• Love makes you wise but never knew. Knowledge makes you cunning and clever but never loving.
    - Osho

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Pleasure is dependent on others, and whatsoever is dependent on others will make you a slave, will create a bondage. And Buddha’s ultimate goal is freedom, nirvana — freedom from all bondage.


Hence all the awakened ones have been saying: Search for bliss. Don’t waste your time in ordinary pleasures. In the first place they are momentary; in the second place every pleasure brings pain. Pain is the other side of the same coin. It brings pain in the same proportion; the greater the pleasure, the greater the pain. So when you are enjoying something, be aware: soon the pain will follow; it is inevitable. Just as the day follows the night and the night follows the day, pain and pleasure follow each other. They are not separate, they are inseparable.


First, pleasures are momentary, they are just soap-bubbles. To waste your precious life for them is simply stupid, unintelligent. Second, every pleasure brings pain. But people are so foolish that they never look at the association. They think pain has come from some other source, they think pleasures can be forever. Again and again they are ditched by their pleasures into pain; again and again they go on thinking that there were some reasons why this pleasure was destroyed.


Whether reasons were there or not is irrelevant; every pleasure is momentary, it is going to disappear, and in its wake the pain…. You can rationalize it; that rationalization will only help you to continue in the same old rut. But see the fact. Seeing the truth is a great liberation; seeing that every pleasure is inevitably a bringer of pain, you will be freed from both.


And third: it is the same energy that is involved in pleasure which has to move towards bliss. Pleasure is dependent on others; bliss is totally independent, it is your own. It arises within your being, it is your self-nature; hence you are not dependent on anybody. And because it is your self-nature it is forever. There is no contrary, there is no opposite to bliss.


Happiness is just in between pleasure and bliss. In happiness something is independent and something is dependent; it is a mixture of both. Hence the man who lives in sheer pleasure is in a better condition in a way; he is healthy, as healthy as animals are. Animals live in sheer pleasure: when the pain comes they suffer, when the pleasure comes they enjoy. They go on rotating between pleasure and pain. The man who lives only in pleasures — a Don Juan — he is in a way healthy, normal, because he is part of the animal world; he is not yet human. In a way his life is clear, it has no complexity.


But the man who lives in happiness or tries to find happiness, lives for happiness, is far more confused because he is nowhere. He is neither the animal nor yet the divine; he is in a limbo. He is riding on two horses; he will be in very great difficulty. And that’s where almost all human beings are. It is very rare to find a human being who lives purely in pleasure — it is rare to find a Zorba the Greek who lives purely in pleasure. He is clear, there is no confusion in him. He simply walks on the earth; he has no idea of flying in the sky. He has accepted the law of gravitation and he knows no other law.


The man who lives for happiness, who knows the beauty of music, who knows the beauty of paintings, art, who knows something higher than the animals can know, is far more confused; he is in far more of a mess… because while you are listening to great music something is contributed by the music which is outside and something is contributed by the music which is inside; it is a meeting of two polarities. You are hanging in the middle and both are pulling you in separate directions. You will find more anxiety in your life.


That’s why poor people are less in anguish than rich people. Rich countries live in anguish because they have enough pleasure; they are fed up with it. Now they want something higher, and with the higher the problems arise. The animal part is well settled because it is your heritage of millions of years. It is in your chemistry, in your biology, in your physiology. Everything is settled, instinctive. You need not be aware, you need not do anything. But if you seek and search for happiness then you are going into a more shadowy world which is less substantial — higher but more shadowy.


And the third goal is bliss, which again is very clear, as clear as the first, in fact far more clear than the first because the first has a clarity, but the clarity is of a much lower kind. The third has a clarity of the highest quality. Only the awakened one knows the clarity of the third.


Buddha says: RESIST THE PLEASURES OF LIFE…. Become a little more mature. Don’t be childish, don’t remain animals. Put your energies towards the highest goal in life — let bliss be your goal. And people who live in pleasures also have one thing more in their life, and that is the desire to hurt others, because pleasures create competition. If you want more money, of course you have to snatch it from somebody else. If you want power, then somebody else will lose power. If you want to be the president, then somebody else will not be the president. Hence it is a constant struggle. You have to hurt many to succeed. You have to be very destructive, inhumanly destructive.


