• Sadness comes, joy comes, and everything passes by. What remains always is the witness. The witness is beyond all polarities.
    - Osho

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Question 1

Beloved Osho,

I heard you say that someone who is not yet prepared for enlightenment might die from the experience. i believe it is also possible that the experience remains a short satori and the person comes back to his normal state. this is my own experience. i was in a state of extreme happiness and problemlessness, and had a strong feeling of "i am love," and then i came back after maybe half an hour. can you please comment?



Veet Diti, you came quite soon! It is really unique -- just in half an hour! You made a great comeback. You had gone through the experience of problemlessness, of extreme happiness and of the feeling of "I am love." But what happened after half an hour? The problems must have come back, and the misery may have deepened. And what to say about the experience of "I am love"? Now who are you? -- I mean after half an hour.


You really did a great job! I am at a loss what to say to you, from where to begin? -- before half an hour or after?


Satori is not such a thing. Satori is a miniature experience of samadhi, but once you get into it, you cannot get out of it. That's the real test and the criterion. Anything that comes and goes is of the mind; it is imagination. Anything that comes and remains, even in spite of you, even if you want it to go it is impossible to get out of it... Satori is forever.


Samadhi is just like the total opening of the lotus, and satori is the beginning of the opening of the petals. Satori is the beginning, samadhi is the climax. But you don't get out of it. It is one-way traffic; nobody has come out of it.


But mind is capable of imagining anything. It can imagine that there are no problems, but if you look deep down you will feel that you are uneasy about "no problems." Deep down you will find absolutely a feeling..."What has happened to me?" You will not feel blissful because there are no problems. You will feel very lonely because all your friends are gone, all your relatives... the whole family has disappeared, leaving you alone in darkness. You will make a problem out of this situation. This situation will not be a blissful state, but a state of deep anguish, anxiety, loneliness and a deep longing to be somehow out of it.


What you think is happiness is just a dream of your mind. Your mind is inherently capable of dreaming about everything. It can dream about satori, it can dream about samadhi, in a dream it can become the Buddha -- but the dream cannot last long. Even half an hour is too much!


But you seem to have fallen into the trap of the mind. You say, "I have heard you say that someone who is not yet prepared for enlightenment might die from the experience." You have heard it, but you have not understood it. You have not explored all the implications of it.


What I am saying is: Enlightenment can happen this very moment, even in your unpreparedness, because it does not depend on your preparedness. It is not something that depends on your efforts, readiness. It is a happening beyond you, beyond your reach. It can happen this very moment. It is not happening because this will be dangerous to your very life.


The experience of enlightenment is such a great shock to your body, to your mind, to your very system. It is exactly a lightning experience. Everything that you have been is simply shattered. The shock is so much you may forget breathing, you may forget that your heart has stopped.


Preparedness is needed not for enlightenment, but to absorb it. Preparedness is needed not to achieve enlightenment, but so that when it comes, you don't fall apart but you remain centered and silent and peaceful and let the great experience happen. But it does not destroy you. Your preparedness is necessary to save your life from the great experience, which is almost like fire.


Unless you are prepared, enlightenment and death are almost simultaneous. Many people have died because of sudden enlightenment. They were not ready for it, it was too much. Their body, their whole system, was too fragile for the experience. They were too small and the experience was too big.


So when people say to you, "Prepare for enlightenment," they really mean, "Prepare... not for enlightenment, it will not come by your preparedness; prepare so that you can welcome it without being shattered, without being killed by the great joy." Have you not heard of many people dying out of great excitement?


I have heard... a man was continuously purchasing every month a ticket for a million dollar lottery. He had been purchasing it for years, and all his friends and his family had become tired of telling him, "What is the point, why do you go on wasting money in purchasing the ticket? We have seen: almost thirty years have passed, nothing comes."


But the man had become so accustomed to the habit. The day he got his salary, the first thing he did was to purchase a ticket for the coming lottery. Then one day a telegram came. He was in the office, his wife received the telegram -- he has won the lottery, and by the evening the money will be delivered.


His wife became very much worried. They had been poor, they had lived in poverty; she knew that it will be too much for her poor husband -- one million dollars out of the blue! He was not even expecting... Thirty years have passed; he had even forgotten why he goes on purchasing the ticket. He knew perfectly well that it was not going to happen to him. It is not his fate.


The wife suddenly remembered the Catholic priest -- they were Catholics -- "This is the moment I should run to the priest and ask his advice... `What to do? Because the moment he will hear it -- one million dollars -- I am afraid he will have a heart attack. You are a wise man and this is the time we need your help.'"


