• Love brings freedom. And a love that does not bring freedom is not love.
    - Osho

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Religious Leaders : Promises are always for tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes.

Religious Leaders



You become religious, you become a great religious leader. If you succeed you become a great saint; if you don't succeed, still you are a small saint, you don't fail. The smallest saint is still a saint -- the lowliest priest is still in the same line as the pope. In religion there is no failure. So, cowardly people -- who are as much interested in gaining power, who are suffering as much from an inferiority complex, who are on a power trip but don't have the guts to follow the criminal path -- find the path of righteousness, ascetism, morality, prayer.


By becoming a saint they will also attain to power. Of course, this power cannot be very effective. They cannot become Alexander the Great, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin; they cannot have millions of lives in their hands -- and now such politicians have the whole of humanity's life in their hands. Of course these saints can't have that much, but in a certain way, from a different aspect, they are more powerful because the politicians will come to touch their feet, the presidents will come to bow down in respect to them.


The politician does everything according to a particular strategy. If just before the elections President Reagan goes to the Vatican to pay respects to the Catholic pope, it is not accidental, it is preplanned. When Reagan goes to the Vatican and gives his respects to the Catholic pope, all the Catholics of America are, without much effort, converted to giving him votes: this is the right man.


All the bishops, all the cardinals in America will now tell their congregations that Reagan is our man. Now, to persuade so many Catholics in America ... if he had to go from home to home it would have taken eternity. And how many stupid things politicians have to do! They have to go on kissing all kinds of children -- their noses are running and they are kissing them .... The politician has to do it.


This is easier, to go to the pope -- just kiss his hand and millions of Catholics are on your side. And the pope blesses you: that way he feels far superior to the presidents, prime ministers, kings, queens. Of course his power is only airy-fairy, but you enjoy it. It has nothing substantial in it, it is hollow inside. But it does not matter, because when the presidents and the prime ministers come, the whole media is there, all the newspapers, all the television stations of the world, all the radio stations are talking about the pope -- you can feel a certain gratification. But the gratification is of the same desire -- the will-to-power.


That's why I go on talking about the political leaders and the religious leaders without making any distinction -- because there is no distinction at all, only a superficial distinction. Their psyches are functioning in the same way.


Neither the religious leader nor the politician is interested in the people whom they pretend to lead.


They are interested in being leaders -- and of course the leader cannot be without the led, so it is a necessity to go on promising the people things. Politicians promise them things of this world; religious leaders promise them things of the other world. But do you see any difference in what they are doing? Both are promising so that you go on following them, afraid to get lost somewhere else, because if you lose the path then you will miss the promise.


The promise keeps you with the crowd -- and promises don't cost anything. You can promise anything. Promises are always for tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes. And you are not going to live here forever.


Just look at past history. All politicians have been promising people things which have not materialized in thousands of years. Thousands of political leaders have been promising the same things. How blind humanity must be!


The promises have not changed -- that means certainly nothing has been achieved. The same promises are being given to you and you go on following, hoping.


Hope is the greatest drug that man has invented.


Strange, that religious people are against drugs; politicians are also against drugs. Politicians make laws against drugs, religious people create hell and punishment against drugs.


Why are they so afraid of drugs?


It needs a deep search, investigation. They are afraid of drugs because drugs are competitors to them. LSD can give you hallucinations of heaven. That's the trouble. No religion can afford to allow people to use LSD. LSD is not dangerous; taken in the right proportions, under medical care, it can be tremendously helpful in religious growth.


But religions are not ready to allow it for the simple reason that if LSD can give you a beautiful experience -- hallucinatory, but still it is an experience and tremendously satisfying, fulfilling -- then just promises will look like dry bones without any juice in them. Only idiots perhaps may continue to chew the dry bones.


-Osho, “From Darkness to Light, #5”




