• The whole search of religion is for that witness: how to find that which is real.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Meditation Is Creative

    “You have lived in a certain way up to now – don’t you want to live in a different way? You have thought in a certain way up to now – don’t you want some new glimpses in your being? Then be alert and don’t listen to the mind. Mind is your past constantly trying to control your present and y...
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    Meditation Is Sensitivity

    “It is the light of awareness that makes things precious, extraordinary. Then small things are no longer small. When a man with alertness, sensitivity, love touches an ordinary pebble on the seashore, that pebble becomes a Kohinoor. And if you touch Kohinoor in your unconscious state, it is...
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    Meditation Is Silence

    Mind means words: self means silence. Mind is nothing but all the words that you have accumulated; silence is that which has always been with you, it is not an accumulation. That is the meaning of self. It is your intrinsic quality. On the background of silence you go on accumulating words,...
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    Meditation Is Delight

    Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in your own being. It is very simple – a totally relaxed state of consciousness where you are not doing anything. The moment doing enters, you become tense; anxiety enters immediately. How to do? What to do? H...
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    Meditation Is in the Present

    “Mind concentrates: it acts out of the past. Meditation acts in the present, out of the present. It is a pure response to the present, it is not reaction. It acts not out of conclusions, it acts seeing the existential. “Watch in your life: there is a great difference when you act out of con...
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    Meditation Is Intelligence

    “Have a very penetrating eye inside your mind, see what its motivations are. “When you do something, immediately look for the motivation, because if you miss the motivation, the mind goes on befooling you and goes on saying that something else was the motivation. For example: you come home ...
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    Meditation Is Not Escapist

    “The man who lives in the future, lives a counterfeit life. He does not really live, he only pretends to live. He hopes to live, he desires to live, but he never lives. And the tomorrow never comes, it is always today. And whatsoever comes is always now and here, and he does not know how to...
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    Meditation Is a Jump

    “You can never go beyond the mind if you go on using it. You have to take a jump, and meditation means that jump. That’s why meditation is illogical, irrational. And it cannot be made logical; it cannot be reduced to reason. You have to experience it. If you experience, only then do you kno...
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    Meditation Is Freedom

    “If life goes naturally, beautifully, if there are no life-negative teachers, if there are no politicians and priests to distract you – then nearabout the age of forty-two, exactly as sexual maturity comes, comes meditation maturity. Nearabout the age of forty-two, one starts feeling to fal...
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    Meditation Is Paradise

    “Paradise is nothing – paradise is a capacity to enjoy yourself right here and now. “You are in paradise, but still you have lost it because you cannot enjoy here and now. You are thinking, planning for the future, somewhere when you become like gods, then you will enjoy it. “Knowledge crea...
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    Meditation Is Oneness

    “That’s why sex has got so much appeal. You become one in a moment, but in that moment you are unconscious, and you seek that unconsciousness. But the more you seek, the more conscious you become. Then sex becomes absolutely absurd. A moment will come…because if you practice this continuous...
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    Meditation Is Witnessing

    Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, on...
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    Meditation is Living Joyously

    "Life is purposeless. Don't be shocked. The whole idea of purpose is wrong – it comes out of greed. "Life is a sheer joy, a playfulness, a fun, a laughter, for no purpose at all. Life is its own end, it has no other end. The moment you understand it, you have understood what meditation is a...
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    Meditation Is Emptiness

    “For centuries emptiness has been condemned. “Emptiness is beautiful. “And the foolish people have been telling you. “The empty mind is the devil’s workshop.” The empty mind is God’s workshop! The occupied mind is the devil’s workshop. “But one has to be truly empty. Just being lazy does no...
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    Meditation Is Fun

    The mind can see only one thing at a time. and the opposite is not possible at the same time. When you see the opposite. the first disappears. The mind goes on looking at the words so it cannot see the silences that come after each word. Change the focus. Just sitting silently. start lookin...
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    When the mind stops, meditation happens

    “Remember, meditation is not something that is done by the mind, it is the absence of the mind. When the mind stops meditation happens. It is not something out of the mind, it is something beyond the mind. And whenever you are alert, the mind is not. So we can conclude that your sleepiness ...
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    Meditation Is in the Gap

    “Be aware of your mental processes, how your mind works. The moment you become aware of the functioning of your mind, you are not the mind. The very awareness means that you are beyond: aloof, a witness. And the more aware you become, the more you will be able to see the gaps between the ex...
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    Meditation Is Recreation

    I am not against sex, and I am not saying drop sex. I am just saying understand it, meditate over it - don't just go on making love in an unconscious way - and that will become your greatest meditation. Be more conscious, alert, aware and see what is actually happening. Is this moment of bl...
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    Meditation Is a Happening

    “When I say you have to drop thinking, don’t conclude in a hurry. Because I have to use language, so I say, “Drop thinking” – but if you start dropping, you will miss, because again you will reduce it to a doing. “‘Drop thinking’ simply means: don’t do anything. Sit. Let thoughts settle the...
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    Meditation Will Make You Awake