The priest said, "Don't be worried. I am coming with you. You need not convey the message; I will convey the message, and I will convey it in installments, so he does not get the shock so suddenly -- one million dollars! First I will say, `You have got fifty thousand dollars.' When he has absorbed it I will say, `No, you have got really one hundred thousand dollars.' When he has absorbed that, and I am certain that he is still alive, I will go on. This way by a slow process he will be able to come to the point where he can accept one million dollars."


The wife said, "You are really great! You are certainly the wisest man around and if you can save my husband's life I will donate fifty thousand dollars to the church."


The priest said, "What? Fifty thousand dollars?" -- and he fell down then and there. He never came back after half an hour! Fifty thousand dollars so suddenly... the poor priest, and he was not expecting it at all.


Enlightenment is the greatest experience in life. You cannot even conceive what it is -- no conceptualization is possible. You can think of pleasure, great pleasure; you can think of happiness, because you have known something of it -- a little bit. You can think, "Perhaps there will be no problems." But these are not the real contents of enlightenment.


Because here you are constantly living in the atmosphere full of longings for enlightenment, your mind can start weaving, spinning dreams. But don't take those dreams seriously. You have done that. You say, "I believe it is also possible that the experience remains a short satori and the person comes back to his normal state." You don't understand what is your normal state.


Enlightenment is your normal state!


The state in which you are is abnormal! Coming back from satori to your so-called normal state is coming back from satori into insanity. It is simply not possible. Once you have seen the light you cannot become blind again. Once you have known love, hate cannot raise its head in your being. Once all problems are dissolved, from where can they come back again?


Michelangelo was painting the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. He was getting tired of lying on his back, so he rolled over and sat on the edge of the scaffold. Looking down he noticed a little old lady praying in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary. Wanting to have some fun, he shouted down in a deep voice, "I am Jesus Christ, I am Jesus Christ! Listen to me and I will do miracles."


The old lady looked up, clasping her rosary, and shouted back, "You shut-up-a your mouth! I am-a talking to your mother!"


"The last time I met you," said the priest, "you made me very happy because you were sober. Today you have made me unhappy because you are drunk."


"True," said the drunk with a smile, "but today is my turn to be happy."


Beware of your mind -- it can deceive you!


There is not anything in life which mind cannot hallucinate about, and when you are living in a special atmosphere like this, where meditation, enlightenment, blissfulness, ecstasy are in the very air, where everybody is thinking about these extraordinary experiences... This is not a common place. In the market people are thinking about money, about power, about respectability.


This is not a marketplace.


This is a temple of silence.


Here everything is vibrating, and it is very easy to get caught into imagination. And particularly a woman is more capable of imagination than a man.


Veet Diti -- a man thinks, a woman feels. Feeling is irrational. A man finds it hard to imagine. A woman is very easily capable of imagining anything. Her center of functioning is feeling, emotion, sentiments; her eyes are continuously filled with dreams. These dreams can be useful in poetry, in drama, but these dreams cannot be of any help -- on the contrary they are great hindrances -- on the path of truth.


Truth is not your imagination, it is not your feeling.


Truth is your being.


But the woman is very easily persuaded... it is not her fault, it is her nature. These are the differences between man and woman. Men are basically skeptical, doubtful about everything, suspicious; hence they are more capable of scientific research.


For a woman it is difficult to be a scientist, very rare. But as far as imagination is concerned, if she is allowed -- but she has not been allowed for centuries -- then no painter can compete with her, no poet can compete with her, no musician can go higher than she can go, no dancer can come even close to her. She can prove of tremendous help in creating a beautiful planet. She can fill it with songs, dances and love.


But unfortunately man has not allowed her freedom to stand on her own and to contribute to life. Half of humanity has been deprived of contributing, and perhaps... it is my understanding that this has been done out of fear.


Man is afraid of woman's imagination.


He is afraid because once she is allowed freedom to be creative, man will not be able to compete with her. His superiority, his ego, is in danger. Because of this fear that his superiority will be destroyed, that all his great poets will look like pigmies, and all his great painters will look amateur, it is better not to allow the woman education, the opportunity to express her feelings and her heart.


But as far as enlightenment is concerned, man's problem is his reason and woman's problem is her feeling. Both are barriers to enlightenment. Man has to drop his reasoning, the woman has to drop her feeling. Both are at equal distance from enlightenment. Man's distance is of reasoning, of mind; woman's distance is of feeling, of heart -- but the distance is equal. Man has to drop his logic and woman has to drop her emotions. Both have to drop something which is hindering the path.


