• Don't try to understand life, Live it! Don't try to understand love, Move into love. Then you will know.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Meditation Is Non-doing

    “When people come to me and they ask, “How to meditate?” I tell them, “There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously. Just ask how to remain unoccupied, that’s all. That’s the whole trick of meditation – how to remain unoccupied...
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  2. No Image

    Meditation Is Remembrance

    "Wherever you are remember yourself, that you are: this consciousness that you are should become a continuity. Not your name, your caste, your nationality - those are futile things, absolutely useless. Just remember that "I am." This must not be forgotten. This is what Hindus call self-reme...
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  3. No Image

    Meditation Is in the Present

    “Mind concentrates: it acts out of the past. Meditation acts in the present, out of the present. It is a pure response to the present, it is not reaction. It acts not out of conclusions, it acts seeing the existential. “Watch in your life: there is a great difference when you act out of con...
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  4. No Image

    Meditation Is Paradise

    “Paradise is nothing – paradise is a capacity to enjoy yourself right here and now. “You are in paradise, but still you have lost it because you cannot enjoy here and now. You are thinking, planning for the future, somewhere when you become like gods, then you will enjoy it. “Knowledge crea...
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  5. No Image

    Meditation Is Witnessing

    Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, on...
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  6. No Image

    it is only awareness that leads you to the ultimate goal.

    Question 4: Beloved Osho, In the past you advocated various paths of self-realization like awareness, yoga, tantra, devotion and the rest of them. but ever since you resumed speaking, after three years of silence, you have been putting all the emphasis on awareness alone. Could you please s...
    Categoryon Awareness
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  7. No Image

    The only meditation there is: Watching

    The only meditation there is: Watching Not "keeping the mind still," but mindlessness. Though you may not fully know whether the teachers of the various localities are wrong or right, if your own basis is solid and genuine, the poisons of wrong doctrines will not be able to harm you, "keepi...
    Categoryon Witnessing, Watching
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  8. No Image

    Meditation or therapy ― sex, love, and death?

    Meditation or therapy ― sex, love, and death? Working with people, three fears continuously come up in them. It is the fear of going crazy, the fear of letting go in sexual orgasm, and the fear of dying. Can you please comment on this? It is really very significant an existential question. ...
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  9. No Image

    The Watcher on the Hills

    The Watcher on the Hills Just be, and watch . Being is not doing, and watching is also not doing. You sit silently doing nothing, witnessing whatsoever is happening. Thoughts will be moving in your mind; your body may be feeling some tension somewhere, you may have a migraine. Just be a wit...
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    Osho Quotes on Awareness

    Osho on Awareness Awareness and Ecstasy Become One “When you are flowing with joy, blissfulness, that is the moment to be aware, but people do exactly the opposite. When they are happy who cares about awareness? And when they are in anguish, then certainly they start thinking it is time to ...
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  11. No Image

    Meditation Is a Knack

    “It is the simplest art in the world, to be silent. It is not a doing, it is a non-doing. How can it be difficult? “I am showing you the way of enlightenment through laziness! Nothing has to be done to attain it, because it is your nature. You have already got it. You are just so busy with ...
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  12. No Image

    How to know if I am making progress?

    How to know if I am making progress? Question : Osho, On the path of meditation many seekers find it difficult to know clearly whether they are making any progress or whether they are just suspended on one plane, simply moving in repetitions. will you please explain in detail about those fa...
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  13. No Image

    Meditation Is Alertness

    How to start the journey? -- start becoming more and more a witness. Whatsoever you do, do it with deep alertness; then even small things become sacred. Then cooking or cleaning become sacred; they become worship. It is not a question of what you are doing, the question is how you are doing...
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  14. No Image

    Meditation Is Your Nature

    What is meditation? Is it a technique that can be practiced? Is it an effort that you have to do? Is it something which the mind can achieve? It is not. All that the mind can do cannot be meditation - it is something beyond the mind, the mind is absolutely helpless there. The mind cannot pe...
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  15. No Image

