• Insecurity is beautiful. And the day you know insecurity is beautiful, you have know the wisdom if insecurity.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    More aware you become the more responsible you become

    Lao Tzu says you cannot know it, you cannot practise it, but, the sage says: WHO RECEIVES UNTO HIMSELF THE CALUMNY OF THE WORLD IS THE PRESERVER OF THE STATE. Who moves lowest is the sage, and who takes on himself the whole responsibility of the whole darkness ...
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  2. No Image

    on Planning Life - Life knows no planning. It is itself enough.

    All that is great, all that is beautiful, all that is true and real, is always spontaneous. You cannot plan it. The moment you plan it, everything goes wrong. The moment planning enters, everything becomes unreal. But this has happened to humanity. Your love, y...
    CategoryOsho on Tao
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  3. No Image

    Lao Tzu cannot speak truth, but to be with Lao Tzu you may get the right direction

    Question : Osho, Probably no enlightened master has spoken so many millions of words about the truth as you have. Lao tzu says, “the truth that can be spoken is not the truth.” Beloved Master, what do you say? Lao Tzu is right. The truth that can be spoken is n...
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  4. No Image

    Lao Tzu Stresses inaction, Whereas Krishna lays stress on action

    Lao Tzu and Krishna have given the same message Question 3: Lao Tzu Stresses inaction, Whereas Krishna lays stress on action. How do these two theories compare and contrast? These two theories are the two ends. Lao Tzu does not tell us to give up action. He tel...
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  5. No Image

    Be my Disciples but not my Followers

    Chuang Tzu always watched monkeys. He was deeply interested in them because they are the forefathers of man. And a monkey is hidden in you! This whole world is nothing but a monkey mountain, all around are monkeys. What is the characteristic of a monkey? What i...
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  6. No Image

    Lao Tzu is not at all concerned with the extraordinary man.

    Lao Tzu is not at all concerned with the extraordinary man. In other religious traditions, the extraordinary is valued very highly. Lao Tzu values the ordinary man. "Be as if you are not. Why should anyone even know of you?" he asks. Lao Tzu says: "You are mean...
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  7. No Image

    It is because of Confucius that communism became important

    Question : Osho, Beautiful, rare beings, such as lao tzu, lieh tzu, and chuang tzu, have evolved out of china. That was thousands of years ago. China today has changed its face to a robotlike country. In your vision, do you see any possibility of spirituality r...
    Categoryon Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Taoist, Tao Te Ching
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  8. No Image

    Confucius went to see Lao Tzu

    It is said that Confucius went to see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an old man, Confucius was younger. Lao Tzu was almost unknown, Confucius was almost universally known. Kings and emperors used to call him to their courts; wise men used to come for his advice. He was t...
    Categoryon Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Taoist, Tao Te Ching
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  9. No Image

    Don’t be dominated and Don’t try to dominate

    You should not try to influence anybody, and you should be alert that you are not influenced by others. The ego can do both but it cannot remain in the middle. The ego can try to influence, then it feels good, dominating, but remember that the ego also feels go...
    CategoryOsho on Tao
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  10. No Image

    Tao means the way, with no goal. Simply the way.

    Question3 Osho, I don't know where I'm going, and I don't know what there is to do. Do I have what I need for this adventure? There is no need to know where you are going. There is no need to know why you are going. All that is needed to be known is that you ar...
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  11. No Image

    Life is based on the rule of opposites

    One of the basic sutras of Lao Tzu is that life is based on the rule of opposites. Life does not oppose its contradictions. Rather, it works in collaboration with its counter-forces. Ordinarily it appears that if your enemy dies you will be a happier man, but y...
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  12. No Image

    Techniques are shortcuts, revolutions, but are not these against Tao, Swabhav, The Nature?

    Question 1: Techniques are shortcuts, revolutions, but are not these against Tao, Swabhav, The Nature? They are. They are against tao, they are against swabhav. Any effort is against shabhav, tao; effort as such is against tao. If you can leave everything to sw...
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  13. No Image

    A man of Tao remains ordinary, absolutely ordinary

    Tao says that whatsoever is beautiful in you, hide it, never act it out; whatsoever is truthful in you, valuable, hide it, because whenever a truth is hidden in the heart, it grows like a seed hidden in the earth. Don’t throw it out. If you throw a seed on the ...
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  14. No Image

    The Christian way of being humble, modest, selfless, is basically wrong

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between the christian way of being selfless, modest and humble, and your way of being egoless and ordinary? The Christian way of being humble, modest, selfless, is basically wrong. The words they are using may sound exact...
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  15. No Image

    How is one to live before becoming enlightened?

    Question : You said that the real morality is the shadow of enlightenment. But then how is one to live before becoming enlightened? THE moment you ask ’how’ you are asking again for a discipline. The moment you ask ’how’ you ask for methods, techniques. Why can...
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  16. No Image

    LAO Tzu has no path, or, the no-path is his path.

    Question 1 You said there are only two types of people: those whose path is awareness and those whose path is surrender or bhakti. It seems to me that lao tzu has nothing to do with either of them - is there a third type then who follow neither or both? LAO Tzu...
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  17. No Image

    A Taoist master has never been crucified or poisoned

    Don’t display! Don’t become an exhibitionist, otherwise you will be in trouble. And don’t rely on distinction and talent when you deal with men. Why? Because every man is an egoist. If you depend on your talent you will be in trouble because you will create ene...
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  18. No Image

    Taoist tantra : It is spontaneity in sexuality; it is spontaneity in love.

