• To fight with the mind is to give it reality, to recognize its power. There is no need to fight. One has just to be a witness. Without any fight, just being a witness, mind disappears.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    An Object is known or unknown depending on whether the mind is colored by it or not.

    An Object is known or unknown depending on whether the mind is colored by it or not. Now, one thing more: when you look at an object, your mind colors the object and the object colors your mind. That's how things are known or unknown. When you look at a flower you say, "Beautiful....
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  2. No Image

    Lack of awareness. You take the body as yourself and then you suffer. You are suffering in a dream

    Lack of awareness is when you take your body as yourself. Ninety percent of your lives’ miseries are because of this: lack of awareness. You take the body as yourself and then you suffer. You are suffering in a dream. The body is not yours. Soon it will not be yours. Where were yo...
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  3. No Image

    Alonesness and Universal Oneness

    Yoga says if only we could see that we are not more than a bird on a big aeroplane. In a river, two straws were floating. The river’s flow was rapid and one straw was trying to fight against the river’s current. He was trying to make a dam in the river to stop it. It was not makin...
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  4. No Image

    In Yoga two kinds of samadhi are talked about (nirbeeja and sabeeja)

    Anand means bliss, nirbeeja means seedless. The word nirbeeja is a very specific word. In Yoga two kinds of samadhi are talked about, two kinds of ultimate states of consciousness. One is sabeeja; it means with seed. Another is nirbeeja; it means seedless, without seed. The sabeej...
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  5. No Image

    Breathing and thinking are deeply connected

    Breathing and thinking are deeply connected Patanjali gives other alternatives also. If you can do this -- being happy with happy people, friendly; compassion with the miserable, joy with the virtuous, indifference with the evil ones -- if you can do this, then you enter from the ...
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  6. No Image

    Success is nearest to those whose efforts are intense and sincere.

    Success is nearest to those whose efforts are intense and sincere. Your totality is needed. Remember, sincerity is a quality that happens whenever you are totally in something, but people are almost wrong in their idea of sincerity. They think to be serious is sincere. To be serio...
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  7. No Image

    Existence has two forms. One we call conscious, the other we call unconscious.

    Yoga says, it is futile to choose between the dualities. Yoga says do not make a choice between what is always seen as two in life. They are one and the same. It is only a deception. Face value is one thing, at the back something else. Existence and nonexistence, birth and death, ...
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  8. No Image

    Mastery of the mind is Yoga

    Mastery of the mind is Yoga Mind can be either the source of bondage or the source of freedom. Mind becomes the gate for this world, the entry; it can also become the exit. Mind leads you to the hell; mind can lead you also to the heaven. So it depends how the mind is used. Right ...
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  9. No Image

    Posture is mastered by relaxation of effort and meditation on the unlimited

    Posture is mastered by relaxation of effort and meditation on the unlimited Beautiful words, great indicators and pointers: prayatna shaithilya -- relaxation of effort -- the first thing, if you want to attain to the posture, what Patanjali calls a posture: comfortable, steady, th...
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  10. No Image

    Egoism is the identification of the seer with the seen

    Egoism is the identification of the seer with the seen You are there behind your eyes, just standing as if someone is standing behind a window and looking out. The man who is looking out of a window is just like you, looking out of the eyes towards me. But you can get identified w...
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  11. No Image

    When Posture is mastered there is a cessation of the disturbances caused by Dualities

    When Posture is mastered there is a cessation of the disturbances caused by Dualities When the body is really in comfort, restful, the flame of the body is not wavering -- it has become steady, there is no movement -- suddenly, as if time has stopped, no winds blowing, everything ...
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  12. No Image

    Primal Therapy is part of Prati-Prasav. It is one of the oldest techniques of Patanjali

    on Prati Prasav Process n Yoga Patanjali says: THE SOURCES OF THE FIVE AFFLICTIONS, KLESHAS, CAN BE ABOLISHED BY RESOLVING THEM BACKWARDS TO THEIR ORIGIN. Prati-prasav: this is a very, very significant process, the process of prati-prasav. It is the process of reabsorbing back to ...
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  13. No Image

    Wherever you are, you are in a mechanical mind

    Wherever you are, you are in a mechanical mind So how to attain to this original mind? Now, one of the most important problems in religion has to be understood: the original mind is free from desires, and the way to attain it is to become desireless. A problem arises for the think...
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  14. No Image

    One has to work with both the body and the mind. The body should be trained through yogic methodology, and the mind through awareness.

