• One need not go anywhere to be blissful. One can sit silently, be alone, and be blissful. Nothing else is needed just the pulsation of life is enough.
    - Osho

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Knowledge : Whenever I say anything against knowledge I simply mean that for those who are pilgrims, explorers of their subjectivity, it is utterly useless.




Knowledge has its uses, it is not absolutely useless. But if you are going inwards it becomes more and more useless; the deeper you go the more useless it is. If you are going outwards, the farther you go into the world the more useful it becomes. The world respects the knowledgeable person. It needs experts; it needs all kinds of people carrying information, knowledge, expertise. But in the inner world the question does not arise: in the inner world the same knowledge becomes a hindrance. That which is useful in the outside world becomes a barrier to the inner. It is a bridge to the world; it is a barrier to the inner exploration.


Whenever I say anything against knowledge I simply mean that for those who are pilgrims, explorers of their subjectivity, it is utterly useless. There, something else is needed: not knowledge but wisdom. Knowledge is information; wisdom is transformation. Knowledge is borrowed; wisdom is your own. Knowledge is ego-fulfilling; wisdom happens only when the ego is dropped, utterly dropped, totally dropped. Knowledge gives you the feeling that you are higher than others; it is a certain kind of power, just like money. Knowledge is power. So if you have a postgraduate degree you feel better than those who don't have postgraduate degrees. If you have a Ph.D. you feel a little more egoistic. If you carry a D. Litt. of course you become very special. If you have many degrees, then you start feeling that you are not an ordinary person.


-Osho, "Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 1, #6, Q2“





God is known through a sort of unknowing.

God is not known through learning, but through unlearning.

God is not known through the mind, but by dropping of the mind.

God is known in tremendous ignorance, because ignorance is innocence; knowledge is cunning.


Knowledge tries to control. Knowledge makes you powerful. Ignorance makes you humble. So remember not to become knowledgeable. Never allow knowledge to collect around you. Every day knowledge is accumulated through experience; every day, throw it away. It is dust that gathers on the mirror of consciousness.


Scholars, pundits, are the farthest away people from god. So more and more relax in a sort of unknowing. Know that you don't know -- and only that knowledge is valuable which knows that it doesn't know. Not knowing is the way. Only through being like small children -- innocent, uncorrupted by knowledge, full of wonder -- does one come to the divine.


-Osho, "Blessed Are the Ignorant, #24“