    Meditation will make you awake, strong and humble. Meditation will make you awake because it will give you the first experience of yourself. You are not the body, you are not the mind — you are the pure witnessing consciousness. And when this witnessing consciousness is touched, a great awa...
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    Meditation Is Alertness

    How to start the journey? -- start becoming more and more a witness. Whatsoever you do, do it with deep alertness; then even small things become sacred. Then cooking or cleaning become sacred; they become worship. It is not a question of what you are doing, the question is how you are doing...
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    Meditation Is Rest

    When I say, "Drop the ego, drop the mind," I don't mean that you cannot use the mind any more. In fact, when you don't cling to the mind you can use it in a far better, far more efficient way, because the energy that was involved in clinging becomes available. And when you are not continuou...
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    Meditation Is Coming Home

    “There are two planes in you: the plane of the mind, and the plane of the no-mind. Or, let me say it in this way: the plane when you are on the periphery of your being and the plane when you are at the center of your being. Every circle has a center – you may know it, you may not know it. Y...
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    Meditation Is an Experiment

    “You don’t believe in God? That is not a hindrance to meditation. You don’t believe in soul? That is not a hindrance in meditation. You don’t believe at all? That is not an obstacle. You can meditate, because meditation simply says how to go withinwards: whether there is a soul or not doesn...
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    Meditation is Cool

    "If you go to Catholic, Jaina, Buddhist monks you will find them very nervous – maybe not so nervous in their monasteries, but if you bring them out to the world, you will find them very, very nervous because on each step there is temptation. "A man of meditation comes to a point where ther...
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    Meditation Is Inner Science

    Meditation is a pure, scientific method. In science you call it observation, observation of the objects. When you move inwards it is the same observation just taking a one-hundred-and eighty-degree turn and looking in. “That’s what we call meditation. No god is needed, no Bible is needed. ...
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    Meditation Is Growing Up

    “Growing old is not of any worth, every animal does it, it needs no intelligence. Growing up is a totally different experience. Growing old is horizontal; growing up is vertical, it leads you to heights, it leads you to depths. “And strangely enough, you will be surprised to know that time ...
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    Meditation Is Awareness

    “And remember, each situation has to become an opportunity to meditate. What is meditation? Becoming aware of what you are doing, becoming aware of what is happening to you. “Somebody insults you: become aware. What is happening to you when the insult reaches you? Meditate over it; this is ...
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    What Is Meditation?

    “The meditation I am talking about is not a meditation on something: rather, it is a state of meditation. So this is what I mean when I am talking to you about meditation as a state. Meditation does not mean remembering someone. Meditation means to drop everything which is in one’s memory a...
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    Meditation Is Remembrance

    "Wherever you are remember yourself, that you are: this consciousness that you are should become a continuity. Not your name, your caste, your nationality - those are futile things, absolutely useless. Just remember that "I am." This must not be forgotten. This is what Hindus call self-reme...
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    Meditation is Transformation

    "If you feel much resistance against meditation, it simply shows that deep down you are alert that something is going to happen which will change your whole life. You are afraid of being reborn. You have invested too much in your old habits, in the old personality, in the old identity. "Med...
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    Meditation Is Relaxation

    "Meditation is rest, absolute rest, a full stop to all activity - physical, mental, emotional. When you are in such a deep rest that nothing stirs in you, when all action as such ceases, as if you are fast asleep yet awake, you come to know who you are. Suddenly the window opens. It cannot ...
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    Meditation Is Non-doing

    “When people come to me and they ask, “How to meditate?” I tell them, “There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously. Just ask how to remain unoccupied, that’s all. That’s the whole trick of meditation – how to remain unoccupied...
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    Meditation Is a Knack

    “It is the simplest art in the world, to be silent. It is not a doing, it is a non-doing. How can it be difficult? “I am showing you the way of enlightenment through laziness! Nothing has to be done to attain it, because it is your nature. You have already got it. You are just so busy with ...
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    Meditation is a Flowering

    "Remember, meditation will bring you more and more intelligence, infinite intelligence, a radial intelligence. Meditation will make you more alive and sensitive; your life will become richer. "Look at the ascetics: their life has become almost as if it is not life. These people are not medi...
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    Meditation Is Understanding

    You will have to understand one of the most fundamental things about meditation - that no technique leads to meditation. The old so-called techniques and the new scientific bio-feedback techniques are the same as far as meditation is concerned. Meditation is not a byproduct of any technique...
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    Meditation Is Your Nature

    What is meditation? Is it a technique that can be practiced? Is it an effort that you have to do? Is it something which the mind can achieve? It is not. All that the mind can do cannot be meditation - it is something beyond the mind, the mind is absolutely helpless there. The mind cannot pe...
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