• So the second thing to remember is never to demand perfection. You have no right to demand anything from anybody. If somebody loves you, be thankful, but don’t demand anything—because the other has no obligation to love you.
    - Osho

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Question 2


In lecture yesterday you spoke about the Master’s work: keeping his disciples from settling for less than “freedom from the self”.

In the West, much is made of the experience that “This is it,” that nothing can be different than it is – right now!

Is this a copper mind experience?

How can there be anything else?



Deva Sambuddha, I also say This Is It, but when I say this is it, it has a totally different meaning. It is not the same statement as it is being made in the West. The statement in itself has no meaning of its own; the meaning comes through your experience.


Man can live on different planes. When Gautam the Buddha says “This is it!” he is using the same words as you use. The words are exactly the same and the dictionary meaning is the same, but the existential meaning is totally different; it may be even diametrically opposed to your meaning.


In the West it has become fashionable to say that this is all, to live right now is all there is. But the people who are saying it have no idea of meditativeness, have no idea of absolute silence, thoughtless awareness, they have not experienced witnessing. Hence what they are saying – “This is it” – is nothing more significant than their mind.


So if your mind is full of lust, your “this is it” will be only lust and nothing else. If your mind is full of greed, full of anger, full of jealousy, then how it can have the same meaning as it has when Chuang Tzu says “This is it”? It is not possible to have the same meaning. Meaning comes from the person, his presence, his realization.


The West has got clichés from the East. Now Zen has become very fashionable in the West, not that the West is capable yet to understand Zen. Zen, the very word “Zen”, comes from dhyana. Buddha never used himself Sanskrit language; he was the first enlightened person in India who used the language of the people. That was one of the things that made the priesthood, the brahmins of India, to be antagonistic to Buddha. Amongst many things that was one of the major, because the priests of India have always used Sanskrit as their language, it was their property. And only the scholarly people could understand it; the masses were absolutely ignorant about it. Hence what was written in the scriptures was known only to the few priests, and of course through that knowledge they were powerful. And they never wanted it to be known by the masses, otherwise their power will be lost, their vested interests will be destroyed.


Buddha was the first man who dynamited their whole establishment. He used the language of the people; the language of the people in Buddha’s time was Pali. In Pali, dhyana is pronounced as jhana. Because Buddha used the word jhana it changed its color. When it reached China through Bodhidharma it became Ch’an, because in Chinese jhana cannot be written; in Chinese there is no alphabet. The Chinese is a pictorial language, so the closest picture that they had which could express the word jhana was ch’an or ch’ana.


And from China it reached Japan. They use the same pictorial language, but their pronunciations are different. In Japan it became Zen; in a way it came back to the original place. It came closer to Buddha’s Jhana; it became Zen.


Now the West has not yet understood what it is all about, but Zen has an appeal for the simple reason because it is very absurd, illogical, paradoxical. And the West has become fed up with logical philosophies – with Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein – it has become fed up. From Aristotle to Wittgenstein, two thousand years of logical thinking has not led anywhere except to a point where West feels that life is absolutely meaningless and accidental. Now this is the right situation for any illogical philosophy to become fashionable.


The western painting has become illogical. You can see it in Picasso, Dali, Cezanne and other painters: the painting has become absolutely illogical, absurd. The poetry has become illogical – Ezra Pound and others. You can read it, but you will not find any meaning in it. The novels, the plays, all other art forms have taken a turn; they have become very illogical. This illogicalness is the outcome of two thousand years of logical effort which has completely failed: it has not provided any significance and meaning to man’s life.


In the same flood of illogicalness, Zen also has become influential, but the reasons for its influence are totally different. It is not that the West has experienced meditation – it is simply a reaction against logic that Zen has become a great appeal. The absurd anecdotes. the absurd lives of the Zen Masters – seems to be appealing because it has no logical construction.