    Asanas, pranayama — there are so many methods through which energies can be made to flow inward. When they flow inward they become one, because at the center there cannot be more than one. So the more energy goes inward, the more harmony there is. Conflicts drop. In the center the...
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  15. No Image

    on Patanjali Yoga sutras

    Yoga’s third sutra… I told you that existence has two forms. Energy – the first sutra. Second – energy has two forms – non-existence and existence. And the third sutra – existence has two forms. One we call conscious, the other we call unconscious. But they are two forms, not two ...
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  16. No Image

    Virtue Brings Pleasure; Vice Brings Pain

    VIRTUE BRINGS PLEASURE; VICE BRINGS PAIN. If you have done virtuous karmas, good actions, then you will have much pleasure around you. Even with nothing around you, you will have a pleasant attitude towards life, a pleasant outlook. You will be able to see the bright lining in dar...
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  17. No Image

    on Yoga and Tantra - Tantra is complementary to Yoga

    Question 5 Is it possible to find a synthesis between yoga and tantra? does one lead to another? No, it is impossible. It is as impossible as if you try to find a synthesis between man and woman. Then what will be the synthesis? -- third sex, an impotent person, will be the synthe...
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  18. No Image

    on Shirshasana in Yoga – Don’t do too much shirshasana

    In the old ashrams everybody had to sleep on a rocky bed – actually also, because it helps. In yoga, your spine, your backbone, is very important, and not only in yoga but in biology also. Now biologists say man could become man because he started standing erect, his backbone erec...
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  19. No Image

    A man of awareness is unattached

    "ATTRACTION, AND THROUGH IT, ATTACHMENT, IS TOWARDS ANYTHING THAT BRINGS PLEASURE. REPULSION IS FROM ANYTHING THAT CAUSES PAIN." These are your two ways of being here in the world: you are attracted towards something which you feel causes pleasure, you feel repelled, repulsed by s...
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  20. No Image

    Don't judge this way or that - be indifferent

    Don't judge this way or that - be indifferent When you feel somebody is a virtuous man, joy, the ordinary attitude is that he must be deceiving. How anybody can be more virtuous than you? Hence so much criticism goes on. Whenever there is somebody who is virtuous, you immediately ...
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  21. No Image

    Yoga is the cessation of mind

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  22. No Image

    Try to find your own posture. Try to find your own yoga

    Try to find your own posture. Try to find your own yoga - Posture should be steady and comfortable - Patanjali's yoga has been very much misunderstood, misinterpreted. Patanjali is not a gymnast, but yoga looks like it is a gymnastics of the body. Patanjali is not against the body...
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  23. No Image

    on Samadhi – In samadhi you become part of God

    Samadhi is a word very difficult to translate into English; there exists no parallel. But in Greek there is a word which is parallel; that word is ataraxia. The Greek word means quiet, calm, of deep inner contentment. That is the meaning of samadhi so contented, so deeply contente...
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  24. No Image

    Creation is Pranayam and Destruction of the world is Pratyahar

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Yesterday you explained that pranayam is the method which expands the bio-energy and pratyahar is to return to the original source. First it is expansion, then it is return to the source. Why is it so? Because life is made of contradiction and there is no ...
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  25. No Image

    Wherever your identification is, there is your imprisonment

    Wherever your identification is, there is your imprisonment Now the sutras. LOOSENING THE CAUSE OF BONDAGE AND KNOWING THE CHANNELS ALLOWS THE MIND TO ENTER ANOTHER'S BODY "BANDHA KARANA SHAITHILYAT" -- "Loosening the cause of bondage." What is the cause of bondage? Identification...
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  26. No Image

    I call that man religious who renounces the mind

    The mind has a persistent habit to go on believing in itself — even against all facts. Even if your old mind goes on giving you nothing but misery and hell, you go on believing in it. People say that this is an age of unbelief. I don’t see it. The same old belief in the mind conti...
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  27. No Image

    When energy is overflowing, then only is the celebration, the transformation.

    When energy is overflowing, then only is the celebration, the transformation. Very significant.... If you are a man of austerities you will not be overflowing. You will have repressed your energies. Afraid of sex, afraid of anger, afraid of love, afraid of this and that, you will ...
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  28. No Image

    Awareness is to be aware that you are not the body

    What is awareness? Awareness is to be aware that you are not the body, not because the Upanishads say so or Patanjali says so — because you can cram it into your mind that you are not the body. You can go on repeating every morning and evening, ‘I am not the body’ — that will not ...
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