• Avoid rationalizing your own errors and mistakes. Because if you rationalize, you protect them. Then they will be repeated.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Identification with the mind is more subtle than identification with the body

    Jean Paul Sartre wrote an autobiography. He has called it WORDS. The name is very meaningful. It is the autobiography of every man – words and words and words. You are filled with words, and this process of words continues the whole day, even in the mind. When you are sleeping, you are stil...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  2. No Image

    Mind is the barrier. No-mind is the door

    Truth is all around, but your interpretations are YOUR interpretations. God is speaking all the time, but you hear not, or even if you hear, you hear something else. You hear according to you, your mind comes in, and hence you go on missing. Unless the mind is dropped you will not be able t...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  3. No Image

    Mind can go on playing tricks unless you learn how not to associate with it

    [A sannyasin had written to Osho about feeling guilty about recurrent sickness, and wondering if, in her involvement with a love relationship, she was diverting energy formerly invested in Osho. Osho checks her energy.] Nothing is wrong with your energy, mm? just your mind goes on playing t...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  4. No Image

    Noise and disturbances are your own minds and ego

    Question 3 You said that noise and disturbances are not outside in the world, but are because of your own minds and ego, but why do the saints and mystics always live in unnoisy uncrowded places? Because they are still not saints and mystics. They are still endeavoring, still working. They ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  5. No Image

    You don’t have one mind; you are multi-psychic

    YOU HAVE MANY MINDS but you have only one heart. Have you observed this fact? You don’t have one mind; you are multi-psychic, you have many minds. They constantly change — every moment your mind changes. One moment it is full of doubt, another moment it is full of belief, and another moment...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  6. No Image

    That’s how the mind functions: one takes things for granted

    [A sannyasin, leaving for three months to earn money, says he feels sad to leave.] So don’t be worried — three months is not a problem, not a problem. Sometimes it is good to be away from here, sometimes very very good and essential for your growth. Otherwise one starts taking me for grante...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  7. No Image

    Osho on Mind

    Mind People come to me and they ask, “How to attain a peaceful mind?” I say to them, “There exists nothing like that: peaceful mind. Never heard of it.” Mind is never peaceful; no-mind is peace. Mind itself can never be peaceful, silent. The very nature of the mind is to be tense, to be in ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  8. No Image

    The result-oriented mind is a stupid mind

    The result-oriented mind is a stupid mind. It goes on sacrificing the present for the future. Sacrificing! – and the sacrifice is absolutely non-creative. It goes on postponing. This is not respect for the future – it is just a way to avoid the present. The result-oriented man always puts h...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  9. No Image

    Is Misunderstanding natural to the Human Mind?

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, Is Misunderstanding natural to the Human Mind? Milarepa, misunderstanding is certainly natural to the human mind. Mind is a misunderstanding, and through mind whatsoever you understand is misunderstanding. Understanding arises only when mind is absent, because what...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  10. No Image

    Mind is the Whole Problem

    Mind is the Whole Problem The darkness seems so deep, my eyes covered in a haze, my mind never ending noise – except for those moments I am with you – swirling around and around. The light is there but seems so far away in all this darkness. Sometimes I wonder if I am going to make it. Belo...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  11. No Image

    Whatsoever you know will really hinder your search

    Mind is incapable of knowing the truth. It can gather all kinds of information about truth, but to know about truth is not to know truth. To know about love is not to know love. To know love one needs to be a lover. No information can be of any help; one has to go into the experience itself...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  12. No Image

    Why is mind stupidity? Because mind is nothing but the past. the collected dust that you have gathered on the way

    Question 3: Is all Mind made out of the same material – Stupidity? Yes. Mind is stupid. There is no mind which is intelligent. Mind cannot be intelligent; mind is stupidity. To say “stupid mind” is not right; it is repetitive because “stupidity” and “mind” both mean the same thing. Why is m...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  13. No Image

    In any real situation you will be able to see who is intelligent

    We go on polishing the mind in schools, colleges, universities, with the hope that we will be able to create an intelligent humanity. Our stupidity is such that for five thousand years we have been doing this and yet we have not realised the fact that humanity has not become intelligent at ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  14. No Image

    What is presence of mind?