In various stages of her life a woman resembles the continents of the world. As a child she is like Africa, virgin territory, unexplored. In her youth she is like Asia, hot and exotic. In her prime she is like America, fully explored and free with her resources. In middle age she is like Europe, exhausted, but not without places of interest. And after that she is like Australia -- everyone knows it is down there, but nobody much cares.


Man has to drop his approach towards reality; he is always thinking and the woman is always feeling. Both are equally incapable of experiencing enlightenment, because one is filled with thoughts, the other is filled with feelings.


Enlightenment is possible only when you are utterly empty -- no thought, no feeling, just utter silence. Then what happens remains. It never goes away.


So the question is significant for all. In your longing, in your desire, in your passion you are vulnerable to hallucinate, to start thinking or feeling that which you would like to experience. But this is dangerous because it will become your final block. You will never be able to reach beyond this barrier.


It is good to be alert from the very beginning. Never imagine! Remember all that you can do for enlightenment is a preparedness, a silent being, a serenity. Enlightenment will come at the right moment, whenever you are absolutely silent.


You don't have to imagine it, you don't have to even worry about what it is like. You don't have to find the definition of it, you don't have to be concerned about the description -- what qualities, what experiences are going to happen through it -- because all that is dangerous. All that can give your mind beautiful opportunities to imagine, to think and to believe... and Diti has even mentioned the word, saying that she believes: "I believe it is also possible..."


The world of experience is not the world of belief: either you know or you don't know. Belief is deceptive. An authentic religious person has nothing to do with belief. It is the unauthentic, the false, the phony who lives in systems of beliefs. These systems of beliefs make you Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans... they don't allow you to become simply and purely religious. And remember that unless you are simply religious, you are not religious at all.


It is not a question of your believing.


It is a question of your experiencing.


And for the experience, get prepared! Become the right receptive host... the guest comes.


I am reminded of a beautiful story. Rabindranath has made a poem based on the story; his poem is named, "The King of the Night." There is a great temple, perhaps the greatest because there are one thousand priests in the temple. It is vast and has thousands of statues, and millions of people pass through the temple every day.


The high priest one night dreams that God has come into his dream. God says to him, "You have been preparing the temple every day for thousands of years with flowers, with fragrance and you are waiting for me. I am sorry that I could not come before, but tomorrow I am coming."


Just the idea that God is coming tomorrow... in the middle of the night the priest woke up. He was in a very great dilemma -- whether to tell the other priests or not, because nobody is going to believe it. They will laugh, they will say, "You have got old and senile. God has never come. It was only a dream after all, and dreams don't come true. Dreams are dreams! So don't be worried about it, nobody is going to come."


But then he was also afraid. If it turns out to be true and God comes, then the temple will not be perfectly ready for him. So much work has to be done -- the garden has to be cleaned, the path has to be made clean, the whole temple has to be washed, delicious food has to be made -- the great guest is going to come. He thought, "It is better to be thought to be mad, senile, but it is dangerous to take the risk of not telling others." Alone he cannot do it -- the work is vast and the time is short. Tomorrow -- who knows at what time -- maybe in the morning, maybe in the afternoon, or by the evening certainly he will be coming.


So he woke up all the priests, one thousand priests. They were all angry that he is talking nonsense in the middle of the night. They said, "You just go to sleep. You have become too old. Thinking and thinking continuously for your whole life that God will come one day, now you have convinced yourself. This is just a dream managed by your own unconscious. You simply go to sleep!"


He said, "I will go to sleep, but I don't want to take any chance. What is the harm if we clean the whole temple? It is good -- it has not been cleaned thoroughly for centuries. There is no harm; even if God does not come it is good to clean the temple, to clean the garden, to clean the road as if he is coming. And who knows, he may come!"


The other priests also thought that it was not good to take a chance, so the whole garden was cleaned, the whole temple was washed, all the statues were washed and so much incense, so much fragrance, so many flowers... The whole day they were waiting with delicious food prepared, but they could not eat unless the guest had come. And when it was afternoon and he had not come, doubt started arising and a few priests started saying, "It is all nonsense! We have been unnecessarily tortured the whole day; now it is afternoon and he has not come."


Slowly, slowly, more and more skepticism, more and more doubt, and by the evening almost everybody -- except the high priest -- was against waiting any longer. They said, "You simply managed to torture us. We have been starving the whole day; now it is enough. The sun is setting and the day is complete. Now we should eat, we should be allowed to eat. And we want to go to sleep early; we are tired." Unwillingly the high priest agreed; they ate and they went to sleep.


In the middle of the night a golden chariot comes to the doors of the temple. The noise that the wheels of the chariot make reaches the priests in their sleep.