A great Zen Master, Ryokan, is known in Japan as the Great Fool – a great Master, of the same caliber as Buddha, is known as the Great Fool for the simple reason because his whole life was absurd, unpredictable. If you ask him a question he may hit you on the head; if you don’t ask him a question he may hit you on the head. He used to say, “Ask me a question and I will beat you; don’t ask me a question and I will beat you!” He used to throw his disciples…


Once he cut one of his disciples’ finger with a knife, and when the finger was cut and the disciple was in deep agony, he said, “This is it!” And in that moment the disciple became enlightened – because he was meditating for twenty years. Don’t forget those twenty years! In the West those twenty years are completely forgotten. Those twenty years have brought this climax. At the right moment the Master gave the last push. He wanted to bring him to the present, and cutting the finger is so painful that you cannot think of the past, you cannot think of the future, you cannot fantasize any more. For a moment everything stops. It is like an electric shock – you are suddenly here-now. But those twenty years of meditation had created a different quality: the shock became a satori. Just by cutting somebody’s finger, you cannot make him enlightened, but Ryokan did the miracle.


Ryokan lived in such a way that anybody will call him a fool, an idiot, and he enjoyed the word “idiot” very much; he himself used to call himself an idiot. He will forget his robe; will reach to the marketplace naked – with his shoes on! He will forget about everything.


He had written a list of things that he has to take when he goes out, and he has pasted the list on the door so that he can look at the list, that what things he had to carry: his staff, his robes, the shoes, the cap. And even this was written: “Where you have to put the cap – on the head.” Otherwise he will forget, he may put the shoes on the head! But still the same thing continued – because he will forget to read the list.


This Ryokan helped many people to become enlightened. His illogical ways, his absurd methods proved of tremendous help. Now in the West people will love Ryokan; they will feel at ease with him. They are fed up with Aristotle. Aristotle has become “Aristotlitis” – a great disease! They don’t want to do anything with Aristotle; they want something more alive, something more paradoxical because life is paradox; it is not logic.


Remember it, that life is not logical and cannot be understood by just logic. Life is far more than logic, far bigger than logic. It is not arithmetic. So there are planes to understand.


The West is not yet capable of being here-now; he has only heard the word. And there are different motives why the western youth, particularly the new generation, has become infatuated with Zen-like things. The Third World War is gathering around. Life seems to be very fragile; it had never been so before. Wars have always been there – in three thousand years we have fought five thousand wars – so war is not a new thing, but something new has happened. The Third World War will be the last war, it will be a total war. It will destroy not only humanity but all life from the earth. And the clouds are becoming darker and coming closer every day. It is creating a great fear. The western new generation is freaking out.


And now because the world can end, the whole future Zen seems to be appealing: Live here and live now because there is no future. Tomorrow may never arrive. This is a totally different reason why West has become interested in right now.


Sambuddha, this has to be remembered: the motive is different. The eastern mystics, from Buddha to Ryokan, were talking about the beauty of now-here for totally different reasons. Not that there is no future – there is infinite future, eternity – but the future never comes. All that comes is now; now is the only reality. When future comes, it also comes in the form of now. When tomorrow comes it will come as today, so you have to learn the art of being here, living today, because tomorrow will come but it will also be another today. And if you know how to live this day you will know how to live that day which will be coming. This was a totally different vision.


These are the four planes which have to be understood. First is the body. On the bodily plane, the man who lives identified with the body, if he says, “This is it,” he will only mean food and sex and nothing else. His “this is it” will contain only of two things, food and sex, which are not very different either. Food is nourishment for you; you cannot survive without food. And sex is nourishment for the coming generations; they cannot survive without sex. Your parents’ sex has created you; your sex will create your children. The society needs sex as food; it is food, it is survival for the society, just as food is your survival.


Food and sex are deeply connected. Hence it always happens if somebody starts controlling sex, becomes a celibate, he will start eating more; he will substitute his sexuality by food. It almost always happens when women get married they start becoming fatter, for the simple reason that before marriage they are interested in sex, after marriage they become fed up with it. They start feeling as if the man is exploiting their bodies. Reluctantly they go into it, but they are fed up. Then their interest changes towards food.


And the people who starve themselves for any reason – maybe naturopathy, dieting, or some religious reason, fasting – the people who will starve themselves will become full of sexual fantasies. Hence Jain monks are more full of sexual fantasies than anybody else, because of the fasting. It is a natural change: their energy starts moving from one pole to another.