    Question 4 Beloved Osho, What is presence of mind? Kavita, presence of mind is really a state of no-mind. You can call it mindfulness, awareness, or you can call it a state of no-mind. The words seem to be contradicting each other, but they are indicative of the same state. Presence of mind...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  15. No Image

    Seeing this, no-mind arrives

    Question 1 Osho, Is it possible that the no-mind evolves quite naturally out of the mind without struggle and anguish, without exploding, hammering, cutting and such wild acts? Is the very idea of no-mind, which seems to be in the mind and yet transcending the mind, a seed like form of the ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  16. No Image

    on Immature Mind – When I say, ‘Be mature,’ I mean become a no-mind

    Question 1: You told me that my mind is immature. What does it mean to have a mind that is mature? To think that you know is to be immature. To function from knowledge, from conclusion, is to be immature. To function from no-knowledge, from no conclusion, from no past, is maturity. Maturity...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  17. No Image

    The greatest trouble the mind can create is the longing for home

    It is one of the deep-rooted habits of the mind always to divide things. The moment you divide things you are in trouble – and mind wants you to be always in trouble; otherwise it has no function. The greatest trouble the mind can create is the longing for home. I call it the greatest troub...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  18. No Image

    How is one to Stop Worrying?

    Question 6: How is one to Stop Worrying? This is from “Pathik the Pathetic.” He unnecessarily goes on becoming pathetic. Now, “how to stop worrying?” What is the need to stop worrying? If you start trying to stop worrying, you create a new worry: how to stop worry. Then you start worrying a...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  19. No Image

    A State of Clarity, Not a State of Mind

    A State of Clarity, Not a State of Mind What is meditation? Is it a technique that can be practiced? Is it an effort that you have to do? Is it something which the mind can achieve? It is not. All that the mind can do, cannot be meditation — it is something beyond the mind, the mind is abso...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  20. No Image

    Go beyond the mind. Do not listen to its chatter

    Question 1 Osho, You say: Go beyond the mind. do not listen to its chatter. discipline it and make it a servant. do not be its slave. but how to know when the mind is being disciplined and when it is being repressed? also, when i took sannyas the other night you said not to get hooked on yo...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  21. No Image

    Mind as a Master is a Disaster

    Mind as a Master is a Disaster Question 1 Beloved Osho, When I listen to your discourses, you take me on an indescribable journey. If afterwards someone asks me about what you have said, I hardly remember. But when people ask me personal questions, answers are coming out of my mouth which a...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  22. No Image

    on Reaching Inner Center and Stopping Mind

    If you can create a center outside – anywhere: in the mind, in the heart, or even outside on a wall – and if you concentrate totally on it and you bracket out the whole world, you forget the whole world and only one point remains in your consciousness, suddenly you will be thrown to your in...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  23. No Image

    The first thing to decide is, is this a heart matter or a mind matter?

    [A sannyasin says: I’m a sort of a sentimental person. The mind says one thing and heart says something else. Up to now I’ve been always following the heart and am always at a loss.] One has to be very very alert about one thing: there are things in which the heart will be a failure; never ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  24. No Image

    Mind is misery, Meditation is bliss

    Mind is misery and cannot be otherwise, because mind lives in desires, ambitions, it is always hankering for the more — and that hankering cannot be satisfied. It always goes on jumping ahead of you, wherever you would be, the mind will be asking for more. It is always ahead of you. The dis...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  25. No Image

    I call that man religious who renounces the mind. I call that man religious who renounces all conditionings

    The mind has a persistent habit to go on believing in itself — even against all facts. Even if your old mind goes on giving you nothing but misery and hell, you go on believing in it. People say that this is an age of unbelief. I don’t see it. The same old belief in the mind continues. Some...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  26. No Image

    Never repent about the past because that is again wasting the present

    Question 2: Osho, My mind, the monster, distracts me even when i’m sitting in discourse. It simply takes over and thinks all sorts of silly thoughts and by the time discourse is over i get the feeling i missed another golden opportunity to be with you, drink from you, tune in with you. This...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  27. No Image

    Don’t fight with the mind

    Listen to the mind for the outside world, don’t listen to the mind for the inside – simply put it aside. There is no need to fight with it, because if you fight with it it may influence you. You simply put it aside. That’s what faith is. Faith is not a fight with the mind. If you fight, the...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  28. No Image

    Meditation means how to create the state of no-mindedness

    Mind, this rishi says, is the first disease, the basic disease in a way. Why is mind a disease? -- because mind is just a disturbance. Mind is just a disturbance in consciousness. It is not your nature; it is just a disturbance. The moment there is no disturbance, there is no mind. And this...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  29. No Image

    How does watching lead to no-mind?