It is only the goal of bliss which can be nonviolent; otherwise pleasures are going to be violent. Buddha says: RESIST THE PLEASURES OF LIFE AND THE DESIRE TO HURT — TILL SORROWS VANISH. Be alert. He is not saying repress, he cannot say that. Be aware — so that pleasures don’t pull you downwards, so that slowly slowly you are freed from your animal heritage, so that slowly slowly you can transcend your biology.


And avoid the desire to hurt others. There is a certain joy in hurting others. We go on hurting people; it gives you the feeling of power. It helps you to feel that you are powerful when you can hurt somebody. It is a very ugly desire, egoistic, but everybody does that. Watch yourself, in how many ways you hurt people. You may not be doing anything in particular to hurt them, but your gesture may be enough. People walk in such a way, talk in such a way, that others are hurt. And nobody can blame them because what they are doing is so subtle. They use words which can hurt, and they use them with such skill that you cannot blame them. They can always find a way to rationalize.


A black gentleman was arrested for shooting a man. The next morning he was brought into court.


“Why did you shoot that man?” asked the judge.


“Because he called me a black sonofabitch!”


“You didn’t have any business shooting a man for that!”


“Well, Your Honor, what would you have done if he called you that?”


“Oh, he wouldn’t have called me that!”


“I know, Judge, but suppose he had called you the kind of a sonofabitch you are, then? Of course he cannot call you ‘a black sonofabitch’ — you are not black — but the kind of a sonofabitch you are, if he had called you that, what then?”


People can go on finding ways skillfully…. One has to remain aware until all sorrows vanish.


- Osho, “Dhammapada, Vol 11, #9”




  1. No Image

    The essential teaching of Gautam the Buddha is not a teaching at all, but an awakening. A way to become more aware

    The essential teaching of gautam the buddha is not a teaching at all, but an awakening. A way to become more aware. He does not give you a doctrine about existence, but he gives you a methodology to see that which is. He is not concerned with God, he is not concerned with the other world beyond. His whole concern is you – the awareness within. Hence Buddha has been misunderstood by almost everybody. The religious peop...
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  2. No Image

    Coolness is not coldness

    He has to move with people who know nothing about love, although they all believe they love. And the love of the master is so different that you cannot understand his love. His love is very cool; to you it appears it is cold because you know only two categories, cold or hot. You don't know the third category: cool, neither cold nor hot. Coolness is not coldness, remember. The master is never cold, but certainly he is ...
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  3. No Image

    Be aware, So that pleasures don’t pull you downwards

    Pleasure is dependent on others, and whatsoever is dependent on others will make you a slave, will create a bondage. And Buddha’s ultimate goal is freedom, nirvana — freedom from all bondage. Hence all the awakened ones have been saying: Search for bliss. Don’t waste your time in ordinary pleasures. In the first place they are momentary; in the second place every pleasure brings pain. Pain is the other side of the sam...
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  4. No Image

    on Difference Between Witnessing and Tathata

    Question 4: Please explain the difference between witnessing and tathata. In witnessing, the duality is present. The witness finds himself separate from that which he experiences. If a thorn pricks his foot, the witnessing man says, “The thorn has not pricked me, it has pricked my body — I am only the knower of it. The piercing has occurred at one place, while the awareness of it is present somewhere else.” So in the ...
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  5. No Image

    Become just a watchfulness. See that one part is saying this, another part is saying that

    AN UNTROUBLED MIND, NO LONGER SEEKING TO CONSIDER WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG, A MIND BEYOND JUDGMENTS, WATCHES AND UNDERSTANDS. So the first requirement for a sannyasin is: AN UNTROUBLED MIND,NO LONGER SEEKING TO CONSIDER WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG.... A tremendously important and revolutionary statement. Buddha is saying: Don’t consider what is right and what is wrong, because if you consider what is right ...
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  6. No Image

    Don’t waste a single moment in anything else. Do the necessary things

    THE IGNORANT MAN IS AN OX. HE GROWS IN SIZE,NOT IN WISDOM. Man is born only as a potential. If you don’t develop your potential, if you don’t grow spiritually, you are just like an ox. The body will go on becoming bigger and bigger, but that is not growth. Growing old is not growing up, growing physically is not growing spiritually. And unless you grow spiritually you are wasting a precious opportunity. Man is the onl...
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  7. No Image

    Christianity creates great guilt. Buddhism never creates any guilt

    The ordinary way of human beings is to overlook one’s own faults and to emphasize, magnify, others’ faults. This is the way of the ego. The ego feels very good when it sees, “Everybody has so many faults and I have none.” And the trick is: overlook your faults, magnify others’ faults, so certainly everybody looks like a monster and you look like a saint. Buddha says: Reverse the process. If you really want to be trans...
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  8. No Image

    on Mindfulness - Unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.

    Unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel. That's why Buddhists call it the wheel of life and death - the wheel of time. It moves like a wheel: birth is followed by death, death is followed by birth; love is followed by hate, hate is followed by love; success is followed by failure, failure is followed by success. Just sec! If you can watch just for a few days, you will see a pattern emerging, a ...
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  9. No Image

    Buddha is not against sex, remember. Buddha is not against anger or greed, he is against slavery.

    Sex is really an internal process of intoxicating you. It is chemical. You have nothing to do with it. It is your body chemistry, it is your physiology that releases certain chemicals in your body and then in a sexual state you can do something for which you will repent. Later on you will say, “I cannot believe how it happened. It happened in spite of me.” And it is not only sex; so many things are happening in you th...
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  10. No Image

    Settle inside, be centered inside, and outside be a wanderer

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  11. No Image

    on Gautam Buddha Suchness, Tathata, Choicelessness

    Deva means divine, Madhyama means the middle – the divine middle. The extreme is the disease, and the mind lives through the extremes. The mind always thinks in terms of either/or, and reality is just exactly in the middle. It is never either/or; it is both/and. It is neither day nor night, neither life nor death, neither body nor soul. It is somewhere between the two, exactly between the two. And exactly in the middl...
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  12. No Image

    According to Gautama the Buddha, this is the original sin: to live Unconsciously

    Man ordinarily is a robot. He lives apparently awake, but not really. He walks, he talks, he acts, but it is all as if in sleep — not conscious of what he is doing, not conscious of what he is saying, not conscious of all that surrounds him. He moves surrounded in a dark cloud of unawareness. According to Gautama the Buddha, this is the original sin: to live unconsciously, to act out of unconsciousness. In fact, the w...
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  13. No Image

    Buddha says: Speak, but speak only when it is absolutely necessary

    Buddha says: Speak, but speak only when it is absolutely necessary. Speak, but speak only to those who are ready to listen. Don’t go on speaking to each and everybody; that is a sheer wastage. Speak only to the disciples because only a disciple is ready to risk. It is really a risk to transform yourself. It is a risk to encounter yourself. It is a risk to find yourself, to know yourself. It is a risk because by knowin...
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  14. No Image

    A great inquiry is needed, a great seeking is needed

    Jesus says: Seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, knock and the door shall be opened unto you. A great inquiry is needed, a great seeking is needed. Just as science inquires into the objective world, religion is an inquiry into the subjective. Science inquires into that which you see, and religion inquires into the seer itself. Religion, of course, is the science of the sciences. Science can never ...
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  15. No Image

    Meditation minus Bliss is not true meditation

    THEY DELIGHT IN MEDITATION. This is a very significant sutra; remember it. Buddha says: THEY DELIGHT IN MEDITATION. It is easy to meditate if you don't want to be blissful -- it is very easy to meditate. If you want just to be blissful and you don't want to be in meditation, that too is easy. The rarest combination is meditation plus bliss. Meditation minus bliss is easy; bliss minus meditation is easy. But meditation...
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  16. No Image

    To realize the essence of Buddhism is to realize what Buddha realized

    The essence of Buddhism is not in the scriptures, not in the words of Buddha. It is something to be understood, because it has far-reaching implications. Whatever Buddha has said is as close to truth as possible, but even being close to truth, it is not true. Even closeness is only a kind of distance. So you cannot find the essence of the experience of Buddha through the scriptures. That is the ordinary conception of ...
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  17. No Image

    on Gautam Buddha’s – Right Effort, Right Meditation, Right Food

    Question : Osho, Whatever i do, i try too hard. Please tell us about Buddha’s “right effort.” Anand Nagaro, Gautama the Buddha has taught only one thing, and that is the middle way. Never go to the extreme. All extremes are the same. Be exactly in the middle and you will be freed, you will be liberated. There are people who are obsessed with sex; that is one extreme. Then there are people who escape from women, and if...
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  18. No Image