One priest says, "It seems he has come, because I can hear a strange noise which can only come from the great wheels of a chariot."


Others say, "Shut up and go to sleep! There is no chariot, nothing; it is just the clouds in the sky...." (A SUDDEN BURST OF FIRECRACKERS) You listen to the clouds -- it feels like he is coming!


And finally the chariot stops at the gate. He steps down; he climbs the marble steps up to the main gate. Somebody says, "I hear his steps, he has come. I have even heard a knock on the doors."


But many others shout, "You idiots, will you allow us to sleep or not? We are tired, the whole day waiting and cleaning and working, and now somebody hears the chariot, somebody is hearing the footsteps. Nobody has come, it is just the wind that is knocking on the doors. Just go to sleep!"


In the morning when they opened the door, they were shocked: the chariot had come, because there were, on the dirt road coming to the temple, the marks of a chariot. They could see on the steps some footprints.


They were all silent. Their eyes were full of tears and the high priest said, "You did not listen to me! For centuries this temple has been waiting, and now the King of the Night has come. And we forgot completely that the temple was known as the temple of the King of the Night. Naturally the King of the Night will come in the night, not in the day. We waited in the day, and we went to sleep when it was time to be awake and alert and to watch and to wait. We missed the opportunity."


All that you need is a waiting consciousness.


In absolute silence -- aware, conscious -- God, enlightenment, truth, whatever you name it, comes.


It has always come, whenever somebody was ready; it has never been otherwise. In your readiness is the guarantee, the promise, that the ultimate is going to happen to you. You are not to think about it; you have to drop all thinking. You are not to have any feeling about it; you have to forget all feeling.


You have to be just a silent waiting with deep trust, with great love, with infinite gratitude.


-Osho, "The Great Pilgrimage From Here to Here, #26, Q1“



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  33. No Image

    The dancer disappears but the dance continues

    Question 3 : You said that life is a pilgrimage without a goal. is this only for the unenlightened? when an enlightened being leaves his body, does the pilgrimage continue? Yes, the pilgrimage continues, but the pilgrim is no more. The pilgrim disappears, the pilgrimage continues. In you ju...
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  34. No Image

    Enlightenment is the very source, the very ground, of your being

    Question 2: When the internal talking stops, is this enlightenment? Parivesh, when the internal talking stops, who cares? Who is there to care? Who is there to raise the question ‘Is this enlightenment’? If you can still ask the question, then it is internal talking continuing. If you can s...
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  35. No Image

    That is the meaning of the word ‘enlightened’ - because to be in that light means to become that light.

    Man ordinarily lives in darkness. We are born in darkness. In fact darkness is a basic need in the beginning. There is darkness in the mother’s womb. It is needed because light will be a disturbance for the growing child. The child is so soft, so tender; it needs velvety darkness to surroun...
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  36. No Image

    When a person is absolutely in harmony with the universe he becomes enlightened

    Question 4 Osho, You said today that there is nothing like a ‘group soul’, but i have been strongly feeling something like that in the commune. not only that, but this feeling of a collective soul is becoming more and more intense and attuned day by day. it is something new for me, and very...
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  37. No Image

    There are three stages of enlightenment.

    Question 4: This question has been hovering in me for years. A few times you have talked around it, but this has mystified me more, So please enlighten. When and where did enlightenment happen to Jesus? Was he born enlightened? -- as it is said some three wise men from the east travelled to...
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  38. No Image

    Three Stages of Enlightenment

    This is the first step of enlightenment: Gautam Buddha behind you as a shadow. But the shadow is miraculous, the shadow is not dark; the shadow is pure light, pure presence. You can feel the warmth of it, you can almost feel the touch of it. It surrounds you with a new fragrance, and it giv...
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  39. No Image

    on Ramana Maharshi Enlightenment

    The ninth technique: LIE DOWN AS DEAD. ENRAGED IN WRATH, STAY SO. OR STARE WITHOUT MOVING AN EYELASH. OR SUCK SOMETHING AND BECOME THE SUCKING. LIE DOWN AS DEAD. Try it: suddenly you have gone dead. Leave the body! Do not move it, because you are dead. Just imagine that you are dead. You ca...
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  40. No Image

    Nirvana means the ultimate enlightenment

    Nirvana means the ultimate enlightenment, the state when the ego disappears, when man is no more separate from existence – not even a thin curtain separates him, not even a transparent glass separates him – when all separation disappears. That meeting with the total, that merger with the wh...
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  41. No Image

    After sudden enlightenment, a certain cultivation is needed because the sudden can become a glimpse.