Sambuddha, anybody who knows only his body, his “this is it” simply means food and sex. That’s what is happening in institutes like Esalen – food and sex. That’s what is happening all over America. Sambuddha comes from America.


The second plane is mind. With food and sex, you can have pleasure and pain. On the body level, if your body is satisfied, you will have a pleasant feeling; if it is not satisfied you will feel pain. The second phenomenon above the body is mind. Mind goes a little higher than pleasure; it starts experiencing happiness and unhappiness. With body there is only duality, food and sex, only two dimensions; with mind there are many dimensions. Mind opens up a greater world: music, poetry, painting, dance, et cetera, et cetera. It opens up many dimensions; you can enjoy more.


With the first you are just like an animal; your “this is it” will be nothing but animalistic. With the second, if you know that you are more than the body, higher than the body, you will have many dimensions, more richness. You become human; you rise above animals. When you say, “This is it,” now it will be music, poetry, painting, dance; it will have a totally different meaning.


On the third plane is the soul, the self. With the body the duality; with the mind, manyness, multitude; with soul only oneness, and that is meditation. You will know the real meaning of “this is it” only when you arrive at the third point.


And with the fourth… In the East we have called it the fourth, simply “the fourth”, turiya; we have not given it any name because no name is possible, it is inexpressible. With the fourth, turiya, there is neither two nor many nor one. You can call it either wholeness or nothingness. Buddha used the word “nothingness”, Isa Upanishad uses the word “wholeness”; they mean the same thing. The zero symbolizes both, nothing and the whole. This is the state of bliss, ecstasy.


On the body level pleasure is opposed by pain; on the mind level happiness is opposed by unhappiness; on the soul level joy is opposed by misery. But on the fourth, bliss is not opposed by anything; bliss has no polar opposite to it.


Where you are on these four planes will make the difference. When I say, “This is it,” I am talking from the fourth plane. And when in America, in the institutes like Esalen, people are talking about “this is it,” they are talking about the first plane, the body.


You ask me, In the West, much is made of the experience that “This is it,” that nothing can be different than it is – right now!


Yes, nothing can be different than it is, but you can be different. The world is the same – to the Buddha, to the enlightened, to the unenlightened – but you are different and that makes the difference. That’s the difference that makes the difference. The world is the same – Buddha moves here, you move here, gods live here, dogs live here – it is the same world. But because their awareness is different, their depth and height is different, their “this is it” will be different too, their now will also be different.


So, when I am talking about now, my “now” contains “this” and “that” both. When in the West people are talking about now, their now only contains “this”.


Remember what the Isa Upanishad says: This is whole. That is whole. The whole comes from the whole, still the whole remains behind.


This is the fourth state, turiya, the ultimate state beyond which nothing happens. Unless you have reached to it, Sambuddha, you are living at the copper mine. You have to move to the silver mine, then to the gold mine, and then to the diamond mine, and then to the beyond.


- Osho, "I Am That, #14, Q2"




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  45. No Image

    on Ten Bulls of Zen

    Osho on Ten Bulls of Zen Ten Bulls of Zen. That is one of the most beautiful stories man has ever created. It is a collection of ten paintings.... In the first painting, the bull is lost, the owner is looking here and there, and there are trees all around, but there is no sign of the bull. In the second pictur...
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    Osho on Tokusan Enlightenment

    Osho on Tokusan Enlightenment Before he had realized his own enlightenment, Tokusan planned to visit the famous zen master, Soshin, who lived on a mountain in Ryotan. when he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Tokusan found a tea house by the roadside, and thought that he might have a snack before climbing t...
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    on Memorizing the Scriptures and Real Knowledge

    Memorizing the scriptures means that you are committing theft. You are stealing the knowledge hidden in the scriptures; you did not get it by your own effort or hard work. It is all borrowed and stale, you are just holding on to the other person’s knowledge. Don’t construct your building on it. Its foundation ...
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  48. No Image

    Zen Master Rinzai

    Zen Master Rinzai One day the Zen monk Rinzai is speaking in a temple. He has gone into a sermon, but someone is disturbing him there. So Rinzai stops and asks, "What is the matter?" The man stands up and says, "What is soul?" Rinzai takes his staff and asks the people to give him way. The man begins to trembl...
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  49. No Image

    on Hui Neng Enlightenment

    It is said that Hui Neng, one of the greatest Zen masters, the sixth patriarch in the Zen tradition, became enlightened by hearing four lines of The Diamond Sutra. And he was just passing by in a marketplace. He had gone to purchase something, he was not even thinking of enlightenment, and somebody by the side...
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  50. No Image

    Mystery of Life - I chop wood and carry water.

