• The Zen saying is: Whenever such belly laughter happens – laughter like Bodhidharma’s – white lotuses start showering from the sky, from nowhere.
    - Osho

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Will : To conquer the world will is needed; to conquer God will is not needed.




A man has to be synthesis of will and surrender. A man has to grow his willpower, his ego, first. My approach is: that if life is going to be for an average of seventy years, then thirty-five years, the beginning of life, should be devoted to strengthening the ego and willpower. And one should listen to Nietzsche, and one should listen to Steiner, and one should listen to Freud -- and the ego has to be strengthened, made VERY integrated.


And after the thirty-fifth year one has to learn relaxing, dropping the ego, and becoming more and more surrendered to the divine. The west is the first part of life; the east is the second part of life. Life should start like western and should end like eastern. One should first go into he world; in the world, will will be needed. One should go and fight and struggle, because struggle gives you sharpness intelligence. But one should not continue fighting and fighting to the very end. Then what is the point?


Fight, sharpen your intelligence, know the ways of the world, wander all over the world, be a conqueror, and then... then move inwards. You have known the outside; now try to know the inner.


And to know the inner one has to relax. One has to forget anxiety, anguish, tension. One has to be non-competitive; will is not needed. To conquer the world will is needed; to conquer God will is not needed. To conquer God means to be conquered by God; to conquer God means to relax and surrender unto his feet.


Now this will seem very difficult, very illogical. I am an illogical person. My understanding is this: that only strong egos can surrender; weak egos cannot surrender.


Every day I come across weak egos. Whenever a weak ego comes, he hesitates: to surrender or not to surrender, to take sannyas or not to take sannyas. And why is he afraid? He is afraid because he knows he has a very weak ego; if he surrenders he is gone. He will not be able to stand. He is afraid of his inner weakness. He pretends on the outside, but he knows his inner reality -- that he is ready. So he becomes defensive; he defends.


Whenever a person of strong egos comes he says, `Okay, let us see. Let us try this too.' He knows, he is confident enough that even if he goes into some unknown path, he can still protect himself. And if he decides to come back, he can come back; he has enough trust, enough self-confidence. He has enough will.


Remember, surrender is the last and the greatest act of will. Surrender is not a cheap and easy thing. It is not something that because you cannot stand you surrender; because you were already falling you say, `Okay, I surrender' -- because you were not able to stand on your feet.


Surrender is not impotence. Surrender is not out of impotence, it is out of tremendous power.


You have lived the ways of the will and you have found nothing. You have looked into all the possibilities of the ego and you have only suffered; it simply hurts. Then you decide, `Now let us try the ultimate: dropping of the ego.'


To drop the ego you will need a great will -- otherwise it is not easy to drop the ego. It is the greatest act in the world, the last. Only very courageous people can do it. [....]


I am not against sin; I am not against anything. I say: Use everything, go into it. God has made this whole world available to you for a certain purpose: the purpose is learning. Sin is a lesson, is a must. If a child is a saint from the very childhood, is forced to be saint, he will not have any spine. Let him first know what sin is. Let him himself become aware, and let him drop it on his own accord. Don't force him, don't discipline him. Give him freedom to move so one day he can see with his own eyes, feel with his own heart. And he can realize that Buddha is right, that Kabir is right, that Christ is right.


But this has to come from your own understanding -- otherwise it is borrowed. And God never wants anybody second-hand. Be first-hand. Let your experience be original.


So that is what I am to say to you: will and surrender have to become part of your life, together -- because you are man and woman together, and you are east and west together. The world is one, the earth is one village. All distinctions are just utilitarian, not real.


What is east and what is west? And what is surrender and what is will? They are both part of the one wave. They are not two, they are a quantum, one; two aspects of the one thing, one phenomenon.


So grow in will, and don't be afraid. Become a strong egoist, don't be afraid. Let it hurt, let it become a self-torture, let it become a cancer in your soul -- then one day you drop it. And that dropping is out of your own feeling, your own experience. The it is beautiful.