    Why Meditate

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What are the roots and what are the wings of a meditator? Meditation is a way of settling in oneself, at the innermost core of your being. Once you have found the center of your existence, you will have found both your roots and your wings. The roots are in existenc...
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    Osho Quotes on Awareness

    Osho on Awareness Awareness and Ecstasy Become One “When you are flowing with joy, blissfulness, that is the moment to be aware, but people do exactly the opposite. When they are happy who cares about awareness? And when they are in anguish, then certainly they start thinking it is time to ...
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  17. No Image

    Listening is very different from just "hearing."

    Listening means hearing without mind I know you can hear, there is no trouble about it ¯ but you cannot listen. Listening is totally different from hearing. Listening means hearing without mind; listening means hearing without any interference of your thoughts; listening means hearing as if...
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  18. No Image

    What is the relationship between consciousness and energy?

    What is the relationship between consciousness and energy? Question 2 : Beloved Osho, Please say something about the relationship of consciousness and energy. Modern physics has discovered one of the greatest things ever discovered, and that is: matter is energy. That is the greatest contri...
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  19. No Image

    A connection between sports like running and meditation

    A connection between sports like running and meditation You will not think of running as a meditation, but runners sometimes have felt a tremendous experience of meditation. They were surprised, because they were not looking for it -- who thinks that a runner is going to experience God? -- ...
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  20. No Image

    Meditation Is Not Escapist

    “The man who lives in the future, lives a counterfeit life. He does not really live, he only pretends to live. He hopes to live, he desires to live, but he never lives. And the tomorrow never comes, it is always today. And whatsoever comes is always now and here, and he does not know how to...
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  21. No Image

    Sitting silently...

    Sitting silently... "Sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself." Question 2 Beloved Osho, In the west we are constantly drilled with the aphorism, "Don't just stand there - do something! Yet, Buddha would say, "Don't just do something - stand there!" Th...
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  22. No Image

    on To Turn You Outside In!

    Your Heart Is Just a Blood Pumping Station "Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your sentiments, all are centered in your head. It is just a fallacy to think that your feelings are in the heart. Your heart is just a blood pumping station. "When we are talking about the empty heart,...
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  23. No Image

    Meditation Is Rest

    When I say, "Drop the ego, drop the mind," I don't mean that you cannot use the mind any more. In fact, when you don't cling to the mind you can use it in a far better, far more efficient way, because the energy that was involved in clinging becomes available. And when you are not continuou...
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  24. No Image

    Meditation Is Understanding

    You will have to understand one of the most fundamental things about meditation - that no technique leads to meditation. The old so-called techniques and the new scientific bio-feedback techniques are the same as far as meditation is concerned. Meditation is not a byproduct of any technique...
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  25. No Image

    What is meditation - Meditation is a simple process Of watching your own mind.

    What is meditation? Meditation is a simple process Of watching your own mind. Not fighting with the mind Not trying to control it either Just remaining there, a choiceless witness. Whatsoever passes you simply take note of it With no prejudice for or against. You don't call it names That th...
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    Osho Quotes on Relaxation

    Osho Quotes on Relaxation “Meditation is the name of the deepest relaxation.” -Osho, "The Transmission of the Lamp" "The relaxation should not be a method. You should not relax through a Yoga posture. This very understanding is relaxing, this very understanding is relaxation. You relax, eff...
    Categoryon Relax, Let-go
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  27. No Image

    Meditation Is Fun

    The mind can see only one thing at a time. and the opposite is not possible at the same time. When you see the opposite. the first disappears. The mind goes on looking at the words so it cannot see the silences that come after each word. Change the focus. Just sitting silently. start lookin...
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  28. No Image

    Meditation Is a Jump

    “You can never go beyond the mind if you go on using it. You have to take a jump, and meditation means that jump. That’s why meditation is illogical, irrational. And it cannot be made logical; it cannot be reduced to reason. You have to experience it. If you experience, only then do you kno...
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  29. No Image