    Question 2: Osho, Is life not sometimes far more surprising than fictions themselves? Not only sometimes but always. Fictions are only reflections of life -- how can they be more surprising? No fiction is so fictitious as life itself; life is made of the stuff called dreams. Hence the mystic says life is illus...
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  51. No Image

    on Shunryo Suzuki

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, Shunryo Suzuki, one of the first zen masters to live and teach in the west, was once asked why he never spoke much about satori, enlightenment. The master laughed and answered, “the reason i do not talk about satori is because i have never had it.” Could you please comment. David Hey...
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  52. No Image

    Remain alert while moving with people, while moving in the world

    Man ordinarily lives in these three states, sometimes waking, sometimes dreaming, sometimes fast asleep; this is the wheel man moves in. And because of these three states of mind many things have arisen into human consciousness and in human culture, civilization. The first kind of consciousness, waking, create...
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  53. No Image

    Zen is the process of going above the mind

    To understand Zen you need not make a philosophical effort; you have to go deep into meditation. And what is meditation all about? Meditation is a jump from the mind into no-mind, from thoughts to no-thought. Mind means thinking, no-mind means pure awareness. One simply is aware. Only then will you be able to ...
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  54. No Image

    How does the man of zen take his tea?

    Question 1: Osho, How does the man of zen take his tea? For the man of Zen everything is sacred - even taking a cup of tea. Whatever he does, he does as if he is in a holy space. There is a story about Moses. When he went on Mount Sinai to meet God and to receive the Ten Commandments, he saw a miracle happenin...
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  55. No Image

    Zen is rejoicing in purposelessness.

    Zen is rejoicing in purposelessness. Question 1 On commenting on ten zen bulls, nyogen senzaki and paul reps write in the book, `zen flesh, zen bones,' "may the reader, like the chinese patriarch, discover the footprints of his potential self, and carrying the staff of his purpose and the wine jug of his true ...
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  56. No Image

    You are already a Buddha

    You are already a Buddha An old Zen story tells of a pilgrim who mounted his horse and crossed formidable mountains and swift rivers seeking a famous wise man in order to ask him how to find true enlightenment. After months of searching, the pilgrim located the teacher in a cave. The Master listened to the que...
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  57. No Image

    Drop Christianity, Drop Islam, Drop Buddhism

    Everything that we go on doing on the surface will be just like changing a name. Inside you will remain the same. Your persona can never become more than skin deep — your know ledge, your identity in the world is nothing but a persona, a dressing. Zen says you are wasting your life. Go deep, go beyond your kno...
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  58. No Image

    on Bokoju Enlightenment

    And a Zen Master is just the opposite: you go to him, you have to bow down seven times. And you ask some innocent question… and he jumps on you, hits you on the head so unexpectedly. A very different device, but just think: a Bodhidharma, a Rinzai, a Bokoju, jumping on you, hitting on your head! For a moment a...
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  59. No Image

    Hanyatara and Bodhidharma

    I have heard a very beautiful legend. The legend is, there was a great Master in India, the twenty-seventh successor of Gautam the Buddha; his name was Hanyatara. A king in south India requested him to come to his court. The king himself came, bowed down to Hanyatara, touched his feet, and said, "Please, come ...
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  60. No Image

    on Zen Master Hui-Hai Enlightenment

    on Zen Master Hui-Hai Enlightenment Hui-Hai was a Zen Master. When he had come to his Teacher, the Teacher said, ”Choose! Would you like methods of will? Then I will suggest something to you. Or, are you ready to surrender? If you choose the path of will, then you will have to do something. I can only be a gui...
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  61. No Image

    on Zen swordsmanship as an Meditation method - Eastern meditation and Western reason are in a deep synthesis in Japan.