    Now the sutras: If it rain, let it rain If it rain not, let it rain not But even should it not rain You must travel With wet sleeves. One very precious word in Buddha's approach towards life is Samata. Samata means equanimity, equilibrium, balance, choicelessness. Don't move to the extremes, avoid extremes. Pain and pleasure are two extremes - don't choose. Don't avoid either and don't cling to either. Just remain in ...
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  19. No Image

    Man is not in bondage, only thinks so

    A king wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to put them to the supreme test. Accordingly, he placed them in a room in his palace, and installed a lock which was the last word in mechanical ingenuity. The candidates were informed that whoever was able to open the door first would be appointed to the post of honour. The ...
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  20. No Image

    Gautama the Buddha’s whole religion can be reduced to a single word. That word is freedom.

    Gautama the Buddha’s whole religion can be reduced to a single word. That word is freedom. That is his essential message, his very fragrance. Nobody else has raised freedom so high. It is the ultimate value in Buddha’s vision, the SUMMUM BONUM; there is nothing higher than that. And it seems very fundamental to understand why Buddha emphasizes freedom so much. Neither God is emphasized nor heaven is emphasized nor lov...
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  21. No Image

    In religion, meditation is the only way. Concentration is not needed

    If you become an intellectual then you will not be a scientist; you will only write histories of science or philosophies of science, but you will not be a scientist, an explorer, an inventor, a discoverer, on your own. You will be simply accumulating information. Yes, that too has a certain use; as far as the outside world is concerned, even information has a certain limited utility, but in the inner world it has no u...
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  22. No Image

    Buddha says truth is eternal, and whatsoever is not eternal is a dream

    Buddha says truth is eternal, and whatsoever is not eternal is a dream — beware of the dreams! And your mind is also part of your body; that’s why he says beware of false imaginings. Your mind goes on giving you false ideas; it says, “Look how healthy I am, how strong I am, look how beautiful I am.” It goes on deceiving you, it goes on telling you that death always happens to others, not to you. Nobody is an exception...
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  23. No Image

    Black hole is like Buddha’s concept of emptiness

    Buddha says: All dharmas are full of emptiness. That nothingness exists at everything’s core: that nothingness exists in a tree, that nothingness exists in a rock, that nothingness exists in a star. Now scientists will agree: they say that when a star collapses it becomes a black hole, nothingness. But that nothingness is not just nothingness; it is immensely powerful, it is very full, overflowing. The concept, the hy...
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  24. No Image

    Life is easy for the Man who is without Shame

    LIFE IS EASY FOR THE MAN WHO IS WITHOUT SHAME. This Buddhist idea of shame has to be understood in contrast with the Christian idea of guilt. In the dictionaries they seem to be synonymous; they are not. Shame is a totally different phenomenon. Guilt is imposed by others on you. It is a strategy of the priests to exploit. It is a conspiracy between the priest and the politician to keep humanity in deep slavery forever...
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  25. No Image

    on Gautam Buddha ‘Majjhim Nikaya’ - The Middle Path

    The fifth technique: UNMINDING MIND, KEEP IN THE MIDDLE -- UNTIL. Only this much is the sutra. Just like any scientific sutra it is short, but even these few words can transform your life totally. UNMINDING MIND, KEEP IN THE MIDDLE – UNTIL. KEEP IN THE MIDDLE… Buddha developed his whole technique of meditation on this sutra. His path is known as MAJJHIM NIKAYA – the middle path. Buddha says, ”Remain always in the midd...
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  26. No Image

    Buddhism declares that man is free. That is Buddhism’s greatest contribution to human consciousness and the history of human consciousness

    THE THINKER IS CREATIVE WITH HIS THOUGHTS. This is one of the most fundamental truths to be understood. All that you experience is your creation. First you create it, then you experience it, and then you are caught in the experience – because you don’t know that the source of all exists in you. There is a famous parable: Once a man was travelling, accidentally he entered paradise. In the Indian concept of paradise the...
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  27. No Image

