• Relationship is the need of those who cannot be alone. Two alone persons relate, communicate, commune, and yet they remain alone.
    - Osho

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Inner Voice : Don't believe in any voice. Just remain aloof, just watch. And watching, they will disappear

Inner Voice



Question 3

I am always listening to inner voices. but one voice says one thing and another says just the opposite. what should i do?



There are many people here who go on listening to inner voices. These inner voices are just crap. These are just fragments of your mind; they have no value at all. And sometimes you may think that you are listening to some inner guide or you are listening to some master from the beyond -- Master K H, or some spirit, some Tibetan spirit -- and you can go on imagining these things. And you will be simply be fooling yourself.


These are all your fragments. And if you go on following them you will go crazy -- because one part will pull you to the north, another part to the south. You will start falling apart. Remember, this is neurosis -- you have to learn to watch all these voices. Don't trust any. Only trust silence. Don't trust any voice, because all voices are from the mind. And you don't have one mind, you have many. That fallacy persists -- we think we have only one mind. That is wrong.


You have many minds. In the morning, one mind is on top. By noon, another mind is on top. By the evening, a third mind -- and you have many. Gurdjieff used to say that you have many selves, Mahavira has said that man is polypsychic. You are a crowd! If you go on listening to these voices and following them you will be simply destroying your whole life.


A young man was looking for work. In order to learn what he should do, he decided to meditate until he heard his inner voice. So he sat down and meditated for a very long time until he heard a voice from within. It said 'Be a carpenter.' So the young man took a job in a woodworking shop and on the first day he broke the saw. The second day he cut his hand. And on the third day he got sawdust in his eyes and had to leave.


That night he thought 'There is a lesson to be learned here, for everything that happens to us is for the purpose of learning. Nature is speaking to me, if only I can hear. I shall meditate and it will come to me.'


And while he meditated a new voice within him said 'The lesson is that you must persevere in your tasks.' So the next day the young man returned to the work again and ruined a fine cabinet. The following day he drilled a hole too deeply, hit a water pipe and caused a minor flood. Then he was fired. But he remained cheerful and said to himself 'All of this is for my benefit, it is to teach me some lesson for my own growth. I shall try again to listen and to understand.'


While he meditated another voice spoke from inside of him. It said 'The lesson is that you should not strive against nature. If your work is unfruitful do not work at all, for nature will always provide for you if your heart is open.'


So the young man spent the next day strolling through a pretty forest waiting for providence to supply his needs. As he passed beneath a large tree a branch suddenly broke off and fell on him, knocking him to the ground. He rubbed his bruises for a few minutes, then looked up at the clouds and addressed the sky. 'I don't understand. I have followed the advice of all my inner promptings, yet everything is going wrong.' But the sky made no reply and the young man sighed deeply and thought to himself 'I give up. I don't care what the lesson is. I shall do exactly as I please and I certainly won't listen to any more voices.'


Just then another voice inside of him said 'Aha! That is the lesson.'


You will go crazy. And you are asking me 'What should I do?' You should not do anything according to these voices. You should wait for silence to arise. Watch them -- indifferent, aloof, distant. Simply look at them, observe them, without getting identified with any voice. It will take a little time for you to create the distance, because there are voices which are very very satisfying, there are voices which are very gratifying to the ego.


A man was saying to his friends in a teahouse 'Last night I was meditating, and an angel appeared. And he said "You have been chosen by God to be the new prophet."'


One of the friends asked 'But why you?'


The man said 'I also asked the angel "Why me?“


He said "Because you're goddamned gullible."'


Don't believe in any voice. Just remain aloof, just watch. And watching, they will disappear -- because if you don't get identified you will not be feeding them and nourishing them. When all the voices have gone, then there is utter silence left. That silence is the voice of God.


Remember, God has no voice except silence. He never says anything. There is nothing to say; there is no verbal communication. But that silence, that utter si-lence, gives you clarity, gives you light, makes you capa-ble of moving rightly. Not that it gives any directions, not that it gives you any maps, not that it supplies you any guides -- nothing of the sort. It simply gives you eyes to see your path. And then you start moving in life with eyes. Ordinarily you are moving blind. A blind man needs guides a blind man needs voices a blind man needs maps. A man who has eyes needs nothing.


God comes to you as silence. God IS silence. Remember it: only trust silence an.l nothing else -- otherwise you will get trapped by the mind again and again. And to be trapped by the mind is to be in misery. To be free of the mix(l is to know what bliss is, is to know what benediction is.


-Osho, "The Revolution, #6, Q3“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
42 I Ideals : It is ideals that have made this whole earth a big madhouse.
41 I Ideals and Perfection : To decorate your ego to its uttermost.
40 I Identification : Identification is a state of unconsciousness
39 I Idol Worship : The idol is just a peg - worship is the main purpose.
38 I Idol Worship : Too much concentration on idols; idols became too significant for them.
37 I Ifs And Buts : Never get hooked by 'ifs' and 'buts'. Make life simple
36 I Ignorance : Ignorance is the state which exists before knowledge, innocence is the state which exists after knowledge.
35 I Illegitimate Parents : No illegitimate children, there are only illegitimate parents.
34 I Illness : The harmony is no longer there; some trouble has arisen
33 I Imitation : Imitation means you will not live according to your own spontaneity, you will live according to somebody else as your image
32 I Imitation : Make you very stupid, unintelligent
31 I Immaturity : Their bodies become older but their minds remain retarded.
30 I Immortality : The truth is that we were never born and we will never die.
29 I Imperfection : Perfectionism is the root cause of all neurosis.
28 I Indecisiveness : Those who live in indecisiveness are not really men yet.
27 I India : It is vibrating with certain energy fields which no other country can claim.
26 I Individuality : Once individuality is gone, the soul is gone; then man is a mechanism.
25 I Individuality and Personality : Individuality means your original face. Personality means the mask
24 I Individuality and Personality : When the ego is gone, the whole individuality arises in its crystal purity
23 I Infallibility : Perfectionism is a neurotic idea.
22 I Inner Sense : Meditation is nothing but the discovery of the inner sense.
» I Inner Voice : Don't believe in any voice. Just remain aloof, just watch. And watching, they will disappear
20 I Inner Voice : Find out the inner voice, and then everything will follow.
19 I Innocent : It is your being. It has only to be discovered or rediscovered.
18 I Insecurity : Life is basically insecure. That’s its intrinsic quality
17 I Insecurity : One can be secure only in illusions
16 I Insight : A real intelligence is without preoccupation with thoughts.
15 I Insincerity : If you know that you are insincere, it will drop
14 I Integration : Witness more and more will make you integrated
13 I Intellect : Intellect collects information: it is a memory system.
12 I Intelligence : Intelligence is of the soul. Intellect is of the mind.
11 I Intelligence : Intelligence is of the soul. Intellect is of the mind.
10 I Intelligence : Intelligence simply means ability to respond, because life is a flux.
9 I Intensity : Creating a center in yourself.
8 I Intensity : It is only at one hundred degrees intensity that one evaporates from the material into the spiritual
7 I Interdependence : life is a deep interdependence.
6 I Interdependence : Life is interdependence. Nobody is independent
5 I Interdependence and Freedom
4 I Intimacy : Intimacy means exposing yourself before a stranger.
3 I Intimacy : Just to be sexually related to somebody is not intimacy
2 I Intuition : Don't be success-oriented.
1 I Isness : That has been the business of all the buddhas
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