    In Zen, and only in Zen, something of great import has happened. That is, they don’t make any distinction between ordinary life and religious life; rather, they have bridged them both. And they have used very ordinary skills as UPAYA, as methods for meditation. That is something of tremendous import. Because i...
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  62. No Image

    on Zen Master Bokoju Death

    Meditation means surrender, total letting go. As soon as someone surrenders himself he finds himself in the hands of divinity. If we cling to ourselves we cannot be one with the almighty. When the waves disappear, they become the ocean itself. Let us try some experiments in order to understand what is meant by...
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  63. No Image

    Patanjali is for unhealthy people and Zen is for very natural people

    Question 5 : For zen it is: “eat when you are hungry and drink when you are thirsty.” For Patanjali it is: “regularity - niyam.” How to reconcile spontaneity and regularity? There is no need to synthesize. If you are really spontaneous you will become regular. If you are really regular you will become spontane...
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  64. No Image

    Osho - Zen Master Kyogen Enlightenment

    Osho on Zen Master Kyogen Enlightenment Kyogen was a scholar of great learning, and for some time, this stood in the way of his enlightenment. One day, isan asked kyogen, "when you were with our teacher, hyakujo, you were clever enough to give ten answers to a single question, and hundreds of answers to ten qu...
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  65. No Image

    Mind is the barrier. No-mind is the door

    Truth is all around, but your interpretations are YOUR interpretations. God is speaking all the time, but you hear not, or even if you hear, you hear something else. You hear according to you, your mind comes in, and hence you go on missing. Unless the mind is dropped you will not be able to know what truth is...
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  66. No Image

    Respond with Awareness

    Respond with Awareness There were two temples in Japan, both antagonistic to each other. One belonged to Shinto, another belonged to Zen. And for centuries they had been quarreling, arguing against each other. Both had masters, and they both had young boys, because the masters were old and they needed somebody...
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  67. No Image

    What is the Zen attitude towards death?

    Question 1: What is the Zen attitude towards death? LAUGHTER. Yes, laughter is the Zen attitude towards death. And towards life too, because life and death are not separate. Whatsoever is your attitude towards life will be your attitude towards death, because death comes as the ultimate flowering of life. Life...
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  68. No Image

    on Zen Approach towards Sex

    Osho on Zen Approach towards Sex Question Osho, What is the Zen Approach towards Sex? The Zen people seem to have a neuter gender, or asexual aura around them. Zen has no attitudes about sex, and that is the beauty of Zen. To have an attitude means you are still obsessed this way or that. Somebody is against s...
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  69. No Image

    How does the Man of Zen take his Tea?

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, How does the Man of Zen take his Tea? For the man of Zen everything is sacred -- even taking a cup of tea. Whatever he does, he does as if he is in a holy space. There is a story about Moses. When he went on Mount Sinai to meet God and to receive the Ten Commandments, he saw a miracl...
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  70. No Image

    on Zen Master Ikkyu and Zen Tea Ceremony

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, I love this little zen story, as it also has the flavor of your childhood stories. Ikkyu, the zen master, was very clever even as a boy. His teacher had a precious teacup, a rare antique. Ikkyu happened to break this cup and was greatly perplexed. Hearing the footsteps of his teacher,...
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  71. No Image

    Hell and heaven are within you

    This story is beautiful. The Zen master Hakuin is one of the rare flowerings. A warrior came to him, a samurai, a great soldier, and he asked "Is there any hell, is there any heaven? If there is hell and heaven, where are the gates? Where do I enter from? How can I avoid hell and choose heaven?" He was a simpl...
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  72. No Image

    Sound of one Hand Clapping

    Sound of one Hand Clapping If you have heard about Zen masters... they go on telling their disciples to go and meditate, meditate on the sound of one hand clapping. We can create a sound by clapping two hands. Zen masters say to their disciples, ”Go and find out that sound which comes out of only one hand: the...
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  73. No Image