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, How does watching lead to no-mind? I am more and more able to watch my Body, my thoughts and feelings and this feels beautiful. But moments of No thoughts are few and far between. When i hear you saying ”meditation is Witnessing,” I feel I understand. But when you ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  30. No Image

    Remember one thing: except for silence, everything else is your imagination — howsoever beautiful.

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, The other morning before lecture, i suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to touch, with great gratitude, the floor where you walk. in that moment, i heard again that voice — it still sounds like your voice: “if you can kiss in gratitude the place on earth where i have...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  31. No Image

    Meditation means making the mind empty, empty of all thoughts

    Without meditation one is bound to live in misery. One can cover it up, one can find a few consolations, one has to find a few consolations otherwise life would be intolerable. One has to remain occupied so that one does not feel the inner emptiness. And people find a thousand and one occup...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  32. No Image

    I am not against mind. Develop mind, develop intellect, but remember well – this is just a means,

    Question 3 : You said last night that the more the mind grows, the more we know that the nature of the mind is confusion. But isn’t it true that this growth of the mind also leads to clarity? Whatsoever I was just saying is related to this. Yes, it leads to clarity, because only when you ha...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  33. No Image

    Mind is never contemporary, Mind is always old.

    Question 5: Osho, What is a Contemporary Mind? Contemporary mind is a contradiction in terms. Mind is never contemporary, it is always old. Mind is past — past and past and nothing else; mind means memory. There can be no contemporary mind; to be contemporary is to be without mind. If you a...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  34. No Image

    Mind is never silent. It is constantly chattering

    Mind is never silent. It is constantly chattering. It is constantly crowded with many thoughts, desires. It goes on dreaming and dreaming. It is never still even for a single moment. And we have become identified with the mind, we think that we are our mind. That is creating the whole miser...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  35. No Image

    on Thinking – Our minds always think in terms of dichotomies

    Our minds always think in terms of dichotomies. They cannot think without dividing. Whenever we go to think about something, we dissect it, we divide it into two. That is the methodology of the mind. Mind cannot think in terms of Unity, in terms of synthesis. Mind thinks in terms of analysi...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  36. No Image

    The mind is a chattering box. You cannot stop it

    The mind is a chattering box. You cannot stop it. The very effort to stop it gives it more nourishment to go on. Millions of people, for centuries have been trying to stop it, and they have all failed, for the simple reason that the desire to stop it is also part of it. It is not beyond it....
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  37. No Image

    The only thing to be learned is not to do anything, but just be.

    The only thing to be learned is not to do anything, but just be. Doing moves you. Doing, in the beginning at least, may take you away from witnessing; you may forget to witness. So in the beginning, just be -- silent, utterly immobile, as if dead, so that you can experience being in its pur...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  38. No Image

    The new does not arise out of you, it comes from the beyond.

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What has gone wrong? Why is it that people meet everything new reluctantly, and with fear, rather than with eager joy? The new does not arise out of you, it comes from the beyond. It is not part of you. Your whole past is at stake. The new is discontinuous with you,...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  39. No Image

    How to stop thinking?

    Osho on how to Stop Thinking Question 1: I have been Thinking all day of a way to ask the Question: How to stop thinking? THINKING cannot be stopped. Not that it does not stop, but it cannot be stopped. It stops of its own accord. This distinction has to be understood, otherwise you can go ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  40. No Image

    No-Mind is Not Against Mind

    No-Mind is Not Against Mind Question 1 I have been thinking all day of a way to ask the question: How to stop thinking? Thinking cannot be stopped—not that it does not stop, but it cannot be stopped. It stops of its own accord. This distinction has to be understood; otherwise you can go mad...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  41. No Image

    How can you reject something which is not? I have been telling you only to see, to look into them.

    Question 4: Can we not love and accept our head, our mind, our ego, as part of the whole life? Why reject them? I have not told you to reject them. How can you reject something which is not? I have been telling you only to see, to look into them. I am not telling you to reject them – reject...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  42. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Mind

    Osho Quotes on Mind The mind is not your reality; it is a false interpretation. You are not the mind, you have never been a mind, you can never be the mind. That is your problem- you have become identified with something which is not. You are like a beggar who believes that he has a kingdom...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  43. No Image

    Is it possible to have an Original Thought?

    Question 1: Is it possible to have an Original Thought? It is impossible, absolutely impossible to have an original thought. Because mind is memory, mind is the past, mind is that which you have already known, it is a borrowed thing, and whatsoever the mind can do can only be a repetition; ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  44. No Image

    You are the cause of the projection.

