• Whenever there is no conflict between you and the whole, not even a rumor of conflict, you are healthy. To be whole is to be healthy.
    - Osho

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Hope is a disguised form of desire. And unless one drops all desiring in all forms, disguised, one cannot attain to one's own reality. When we hope we project the future, when we hope, we hope in the future. Nobody can hope in the present. Hope brings in the future, hope is the future. And it is behind hope that the mind goes on playing thousands of games, it goes on deceiving you. It goes on promising you: tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.... And tomorrow never comes, it can't come in the very nature of things. It is always today.


There is no other time then now. All other times are just mind-fabrications, fantasies. To be in meditation means to be in the present, and to be in the present one has to cut the root of all desire, the root of all hope.


Remember, by cutting the root of hope you don't become hopeless, because when there is no hope there is no possibility of hopelessness either. They both disappear. Hopelessness is possible only if hope is there, it is a by-product of hope. When hope is not, hopelessness also is not. And your whole sky, inner sky, is clear of all the clouds of hopes, of hopelessness, of desires, of frustrations, of expectations. Your whole sky is simply unclouded and the sun shines forth -- the sun of truth, the sun of your own being.


-Osho, "Dance Til the Stars Come Down From the Rafters, #9“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
46 H Habits : You can do your prayer every day unconsciously; then your prayer is a sin.
45 H Halfheartedness : lukewarm is their life. They never achieve anything
44 H Happiness : Don't miss any opportunity to be happy.
43 H Happiness : Happiness is the function of your consciousness when it is awake
42 H Happiness : Just the stuff you are made of.
41 H Happiness : No outside causes of happiness or unhappiness
40 H Happiness : Pleasure is animal, happiness is human, bliss is divine.
39 H Harmony : Only man can believe that he is separate.
38 H Hasidism : Osho on Hasidism
37 H Hate : Don't do anything. Just be aware of it.
36 H Headiness : The head is very dictatorial. It goes on taking energy from everywhere
35 H Healing : Healing almost becomes an experience of prayer, an experience of God, of love, of the whole.
34 H Healing : Love is the most healing force in the world
33 H Health : Health means the body is whole, nothing is missing.
32 H Health : If the body is not felt you are healthy, if the body is felt you are unhealty
31 H Health : Respect, don't neglect, your body.
30 H Health : The four pillars of inner health
29 H Hearing : You hear only that which you listen for.
28 H Heart : It cannot give you the truth.
27 H Heart : Move from the head to the heart
26 H Heart : My whole effort is to free the energy from your head
25 H Heaven & Hell : Not geographical, they are psychological, they are your psychology.
24 H Heaven : Neither heaven exists nor hell exists; they are just in your psychology.
23 H Helplessness : Helplessness will help your ego to drop.
22 H Here Now : Enlightenment is attained in a single monent.
21 H Herenow : no-mind is herenow.
20 H History : History is nothing but the record of the repetitious human stupidity.
19 H Hobby : Means to keep escaping from yourself
18 H Home : The home is somewhere inwards, very deep in the innermost core of your being
17 H Home : This whole existence is home
» H Hope : Hope is a disguised form of desire.
15 H Hugging : Hugging is a very sensuous, physical experience of tremendous importance.
14 H Hugging : Only a gesture of love, of warmth, of caring
13 H Human Nature : Every man’s destiny is to become a buddha.
12 H Human Rights : Equality is a myth.
11 H Humanity : Humanity is a word, an abstraction;
10 H Humanity : I have only seen human beings. Humanity is just an abstraction.
9 H Humbleness : Humbleness is nothing but the ego standing upside down.
8 H Humor : Man is the only animal who has the sense of humor.
7 H Humour : Seriousness is a state of disease; humor is health.
6 H Hurriedness : Some deep worry is inside that creates hurry
5 H Hurry : The moment your mind stops, time also stops.
4 H Hypertension : Too much focused on rationality and Forgotten your feelings.
3 H Hypnosis : Hypnosis is all around. Education uses it, politics uses it
2 H Hypocrisy : It exists by pretending to be that which it is not.
1 H Hypocrite : One who says one thing and does another
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