    Mind of a Sage

    Mind of a Sage One Zen monk, Bokuju, was passing through a street in a village. Somebody came and struck him with a stick. He fell down, and with him, the stick also. He got up and picked up the stick. The man who had hit him was running away. Bokuju ran after him, calling, ”Wait, take your stick with you!” He...
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  74. No Image

    on Sage Mind - Zen Master Bokuju Mind

    We are all suffering from eye diseases. This is just symbolic. Not that we use specs – those eyes are not what is meant. Even a blind man suffers from eye diseases and he has no eyes. These eyes, these visible eyes are not what is meant. The world that we create around us is created through our eye diseases. W...
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  75. No Image

    Buddha’s message

    Buddha’s message It is very significant. A Master reflects, mirrors. A Master simply gives you back again and again. A master does not improve upon you. He does not give you a should, because all shoulds create guilt. A Master does not give you any ideal, because all ideals create tension, anguish. A Master ne...
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  76. No Image

    Innocence is Divine

    Innocence is Divine Zen has no value system. Zen only brings one thing into the world: understanding, awareness. Through awareness comes innocence. And innocence is innocent of good and bad, both. Innocence is simply innocence – it knows no distinction. The last story. It is about Ryokan – the same master I wa...
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  77. No Image

    'I don't know' is the beginning of zazen.

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  78. No Image

    The Fake Monk

    The Fake Monk There is a famous Zen story. I would like to tell it to you. A monk called himself the ’Master of Silence’. He was actually a fraud and had no genuine understanding. To sell his humbug Zen, he had two eloquent attendant monks to answer questions for him; but he himself never uttered a word, as if...
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  79. No Image

    on Zen way of living – Zen does not renounce anything but transforms

    Zen believes in a life which you are not acquainted with, a love that you have not even dreamt of. It lives in a totally different dimension, a dimension where everything is a dance, a celebration. Zen is the only religion of life. Others are worshippers of the dead. Life contains millions of things, from the ...
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  80. No Image

    The meeting of Buddha's meditation, and Tao's naturalness.

    Out of the meeting of Gautam Buddha and Lao Tzu, Zen is born. Zen is neither Buddhism, nor is it Tao Bodhidharma took Gautam Buddha's message to China. That was a different climate. Tao was the climate in China, and Tao is very life affirmative. So in China, a new development happened: the meeting of Bodhidhar...
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  81. No Image

    This is perfect Zen.

    Question The zen masters say, "kill your parents, " and even, "if you meet the buddha on the way, kill him immediately." is it not shocking? is it not irreverent? It is shocking, but precisely, that is the purpose. A Master has to shock you to awake you. A Master is not a lullaby. A Master is not a tranquilize...
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  82. No Image

    Are the Upanishads and Zen the same?

    Question : Osho, Are the Upanishads and Zen the same? They are not. The upanishad is a happening between the master and the disciple, Zen is the happening in the disciple himself. The master may help him, may create devices, show the path – but Zen is basically an individual experience. It is not like love. It...
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  83. No Image

    on Zen Master Ma Tzu and his Disciple Nansen

    We have discussed Ma Tzu. It is no wonder that a man of the insight of Nansen immediately became… he did not miss a single moment as he arrived at Ma Tzu’s monastery, as he saw the master, he immediately touched his feet. And this respect was not one-sided, this love was not one-sided; Ma Tzu showered great lo...
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  84. No Image

    Zen is for the male mind. Soon I will balance it by talking about Sufism, because Sufism is for the feminine mind. These are the two extremes - Zen and Sufism.

    These are the two attitudes open to man: the attitude of a warrior and the attitude of a lover. It is your choice - you can choose. But remember... certain consequences will follow. If you choose the path of the warrior and you become a fighter with everything that surrounds you, you will always be in misery. ...
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  85. No Image

    What is zazen? : Just because of Zazen, Monasteries came into existence

    The word 'zazen' has to be understood before I can start discussing the sutras that you have brought. Zen I have explained to you. It comes from the Sanskrit dhyan. Buddha never used Sanskrit as a part of his revolution. Sanskrit was the language of the learned, it has never been a language of the masses. Budd...
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  86. No Image

    If after grappling with a koan for three or five years, there is still no satori, then the koan should be dropped