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  42. No Image

    What is it that happens when one becomes awakened?

    Question 5: What is it that happens when one becomes awakened? Nothing special, no big deal; nothing really happens. All happening stops, the world stops. The smoke from the eyes disappears; you start looking at things as they are. Don't make much fuss about it. Sooner or later many of you ...
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  43. No Image

    Even after enlightenment the uniqueness of the individual remains intact

    Question 3: If Krishnamurti is enlightened he must see what you are saying himself, right? So why doesn’t he just come here and find himself a chair and a case of cold sodas and lean back and forget all that? He sees what I am saying and I see what he is saying, but neither will he come her...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  44. No Image

    Does an enlightened person ever dream?

    Question 3 Does an enlightened person ever dream? can you tell us something about the quality and nature of an enlightened person's sleep? No, an enlightened person cannot dream. And if you like dreams very much, never become enlightened. Beware! Dreaming is part of sleep. The first thing i...
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  45. No Image

    Why has there never been a single woman enlightened master?

    Question 4: Why has there never been a single woman enlightened master? A woman cannot be a Master - it is not possible. When a woman arrives she becomes a Mistress, not a Master. The fulfilment of a woman is love. The flowering of a woman is love. Mastery is not the goal of the feminine mi...
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  46. No Image

    on Buddhahood - Buddhahood simply means transcendence of duality

    Question 2: Does a Buddha also need something as a Complementary? Who is complementary to a Buddha? Buddha or Buddhahood is not any polarity. It is not opposite to anything. It is beyond the duality. Night is against day. Life is against death. Love is against hate. Buddhahood is not agains...
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  47. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Satori

    Osho on Satori Satori is not such a thing. Satori is a miniature experience of samadhi, but once you get into it, you cannot get out of it. That’s the real test and the criterion. Anything that comes and goes is of the mind; it is imagination. Anything that comes and remains, even in spite ...
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  48. No Image

    Is there really no difference between an ordinary person and one who is enlightened?

    Question 4: Osho, Is there really no difference between an ordinary person and one who is enlightened? Narendra, everyone is born enlightened. Everyone is born absolutely innocent, absolutely pure, absolutely empty. But that innocence, that purity, that emptiness, is bound to be lost becaus...
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  49. No Image

    The whole existence exists in enlightenment

    Question 3 Since your program began, what results have there been with your sannyasins? Has anyone become enlightened? They are all enlightened people. I don't deal with unenlightened people at all. I have never come across any unenlightened person. Since I became enlightened I have been co...
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  50. No Image

    Enlightenment is the experience of being a Zero

    Question 1: Osho, What is the most significant thing about Enlightenment? THE most significant thing about enlightenment is that it is the most insignificant thing in the world. The scriptures are full of great attributes, qualities, about enlightenment. It is the highest peak human conscio...
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  51. No Image

    Centering is just to gather yourself totally at one point

    Question 1 If enlightenment and samadhi mean total consciousness, cosmic consciousness, all-pervading consciousness, then it seems very strange to call this state of cosmic consciousness centering, as the word `centering' implies one-pointedness. why is cosmic consciousness, or samadhi, cal...
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  52. No Image

    Enlightenment is always through surrender, but surrender is achieved through intelligence.

    Question 1: Osho, Can the intellect be a door to enlightenment, or is enlightenment only achieved through surrender? Enlightenment is always through surrender, but surrender is achieved through intelligence. Only idiots cannot surrender. To surrender you need great intelligence. To see the ...
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  53. No Image

    Satori is a glimpse of samadhi

    What happens when you simply sit? The whole energy that has been moving in the body, outside the body, in actions, is no more moving. You become a pool of energy. The energy goes on gathering; you become a reservoir. In zazen you are not even allowed to sway or move your body, not even a sl...
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  54. No Image

    Is an enlightened person self-sufficient in the world?

    Question 1 Can one live and function in the world in a state of enlightenment or no-mind? is an enlightened person self-sufficient in the world? THE STATE OF ENLIGHTENMENT is not the state of individuality. There is no person in it. One who is enlightened is enlightened only because he is n...
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  55. No Image

    on Definition of Samadhi.

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  56. No Image

    You are not part of the conditioning, You are the watcher

    Question 3: Osho, When i look inside myself, i catch a glimpse of what seems like centuries of conditioning. i feel that i certainly will not become enlightened, although others might. Is this attitude a natural mistrust? Is this attitude a habit i have to break? Osho, will this attitude pr...
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  57. No Image

    Without the Master the path is very risky

    A parable… Once in the garden of a Master there lived a monkey. And, as monkeys are curious people, he became very curious about the Master. He saw the Master sitting silently, doing nothing, and by and by he started coming close to him – what is this man doing? It was a mystery. Certainly,...
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  58. No Image

    TANDRA is the first glimpse, the beginning of SATORI. Dreams disappear first.