    In Buddhism there are two schools Mahayana and Hinayana

    [Osho asked the Hypnotherapy groupleader how the group had been. The groupleader replied: Well I’m never really content, but I’m happy.] That’s good! Leaders should never be content, but should always be happy! If you become content you cannot help people, because only discontent brings creativity. Everybody is such an infinite possibility that at the most we touch only the boundary. Whatsoever is done is never satisf...
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  28. No Image

    on Being the middle path - Buddha says that sannyas is to be just in the middle

    Question 2: Buddha inspired a large number of persons to become sannyasins – sannyasins who would beg for their meals and live away from society, business and politics. Buddha himself lived an ascetic life. This monastic life seems to be the other extreme of the worldly life. This doesn’t seem to be the middle path. Can you explain this? It will be difficult to understand because you are not aware of what is the other...
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  29. No Image

    Statues : The image of Gautam the Buddha is exactly the image of meditation

    Statues The image of Gautam the Buddha is exactly the image of meditation, carved into marble. It represents something of the inner. The statues of Buddha were the first statues ever made in the world. They don't represent the physiology of Buddha; it has nothing to do with his body. It represents in a symbolic way that had happened to his interiority -- the silence, the peace, the tranquillity, the purity, the innoce...
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  30. No Image

    Buddha says, don’t be too much attached to the body

    FOR BEHOLD YOUR BODY - A PAINTED PUPPET, A TOY, JOINTED AND SICK AND FULL OF FALSE IMAGININGS, A SHADOW THAT SHIFTS AND FADES. Buddha says, don’t be too much attached to the body, don’t get identified with the body, beware! That is a bondage. Live in the body, use the body, but be alert — it is not you. FOR BEHOLD YOUR BODY…. If you want to create light in yourself, this is the beginning: BEHOLD YOUR BODY — A PAINTED ...
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  31. No Image

    on Suchness (Tathata) - Remain in this attitude of suchness

    Question : Osho, There is a word that has often touched me deeply. By just remembering it from time to time it feels as if it can healwounds, and it brings stillness and contentment. thisword is suchness.would you like to talk about suchness? Sadhan, it is certainly one of the most significant words in the whole language. It started with Gautam Buddha. The language that Gautam Buddha used was Pali. It has died; now it...
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  32. No Image

    The Buddhist word for suchness is TATHATA

    The word suchness is of immense importance in Buddha’s approach towards reality. The word suchness is as important in Buddhism as God is in other religions. The Buddhist word for suchness is TATHATA. It means, “Seeing things are such, don’t take any attitude, don’t make any opinion, don’t judge or condemn.” The Buddhist meditation consists of suchness. The method is very practical and very deep-going. Buddha has said ...
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  33. No Image

    He has not repressed them, he has transcended them

    The most important thing to remember is: these things have fallen from him. He has not dropped them, they have fallen. If you drop them they will hang around you. He has not repressed them, he has transcended them — and the difference is great. If you repress them they will always be with you. If you repress lust it will spread deep down inside your being like cancer. If you repress hypocrisy you will be creating a de...
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  34. No Image

    Buddha says: There is no sinner, no saint; nothing is pure, nothing is impure

    This existence is neither impure nor pure. There is nobody who is a sinner and nobody who is a saint. Buddha’s insight is utterly revolutionary: he says nothing can be impure and nothing can be pure; things are just as they are. It is all mind games that we play around, and we create the idea of purity — and then comes impurity. We create the idea of the saint — and then in comes the sinner. You want sinners to disapp...
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  35. No Image

    Buddhism is the religion of intelligence.

    Buddhism is not interested in general policy. It is not interested in philosophical speculation. It is interested in the details of life, its sufferings and their causes. It does not give you outlandish solutions. It does not provide you with new dreams. It simply looks face to face into life. It does not bring God in, or heaven and hell. It does not create a theology at all -- because all theology is an effort to esc...
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  36. No Image

    Buddhism never creates any guilt, it is not for repentance, it is for remembrance

    The ordinary way of human beings is to overlook one’s own faults and to emphasize, magnify, others’ faults. This is the way of the ego. The ego feels very good when it sees, “Everybody has so many faults and I have none.” And the trick is: overlook your faults, magnify others’ faults, so certainly everybody looks like a monster and you look like a saint. Buddha says: Reverse the process. If you really want to be trans...
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  37. No Image

