• To fight with the mind is to give it reality, to recognize its power. There is no need to fight. One has just to be a witness. Without any fight, just being a witness, mind disappears.
    - Osho

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Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
63 R Rain : You can just relax and let the rain fall. You can start enjoying the music, the raindrops falling on you
62 R Rationalisation : A pseudo reasoning - it looks like reason, but is not
61 R React : We always think out of the past. That is how everybody reacts.
60 R Reading : when somebody is reading an ordinary book it is called 'reading'; but whenever somebody is reading the Gita we have a special term for it: we call it path.
59 R Reality : The reality that we know is not the true reality
58 R Reality : When your awareness is real you live in reality
57 R Reasoning : Pseudo reasoning, rationalization, explanations, excuses. All are borrowed. Not a single one is your own authentic experience
56 R Rebirth : Jesus says to Nicodemus, "Unless you are born again you will not enter into my kingdom of God."
55 R Receptivity : Dropping the garbage that you go on carrying in your head.
54 R Receptivity : Meditativeness is simply a deep receptivity
53 R Receptivity : Truth cannot be sought -- one can simply be receptive, that's all.
52 R Recreation : Whenever you are playing and you are on a holiday, something is created in you - it is actually recreation, it is not just fun.
51 R Reflection : Reflecting is nothing but a beautiful word for 'thinking'.
50 R Reincarnation : Memory travels into a new womb - not the self.
49 R Reincarnation : To me it is true, to you it is not - not yet.
48 R Rejoicing : That is closer to life; that's how life is and should be.
47 R Relating : Relationship is ugly, relating is beautiful.
46 R Relating : That's what relating is: you drop all that is ugly in love - possessiveness, exclusiveness, domination, suspicion, doubt
45 R Relationship : Osho on Relationship
44 R Relationship : Relationship is beautiful because it is a mirror.
43 R Relationship, Men and Women : When you are with your woman, put your mind aside. Become more existential and less intellectual.
42 R Relativity : The theory of relativity is that time is elastic.
41 R Relaxation : Relaxation comes to you when there is no urge to activity
40 R Relaxation : Relaxation is just being natural
39 R Religion : Religion is reuniting with your own source. Religion is remembering, becoming again a part of the organic unity that you are. It is nothing to do with the others.
38 R Religious Leaders : Promises are always for tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes.
37 R Religious War : The idea of the crusade, of a religious war, is a great contribution of Christianity. Mohammedanism learned it from Christianity
36 R Religious Warfare : The whole history consists only of two things: war and preparation for war.
35 R Remembering : It really means becoming part again of the whole, becoming a member again of the family that existence is
34 R Renunciation : Coming to know that you cannot possess anything.
33 R Renunciation : People renounce the world, they don't renounce the mind - and the mind is a byproduct of the world!
32 R Repent : 'Repent' has nothing to do with repentance. 'Repent' means: Turn in! Return back! Come to the source of your being!
31 R Repentance : To err is human, there is nothing to be worried about.
30 R Repression : Repression of any kind is destructive
29 R Repression : Repression is to live a life that you were not meant to live.
28 R Resolution : Totality, commitment, involvement, a quantum leap into something, into something which is not yet clearly known.
27 R Resort : My commune is, in the first place, non-ascetic.
26 R Respect : If you don't respect yourself you cannot respect anybody else in the world.
25 R Response : Response is unprogrammed experiencing in the moment.
24 R Responsibility : Responsibility means: ability to respond. It does not mean a duty.
23 R Responsibility : To be in tune with the present moment. This ability to respond is responsibility.
22 R Responsibility : To be responsible means to be alert, conscious
21 R Rest : A meditator has to learn how to relax, how to rest, and enjoy rest.
20 R Resurrection : There is no resurrection. Resurrection is possible only if first you DIE! You never die.
19 R Resurrection : Whenever your ego is crucified there is a resurrection, a rebirth. You are born again, and this childhood is eternal, because this is a rebirth of the spirit, not of the body.
18 R Retirement : When you have enjoyed a moment it is retirement, it is through retirement
17 R Revenge : Just twenty-four hours, try not to react, not to reject, whatsoever happens
16 R Revolution : Revolution is possible only in the individual soul. The social revolution is a pseudo phenomenon
15 R Rewards : The really mature person lives in such a way that each moment in itself is a reward. It is not that the reward will be coming later on.
14 R Right and Wrong : Right and wrong is not a distinction between objects; right and wrong is a distinction between consciousnesses.
13 R Right and Wrong : There is no such thing as right or wrong, because something may be right this moment and it may not be right the next moment.
12 R Right-Mindfulness : Not doing anything mechanically, but doing it with full awareness.
11 R Risk Taking : If you are alive you have to take risks. Life is a risk. Only death is secure, life is never secure
10 R Rituals : The sacred dog ritual has become the most important item in the ceremony.
9 R Rituals : They are not religion, and they cannot be religion. I am against rituals
8 R River : Everything is a process.
7 R Role Playing : Look at the world as a great drama. A thousand and one plays are going on and you have to participate in many games.
6 R Routine : Habits are one of the root causes of dullness. Find out new ways of doing things.
5 R Ruin : There are three ways to be ruined in this world: first is by sex, second is by gambling, and the third is by politics.
4 R Rulers : To rule others is a poor substitute, because the real ruler is one who rules himself.
3 R Rules : Rules exist for the false, not for the real. The real can exist without rules, but the false cannot exist
2 R Rumors : You want to believe that "everybody is far worse than I am." That's the only way to feel good, a little bit good, about yourself.
1 R Running : If you can run then there is no need for any other meditation
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