    Question 4: Two mornings ago i slept through the lecture and woke up at the end with the word ‘single-mindedness’ on my mind. so what to do? Be single-minded. The message is so clear; what is there to ask? Your being has given you a great message. Sometimes it happens after deep sleep that ...
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  59. No Image

    on Preparation for Satori

    Question What proportion of the people who achieve satori, achieve samadhi? (?) Satori becomes possible for a great number of people because sometimes it needs no preparation. Sometimes it happens by the way. The situation is created but unknowingly. There are so many people, a great number...
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  60. No Image

    What is a Mystic?

    Question 1: What is a Mystic? I don't know, Purna, and nobody else knows either. That's why a mystic is called a mystic. Something indefinable, something very elusive, something that cannot be grasped, that cannot be comprehended. Not that it is something special -- it is very ordinary. Tha...
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  61. No Image

    on Partial Samadhi of Vivekananda - Not partial but preliminary.

    Question 5 : Vivekananda had an experience of samadhi through contact with ramakrishna. was it an authentic experience? It will be good to call it a preliminary experience. The question of its authenticity is not important here. It was totally a preliminary experience in which one gets only...
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  62. No Image

    Spiritual Transformation by being total in actions

    Question 2 Please explain How it is possible that one can be spiritually transformed by beings total in actions that are of anger, hatred and violence. Yes, you can be totally transformed through anger, through hatred, through violence. And there is no other way – because you exist in viole...
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  63. No Image

    Awakening is possible even in a single moment

    Question 1 Part of a discourse given by osho on june 2, 1971 in bombay, india, and based on an interview by ma ananda pratima. Awakening is possible even in a single moment. In that single moment, one can explode into the divine. That is possible, but generally it never happens. One has to ...
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  64. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Enlightenment

    Osho Quotes on Enlightenment Zen believes in sudden enlightenment because Zen believes that you are already enlightened; just a certain situation is needed which can wake you up. Just a little alarm may do the work. If you are a little alert, just a little alarm and you are suddenly awake. ...
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  65. No Image

    on Ultimate Happening Enlightenment – Samadhi

    All divisions are workable, life remains one. The path and the goal and the stages, they are just to help you, so don't take them dogmatically and don't take them literally. These seven stages are just to help you, to give you a view of the whole path. When you have understood forget that t...
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  66. No Image

    It is not possible to be in a State of Pure Consciousness and then Fall Again

    Question 6: Is it possible to be in a state of pure consciousness for a while and to fall out again? No, it is not possible. But something like it happens: you have a glimpse of pure consciousness; you have not entered. It is just as if you look from hundreds of miles’ distance towards the ...
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  67. No Image

    A man who is enlightened lives out of his consciousness.

    Question 3: What constitutes the behaviour of an enlightened man? An enlightened man is all emptiness. What constitutes an emptiness? It has no ‘constitutes’ in it; hence it is empty. A man who is enlightened has no character. Let me repeat it: an enlightened man has no character at all. He...
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  68. No Image

    You See Only That Which You Are

    Question 1 Are you the only enlightened person in this ashram? If yes, is it impossible to enlighten or to be enlightened near an enlightened person? Since I became enlightened I have never come across a person who is not enlightened. You see only that which you are. Before I became enlight...
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  69. No Image

    The Difference between Satori and Samadhi

    Question 1: What is the difference in experience between satori – in Zen, a glimpse of enlightenment – and samadhi, cosmic consciousness? Samadhi begins as a gap, but it never ends. A gap always begins and ends - it has boundaries: a beginning and an end - but samadhi begins as a gap and th...
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  70. No Image

    There are no degrees of enlightenment

    There are no degrees of enlightenment. Once it is, it is there. It is just like jumping into an ocean of feeling. You jump, you become one with it, like a drop dropping into the ocean becomes one with it. But that doesn’t mean that you have known the whole ocean. The moment is total: the mo...
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  71. No Image

    In Yoga two kinds of samadhi are talked about (nirbeeja and sabeeja)

    Anand means bliss, nirbeeja means seedless. The word nirbeeja is a very specific word. In Yoga two kinds of samadhi are talked about, two kinds of ultimate states of consciousness. One is sabeeja; it means with seed. Another is nirbeeja; it means seedless, without seed. The sabeeja state of...
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  72. No Image