    The search for truth should not be a sad search

    THE SEEKER IS NOT SORRY. Buddha says: Teach people that the search for truth should not be a sad search. This is one of the things which has been very much misunderstood. Somehow the sad people have dominated the whole religious scene down the ages. Only once in a while do you find a Buddha or a Jesus or a Zarathustra who talks about joy, who talks about living in bliss. Only once in a while do you find a Krishna — wh...
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  38. No Image

    Death has to be meditated upon; otherwise life can go on giving you false hopes

    Remember death, never forget it for a single moment! Because of this insistence, many people have thought Buddha is death-obsessed; he is not. You may be life-obsessed but he is not death-obsessed. He is simply bringing everything to a balance. He says, as much as you are involved in life you have to remember death too, then there will be a balance, an equilibrium. He used to send his disciples, his sannyasins, to wat...
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  39. No Image

    on Gautam Buddha Disciples meditation

    There is a story in Buddha’s life: One day one of Buddha’s sannyasins was passing through a street where he had gone to beg. The most beautiful woman of that town, the prostitute of the town, fell in love with the monk. She came down out of her house and requested the monk to come and reside with her. And soon the rainy season was coming so the prostitute said, “Why don’t you stay with me during the rainy season? — be...
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  40. No Image

    Buddha says Just for the company’s sake, don’t move with a fool. Beware of that

    Buddha says: Just for the company’s sake, don’t move with a fool. Beware of that. I have been observing thousands of saints and mahatmas — Jaina, Hindu, Mohammedan — and I was surprised to find one thing: ninety-nine percent of them look foolish, stupid. Something dull and dead seems to be inside them. There seems to be no flash of insight; no intelligence radiates around them. They look like walking graves. They have...
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  41. No Image

    The full-moon night is the best for meditation.

    BY DAY THE SUN SHINES, AND THE WARRIOR IN HIS ARMOR SHINES. BY NIGHT THE MOON SHINES, AND THE MASTER SHINES IN MEDITATION. These are code words. The sun represents the warrior. The sun is hot energy; the sun is violent energy. The moon represents the meditator, the mystic; it is cool energy. It is the same energy, remember - it is the same energy, it is not a different energy. But passing through the moon the sunrays ...
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  42. No Image

    Don’t be too much concerned with this shore; it is momentary. Tomorrow you have to go

    Buddha says: Don’t be too much concerned with this shore; it is momentary. Tomorrow you have to go. Even seventy years is not a long time; compared to eternity it is just a moment. Your life lasts only as long as a soap bubble. You THINK it is long enough — seventy years — because you compare your life with the life of flies or mosquitoes; then it looks long enough. But ask the mosquitoes and they think they are doing...
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  43. No Image

    Buddha Says : ‘Awake, Be the Witness of your thoughts’

    AWAKE. BE THE WITNESS OF YOUR THOUGHTS. In these simple words he has given to the world the greatest meditation: vipassana. More people have become enlightened through vipassana than through any other method. There are thousands of methods but vipassana seems to be the easiest, the most perfect, and very natural. It does not demand any unnaturalness from you. Reverend Johnson, an old black preacher, was warning his pa...
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  44. No Image

    Whatsoever happens to you is your own doing

    If you don’t listen to the buddhas you will be consumed by your own mischief. The harm that you do to yourself is such that nobody can do it to you; you are the greatest enemy to yourself, right now as you are. Of course you can be the greatest friend too, but you have not tried it. All that you have done to yourself has been just a constant creation of hell, but you go on doing it, for the simple reason that you neve...
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  45. No Image

    on Buddist and Buddism - The Buddhist approach has been to look into reality without any idea so that reality can reveal itself.

    WHAT IS RELIGION? It is not the howling of the wolves at the moon, but that's what it has become to the masses. If the masses are right, then animals have a great religious sense - wolves howling, dogs barking at the moon, at the distant, at the faraway. Paul Tillich has defined religion as the ultimate concern. It is exactly the opposite: it is the immediate concern, not the ultimate concern. In fact, the immediate i...
    Categoryon Buddha's Teachings, Buddhism
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