just a game. Winners lose and losers win the game is still the same. This life is just a play. Those who say dont know and those who know dont say.
    - Osho

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Truth cannot be sought - one can simply be receptive, that´s all. One can open the doors and wait. One can say only this much, “If the divine guest comes, you will be received, welcomed. I don´t know who you are, and I don´t know your address and I cannot even send an invitation. But whosoever you are, and whomsoever it concerns, if you come, my doors will be open - you will not find them closed.” That´s all that a seeker can do. And that´s all that is needed to be done. More than that is not possible and is not needed.


So let this posture be your deep attitude. One has to become receptive. The search for truth is not a male search. It is a feminine search - just like feminine energy - receptive. Not like a male - aggressive.


The male mind has created science. Science is aggressive. It is almost a rape on nature. It is a violent effort to force nature to yield its secrets. It is not graceful. There is no prayer in it. There is conflict. Hence they call it the 'conquest of nature', 'conquering nature'. But this is absurd! How can you conquer nature? -- you are part of it. How can my hand conquer me? -- the hand is part of me. How can a leaf conquer the tree? Foolish, just foolish!

And out of that foolishness we have created a whole civilization which is trying to conquer everything. It is the male-dominated world. And when I say male-dominated, I mean the aggressive mind. A woman can be male if she has an aggressive mind and a man can be feminine if he has a receptive mind. Science is male, religion is female.

Religion is simply a deep receptivity... a readiness, an open door. If God comes as a guest He will not be refused, that's all, and He will be received with great gratitude, He will be a welcome guest.

So meditate, dance and sing, but remain deep inside with a welcoming heart. And everything will come in its own right time... nothing happens before its right time. And it is good -- it should not happen before the right time has come. If it happens before its time you will never be able to understand it, to digest it. It will never become part of you, it will even become a burden -- may prove poisonous.


-Osho, "The Shadow of the Whip, #15"



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    Receptivity Truth cannot be sought - one can simply be receptive, that´s all. One can open the doors and wait. One can say only this much, “If the divine guest comes, you will be received, welcomed. I don´t know who you are, and I don´t know your address and I ...
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