    Adhyas, or illusion, means seeing what is not there. Shankara loved this word very much and for the Upanishads it is very fundamental. Adhyas means projection, seeing what is not there: what is seen is not really there, you are projecting it from within. You are the cause of the projection....
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  45. No Image

    Don't repeat the past in the future

    Why does consciousness become so involved with the body - not only involved, but identified? Why do we begin to feel that we are the bodies? - not that we are IN the bodies, but we ARE the bodies? This is really a miracle, because the knower can never be the known; the observer, the source ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  46. No Image

    Be aware of your mind’s mechanism, and how it transforms everything into desiring

    We don’t live in existence, we live in desires. Really, we don’t live in the world at all, we live in desires. Our life is not here and now, it is always somewhere else where the desire is arrowed. It may be anywhere, but it is never here. Never here, because desire needs time – desire cann...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  47. No Image

    Osho Quotes on No-Mind

    Osho Quotes on No-Mind To be aflame with silence, with joy, is wisdom. It is not through logic but through love. It is not through words but through a wordless state called meditation or a state of no-mind, satori, samadhi. ♦ Only no-mind can be without any duality, because it is empty. The...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  48. No Image

    on Western Mind and Eastern Mind

    Question 10: Will the Western Mind have to expand as the Eastern Mind has? The Western mind can succeed as far as science is concerned, but it cannot succeed in religious consciousness. Whenever a religious mind is born, even in the West, it is Eastern. In Eckhart, in Boehme, the very quali...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  49. No Image

    Master of your own mind

    The basic problem before a spiritual seeker is not how to know, but how to be. Knowing is not the problem, it is easy. The real problem is how to be, how the being should be strengthened. Knowing can grow easily; knowing has its own ways of growing. But knowing is a parasitic growth. Knowin...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  50. No Image

    Heaven and hell are not realities but ways of living

    Question 2 Osho, What is hell? Is there really such a place? RELIGION HAS SURVIVED UP TO NOW because of your fear and greed -- the false religion I mean, of course. The true religion has nothing to do with fear and greed. In fact, the true religion means transcending fear and greed. Fear an...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  51. No Image

    To live in the mind is to live in the mundane. Mind belongs to the marketplace

    Meditation is the door to the divine. To live in the mind is to live in the mundane. Mind belongs to the marketplace; in fact it is prepared for the market-place — for competition, for ego trips, for politics, for money, power, prestige. From the kindergarten, school to the university we cr...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  52. No Image

    It was mind crucifying the heart when Jesus was crucified

    Mind is always old. Even a one-day-old child has a one-day-old mind, because mind means the past. It accumulates the past; it is accumulative it goes on accumulating experiences and everything that happens. It is always old and it goes on becoming older and older. But the heart is always yo...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  53. No Image

    Can the Mind Commit Suicide?

    Can the Mind Commit Suicide Question 4 : Can the mind commit suicide? The mind cannot commit suicide, because whatsoever the mind can do will strengthen the mind. Any doing on the part of the mind makes the mind more strong. So suicide is impossible. Mind doing something means mind continui...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  54. No Image

    Mind is mischief, Mind is the source of all mischief

    Mind is mischief; there is no other mischief. Mind is the source of all mischief. A master is a master only because he has ceased to be dominated by the mind. A master is a master of himself; he is no longer unconscious. Whatsoever he does, he does it knowingly. Whatsoever he is, he is perf...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  55. No Image

    Life exists in polarities and mind exists in one part of the polarity; that’s why mind is false

    THIS IS ONE of the most basic things. Try to understand as deeply as possible. The mind can see only one pole, and reality is two poles, the two opposite poles together. The mind can see one extreme; in the one extreme the other is hidden, but the mind cannot penetrate it. And unless you se...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  56. No Image

    My way is the way of meditation: Neither of head nor of heart

    Question : Osho, Your way is the way of the heart, and the outside world is the way of the head. Will it ever be possible that man can function from a blend of both head and heart, or must the two always remain totally divorced? will it always be essential to make a conscious choice for one...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  57. No Image

    on Mind Conditioning and Gradual – Sudden methods

    And with the second question, it is also asked: CONTEMPLATION AND CONCENTRATION ARE MENTAL PROCESSES. HOW CAN MENTAL PROCESSES HELP IN ACHIEVING A STATE OF NO-MIND? The question is significant. Mind asks, how can mind itself go beyond mind? How can any mental process help to achieve somethi...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  58. No Image