    The Only Meditation There Is - Watching

    Categoryon Witnessing, Watching
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    Meditation Is Recreation

    I am not against sex, and I am not saying drop sex. I am just saying understand it, meditate over it - don't just go on making love in an unconscious way - and that will become your greatest meditation. Be more conscious, alert, aware and see what is actually happening. Is this moment of bl...
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    Meditation Is Relaxation

    "Meditation is rest, absolute rest, a full stop to all activity - physical, mental, emotional. When you are in such a deep rest that nothing stirs in you, when all action as such ceases, as if you are fast asleep yet awake, you come to know who you are. Suddenly the window opens. It cannot ...
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    Meditation Is an Experiment

    “You don’t believe in God? That is not a hindrance to meditation. You don’t believe in soul? That is not a hindrance in meditation. You don’t believe at all? That is not an obstacle. You can meditate, because meditation simply says how to go withinwards: whether there is a soul or not doesn...
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    Osho on Meditation

    Osho on Meditation Meditation Is a Death "Meditation is a death – death of all that you are now. Of course there will be a resurrection, but that will be a totally new, fresh original being which you are not even aware is hidden in you. "It happens in poetry, in music, in dance, only for a ...
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    Meditation Is Silence

    Mind means words: self means silence. Mind is nothing but all the words that you have accumulated; silence is that which has always been with you, it is not an accumulation. That is the meaning of self. It is your intrinsic quality. On the background of silence you go on accumulating words,...
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  35. No Image

    Just remain alert

    Just remain alert Question 2: Osho, Not counting the discourses, is twenty minutes of meditation a day enough to see me along the path and lead me to experience the satyam, shivam, sundram you are pointing us towards? Vimal, first you cannot be allowed not to count the discourses, because y...
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    My approach to your growth is basically to make you independent of me.

    Question 1 Osho, The fruit falls on the ground when it is ripe. one day, you will leave us, and it will be impossible to have another master in your place. How can anybody else be the substitute for the master of masters? Osho, when you leave the physical body, will your meditation techniqu...
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  37. No Image

    Meditation is a Flowering

    "Remember, meditation will bring you more and more intelligence, infinite intelligence, a radial intelligence. Meditation will make you more alive and sensitive; your life will become richer. "Look at the ascetics: their life has become almost as if it is not life. These people are not medi...
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    Difference between a mystic and a master

    Difference between a mystic and a master Question 1 : Beloved Osho, Please throw light on the difference between a mystic and a master. There is an ancient Tibetan parable. It says, "When one hundred people try to reach the goal only ten ever start the journey; and out of the ten only one r...
    CategoryEnlightenment, Samadhi, Satori
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    Osho on Mind

    Mind People come to me and they ask, “How to attain a peaceful mind?” I say to them, “There exists nothing like that: peaceful mind. Never heard of it.” Mind is never peaceful; no-mind is peace. Mind itself can never be peaceful, silent. The very nature of the mind is to be tense, to be in ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  40. No Image

    Art of Witnessing

    Osho on Art of Witnessing Question : What is your way of meditation? My way of meditation is very simple. There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation. Out of all of those I have chosen the most simple -- the most easily done. I call it witnessing. The moment you witness something...
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  41. No Image

    Meditation Is Awareness

    “And remember, each situation has to become an opportunity to meditate. What is meditation? Becoming aware of what you are doing, becoming aware of what is happening to you. “Somebody insults you: become aware. What is happening to you when the insult reaches you? Meditate over it; this is ...
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  42. No Image

    Is it possible to meditate without any technique?

    Question 1: Is it possible to meditate without any technique? The question you have asked is certainly of great importance because meditation, as such, needs no technique at all. But techniques are needed to remove the obstacles in the way of meditation. So it has to be understood very clea...
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