• If you can fine our original man, you have found everything that this existence contains—the entire splendor, all the glory, all the ceremony, all the joy.
    - Osho

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Osho on Lust



Lust means the instinctive, the biological, of the body It can reproduce children, it helps the race to survive; it is reproductive but it is not creative. Higher than lust is love. Love is creative; it creates music, painting and poetry. When you love a person you create the person. The moment somebody loves you, the very love changes you immediately. The loved person is no more the same person, the lover is no more the same person either. Love is so magical that it transforms, it makes people beautiful, graceful. Wherever love lands it creates something new.


Love is of the mind. It is higher than the body but lower than the spirit. The highest form is prayer. The first is reproductive -- it only goes on creating replicas. Your children will just be replicas of your repetitions -- and they will produce and their children will produce and so on, so forth. It is a chain. Love is creative. Creativity is something greater than reproductivity. There have been only very few creators in the world, very few lovers.


Prayer is neither reproductive nor creative; prayer is higher than both. It is discovery: discovering the truth, the ultimate reality: god. Lust is on the surface, Love is going slowly deeper; it is in the middle, between the centre and the circumference. Prayer is at the very centre of your being.


-Osho, “Is the Grass Really Greener… ?, #1”




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
32 L Language : Truth cannot be transferred
31 L Laugh : Learn to laugh at yourself
30 L Laughing Buddha : Laughter is the very essence of religion
29 L Laughter : Laughter is simple - but let it be total.
28 L Laughter : Osho on Laughter
27 L Laws : Our law is as murderous as any murderer. This is not justice
26 L Laziness : Lazy people have never done any harm to anybody
25 L Leaders : Politicians can change their face very easily.
24 L Learning : Knowledge is through words, language, concepts: learning is through experience.
23 L Learning : Learning is not knowledge.
22 L Let Go : You are not fighting for anything in life, but giving everything to life to take care of.
21 L Lies : It may be just to feel superior!
20 L Lies : We talk about the truth but we live in lies.
19 L Life : life is the only truth there is. There is no other God than life.
18 L Life Satisfaction : God is another name for that which satisfies.
17 L Listening : Let all the attention be on listening.
16 L Listening : Listening means hearing without any interference of your thoughts
15 L Listening : Right listening means you have put aside your mind.
14 L Listening : The Art of Listening
13 L Logic : Logic is utilitarian, it is an invention of man. Life is non-utilitarian
12 L Loneliness : Loneliness is like a wound, aloneness is like a flower. Loneliness is sick
11 L Longing : Longing is opening of the inner: desire is accumulation of the outer.
10 L Lotus : The symbol of the ultimate unfolding of consciousness
9 L Lotus posture : It is not that one who cannot sit in a lotus posture cannot meditate
8 L Love : Love should not be in any way possessive.
7 L Love : Osho on Love
6 L Love : Real Love Is Capable of Being Alone
5 L Love : True love is eternal
4 L Love : “I love you,” means danger
3 L Loyalty : Love brings freedom. Loyalty brings slavery.
2 L Lust : Lust means a desire to exploit, a desire to use the woman as a means.
» L Lust : The instinctive, the biological, of the body
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