    The whole ignorance of mind consists in not being in the present

    The whole ignorance of mind consists in not being in the present. Mind is always moving: into the future, or into the past. Mind is never here and now. It cannot be. The very nature of mind is such that it cannot be in the present, because mind has to think, and in the present moment there ...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  59. No Image

    Anything absolute is a death for the mind

    Question 1: Osho, The vision “neither this nor that” feels so negative. How can i be accepting or even creative with this? I feel totally confused. Prem Helmut, MIND LIVES IN THE DUALITY of the positive and the negative. It lives like a pendulum, moving from yes to no, from no to yes. It ca...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  60. No Image

    Mind is the projecting mechanism

    Mind itself means projection, so unless you transcend the mind, whatever you come to experience is projection. Mind is the projecting mechanism. If you experience any visions of light, of bliss, even of the divine, these are all projections. Unless you come to a total stopping of the mind y...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  61. No Image

    Mind is Never Where You Are

    Mind is Never Where You Are Says Rinzai, “When I eat, I only eat, and when I sleep, I only sleep.” Somebody said, “But nothing is special in that, everybody is doing it.” Rinzai laughed and said, “If everybody is doing it, everybody is a Buddha, everybody is enlightened then.” Eating – simp...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  62. No Image

    How does watching lead to no-mind?

    Question 1: Osho, How does watching lead to no-mind? I am more and more able to watch my Body, my thoughts and feelings and this feels beautiful. But moments of No thoughts are few and far between. When i hear you saying ”meditation is Witnessing,” I feel I understand. But when you talk abo...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  63. No Image

    Mind’s nature is to move from one extreme to another

    The most difficult thing, the almost impossible thing for the mind, is to remain in the middle, is to remain balanced. And to move from one thing to its opposite is the easiest. To move from one polarity to the opposite polarity is the nature of the mind. This has to be understood very deep...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  64. No Image

    Can problems be solved through Thinking?

    Question 2: Can problems be solved through Thinking? Yes, certain problems can be solved through thinking – only those problems which are created by thinking can be solved by it. But no real problem can be solved by it, no lived problem can be solved by it. It is not created by it; it is th...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  65. No Image

    on Left and Right Brain (left hemisphere and right hemisphere)

    Being is one, the world is many…and between the two is the divided mind, the dual mind. It is just like a big tree, an ancient oak: the trunk is one, then the tree divides into two main branches, the main bifurcation, from which a thousand and one bifurcations of branches grow. The being is...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  66. No Image

    There are as many worlds as there are minds, because every mind lives in his own world

    How you look at things depends on you, not on things. Unless you come to a point where you drop the interpreting mind and look direct, look immediate, mind is your mediator. It brings you things distorted, it brings you things mixed with interpretations. They are not pure. So the only way t...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  67. No Image

    What is the Difference Between No-Mind and My Mind?

    What is the Difference Between No-Mind and My Mind? Question 2 Osho, What is the difference between no-mind and my mind? Milarepa, the difference between no-mind and my-mind is the difference between your mind and my mind. Just drop the "my" and there is no difference between no-mind and mi...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  68. No Image

    on Mind Mechanism, Mind tricks : The root problem of all problems is mind itself

    The root problem of all problems is mind itself. The first thing to be understood is what this mind is, of what stuff it is made; whether it is an entity or just a process; whether it is substantial, or just dreamlike. And unless you know the nature of the mind, you will not be able to solv...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  69. No Image

    Mind is always indecisive, To be decisive is to go beyond the mind

    The mind is always indecisive. That is one of the basic characteristics of the mind, indecisiveness. The moment a resolution arises in you the mind disappears. To be decisive is to go beyond the mind; to remain indecisive, hesitant, divided, is to live in the mind. Resolution means totality...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  70. No Image

    The world is there because of you – you create it, you are a creator.

    The world is there because of you – you create it, you are a creator. Every single being creates a world around himself, it depends on his mind. The mind may be illusory, but it is creative – it creates dreams. And it is up to you to create a hell or heaven. If you leave this world you will...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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  71. No Image

    A different kind of mind exists when you are with nature

    [The sannyasin says he is a gardener.] Very good! That may be one of the causes why you are so simple. Gardeners, farmers, fishermen, woodcutters, have a totally different kind of energy – the best kind of energy. When a politician comes he carries such a nuisance inside him, such a decepti...
    Categoryon Mind, No-Mind, Master of your own mind
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