• When something inside you grows, it brings new responsibilities, because now you need more meditation, you need more love, you need more joy.
    - Osho

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Do not bother about pleasing the mind – you will be wasting your life. Just set the mind aside. If you can do that, then your life will be meaningful. If you understand the mind correctly you will see that it is only a process, only a series of thoughts. No action is born out of the mind, it just thinks a lot. At times you mistakenly believe the mind has arrived at a particular decision.


You go to a temple, for example, and you vow never to tell a lie from that moment on. And hiding in its dark corner the mind laughs at your vow, at your decision, because it is a decision made by half a mind, by a partial mind, and you have not consulted the other half. Then you go to the market or sit in your shop and begin your business. You enter the world of business and then that hidden part of your mind will induce you to lie.


Your vow is a challenge to the mind. You did not consult it before you made your resolution and your mind will not be still until it breaks it. You have taken many vows, and many times you have broken them. The only reason you keep doing this is that you take your vow after listening to the mind. The real vow is born when you give up the mind.


There are two kinds of vows. One is the kind you take following the dictates of the mind. You hear a sadhu or a saint and you like what he has to say. But who likes it? It is liked by the mind. The half of the mind near the soul is delighted to hear such talk, is enchanted by these words; it will become enraptured by them and will take a vow. This vow is taken, but you have not yet consulted the other half of the mind. Now the other half will take revenge. It will never pardon you, it will immediately start some game to make you break your vow.


Even in small matters, challenges play a great part in life. When a person decides not to smoke, for example, this becomes a challenge to the mind. If today you decide to fast, then the half portion of the mind that belongs to the body will decide to break your vow. For the whole day it will make you think of food, it will make you dream about food. It will try to entice you in a thousand and one ways. And the opposite of this is also true. If you follow the dictates of the body, then the other half of the mind will create trouble for you.


The man who follows the mind is like a traveler who is trying to sail in two boats, and each boat is going in a different direction. Such a person will always be in a quandary – he will always remain suspended in the middle. He will have no place to stand; he will be neither of the earth nor of the sky.


There is another type of vow which I call mahavrata, the great vow. This is not taken by the mind. This vow is taken after the full realization that the mind is afflicted by duality, that the mind is duality, that the mind is conflict. In taking such a vow the mind is set aside. It is not that the mind makes a vow it will not speak the truth. When you have realized what the mind is, the feeling that arises in your consciousness is not this sort of vow. The feeling comes because you have realized what falsehood is and what the mind is, and now your understanding, your realization itself becomes the greatest vow.


The man who has understood what smoking is does not have to throw his cigarette away; the cigarette falls from his hand by itself. And the man who has realized what wine is watches the bottle slipping from his hand. When you quit something it is the mind that is giving it up; if it goes away by itself it is mahavrata, the great vow. But if it is you that is putting something aside, you will surely pick it up again. [....]


Actions are full of sins, while talk is only about great deeds. You keep on sinning and at the same time go on taking vows that you will perform acts of great merit. And so both parts of the mind are satisfied. The part of the mind near the body is satisfied with sin and the other is satisfied with the scriptures. You sail in both boats and seem very pleased with yourself. But you never reach anywhere, you cannot. No one has ever reached anywhere this way. Even if you choose one boat the difficulty remains the same – both boats belong to the mind.


-Osho, "The Great Secret, #10“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
14 V Vacillation : Why do people vacillate so much? - because from the very childhood you have been told not to commit any mistakes.
13 V Vegetarianism : Life in its infinite forms exists as one organic unity. We are part of it: the part should feel reverence for the whole. That is the idea of vegetarianism.
12 V Verbs : Don't trust in nouns, trust in verbs.
11 V Vertical and Horizontal : Existence is not horizontal, existence is vertical. Existence does not move in a line
10 V Viciousness : Nobody is vicious except man, nobody can be, because to be vicious much thinking capacity is needed.
9 V Victory : You have destroyed his childhood and you are creating the poison of ambition. You are making things very serious
8 V Violent : The most fundamental rule of this violent life is: all means are good if they fulfill the end.
7 V Virgin Birth (Virginity) : You can make love to a woman with no idea of sex, then love is just a pure communication of two energies
6 V Virginity : Virginity means innocence.
5 V Virtue : Anything done with awareness is virtue. Anything done with unawareness is sin.
4 V Virtue : The real virtue has nothing to do with so-called morality.
3 V Virtues : Man cannot be virtuous unless he is blissful
2 V Vow : Nobody can change one's life by force. The vow simply is a violent act against yourself.
» V Vow : The real vow is born when you give up the mind.
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