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
63 R Rain : You can just relax and let the rain fall. You can start enjoying the music, the raindrops falling on you
62 R Rationalisation : A pseudo reasoning - it looks like reason, but is not
61 R React : We always think out of the past. That is how everybody reacts.
60 R Reading : when somebody is reading an ordinary book it is called 'reading'; but whenever somebody is reading the Gita we have a special term for it: we call it path.
59 R Reality : The reality that we know is not the true reality
58 R Reality : When your awareness is real you live in reality
57 R Reasoning : Pseudo reasoning, rationalization, explanations, excuses. All are borrowed. Not a single one is your own authentic experience
56 R Rebirth : Jesus says to Nicodemus, "Unless you are born again you will not enter into my kingdom of God."
55 R Receptivity : Dropping the garbage that you go on carrying in your head.
54 R Receptivity : Meditativeness is simply a deep receptivity
53 R Receptivity : Truth cannot be sought -- one can simply be receptive, that's all.
52 R Recreation : Whenever you are playing and you are on a holiday, something is created in you - it is actually recreation, it is not just fun.
51 R Reflection : Reflecting is nothing but a beautiful word for 'thinking'.
50 R Reincarnation : Memory travels into a new womb - not the self.
49 R Reincarnation : To me it is true, to you it is not - not yet.
48 R Rejoicing : That is closer to life; that's how life is and should be.
47 R Relating : Relationship is ugly, relating is beautiful.
46 R Relating : That's what relating is: you drop all that is ugly in love - possessiveness, exclusiveness, domination, suspicion, doubt
45 R Relationship : Osho on Relationship
44 R Relationship : Relationship is beautiful because it is a mirror.
43 R Relationship, Men and Women : When you are with your woman, put your mind aside. Become more existential and less intellectual.
42 R Relativity : The theory of relativity is that time is elastic.
41 R Relaxation : Relaxation comes to you when there is no urge to activity
40 R Relaxation : Relaxation is just being natural
39 R Religion : Religion is reuniting with your own source. Religion is remembering, becoming again a part of the organic unity that you are. It is nothing to do with the others.
» R Religious Leaders : Promises are always for tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes.
37 R Religious War : The idea of the crusade, of a religious war, is a great contribution of Christianity. Mohammedanism learned it from Christianity
36 R Religious Warfare : The whole history consists only of two things: war and preparation for war.
35 R Remembering : It really means becoming part again of the whole, becoming a member again of the family that existence is
34 R Renunciation : Coming to know that you cannot possess anything.
33 R Renunciation : People renounce the world, they don't renounce the mind - and the mind is a byproduct of the world!
32 R Repent : 'Repent' has nothing to do with repentance. 'Repent' means: Turn in! Return back! Come to the source of your being!
31 R Repentance : To err is human, there is nothing to be worried about.
30 R Repression : Repression of any kind is destructive
29 R Repression : Repression is to live a life that you were not meant to live.
28 R Resolution : Totality, commitment, involvement, a quantum leap into something, into something which is not yet clearly known.
27 R Resort : My commune is, in the first place, non-ascetic.
26 R Respect : If you don't respect yourself you cannot respect anybody else in the world.
25 R Response : Response is unprogrammed experiencing in the moment.
24 R Responsibility : Responsibility means: ability to respond. It does not mean a duty.
23 R Responsibility : To be in tune with the present moment. This ability to respond is responsibility.
22 R Responsibility : To be responsible means to be alert, conscious
21 R Rest : A meditator has to learn how to relax, how to rest, and enjoy rest.
20 R Resurrection : There is no resurrection. Resurrection is possible only if first you DIE! You never die.
19 R Resurrection : Whenever your ego is crucified there is a resurrection, a rebirth. You are born again, and this childhood is eternal, because this is a rebirth of the spirit, not of the body.
18 R Retirement : When you have enjoyed a moment it is retirement, it is through retirement
17 R Revenge : Just twenty-four hours, try not to react, not to reject, whatsoever happens
16 R Revolution : Revolution is possible only in the individual soul. The social revolution is a pseudo phenomenon
15 R Rewards : The really mature person lives in such a way that each moment in itself is a reward. It is not that the reward will be coming later on.
14 R Right and Wrong : Right and wrong is not a distinction between objects; right and wrong is a distinction between consciousnesses.
13 R Right and Wrong : There is no such thing as right or wrong, because something may be right this moment and it may not be right the next moment.
12 R Right-Mindfulness : Not doing anything mechanically, but doing it with full awareness.
11 R Risk Taking : If you are alive you have to take risks. Life is a risk. Only death is secure, life is never secure
10 R Rituals : The sacred dog ritual has become the most important item in the ceremony.
9 R Rituals : They are not religion, and they cannot be religion. I am against rituals
8 R River : Everything is a process.
7 R Role Playing : Look at the world as a great drama. A thousand and one plays are going on and you have to participate in many games.
6 R Routine : Habits are one of the root causes of dullness. Find out new ways of doing things.
5 R Ruin : There are three ways to be ruined in this world: first is by sex, second is by gambling, and the third is by politics.
4 R Rulers : To rule others is a poor substitute, because the real ruler is one who rules himself.
3 R Rules : Rules exist for the false, not for the real. The real can exist without rules, but the false cannot exist
2 R Rumors : You want to believe that "everybody is far worse than I am." That's the only way to feel good, a little bit good, about yourself.
1 R Running : If you can run then there is no need for any other meditation
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