There is a danger; I must make you beware of it. The danger is that rather than coming to a synthesis, we may change roles -- the east may become west and the west may become east. That is more possible. Seeing the stupidity of human beings, that seems more possible.


-Osho, "The Path of Love, #6, Q1"




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
47 W Waiting : Meditation is waiting without prospect, waiting for waiting's sake.
46 W Waking up : All that you are is your self-creation. In a single moment, you can awake.
45 W Wandering : When you travel, you are not interested in travelling itself
44 W War : The greatest wars have been fought in the name of peace.
43 W War : War is basically irreligious. But Christians, Mohammedans, and all other religions say that if you die in a religious war, your reward will be great in the other world.
42 W Warmth : To remain warm is very natural to life. Life is warmth: death is cold.
41 W Watch the Mind : It is not a thing, it is just a process
40 W Watcher : You are the watcher, you are the witness
39 W Watching : The real silence happens when you start watching the noise of your mind.
38 W Watching : Watching is the key of meditation
37 W Water : Water remains pure if it moves and flows; it becomes impure, stagnant, if it becomes dormant.
36 W Weakness : It is weakness that wants to be strong, it is inferiority that wants to be superior
35 W Weakness : You feel weak because there is a craving for more strength. It is comparative, it is relative.
34 W Who Am I? : It is unanswerable.It is a device, not a question. It is used as a mantra.
33 W Wholeness : Health is in wholeness.
32 W Wholeness : To be whole is to be holy.
31 W Wholeness : When your body, your heart, your intellect all fall in tune. I have called that the new man
30 W Why : The question 'why?' has to be dropped; that's the meaning of trust.
29 W Wife : To reduce a woman to a wife is ugly! It is immoral!
28 W Wilderness : I don't see anything wrong in being wild. To be too much civilized may be dangerous
» W Will : To conquer the world will is needed; to conquer God will is not needed.
26 W Winning : The whole idea is absurd. A wave trying to win over the ocean
25 W Wisdom : A very relaxed state of being.
24 W Wisdom : Knowledge brings information, wisdom brings transformation.
23 W Witch : on Pain of Witch and Beauty of Witches
22 W Within : It is an absolute law: one who goes within, finds it - finds the kingdom of god, the perfect bliss, the absolute truth.
21 W Witnessing : This simple word is the whole of religion
20 W Woman : The Age of the Woman
19 W Womb : All comfort is, deep down, womblike.
18 W Wonder : If you can live in wonder you will be capable of celebration. Don't live in knowledge, live in wonder.
17 W Wonder : Knowledge kills wonder
16 W Wonder : The moment you think you know, wonder stops arising.
15 W Wonder : Wonder means you function from a state of not knowing.
14 W Words : The people who live in words are really ridiculous!
13 W Words : Words are not just words. They have moods, climates of their own.
12 W Work : Always try to reach more than you can grasp
11 W Work : If you can change your work into meditation, that's the best thing.
10 W Work and Workaholic : Existence is not a work, it is a celebration
9 W Worry : Drop worrying. There is nothing to worry about; all is taken care of.
8 W Worry : If you start trying to stop worrying, you create a new worry
7 W Worship : Crucifixion and worshipping are not different because the basic purpose is the same
6 W Worship : Out of fear you go on following others.
5 W Wound : If we look at our mind, it is nothing but wounds and wounds. Hence life becomes a hell; we collect only thorns.
4 W Wound : Wounds heal only when they are open - wounds never heal when they are protected, defended.
3 W Wound : You always think the other is responsible, that he has wounded you. No, you carry your wound.
2 W Wounds : Don't smile if your eyes are full of tears. Don't be inauthentic, because by being inauthentic you are simply protecting your wounds from being healed.
1 W Wrong : The danger is - and hence the fear - that the wrong is always easier to do.
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