    The buddha-consciousness is neither eastern nor western

    Question 1 : The west has given birth to aristotle, nietzsche, heidegger, camus, berdyaev, marcel and sartre. Is it going to give birth to buddhas by itself or is a communion with the eastern consciousness needed? CHINMAYA, THE BUDDHA-CONSCIOUSNESS is neither Eastern nor Western. It has not...
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  73. No Image

    Enlightenment is the transcendence of all dualities: pleasure, pain; love, hate, life, death - all oppositions

    Question : So, We start from the idea of Pleasure. Can Enlightenment be the top most pleasure, as a definition? It is not pleasure. Pleasure is always something opposed to pain. It is never separate from pain. So pain can become pleasure. That’s why there are masochists in the world who tor...
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  74. No Image

    Nirvana simply means the understanding that all desires are futile

    Question 4 Osho, I have come here in search of nirvana but now all that i want is to be a part of your buddhafield, i don't care a bit about nirvana anymore. please accept me, although i'm not worthy of it. Aruna bharti, It is one of the most significant things to understand that the very d...
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  75. No Image

    Enlightenment is not the End

    Question 2 Beloved, Osho, As a disciple of your Mystery School, I want to ask you the following question: When I heard you say that you were beyond enlightenment now, I felt like a relaxation in my heart. That very moment a picture arose in me showing me that you are even closer to us now, ...
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  76. No Image

    If there is absolute emptiness inside an enlightened one, then how is it that he seems to be making decisions?

    Question 2: If there is absolute emptiness inside an enlightened one, then how is it that he seems to be making decisions, discriminating, liking this or disliking that, saying yes or no? This will really look a paradox. If an enlightened one is simply emptiness, then for us it becomes a pa...
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  77. No Image

    Three Step Towards Enlightenment

    Enlightenment has no polar opposite to it. Unenlightenment is not the polar opposite of enlightenment; it is only the absence of enlightenment. It is just like darkness and light. You ordinarily think they are opposites, but that is not true. Darkness simply does not exist, it is only the a...
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  78. No Image

    Consciousness coming back to the original source is what I call enlightenment.

    The moment the screen of the mind is empty, a miracle happens. Your consciousness, which was focused on the screen of the mind, finding nothing there, turns upon itself. The circle is complete. It went from you up to the screen, but there is nothing there to stop it, and it comes back to th...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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  79. No Image

    To me, That madness became meditation and the ultimate of that madness opened the door

    Question : If I could ask you a question about your past…. When you were looking for that door, You spent a year when you were Mad — in which you couldn’t formulate a sentence — and you lost your perspective. Is this correct? Is that the time that you were looking for that door? I have been...
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  80. No Image

    When and where did enlightenment happen to Jesus Christ?

    Question 4 This question has been hovering in me for years. A few times you have talked around it, but this has mystified me more, So please enlighten. When and where did enlightenment happen to Jesus? Was he born enlightened? -- as it is said some three wise men from the east travelled to ...
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  81. No Image

    Nirvana is the stuff you are made of

    Question 7: What is Nirvana? This story is about NIRVANA… this ancient Buddhist story. An exceptionally beautiful young woman, Enyadatta, enjoyed nothing quite as much as gazing at herself in the mirror. She was a little crazy, as all human beings are. When she looked into her mirror one mo...
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  82. No Image

    on Enlightenment in the Moment of Death

    Question 3: Osho, Sannyasins who are dying in your presence discover their enlightenment. Why is it so difficult for those of us who are still alive? Is it that life comes so close to death, and we are afraid of dying yet still not capable of being alive in this precious moment? It is an im...
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  83. No Image

    on Three Samadhis - Atma, Brahma, Nirvana Samadhi

    Question 4: In which body is that obtained which you refer to as Samadhi? Actually there are many types of samadhi. One samadhi will take place between the fourth and the fifth body. Remember, samadhi is not a happening of one plane; it always happens between two planes, it is the twilight ...
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  84. No Image

    on Turiya - Turiya fourth state of consciousness

    on Turiya It depends where you are stuck: at the body, at the mind, at the heart. These are the three most important places from which one can function. But there is also the fourth in you; in the East it is called TURIYA. Turiya simply means the fourth, the transcendental. If you are aware...
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  85. No Image

    on fake enlightenment and fake Gurus

    Question 3: Osho, I think I have become Enlightened. What do you say about it? Nisarga, THE moment one becomes enlightened, one does not think that one is enlightened; one simply knows. Thinking is guessing, it is not knowing. And when one becomes enlightened one never asks ‘whether I have ...
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  86. No Image