    Question 1: You have talked much on love, relationships, union, etc. is there a merging between the tao and tantra? Tantra means technique - and Tao can have no relationship with any technique whatsoever. Tao is non-methodological, non-technical. Tao means spon...
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  19. No Image

    on Lao Tzu Sutra : The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao

    The Tao that can be told of is not the Absolute Tao Let me first tell you the story of how these sutras came to be written, because that will help you to understand them. For ninety years Lao Tzu lived – in fact he did nothing except live. He lived totally. Man...
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  20. No Image

    To live in Tao is to live in god. Tao is a far better word than God

    Tao Devam. Tao means the way – not the way to any goal, but the way things are. Tao has nothing to do with goals; it has no future-orientation. It is the present moment and the things that are in the herenow. It is the totality of existence in the present and t...
    CategoryOsho on Tao
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  21. No Image

    Do taoists agree with the happening of sudden enlightenment or the gradual one?

    Question 1 : Do taoists agree with the happening of sudden enlightenment or the gradual one? THEY DON'T BOTHER. Lao Tzu does not bother, because he says: Just to be ordinary is to be enlightened. It is not something special that one has to achieve, it is not an...
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  22. No Image

    The trap of laziness is better than the trap of egoism.

    Question 6: The danger of your talks on taoism is that there are a lot of lazy, irresponsible people around who rationalise their bad habits by claiming to be inactive taoists. please clarify the difference between a taoist and a lazy escapist. The question is ...
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  23. No Image

    Acceptance, accepting whatsoever is, is the basis of Tao

    A Total Acceptance A Sadhaka once approached Lao Tzu and said: "I want peace." "You will never get it," Lao Tzu replied. The youth was startled, "What have I done, what is there in me such that I cannot attain peace?" Lao Tzu then explained: "As long as you wis...
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  24. No Image

    The whole world is trying to fulfill the nonessential

    Only a man of Tao could have changed that hell into a heaven. A man of Tao, wherever he is, is at peace, at ease. Only the essential is done, and if you can do the essential for him, he is happy. The nonessential is dropped. You cannot drop the nonessential. Re...
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  25. No Image

    Lao Tzu says: ‘Bring down your consciousness from the head to the heart’

    We keep changing objects: from the first to the second and the third and so on, but our chase does not abate. And this chase is insatiable. It can never be satiated because the nature of desires is insatiable. Therefore, the sage seeks to satisfy the hunger tha...
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  26. No Image

    Chuang Tzu says: Character is not to be cultivated

    Chuang Tzu is saying that the halo of saintliness around you shows that you are still there. The halo that you are good is sure to create calamity for you, and calamity for others also. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu – master and disciple – have never been painted in p...
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  27. No Image

    Become ordinary and you shall attain. 

    Question 3 Lao tzu has talked about pure, absolute truth and has looked upon all conceptions as the only barrier that prevents man from entering his nature. from this are we to assume that religion and truth are beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person? wi...
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  28. No Image

    Just be yourself, ordinary and unique, and fulfill your destiny

    Tao says, that when nobody knows what to make of you – you are so ordinary that nobody knows what to make of you, nobody knows any utility for you, you cannot be used, you are so ordinary, without any talent – then, they say, the real mystery reveals itself thr...
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  29. No Image

    The Way of the Tao

    The Way of the Tao Lao Tzu says: There is nothing weaker than water but none is superior to it in overcoming the hard, for which there is no substitute. That weakness overcomes strength and gentleness overcomes rigidity, no one does not know; no one can put int...
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  30. No Image

    Tao is so vast that one is afraid to lose one’s identity in it. We are like dewdrops and Tao is like an ocean

    Question 1: Osho, Tao is greater than mind. Then why do we keep choosing the mind instead of flowing with the Tao? Prem Radha, It is precisely because of that. Tao is so vast that one is afraid to lose one’s identity in it. We are like dewdrops and Tao is like ...
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  31. No Image

    If there is no radio, no television, no newspaper, nobody to talk to, what will you do?

    The man of Tao is not one of much action – he is not a man of action, the least possible action happens through him. He is really a man of inaction, he is not much occupied with activity. But you are occupied with activity just to escape from yourself. You cann...
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  32. No Image

    Confucian in office, Taoist out of office

    Confucian in office, Taoist out of office Question 4 : This is a marxist, a christian theologian's question -- so many diseases together! In traditional china there was a saying, 'Confucian in office, Taoist out of office.' this represented a deep division and ...
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  33. No Image

    The path of Tao is not that of sudden enlightenment. It is not like Zen. Zen is sudden enlightenment, Tao is a gradual growth.

    It is said that if you are pure, if you are silent, you reach heaven. The truth is just the opposite: if you are pure, if you are silent, heaven reaches you. One never goes anywhere, one is always here, but once the inside becomes full of light the whole world ...
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  34. No Image

    Ego can even renounce. It can Renounce everything but it will always save itself

    All arrangements of life, like for instance our own life, is all based on a trance. We live in a trance; and the centre of this unconsciousness, is our ego. Lao Tzu says, ”Nature is eternal for it lives not for itself.” He who has no thought about himself, will...
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  35. No Image

     Everyone considers himself extraordinary. This is Ego. 

    Everyone considers himself extraordinary. This is Ego. Question 6 Can the common man acquire the capability of egolessness? From his question it seems it is not possible for an ordinary person, whereas the fact is, it is very difficult for an un-ordinary person...
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  36. No Image

    Lu-tsu says, ‘Accept the situation you are in’

    Whatsoever situation you are in is a God-given situation; don’t reject it. It is an opportunity, an occasion to grow. If you escape from the opportunity, you will not grow. The people who go to the Himalayan caves and start living there and become very much att...
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  37. No Image

    The Centre is the Master

    The Centre is the Master Question 2 One friend asks how a person should find the internal centre that is mentioned by Lao Tzu and develop its hunger. Sit with your eyes closed and think, “Where is the centre of my body?” We live through our body, but it is an u...
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