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  87. No Image

    Zen is not anti-life it is life-affirmative. It accepts all that is

    The Zen attitude towards life is that of laughter, of living, of enjoying, of celebrating. Zen is not anti-life it is life-affirmative. It accepts all that is. It does not say deny this, deny that. It says all is good: live it, live it as totally as possible. Being total in anything is to be religious. Being p...
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  88. No Image

    On the path of Zen the first thing to be aware of is knowledge

    KNOWLEDGE IS not enough, to rely on it is dangerous. Knowledge is borrowed, it is not knowing. Knowing grows with you, knowing is a growth, an evolution, knowledge is implanted within you from me outside, knowledge is borrowed, it is counterfeit. It looks like knowing, it is not. It deceives, it gives you a fe...
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  89. No Image

    on Zen – Zen is not a philosophy, it is not a doctrine. It is an experience, an experience of your own interiority

    Question 1 Osho, What is Zen? Sagar, IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO ANSWER because Zen is not a philosophy, it is not a doctrine. It is an experience, an experience of your own interiority, of your own subjectivity – not an objective experience. If it were some object outside you, there would be a possibility of d...
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  90. No Image

    Drop all 'isms'

    Drop all 'isms' Meditate on this small parable, a real story. Ma Tsu heard of Ta Mei’s stay on the mountain, and sent a monk to ask him this question....Ma Tsu is a great Zen master, and Ta Mei is one of his disciples – he had thousands of disciples. The master sent some-body to ask the disciple some question ...
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  91. No Image

    If you cannot die as a sage, then at least die as a warrior.

    The word warrior has lost its old meaning. Now there are no warriors; there are people who will come like a thief on the plane and drop bombs and escape. These cowards are not warriors. Scientific technology has destroyed in man so much that it is almost incalculable: for example, the warrior has disappeared; ...
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  92. No Image

    Sufism is nothing but pure prayer, Zen is nothing but meditation.

    Truth is one - cannot be otherwise because existence is a universe, it is not a 'multiverse'. It is one. It is glued together. It is a togetherness. It is a cosmos. That which keeps the universe together is what we call truth, or Tao, or God. Tao is not a person, neither is god a person, but the unity that run...
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  93. No Image

    Master's Compassion

    Master's Compassion Sekito became a master of hundreds of people who became enlightened. He was a very hard master, almost dangerous to the disciples, but all his hardship came from a very loving heart, a very deep compassion. He wanted them to become enlightened, he did not allow them to escape. Once in a whi...
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  94. No Image

    on Zen Master Bankei

    Question : Osho, Bankei was preaching quietly to his followers one day when his talking was interrupted by a priest from another sect. this sect believed in the power of miracles, and thought that salvation came from repeating holy words. Bankei stopped talking, and asked the priest what he wanted to say. The ...
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  95. No Image

    I cannot understand the philosophy of Zen. What should I do to understand it?

    Question 1: Osho, I cannot understand the philosophy of Zen. What should I do to understand it? Baula, Zen is not a philosophy at all. To approach Zen as if it were a philosophy is to start in a wrong way from the very beginning. A philosophy is something of the mind; Zen is totally beyond the mind. Zen is the...
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  96. No Image

    Woman Mystic Rengetsu pilgrimage

    Woman Mystic Rengetsu pilgrimage There are two ways a man can be. A man can either move towards having more things – then he goes against Buddha, against Tao, against Zen. The man who is too much concerned with having more is the worldly man. And the man who says whatsoever is, is good; who relaxes; who is not...
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  97. No Image

    on Zen Master Yoka Saying "Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen"

    on Zen Master Yoka Saying "Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen" Question 1 Osho, Why have you called this series of discourses: "walking in zen, sitting in zen"? I am not ot blame. The whole blame goes to this old guy Yoka. Yoka is one of the rarest enlightened people; his sayings are tremendously beautiful. Very f...
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  98. No Image

    Osho on Zen disciple Zengen Awakening

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  99. No Image

    on Zen Laughter Meditation and Zen Vision

    on Zen Laughter Meditation and Zen Vision Question 3 In regards to the Zen monks who laugh as a meditation every morning -- Don't you think they are taking their Laughter a Little too Seriously? No, because they laugh again -- a second laugh -- for the first, that "How foolish we are! Why are we laughing?" If ...
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