    Meditation slowly, slowly turns into your enlightenment

    Question 1: Osho, Watching the mind, it seems to me there is an infinite ocean of thoughts. Meditation gives me more peace and grounding, but hearing you speak about enlightenment — it seems to me far, far away. can you give me some advice? Dhyan Jashan, enlightenment is as far away as you ...
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  87. No Image

    on Women attaining to Enlightenment

    Osho on Women attaining to Enlightenment Question 4 According to you, Women are closer to the whole than Men. How come so few women attain enlightenment then? NOT SO FEW. Exactly the same number of women attain to enlightenment as men, but they don’t fuss about it as much as men – that’s al...
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  88. No Image

    Is there an Intellectual path to Enlightenment?

    Question 2: Is there an Intellectual path to Enlightenment? First, there is no path. The very idea of a path is fallacious. The path necessarily leads you away — the path necessarily takes you from this to that, from here to there, from now to then. There is no need for any path for enlight...
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  89. No Image

    Do positive thoughts bring happenings too? like wishing for enlightenment

    Question 1: Do positive thoughts bring happenings too? — like wishing for enlightenment. THAT IS TOO MUCH ASKING from positive thoughts because enlightenment is beyond duality: it is neither negative nor positive. When both the polarities are dropped, it happens. With positive thoughts many...
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  90. No Image

    If some sky is opening, then be very careful because very fragile is the flower of consciousness - very, very fragile.

    Question 2: During my dancing meditation i kept having flashes about What you said concerning the society, drugs, etc. And Wondering that now that i am intoxicated by the ultimate drug, you, Osho, can anyone take that away from me? Bring me down from that eternal high? No one except you. Yo...
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  91. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Enlightenment

    Osho Quotes on Enlightenmen Enlightenment is always sudden because it is not an achievement; it is already the case. It is only a remembering, it is only a reminding, it is only a recognition. You are already enlightened; you are just not aware of it. It is awareness of that which is alread...
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  92. No Image

    When I saw myself as enlightened, I saw the whole existence as enlightened

    Question 1: Osho, I can’t conceive of you ever being unenlightened. Did you really become enlightened only thirty-two years ago? Neither can I conceive it. This is one of the very fundamental things in the nature of enlightenment. Once you are enlightened, you are in a very strange situatio...
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  93. No Image

    on Swami Vivekananda Satori and Kalu

    It is reported that Vivekananda started his disciplehood and then one day he attained the first glimpse. You can call it SATORI, the zen word for SAMADHI, because it is a GLIMPSE, not a permanent thing. It is just as if clouds are not there in the sky — the sky is clear and from a distance ...
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  94. No Image

    There are four types of samadhi.

    Question 4 In which body is that obtained which you refer to as samadhi? Actually there are many types of samadhi. One samadhi will take place between the fourth and the fifth body. Remember, samadhi is not a happening of one plane; it always happens between two planes, it is the twilight p...
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  95. No Image

    There are no stages. Enlightenment - or Christhood or Buddhahood - happens in a single split second, there are not gradual stages.

    Question 6 : Did jesus become the christ on the cross, or when he came out of the jordan river? are there stages of christhood also? There are no stages. Enlightenment -- or Christhood or Buddhahood -- happens in a single split second, there are not gradual stages. When Jesus was baptized b...
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  96. No Image

    Is it possible for Man to Live without God?

    Question 2 Is it possible for Man to Live without God? Yes. In fact, it is only possible for man to live without God. A man with God does not live, he hesitates on every point of living, he is just half-hearted. He is making love and worried about hell. How can he love a woman when the Bibl...
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  97. No Image

    Does Transcendence come with the opening of the Sahasrar?

    Question 3: Does Transcendence come with the opening of the Sahasrar? No, transcendence is beyond the opening. But enlightenment has two connotations. One, the dying mind - the ending mind, the mind that is going to die, the mind that has come to its peak, the mind that has come to its last...
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  98. No Image

    The Joke of Enlightenment

    (In 1984, an announcement was made in Rajneeshpuram of three categories of enlightened sannyasins: Siddhas, Arihantas and Acharyas. At the same time, Osho spoke several times of three committees that would continue his work after his death, composed of Mahasattvas, Sambuddhas and Bodhisattv...
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  99. No Image

    If even death cannot wake you up, then what is going to wake you up

    You have lost the night; you could not wake up in the night. But it can be forgiven: it was night and you slept. But you cannot be forgiven when death is coming closer — now it is time to wake up! And if even death cannot wake you up, then what is going to wake you up? And if a person wakes...
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