• The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.
    - Osho

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Joy : Joy is spiritual. It is different, totally different from pleasure, happiness.




Joy is spiritual. It is different, totally different from pleasure, happiness. It has nothing to do with the other; it is inner. It is not dependent on circumstances; it is your own. It is not a titillation produced by things; it is a state of peace, of silence, a meditative state. It is spiritual.


But Buddha has not talked about joy either, because there is still one thing that goes beyond joy. He calls it bliss. Bliss is total. It is neither physiological nor psychological nor spiritual. It knows no division, it is indivisible. It is total in one sense and transcendental in another sense. Buddha only talks about two words. The first is pleasure; it includes happiness. The second is bliss; it includes joy.


Bliss means you have reached to the very innermost core of your being. It belongs to the ultimate depth of your being where even the ego is no more, where only silence prevails; you have disappeared. In joy you are a little bit, but in bliss you are not. The ego has dissolved; it is a state of nonbeing.


Buddha calls it nirvana. Nirvana means you have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of the stars, and a totally new life begins. You are reborn.


Pleasure is momentary, of time, for the time being; bliss is nontemporal, timeless. Pleasure begins and ends; bliss abides forever. Pleasure comes and goes; bliss never comes, never goes -- it is already there in the innermost core of your being. Pleasure has to be snatched away from the other; you become either a beggar or a thief. Bliss makes you a master. Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature. It has been there since the very beginning, you just have not looked at it, you have taken it for granted. You don't look inwards.


-Osho, "The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 8, #5"





Joy is far superior to pleasure, to happiness. It is far more delicate, more soft, more like flowerlike. If one has to choose between the three then one should choose joy. It is a subtle harmony. When your body, your mind and your heart are functioning together in deep accord, joy arises. In joy something is contributed by the body, something is contributed by the mind, but the major part is contributed by the heart. Joy contains something of pleasure, something if happiness and something more.


-Osho, "Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones, #13“